Zimmerman Decision Coming Soon


It is a lose-lose scenario for Obama: either Organized Blackness gets its way and the lynch mob triumphs, thereby alienating White voters, or Organized Blackness is called out on “No Justice, No Peace,” and reacts in a way that alienates White voters:

Note: It took a stroke of genius by the Mainstream Media to send Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson into the I-4 corridor to foment a race riot atmosphere.

George Zimmerman decision coming soon?: MyFoxORLANDO.com

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. This is a state decision.

    Where the Feds and the President come in is when they decide that his position as head of neighborhood watch gives his actions enough of “state actor acting under the color of law” to be actionable in a civil rights action. Even if Florida gives him a pass, (and I very much doubt they will, as the officials don’t give a damn about him and while there are a lot of negatives to letting him go, including mass civil disorder, there is no benefit to them personally if they do the right thing, uphold the law and rule self-defense; one must never forget we are ruled by slightly-better used car salesmen) he will pay and pay and pay.

  2. The preparedness steps being taken only make sense in the event of a non-indictment. It’s not as if whites are going to riot if Zimmerman is indicted. I haven’t heard any news of Hispanics rioting in the event of an indictment.

  3. Why is this all based on the “prosecutor’s investigation”?

    That isn’t their job. They use the facts provided by the people whose job that is, the police officers.

    On a side note, I say two Trayvons raping somebody’s ATM card on the way to the store 45 minutes ago. Saw a police officer, pointed them out, told him what I saw. Nothing he could do “until they did something”. …… Hmmmm? They are in tandem, one hitting the ATMs, the other watching. The one hitting went to a BAC ATM. Then he went to a Chase ATM. Then he went to a generic ATM. What else can I do? If a cop won’t go after Trayvons, I am not going to risk my life for some idiot’s else’s money. Has to be an idiot, how else would they have the PIN number.

  4. Can you imagine the ruckus if it’s announced that Zim goes clear and unindicted on the same day the Supremes overturn Obamacare?

    Panic in the streets, perhaps… but party at my house.

  5. There is no “alienating white voters” or there soon won’t be. The left has imported enough votes that when combined with the 30% or so of self-loathing hard-core white leftists and 10% who are clueless or don’t care about the system’s white-hating racism they can win permanent power. Obama can win with 40% of the white vote. The looting will begin in earnest soon.

  6. I don’t think we will have to worry much longer about “elections”…which gang of bribed-off idiots are voting for which gang of satanic crooks. Political power will, as always when real issues are being decided, grow out of the barrel of a gun. Invest in lead.

  7. I like your web site but I’m not about to defend George Zimmerman. He did everything wrong but was *supposed to have been* the adult in that situation. I can put it to you another way: A white man wouldn’t have done what George did, he would’ve been smarter than that.

  8. I doubt it will alienate White voters because the GOP candidate would put his mother in a brothel before he would EVER make an issue of the Trayvon affair. They won’t mention quotas, preferences & set-asides or ANY issue remotely racial. They’re scared shitless of it and, as a result, affirmative action for instance is now PERMANENT.

  9. “White & Confederate says:
    April 5, 2012 at 1:28 am

    The preparedness steps being taken only make sense in the event of a non-indictment. It’s not as if whites are going to riot if Zimmerman is indicted. I haven’t heard any news of Hispanics rioting in the event of an indictment.”

    And THAT speaks volumes.

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