Another Rodney King

The Daily Beast

If you can believe this, an African-American named Mansfield Frazier has a new article in The Daily Beast where he argues that George Zimmerman’s attorney should cut a plea deal with state prosecutors in order to prevent black people from rioting, burning down America, and launching a race war against White people.

Update: Here is the Kosher Republic comment thread.

Note: I guess that would be a blow for the “Civil Rights Movement” and Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign. If something like the Los Angeles Riots were to happen in a social media environment with Androids and iPhones, Twitter, Facebook, WordPress, and YouTube, the White backlash that would ensue might just prove unstoppable.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Yes, the Jews and their Congoid Stormtroopers know that this time millions of Whites – not to mention Spics and Slants – are armed and waiting. So they want to cut a deal. No deal.

  2. this is what we want to happen. let the blacks riot ,kill each other and their liberal allies. we can all watch on the internet as other liberals try and make excuses and defend this behavior. icing on the cake i want to see obama either defend the actions of his brothers or call in the national guard to oppress the chimp out. either way its a win win for us. let florida burn to the ground!

  3. These black people who keep hinting around about turning a “racial cold war into a very hot one” are playing with fire. Blacks can boot up, suit up, and burn down their own neighborhoods all they want, but the minute they try it in Whiteyland they are apt to get a cruel and ugly surprise.

    I advise the author to flash back on those Korean merchants in the Rodney King riots. Directed fire from protected, elevated positions will end any “hot war” Mr. Frazier might have in mind. Multiply eight pissed-off Koreans by tens of thousands of heavily-armed (and possibly meth-fueled) honkies and then imagine trying to invade the suburbs. All the police in the world wouldn’t be able to stop the carnage, and by the time the National Guard arrived it would be over.

    I don’t think the Negro race war advocates are thinking this through. Do black people not realize how few they are compared to us? Do they not know we white people are born and raised with guns in our hands? Do they really think the Mexicans, the Asians, and the other people they prey upon are are going to be on their side if it comes to a real race war?

    FYI to the black race warriors: any black people who try waging a hot war in my neighborhood are going to regret it, and that’s a promise. Spirit of ’92, Mr. Frazier.

  4. As Touré recently wrote, if sane adults are not careful, deliberate and measured in the handling of the Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman affair, a dark time could descend upon America.

    Ummm, say what there Mansfield? The “dark time” is already in progress…….

  5. When I think of a thinking Black populace voting, I laugh.
    When I think of a thinking White voting populace, I cry.

    Here are some quotes:
    “America is the best half-educated country in the world” —The Rise of American Civilization

    “We are the rich; we own America; we got it, God knows how, but we intend to keep it” —The Passing of the Idle Rich

    “The American voter is the dullest dullard” —Mary Hobart

    “The people are dupes, and it will be so until the masses become more intelligent.” —Benjamin Heath

    All quotes from

    American military men are dumb, stupid animals —Henry Kissinger

  6. Extortion and intimidation is all they have going for them and only the dumbest DWL’s and anti-Whites refuse to see it.

    As another poster keeps saying blacks are hell bent to take liberalism out back and gang rape it to death.

  7. Thanks for posting this. I never read the garbage written at sites like The Daily Beast, Think Progress, etc.

    But it would seem that the author is not getting a lot of support in the comments.
    It’s about time blacks were told that their ongoing threats of “violence” no longer have currency.

    Bring. It.

  8. The Nigger is geeting HAMMERED, on the Daily Beast. HAHAHA!!!! Some of us are having a wonderful time! I wonder how long the Comments will stay up? THe Nig has already posted whining replies. He’s not used to ANY pushback.

  9. I for one think blacks are fully justified in attacking their fellow democratic voters of the white social construct, I encourage it actually. Double points if the victim is of the super special magic spirit blood/magic words descendant of holocaust survivors type.

  10. Awww. Ain’t that nice. Mansfield is wanting to save us Crackers from the wrath of the cannibals. Man, I’m all teared up.

    It’s okay, Manfield. We’ll be okay. I promise. We’ll be just fine.

