A year ago now, it was becoming obvious that black people were going to play the starring role in the eventual downfall of the BRA system.
This seems a bit counterintuitive: White people have put up with violent crime for decades, which is not as bad today as it was in the 1980s, and everyone already knows about disparities in crime statistics.
Much has changed in the last seven years though:
1.) The biggest change is the spread of smart phones and social media platforms – particularly video file sharing – that have undermined the ability of the so-called “mainstream” to create and control racial narratives.
2.) The second change is the hopes that were invested in the Obama presidency to move America beyond race – hopes which have always been centered on black people, which utterly backfired and delegitimized the myth of colorblindness.
3.) The third change is that black people have become visibly more emboldened with Obama in the White House.
4.) The fourth change is that long term structural factors in the American economy (energy scarcity, global aging, the hopelessly corrupted financial system) are putting the brakes on White flight.
5.) Finally, black people are the most dependent sector of the population on government services and employment, and their fortunes are disproportionately impacted by economic decline.
Suppose the shit were to hit the fan tomorrow: the most visible sign of this would undoubtedly be the criminal behavior of black people in public.
The collapse of BRA has to happen at the weakest link in social pyramid, which is to say, at the level of the bottom third of the black community that is the most ill adapted to the social confines of civilization.
It was a strategic decision to put black people in the spotlight. I would say after the Trayvon Martin affair that one day the actions of black people are going to prove to be the knell of the present historical epoch.
Update: Richard Spencer has noticed the same thing that I have noticed in the Stormfrontization of Conservatism: there is a huge and growing disconnect between the typical conservative base voter and the conservative establishment that enjoys “mainstream” status by refusing to challenge the dominant cultural taboos.
There is a night and day difference between the tone of comments posted on Free Republic in 2004 and the comments that are posted on Free Republic in 2012. The “mainstream” conservative websites like Breitbart, The Blaze, American Thinker, and Daily Caller might preach race blindness to maintain “respectability,” but they have been forced by the glacial “Stormfrontization” of the conservative base to respond to their appetites.
The fact is, the ordinary base conservatives want to see things like the Baltimore video, the destruction of the Trayvon Martin myth, and Derb’s viral article “The Talk: Nonblack Version” because that’s the content that is selling, that gets the most hits, that always gets the most comments.
The gap between the “mainstream” and the “extreme” is rapidly closing. It is not closing in BRA’s media which is more intolerant of dissent than ever before, but simply because the boundaries of “legitimate” public discourse have been narrowed to the point where they now provoke the sort of laughter, mockery, and ridicule that one could find in the Soviet bloc in the 1980s.
Everyone spouts the official ideology about race but fewer and fewer people actually believe it.
Note: It is worth noting that the status of black people in America was at the center of the War Between the States and the “Civil Rights Movement” that brought about the “Kali Yuga” as some have called it.
It would only be logical to expect black people to reassume their historical role of leading America into the next epoch of its existence.
In other words, we are winning. Which is what I intimated, when I said ‘WE are the radicals of 1968… or is that now, 1868?”
Either way, the BRA is done. It’s toast. Demolish every program set up since 1955, and resume life as normal, once more. Well, except for even the fallacy of ‘separate but equal.’
Ship ’em all back. ALL.
Excellent analysis, Mr. Hunter.
White America is waking from its slumber. It’s only a matter of time before BRA is over.
Sail Foams are the new Vox Humana.
If you read this could you recognize that these kids are blacks?
You could, but only by the content of their character. Not by the accuracy of the writing.
Modern journalism sucks the sweat off a dead man’s ballsack. The dead man is the BRA Zombie.
Look at this hell hole, now that the whites have left. I didn’t know if you covered this Ponte S. Africa shit hole yet. http://izismile.com/2012/04/10/decaying_skyscraper_of_ponte_city_15_pics.html
And thank you so Very much for getting the info out, and it seems the worst enemy of the white people has become not only the nigger under tow, but the Idiotic white RHINO.
As I’ve said blacks are killing liberalism, and the old pardigm of “anti-racism” cannot contain the results as well as it once did.
Whites are realizing that “anti-racism” is a fraud and a deceit put upon them and only them.
Decades were spent debating within the old pardigm of “anti-racism” and basically that got people called “racist” and that was that.
