Confederate History Month 2012: The Road to Fort Sumter

American South

Guess we will watch a video today:

Here’s an excerpt from South Carolina commissioner John McQueen speaking before the Texas Convention: South Carolina was moved to strike the first blow because the Black Republicans threatened to abolish slavery and elevate the negro to equality with White people.

“Her legislature was called in extra session to cast her vote for president and vice-president, through electors, of the United States and before they adjourned the telegraphic wires conveyed the intelligence that Lincoln was elected by a sectional vote, whose platform was that of the Black Republican party and whose policy was to be the abolition of slavery upon this continent and the elevation of our own slaves to equality with ourselves and our children, and coupled with all this was the act that, from our friends in our sister Southern States, we were urged in the most earnest terms to secede at once, and prepared as we were, with not a dissenting voice in the State, South Carolina struck the blow and we are now satisfied that none have struck too soon, for when we are now threatened with the sword and the bayonet by a Democratic administration for the exercise of this high and inalienable right, what might we meet under the dominion of such a party and such a president as Lincoln and his minions.

It is from under such dominion that South Carolina respectfully invites you to unite in forming a Government with a homogeneous people, identical in interest with you, and whose effort it will be to perpetuate the institutions of our fathers.”

The racial differences between Southerners and Northerners are mentioned. The Cavalier Question has been addressed several times here. We have already seen how Southern ethnonationalism developed in the 1850s in reaction to the spread of European ethnonationalism.

Update: Alex Kurtagic has an article on the absolute evil of equality.

Note: The war wasn’t a tragedy. No war in American history was more justified than the War Between the States. If the Confederacy had won that war (the war to stop Yankees from creating BRA), the Black Undertow wouldn’t be terrorizing White people in the North and the South in the 21st century.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The North should have let the South go. While I believe southern farmers were motivated by Greed, I also believe Abraham Lincoln had similar motivations.

    When the South industrialized it would have stopped slavery. The south had already passed some laws that restricted (but did not ban) slavery.

  2. This video exceeded my attention span at the point where a visibly Jewish professor made the usual tenure attaining/Black Group Entitlement-controlling remarks about the CW being “about” slavery. No it wasn’t. Lincoln and his crowd of Black Republicans, Yankee Cosmics, and ’48rs (see Ilana Mercer’s 4/13 post on Lincoln and the latter group @ were vicious National Centralists, and simply and cleverly used slavery as a trigger to destroy States’ Rights.

  3. Correct, Lincoln and the other Republicans were not interested in a war to abolish slavery in the least.
    “We can never attain the ideal union our fathers dreamed, with millions of an alien, inferior race among us, whose assimilation is neither possible nor desirable.”
    – Lincoln

  4. Slavery was central. The Republicans fetishized blacks as Christs. The Southerners correctly saw them as farm machinery (poor farm machinery at that). I’d agree that Lincoln wanted to break the political power of the south though. He set out to impoverish them at the get go. It has something of the Theban war on Sparta about it when they freed the Helots in Sparta. Except the Helots were actually Greeks…not blacks. Still it was about crushing the basis of Spartan power.

    Something very unnatural was perpetrated by the North. It was suicide.

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