Mogadishu of the West


Paul Kersey’s new book on Detroit is now available on Amazon Kindle. Follow the link in the sidebar.

In the meantime, WorldStarHipHop has provided us with yet another illustration of why Detroit is the Mogadishu of the West:

Note: Only In Da “D” … well, also in Philadelphia, New Orleans, Memphis, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Da ATL, Birmingham, Richmond, Dallas, Oakland, and Orlando.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. NPR just did a segment on Somalia. Terri Gross.

    Jesus wept, we are going to be flooded with feral blacks claiming persecution. Literal Somalians. Not just the metaphor, although they are probably no worse than the local black.

  2. In B4 John, awwwyeahh!.

    What.The.F*ck. Is this sh*t.

    This is unnaceptable. Not in USA 2012.

    It ends now. Or you all leave them to their hellhole and get your asses back over to Europe.

  3. That’s why we can’t have nice things. But seriously how can they afford auto insurance? I’m guessing most of them don’t worry about that sort of thing.

  4. @ White & Confederate says:
    That’s why we can’t have nice things. But seriously how can they afford auto insurance? I’m guessing most of them don’t worry about that sort of thing.

    I don’t think most of them have insurance.

    In Chicago at least, you see mildly wrecked negro-driven cars that have been hit once or twice. I figure they either did the damage themselves and left the scene, or were hit by a white person and “hit the mini-lottery” — replace a minimally dented panel or “Congratulations Trayvon(ay)! You just won a brand new HDTV!”

  5. I spent some time in Haiti and can tell you first hand that whites are all the do-gooders over there, especially white women. And yes, I heard NPR’s crocodile tears over Somalia. I listed to NPR often on the way to and from work, most the time I get so worked up I want to punch out the radio. Not once did these decievers deep dive into WHY there is yet ANOTHER famine in Africa, and why, oh why, Africa under African rule is always failure. They talk about it as if it just happened, for no reason, out of the blue. How stupid do they think we are?

  6. Aaargh! My Eyes!

    And I didn’t even play the video. I do dot voluntarily expose myself to the sheer ugliness of the Black Pestilence. Surely, they are that ugly for a reason. Nature intended for us to loathe them.

  7. Analog Man – the sound, as well. The constant relentless Howler Monkey screeching and Oooking.

  8. The close-up shot of the negro’s nostrils that opens this vid gives me a visceral reaction, like looking at a dark an evil creature in a zoo.

    The negro beast is a dark and primeval creature.


    – Arturo

    ps: I won the argument with my (soon to be ex-ex) girlfriend.

    Thanks to all who signed up to follow through OD.

  9. If they don’t want to be looked down upon, and all that… why do they make and post videos like this for everyone to see??!?

    “Note: Only In Da “D” … well, also in Philadelphia, New Orleans, Memphis, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Da ATL, Birmingham, Richmond, Dallas, Oakland, and Orlando.” Don’t forget Newark, Chicago, Cincinnati, etc, etc.

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