Obama’s Son Tyrone Woodfork


I’m sharing this here just for this priceless comment: “See what happens when Zimmerman is not patrolling your neighborhood?”

Note: Tyrone Woodfork lived four houses down from Nancy and Bob Strait. Integrated neighborhoods are dangerous. You should always be engaging in racial profiling if you value your life.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent



    That poor man…..my heart just breaks for him. How can he ever forget what they did to his best friend , the mother of his children?

    This nightmare is almost as bad as the Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom torture/rape/murders by a few other of “Obama’s Children”.
    So many beautiful Whites have had these savage beast’s ugly faces (and worse) as the last thing they saw on this earth. That alone makes me sick to my stomach. I pray we don’t let one of their deaths be in vain.

    Integrated neighborhoods are dangerous. You should always be engaging in racial profiling if you value your life.

    It’s all I think about anymore when I am out and about. I travel around the world fairly frequently and even now as I am back in “White Europe” there are plenty of blacks milling about in the city I live in. I am hypervigilant to the beast’s presence wherever I am and I have instructed all my loved ones to stay as far away from blacks as possible. This story will be another thing I show them over this Easter weeekend to drive the point home.

    Stay safe everyone.

  2. It’s probably time to confront mayors and governors with extremy candid opinions.

    Otherwise they will just smirk back and shrug.

    Let them feel terrified of us.

  3. “John says:
    It’s probably time to confront mayors and governors with extremy candid opinions.

    Otherwise they will just smirk back and shrug.

    Let them feel terrified of us.”

    Yes, let them feel terrified of us. It’s TIME.

  4. Obama has far too many sons. All wayward.
    He can be crucified with that rather telling turn of phrase.

  5. I’m glad this blog and others are referring to all young Black thugs as treyvons, or sons of Obama. Especially the latter. People need to be reminded constantly of that dumbass comment Obama made. Like I said, “No Limit Nigga” should be Obama’s new running mate.

  6. This is the most utterly enraging story since the Knoxville massacre, these poor old people. Lived through so many years of hard times so many decades only to be violated so brutally by the black undertow – that grotesque entity that MUST be dealt with. I agree it is high time some politicians were made to be terrified of US. These blacks have to be put on a few barges to Africa and never allowed to return – let them kill each other over there.

  7. Lilly – I’m calling Niggers “Trayvon’s” on EVERY “mainstream” forum or news site I post on Typical Trayvon’s, etc.

  8. Reminds me of when Bush make Willie Horton’s Dukakis’ running mate. Lee Atwater was a genius.

  9. that elderly couple should be heroes of our Nation, they helped add 74 White people to our ranks. For such great people, mountain folk and a Paratrooper, to be wiped out by feral negros is a shame

    Why does the media not include her rape? Who ever gave that negro a suspended sentence should face the death penalty for letting a feral animal lose among decent folk

    I got tears in damn eyes. I hate those people with a pure and blinding hate

  10. Remember, the sexual homicide of an elderly black woman by a white perp is UNKNOWN in criminology literature where as the brutal black sexual homicide of a white victim, like the one described in this video, is COMMON.

    Of all the metrics of black on white violent crime, brutal sexual homicides of elderly white women have have the highest hate ratios.Based on the criminology literature, the hate ratios break down like this:

    Forcible rape,19 to 1 black on white

    Sexual homicide, 48 to 1 black on white,

    Sexual homicide of an elderly woman, 100 to zero black on white.

    Ten horrific examples of sexual homicides of elderly white women by black thugs at this link:


    Twelve more cases of brutal black attacks against elderly whites at this link:


  11. It makes me rethink if the right side won in WWII. I know the right side did not win in The War of Northern Aggression, but as has been said, “It ain’t over ’till it’s over.”

  12. the peace was lost. Some time in the 1950s. Eisenhower forced British and French troops out of Suez.

  13. “It is mine to avenge; I will repay.
    In due time their foot will slip;
    their day of disaster is near
    and? their doom rushes upon them.”