You change the paradigms when you use the term “anti-white.” They must battle on our ground now, of our choosing.
idk on #5—- isn’t the military really the biggest spender? Not just the salaries but all the related contractor-lobby-propaganda machine for it? Definitely they spend more than american blacks, but maybe not if one adds in aid to countries outside the u.s., and of course, that’s overlapped with military (since the military is salaried to “give the aid”).
The military seems so enmeshed with “aid” that it’s hard to tell which of the two is more costly to “taxpayers”
And really—- taxpayers have ceased to exist. When the taxes run out (and debt notes replace the taxation on ‘real’ money—- and then the government moves into Fascism, where government is just running like a business in its own right, as a money-making entity)— it’s just a foreign-run fascist country, (foreign to the free, anti-tax system that allowed real free enterprise).
Many ms republicans and “reagan republicans” or welfare-warfare statists, or whatever they are calling themselves now— really do not know that the constitutional republic WAS NOT a fascist deal, lol—
They think the “constitution” IS a fascist document. (Government becoming a money-making entity in its own right after the taxes run out—- i.e. Militarist-Medicalist-Corporatism is not “the american” system.
Republicans are more un-American, in many ways, than the “left.”
The “civil rights” movement was not just about blacks, though. Chico and the Man came out at the same time, Fonzi, etc, etc—- the splashing out of the Great Latino. All the cheap Latin dances. The 1965 Hart-Celler Open Border Act.
that act did not open the border for blacks—- and that was not its intention. In fact, it was probably predicted that the browns (for whom the border was open) would engage physically with the blacks (as happens in many “news” stories).
The Hart-Celler Act is a crowning jewel of 1965—- and it was for the romanization of the u.s. into the Welfare state of which those benefit as well as the blacks.
If all my money is taken —in taxes— and spent up, tithing their pope, do I really have any “freedom of religion,” lol (if I’m paying for a foreign political leader who has an embassy and his own country???)
Oh—- Zimmerman was white; somehow that fits in.
Oh dear— the very next post was this site trying to collect money for the non-white Zimmerman
(—trying to sell such a monetary collection as a strike against BRA.)
Better to address the msm—- and how it falsely presents non-whites as whites, in order to incite. But that option was ignored by all the “white” movement, in favor of helping hispanics.
White people have put up with violent crime for decades, which is not as bad today as it was in the 1980s, and everyone already knows about disparities in crime statistics.
Is crime and violent crime really lower?
We know multiple cities have reclassified crimes and made them disappear for the sole purpose of obtaining continual federal funding.
Detroit doesn’t even investigate what it considers minor crimes anymore.
Just because murder rates are down in large cities doesn’t mean the murders went away. With the destruction of public housing and increase in the use of Sec. 8, murders have just been transferred to other jurisdictions. The total of the Chicago murder rate should entail all murders that involved individuals relocated out of Chicago. What I am saying is that I do not believe for a minute that crime goes away. If there is one murder in Dubuque Iowa that can be attributed to a Chicago Housing Authority relocated negro, it should somehow be noted.
It ain’t Tasmania, but……
Uo to now it’s been peaceful. Apart form that shooting incident that just shot up a ciop car.
My god the cop was having fun with the report was he not?
Entire cities in America are going to burn down because of the neo-ethno-logism of “White Hispanic”. White ladies will be rapes and killed, black men TRULY minding their own business will be shot. Koreans will be killed. White men will have fire extinguishers pounded into their skulls. The Marines will be called out. Who foots the fucking bill?
Let us find the man who first wrote this category in the NYT and send him the bill for the clean up and the heap of corpses. Fucker.
John – this crap was started BY Jews.
Want a history?
Chuck Rudd, at Gucci Little Piggy, just decided to ban me on his site (or rather is trying to figure out how to do it), because I got snarky with some Spicita that deigned to post. They were slobbering over her.
Some people have a long way to go.
I spit on Rudd, and some douche names Reym.
RE: the Portland skittles & iced tea grab in Portland
Drudge, to his credit, posted it, and near the Zimmerman updates, but with the tagline
“Another flash mob, this time in — Oregon?”
Should we be surprised that it took place in DWL territory? Or that the MSM reports it as a “daring pack of kids”? You’d think they were The Goonies.