    On a related note, I took that .50 that I bought in ’92 to the range this past weekend and it was a big hit. I should be getting a kickback from Barrett because every Cracker at the range had to fondle that monster and everybody wanted one.

    C’mon, Mansfield, let’s lay ’em side by side and see who has the longest big black thing.

  11. Nigs really are our jailors. Plea bargain when you know you are innocent? Ygtbkm.

    A few days of riots would be better than letting blacks run our destiny.

  12. We could learn something from the Syrians on this one methinks, let the riots kick off an put the rioters down hard. A couple of hundred thousand dead and the problem self solves. That might create a guilt backlash though so never mind that idea….

    Or maybe we could just encourage the rioters to head down to the Hispanic part of town. That won’t work in Nor Cal where those tribes are thick as thieves but it might be good for L.A.

    I don’t care much for either group, the Hispanics however are all around better and as they say the Enemy of my Enemy is my Enemies Enemy….

  13. Please … please let the blacks riot. I’m surrounded by nigs and I still want them to riot when Zim is found not guilty. The social media propaganda will be amazing.

  14. “every Cracker at the range had to fondle that monster and everybody wanted one.”

    I had the same experience at a gun range in Tallahassee, Fl … with my beautiful AR-15. She really is so pretty, and loud.

  15. Mighty: Yeah, I love those AR-15’s. I’ve got a couple of Bushmasters that have the 7-in-1 twist in the barrels so they will do all of that squirrelly traveling around in a living target.

    When I was young and adventurous I used to machine out AR-15 lower receivers and put in that extra hole above the safety selector. Now I’m old and scared so I just leave them the way I get them.

    For a while I got into silencers and undertook the nearly impossible task of silencing an AR-15. To pull it off, you have to build an 18 inch long by 2 inch I.D. silencer that will screw on to the threads meant to hold the flash suppressor, install a guillotine type shutoff valve in the gas tube so that the gun functions like a bolt action and use sub-sonic ammo to eliminate the sonic boom.

    Yep, those AR’s are sweet. They are like Harleys inasmuch as there are tons of aftermarket accessories for them. I don’t know if you can still buy hem, but they used to make a plastic snail drum for them that holds 90 rounds. At one time I had a vest that held four of those drums.

    I was never a Boy Scout, but all my life I’ve felt that it’s a good idea to always be prepared. Badass guns are a big step in that direction.

  16. AR-10 is better. 7.62x51mm ammo was over-manufactured during the Cold War, and now you can find surpluses of it all over the world, for cheap. Ammunition will undoubtedly become a premium resource the coming wreckage of BRA. Best to be able work with what’s most readily available.

  17. 313 Chris, if you know of a place to get 7.62 NATO cheap, hit me up at I have an M1A and shoot my AK-47 more often than not because the ammo for the M1A is too pricey. I can’t find good surplus ammo anywhere for less than .75$ a ball.

  18. The author of The Daily Beast piece has another piece about the Secret Service, where he discusses his own criminal past as a credit card fabricator and discusses his own “getting one over” on the Secret Service.

    It appears the majority of commenters aren’t buying into his “Zimmerman should just cop a plea” as some type of group sacrifice to appease the mob.

    Given that this is “The Daily Beast” this is remarkable.

  19. 313Chris: I don’t recall coming across any cheap 7.62 X 51 mm ammo. I used to buy the 7.62 X 35 mm by the barrel for next to nothing, but the guys at the gun shows act like the NATO rounds are made out of gold.

    To tell you the truth, I don’t have a lot of faith in any of that fully jacketed military ammo. Neither does the military. They didn’t use it in the Stoner sniper rifles. They used an expanding round that provided far more one shot stopping power.

    The hard ball is okay for shooting beer cans, but not so good for shooting dangerous predators. You don’t want to find yourself in a situation where you shoot a fucker and he’s still shooting back at you.