  14. Denise: No. He was Quaker of German descent.

    Jesus Christ. I’m no fan of Israel, but you people need to quit seeing a Jew under every fucking rock.

  15. America had better Germans than the Germans. It’s why you came out on top of WW2. Denise he was not a Jew.

    However, those same German-Americans promptly fetishized blacks. Remember Germany was a whitopia. They beloved in universalism and equality and cosmopolitanism.

    No English ever took that set of ideas seriously until the 1960s. We tended to know the blacks were different. Entertaining but different.

  16. Little known fact, during WWII America had more people with with primarily German ancestry than Germany. Even today, 40% of white Americans are primarily of German descent.

    It’s not a coincidence why the industrialized Midwest, settled by Germans, became the world’s largest manufacturing and engineering center for almost 100 years.

  17. When it comes to jews, if they haven’t been mitzvah’d, and their parents haven’t either, it’s pretty much a non-issue. I’m not too concerned about a jew way back in someone’s woodpile. If they aren’t tribalized, I really don’t care. The descendants of the crypto-convert sephardics in spain are some of the most fervent Christians you will ever meet. Most definitely NOT jewish in word OR deed.

  18. Well, although many novices such as myself are inclined to see a Jew under every rock, actually I know that Denise has an almost Papish Infallibility to sniff out the rot or the not-always-subtle odor of both eau-de-Jew as well as the more easily detected concentrated poisons, even as far back as 10 generations. I have lately become an admiring disciple of hers and I would not dismiss this origin of Eisenhower’s so lightly….. perhaps the Eisen as a prefix is meant to throw off a budding Watson, while the more skilled Sherlock Holmes recognizes something more than the usual suffix of -stein, -zwieg, -berg, -baum, etc…. But don’t be duped without contriving to consult with an expert in Jaydar.

  19. At the Earth’s Core – Eisenhower was referred to as that “terrible Swedish Jew” in his West Point yearbook. He has a singularly UN-distinguished military career, yet was appointed essentially the Supreme Commander during WWII. He also allowed his good pal Morgenthau to place German CIVILIANS, in open air, fenced in grounds, without watner, food , shelter, or medical attention, to die of stavation and exposure, AFTER WWII. He murdered millions of German CIVILIANS post WWII.

    Sounds like a Crypto to ME.

    And FDR was a Kike, too.

  20. Jim – do not be fooled by professions of devotion to the Christ. Follow Ted Sallis’s examinations of their DNA. It’s creepy. I am being LITERAL, when I call them Satan Seed. Jews are JEWS.

  21. He was Peshing’s Chief of staff in WW1.

    Staff officers are always the top dogs.

    Morganthau did not get his wish. He wanted to exterminate the Germans. Not happening. They had to be immediately rearmed to shoot Russians.

  22. “By their fruits ye shall know them.”

    Gem – start reading the Babylonian Talmud. It’s the Satanic Bible. Then – begin to SEE Who does What.

    Your Jewdar will become laser like.

  23. Look up “Eisenhower’s Death Camps. The Last Dirty Secret of World War Two ”

    I’d post a link, but I don’t want to get caught in the Spam filter.

  24. I know we did. You must remember though, the Germans blasted the crap out of the UK and Russia. They also starved the Dutch, decimated the Poles and killed 1 million Serbs.

    Eisenhower was “just” commander of SHAEF. He did not write policy. Stalin Churchill and Roosevelt (Truman) made those decisions.

    The Germans left a trail of destruction behind them too as they ran back to their homeland. And we promptly rearmed them when we saw what the Russians were capable of.

  25. John – this is why there should NOT EVER be Brother Wars, between White Nations EVER again. There was NO need for WWII to ccur in the first place. All those milions of dead Whites. NOT COOL.