Id have fired the bitch myself:
Rascal I think WINO is a better term , White in Name Only
Race Realism after all has in the past associated with the Democratic Party and Anti White stuff with the Party of Lincoln.
WINO! I love it!
I think you insulting genuine, decent Winos – harmless boozehounds – but so be it.
Afternoon, everyone. Been away from these threads for a few days.. Long weekend, some cousins in town, met a girl, now I’m up to ears in work. I’ll be playing catch-up on some these articles for a bit.
Big news today – Santorum “suspended” ( meaning=quit) his campaign today. Not earth-shattering, but still I figured that weirdo would keep hanging around and trying to draw attention to himself. Adios, then. Now let the last white candidate, in what might well be the last presidential election, make one last dignified stand before we inevitably shatter like a faberge egg.
Zimmerman’s attorney’s have lost contact with him, and have withdrawn from the case. Let the horror show begin.
The Dow plunged 214 points today! How much longer will the EBT card work? Is the balloon really starting to go up? Summer’s coming fast. Trayvons be ’bout ta Trayvon out dis muhfucka…
Be safe, everyone.
“idk on #5—- isn’t the military really the biggest spender? Not just the salaries but all the related contractor-lobby-propaganda machine for it? Definitely they spend more than american blacks, but maybe not if one adds in aid to countries outside the u.s., and of course, that’s overlapped with military (since the military is salaried to “give the aid”).”
Military spending is around 20% of total spending. It is a tossup between that, medicare, and social security for the single biggest piece of the pie, though non-discretionary spending dwarfs defense spending handily. In terms of government employment blacks are disproportionately the beneficiaries of such largess.
“that act did not open the border for blacks—- and that was not its intention. In fact, it was probably predicted that the browns (for whom the border was open) would engage physically with the blacks (as happens in many “news” stories). ”
While africa has not as yet been a major contributor to the demographic profile of immigrants as yet(HW likes to point out that more africans have immigrated here since 1965 than were brought here as slaves), thanks to chain migration and disproportionately more and more population growth in africa that will change during the 21st century unless our borders are closed, or there is some catastrophic failure of governments and nations.
Many politicians came out and supported the 1965 act, and I can only wonder at what the real reason for their support of it was. Our republican “allies” of the time ladies and gentlemen:
Senator Claiborne Pell (R-RI)
“[S.500] sets the limit of how many people we think are desirable to keep the mix I may be wrong. Maybe there will be a huge surge from India or a huge surge from Africa, but I would tend to doubt it.”(Senate Part 2, Book 1, pp. 561,563)
Senator Hugh Scott (R-PA)
“I do not think it [S.500] amounts to a serious increase in the number of persons admitted … I have read the statements of the Malthusian pessimists, and they may be right, of course, but I doubt if this bill will really be the cause of crowding the present Americans out of the 50 states … I do not believe an increase of 66,000 opens the door wide.”(Senate Part 1, Book 1, p.136)
Senator Thomas H. Kuchel (R-CA)
“Under the proposed bill, the total number of immigrants remains approximately the same “(Senate Part 2, Book 1, p. 576)
Senator Hiram Fong (R-HI)
“… the people who have built up America, Anglo-Saxons, and the northern peoples of Europe, are not discriminated against in this bill. … the people from that part of the world [the Asia-Pacific Triangle] probably will never reach 1 percent of the [U.S.] population. … Our cultural pattern will never be changed as far as America is concerned.… It will become more cosmopolitan but still there is that fundamental adherence to European culture. … We feel those people [from northern Europe] who have been preferred in former immigration bills would still be treated fairly. … one of the reasons why the United States was attacked, on December 7, 1941, was because of these exclusionary laws [the 1924 Immigration Act] which had fomented so much bad feeling between the peoples of Japan and the United States.”(Senate Part 1, Book 1, pp.72, 119, 120, 144)
“Just because murder rates are down in large cities doesn’t mean the murders went away.”
This is a factor of two things, first skyrocketing prison populations, and second, advances in medical technology which are keeping aggravated assaults from becoming murders.
You have a point about the winos Denise.
Chris – good for you!
Did I read that right, that crime isn’t as bad today as it was in the 80s? On Krypton maybe?