Liberalism Travels Full Circle


H/T Amren

It is certainly one of the great ironies of history to see anti-liberals arguing for toleration of heretical opinions and self described liberals arguing for “racial vilification laws” to crush freedom of thought:

“If there was ever a perfect example of why Australia needs racial vilification laws it would have to be John Derbyshire’s article advising his children to avoid African Americans.”

Nothing is what it seems to be anymore.

The term “liberalism” doesn’t reflect the substance of “liberalism.” The term “conservatism” doesn’t reflect the substance of “conservatism.” “Christianity” doesn’t reflect the substance of “Christianity” anymore.

“Derbyshire’s article is out there and it will do harm. I asked the question about how an African American child would feel if they read it because as someone who works in a university I know that success in education depends greatly on confidence. Amongst other things, Derbyshire’s article is designed to insult, intimidate and very seriously dent the confidence of any African American.

Confidence is crucial in the context of education. Students go through vulnerable periods during their development in high school and at university. How they perform during these times can often be a reflection of their self-esteem.”

I spent a good ten minutes laughing at that one: Derb has singlehandedly crippled the intelligence of African-Americans. He’s been a naughty, naughty boy!

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. That case seems like police brutality. The cops invoved went overboard. The Trayvon case is quite different. Trayvon was an aggressor. These cops seem to have gone bezerk.

  2. If there’s one thing “African Americans” are NOT suffering from, it’s a crippling sense of self-doubt. In fact they have far too much (unearned) “self-esteem” for their own good. This Australian writer has obviously had no personal contact with the “African American” in its native element.

  3. “I asked the question about how an African American child would feel if they read it because as someone who works in a university I know that success in education depends greatly on confidence. Amongst other things, Derbyshire’s article is designed to insult, intimidate and very seriously dent the confidence of any African American.”

    Damn right. NO NIGGER DESERVES ANY self-pride, self-advancement, or preference over the rights of the Indigenous White American. “Uppity” describes this entire mindset, and the sooner it is bitch-slapped back where it came from (the slave quarters) the better.

    I am now TOTALLY unreconstructed. I hold as sacrosanct and almost infallible, the insights of the Antebellum White Men who KNEW THE EVIL THAT IS THE NEGRO.

    They are not only a stupid race. They are an accursed race, as long as they are led to believe they are the White man’s Equal.
    Anathema sit.

  4. “… as someone who works in a university I know…”

    Hopefully not in any academic capacity. This is what Reagan was talking about when he said the problem with liberals is not what they don’t know, but what they do know that isn’t so.

    Thhis guy has it all figured out. If we can just make the picanninnies feel good about themselves, there’s nothing they couldn’t learn.

  5. This nonsense in an intellectual sense is predicated on the Blank Slate Theory, of which there is no proof whatsoever. It is Leftist Creationism and I have no doubt given time the Left will even cobble together an Armageddon scenario for the true believers to chew their cud while contemplating.

  6. Rob Roy, I was just reading an essay about liberalism written by Revilo Oliver and I couldn’t help thinking of you. He describes it as a religious cult degenerated from Christianity (he eschews that religion too). I believe this essay was written in the early ’80’s.

    Perhaps “gobal warming” or “climate change” is the Armageddon scenario, only averted by the intervention of Al Gore types.

  7. Yeah more that is probably where I got that idea. Back in the 90s I read everything Oliver wrote that had been posted to SF.

    The Left is a mess, basically down to crackpot metaphysics for all of its cults. Offhand I cannot think of any intellectual of any quality, but they do have high IQ snark merchants.

  8. “I am now TOTALLY unreconstructed. I hold as sacrosanct and almost infallible, the insights of the Antebellum White Men who KNEW THE EVIL THAT IS THE NEGRO.”

    Amen, Fr. John!
    They are the children of Satan.

  9. Interesting: the first thing I thought when I read the second quote was that it would be all to the good to have all negroids read Derb’s “Talk” and for a majority of Whites to make it clear it reflects their overall sentiments.

    Because if negroids need anything in a civilized society, it’s a nice, big dent in their currently adamantine sense of entitlement. They currently act like retarded children who know they don’t measure up, and are acting out in desperation for finding a limit, a boundary.

    If someone like lil’ Tray Tray had come up in a society that had smacked him into some barriers early on in life, nice and hard, he might still be alive today.

  10. And to make it perfectly clear to the libtards and leftoids:

    No, this doesn’t mean I want White authoritarianism over Blacks. That would imply I want what’s best for Blacks. I don’t. I want separation from Blacks.

    And to make it perfectly clear to the libtards and leftoids:

    No, that doesn’t mean I want to enforce separation of Blacks from all Whites. That would imply I want what’s best for libtards and leftoids. I don’t. I want separation for me, and integration for thee.