  26. God the more you read or see or hear about the deeper it gets. They have been doing bad things a long time, undercover, subversion – but the worst thing is the fratricide, the huge body counts of our own genetic brothers and sisters. I had known about Eisenhower killing and death camp, it sure sounds like Jewish behavior to me. Satan’s seed “those who say they are Jews but are of the Synegogue of Satan” – Jesus did not talk nonsense.
    Denise thanks for the info – mind you I’ve seen a few exerpts of this disgusting thing, but perhaps there is more I haven’t seen. Also very interested in the DNA thing, Frank Sallis. I’m going to look him up.
    I think right now, seeing Jews under every rock is the best defense – people playing games ending in White Christians being hurt should be ascribed to being an absolute Jew or Shabbas Goy until proven otherwise. These people HATE us and want us DEAD. Do YOU want to play “conflict resolution” “peace talks” “community outreach” with them? It’s been tried and once they shake hands they’re out the door rubbing their hands together laughing at how they once again fooled “those goyim dogs”. Fuck that.

  27. I’m an American of Irish heritage, a two tour vet of Veitnam, and an admirer of Israel. I’m reading this crap some of you are posting and I would put you against the wall, but wouldn’t have wasted the smoke, or the head scarf on your empty hat rack.s. And Denise, lovely Denise . . . what can be said about Denise other than she’s owlshit nuts and needs to be aborted. Oh, it is whites like you who cause wars with whites like mme, so shut up. I’m getting old, but can still roll, so stay out of my way, dogs.

  28. Captian Drunk alternates between sucking on a bottle of rum and his rabbi’s wee weiner (H/T Denise).

  29. To Captain Rum Sodden Kike Dick Sucker – To any Hiberians, of Good Will, truly interested in the Welfare of our lovely, capicious but enchanting, ir-replaceable White Race – stop reading HERE. What I am about to write does NOT apply to you (and I absolutely adore the Irish Savant. Love Love Love)

    OK – here’s the thing. I’m a Celt. A Brythonic Celt. Welsh I am, – and English. With wee bit ‘o Tueton, in for bvery good measre. I am usually sympathetic to the plight of the suffering endured, via the merciless English, of the Irish – but when I run across degenerate specimens like Captain Rummy – the “English” genes kick in – and I think that a campaign of prolonged starvation really was the best policy, overall. Really – it it was. That – or recreational drowning. Who needs cricket when you can tie a mob of shanty Irish to some rope, and pull them in and out of the Atlantic, to see which one drowns first. You can even take wagers, for sport.

    The Irish are the Niggers of Western Europe. Every-one knows it.

    Captain Rummy embodies this sad truth.

    Considering the ethnic and spiritual kin of this pustulent carbuncle – the Kennedys, and Joe Biden, and assorted other craven, booze-drenched McTrash – I think the history of the Irish, befouling English Funded American soil – well – they ought to be rounded up, and sent back to Eire via catapults. If they miss the shoreline by a bit – well – swim. You bastards. Maybe the Haitians wil drag you out of the water.

    I’m not a afraid of a filthy diseased Golem like you. I’ve dropped a 6’7″ Marine – and it wasn’t for fun activities. He howled in pain, as he writhed around on the floor. I stood over him and told him if he ever tried a thing on me again (he attempted to manhandle me) – he’d be singing soprano in the Military chorus.

    You blabber about “rolling” – yes – we’ll watch you roll.

    Viet Nam vet? That explains a lot. Damned Gooks. They should have bayonneted YOUR tent, while you sat on your fat flabby ass, ingesting every chemical Uncle Samuel Oy Vey could concoct. Die as soon as possible. Will you? We don’t want to pay “veteran’s benefits” so you can continue your life-long chemical addictions (and your whore of a mother soaked you in gin, from the time you were a zygote, that’s obvious) AND so you can be happy, at a last.

    The sooner you die, the sooner you can be reborn as an ugly perverted greasy cross-eyed Mohel. I KNOW there’s nothing on Earth you’d love SO MUCH, save pouring raw bathtub hooch down your belching gullet, and missing, as the warm alcohol burns down your blisterinf flesh – than spending your entire life sucking wee Jew dicks, from the get go.