    I used to know a couple of guys who used to make exploding bullets for shooting prairie dogs. They used to chuck fully assembled .22 Savage rounds in a small lathe and drill a one-eighth inch hole in the bullet with a two-flute end mill. Then they’d fill the hole two-thirds full of magicians flash powder and plug the hole with a piece of modeling wax. They would then precisely shape the wax tip with a file as they spun the bullet in the lathe.

    One man, working alone, can fully prepare 20 rounds per hour.

    That may seem like a lot of trouble, but a tiny 22 caliber bullet will blow a prairie dog or other varmint into many pieces when prepared that way. Think what your larger caliber military rounds would do to a large chimpanzee or other simian if you loaded them with flash powder.

    I have provide this information for educational purposes only. I further urge you to
    keep in mind that you should comply with all federal, state and local laws and that you shouldn’t make any exploding ammo unless the laws change drastically here or you move to a country where exploding ammo is presently legal.

  20. 313Chris: I don’t recall coming across any cheap 7.62 X 51 mm ammo. I used to buy the 7.62 X 35 mm by the barrel for next to nothing, but the guys at the gun shows act like the NATO rounds are made out of gold.

    To tell you the truth, I don’t have a lot of faith in any of that fully jacketed military ammo. Neither does the military. They didn’t use it in the Stoner sniper rifles. They used an expanding round that provided far more one shot stopping power.

    The hard ball is okay for shooting beer cans, but not so good for shooting dangerous predators. You don’t want to find yourself in a situation where you shoot a fucker and he’s still shooting back at you.

    I used to know a couple of guys who used to make exploding bullets for shooting prairie dogs. They used to chuck fully assembled .22 Savage rounds in a small lathe and drill a one-eighth inch hole in the bullet with a two-flute end mill. Then they’d fill the hole two-thirds full of magicians flash powder and plug the hole with a piece of modeling wax. They would then precisely shape the wax tip with a file as they spun the bullet in the lathe.

    One man, working alone, can fully prepare 20 rounds per hour.

    That may seem like a lot of trouble, but a tiny 22 caliber bullet will blow a prairie dog or other varmint into many pieces when prepared that way. Think what your larger caliber military rounds would do to a large chimpanzee or other simian if you loaded them with flash powder.

    I have provide this information for educational purposes only. I further urge you to
    keep in mind that you should comply with all federal, state and local laws and that you shouldn’t make any exploding ammo unless the laws change drastically here or you move to a country where exploding ammo is presently legal.

  21. @jack

    You could try

    I don’t know what they have in stock at the moment, though. You could always hit up a weekend gun-show, if any are held in your area on the regular. Sometimes you might come across somebody with a license to sell reloaded stuff. Caveat emptor.


    That’s a bit over my head. I usually just by the cheapest factory stuff I can find. Good call on the legal disclaimer though.

  22. The Daily Beast has really hit a new low with this article; they are even worse than I thought. In fact, they would not print this article if it were written by a white. Disgusting, vile piece of trash – both the author and what he’s produced. He wants Zimmerman’s attorney to come down hard on him to plead guilty to an offense that would get him locked up for, oh, the better part of a decade in order to avoid riots. Besides shredding the defendant’s constitutional right to counsel, this is UNETHICAL behavior for any attorney and would (or should – I don’t know anymore!) get him disbarred. More advocacy for African law, I guess.

  23. “I guess that would be a blow for the “Civil Rights Movement” and Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign. ”

    Nah, they’ve imported enough votes (or soon will) that they really don’t care anymore. White backlash is just that, WHITE backlash, the tens of millions of non-white invaders don’t give a damn about the country, they’re just here for the bennies, and they’ll vote Democrat as long as the Dems can take money from whites to give to them, which is to say as long as whites exist, even if only as a smallish minority. Combined with the absolutely evil minority of whites who are self-loathing traitors and the Dems have enough votes to cover a little racist looting and murder.

  24. Sallie,

    I beg to dffer. This article was simply SPLENDID!!! I am so appreciative of Negroes being Negroes. Makes my job so much easier!

  25. the reality is, any jail time for Zimmerman is likely to be a death sentence so GZ needs to swing for the fence and not take a plea bargain that includes any jail time

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