  11. Thampapillai is no liberal. He is a foreign tribalist who wishes to make criticism of his fellow coethnics illegal.

  12. Yes, they warned about the coming centralization.


    “Integration” is another lie word from the dis-integrators.

    Integration means parts and wholes operate smoothly, having INTEGRITY.

    Definition of INTEGRITY
    : firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : incorruptibility
    : an unimpaired condition : soundness
    : the quality or state of being complete or undivided : completeness

    Instead of saying “ever since integration” one could say “ever since DISintegration”.

    “Ever since the South was DISINTEGRATED by forced race-mixing. . .”

    Don’t allow the enemy to control/corrupt language. Another language game is confusing discrimination (which is good) with prejudice. One is rational, the other is not.

  13. If not for the War on Whites front the left would probably disintergrate. SWPL sissies who want to save the world from global warming have no reason to mix with basically iron age savages that comprise half the D party’s base.

  14. Thhis guy has it all figured out. If we can just make the picanninnies feel good about themselves, there’s nothing they couldn’t learn.

    Well, no, not really. It’s not about self-esteem opening up unlimited potential. It’s simply recognition that emotional state makes a difference in performance. A deep-seated sense of inferiority — blank inferiority, in the eyes of God — is a deeply dispiriting emotional state to find oneself in. (Recall any moment in which your own status has been lowered before another for a sense of how it might feel.) It doesn’t seem to me at all improbable that such a state of mind would hamper one’s ability to perform at one’s best or that it would contribute to throwing in the towel well before one truly tested oneself. (Of course, in the case of blacks and scholastic performance, all too often their “best,” even if achieved, is hardly very impressive and certainly doesn’t amount to “equality,” but that’s another issue.)

    Liberals are more concerned than conservatives (be they racial or aracial) about feelings, so if they were really intent on helping people (students, in this case) avoid such feelings they would seek to put inequality “in context.” They would explain that being inferior, in a technical, metric sense, doesn’t necessarily require one to feel inferior, with respect to one’s sense of basic human adequacy and dignity. Liberals don’t do this, of course, because they want to deny the fact of human inequality.

    If someone like lil’ Tray Tray had come up in a society that had smacked him into some barriers early on in life, nice and hard, he might still be alive today.

    Hehe, it’s catching on. Sheeyut foo’ you gots ta rekegnize, dat ma nigga lil Tray tray, nomesane?

  15. JohntheSecond Regarding the link, a friend of mine in Australia said: not true , never happen but funny to read lol

    I hope he is right.

  16. The Australian writer is simply manifesting a common condition. It is called a solipsism, i.e., the world is just like me, the people I associate with, and my backyard. Most everyone suffers from a solipsism in one dimension or another, at least sometimes when we are not thinking critically. You get to thinking everything is just like your personal experience, and forget that just down the road, maybe, things are totally different. Just recently I was reminded of this. I went to pick up my daughter from her mother. I left my house and it was about 30 degrees, cloudy and wet, and the remains of the ice storm of the day before were still very much in evidence. About two hours down the highway, however, it was about 75 degrees, sunny and I saw dozens of people riding motorcycles!

    People get to thinking, after some time, that the environment they are experiencing is uniform the world over and thus the same environment everyone experiences.

    The Australian writer has got to thinking all black people are like the blacks at his university and the few he doubtlessly has made casual friendships with (nobody but drug addicted or mentally disturbed women really ever has blacks as actual close, personal friends, at best they are casual acquaintances). “Innercities” and ghettos and common blacks are but a vague notion in his mind–distant, exotic, and not really a part of reality, like the rings of Saturn. Blacks as most people actually meet and know are but a sort of myth to these people.

  17. One of my moments of awakening (likely the key moment) to the severity of the situation facing our country took place in 1995. I had a black friend who was a thoughtful, educated man, or at least he seemed to be on the surface. He was a co-worker, and we had worked together for about a year. During that time we had become fairly close friends (very close as co-workers go). Twenty-five years before we met, he attended a highly respected university. I state this to let you get a picture of the man.

    My friend and I were at work together on the day the verdict came in from the O.J. Simpson trial. As soon as the verdict was announced he started dancing and cheering. I had already become extremely dismayed at the fact that this, supposedly educated man, a man I cared for, would believe that O.J. was framed. When he celebrated the acquittal, I was stunned. My good friend had just celebrated the acquittal of an obvious murderer. He was not just happy about the not guilty verdict. He was ecstatic. I could never reconcile this event with the loving, caring man I thought I knew. He actually told me that the reason blacks were happy about the not guilty verdict, was that it was payback for past wrongs done them by whites . It was obvious to all white people that this was the way blacks felt, but for this man to embrace that idea seemed outlandish. He saw this reaction by blacks as logical. I saw it (by white standards) as, borderline insane.

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