  30. And I thought all Celts were created equal? You have a strange way of quoting the bible and then speak of drowning Irish for fun…that’s mighty Christian of you. If the Bible is real, there is a special place in Hell for people like you. Me, i’m too old to believe in fairy tales…

  31. Chris – come on. Don’t get mental. are you Irish? The first thing I wriote was a poiler warning, to Hibernians Good and True – what I wrote does NOT apply to you.

    Do you accept Captin Rummy as “Irish”? The one that thnks I ought to baborted, because of my well-founded beliefs?

    What would he say to you?

    That creature is not White. He’s NOT Irish.

    I don’t accept Celtic Race traitors, or ANY variant of White betrayal, as White.

    Don’t take offense, He offered up his alleged ethny, as his first “defence” – and I took it DOWN.

  32. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/05/07/beating-suspect-could-face-additional-charges-in-wwii-vet-death/


    This case is on par with Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom’s gruesome end at the hands of subhuman savages. Please make sure everyone you know knows ALL about Obama’s Son Tyrone Woodfork and the horror he and his pals have inflicted upon this innocent elderly White couple. I am finding this case is proving to be a powerful ‘wake up’ call to other Whites…and rightly so.

    R.I.P to the Straits and my deepest condolences to their family.

  33. Hahahaha you guys are hilarious the richest women in America is black the leader of the free world is black sorry to say black is the new white u guys jus mad we fucking your women hahahaha cause once you go black you never go back it’s racist ignorant idiots like y’all that make this country and world look so bad everyones human and ain’t shit u can do about that and Im black gurantee I look way better than y’all poor ass rednecks hahaha hope y’all have fun tryin to integrate but there’s a lot more ppl who like blacks then hate them by a long shot by the way BLACK POWER honkies All y’all girls go tanning to get rid of that pasty ass Skin hahaha y’all a bunch of bitches that ain’t and aren’t gunn a do shit but blog o wait did I mention the leader of the free world is black oops o ya I did hahahahahahahahahah

  34. Denise your probably the dumbest bitch ever, I’m black and have much more money and friends that r white than your pale ass so to me your a insect on my vaneeshan rug which probably cost more than your trailer park home hahahaha captain u da man Indiana mike ur a fag and all the rest of the ppl on here except captain I smell better look better and am way more successful than y’all like what world do y’all livin grow up get a job and live with your brothers and sisters were all human ppl have darker skin because of the climate they live in has nothing to do with a god yall are the minorities because your jealous white ppl have killed way more than blacks sooo think that out pls tell me how jay z micheal Jordan lil Wayne obama oprah r cockroaches when they can buy an island to put your ignorant asses on YOUNG MONEY and Denise I bet ur rv smells like rat piss B.O and liquor u ugly ugly bitch

  35. more drive by none sense from semi-literate pavement apes where they don’t even attempt to refute anything.

    yay negros

  36. Hey Nigger Blain – enjoy what you have while you have it (even if you do have those things) There’s nothing like bragging on the Net, to really impress! Woo HOO.

    You hate me because everything I’ve said it true. You KNOW it. All the lovely material things in the world were created primarily BY Whites, or various Caucasians and Asians. It’s all going away. Nigras to NOTHING but destroy. We here are RACISTS – but Whites, en masse, are signing off on your UGLY bonobo butts.

    It’s all going away. Okrah was CREATED by White men. Her own would-be empire is a total failure. The Jabooness will lose every thin White dime she has. HA!

    One of your sub-moronic AA Nigras just tacitly confessed that Obama is a Kenyan. THAT won’t go away…..he and every-one else WILL be tried, and punished. I hope you live to see it.

    It’s all going away. Your ghastly Race has had it’s chance.

    It’s over. Whites are learning as a Race,

    It’s all going way.

    Buh bye!

    PS – Nigras STINK. Don’t confuse human scent with yo Mamma’s snatch.

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