Breivik’s Defense Statement


Here is a transcript of Breivik’s 73 minute self defense statement:

“Responsible Norwegians and Europeans who feel morally obliged to not see that Norwegians are made to a minority in their own country.

They’re not going to see that we are made to the minority in their own country, we will fight against multiculturalism in the Labour Party and others working towards the same goal. The attacks were preventatives attacks in defense of the Norwegian culture and my people.

I acted in self defense on behalf of my people, my religion, my ethnicity, my city and my country.”

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I was just about to post an update on this in the other recent Breivik mention.

    It appears this man is everything he says he was and more. A lot of WN disown him because they are shocked someone actually puts their money where their mouth is. I would reckon if Norway had as few as 15 – 20 Breiviks, Norway would be forced to change course. America is a different story, Americans are used to blood shed and mass shootings. This is all new ground for Norway.

  2. Daily Telegraph has closed comments on trial because of strong support for Breivik.
    Daily Mail pro Breivik comments are receiving enormous support.

  3. I’ll register my usual dissent here. Breivik killed white youth, many of whom would eventually been politically salvageable. They were attending an ANTI-ISRAEL seminar. His manifesto is full of pro-Israel, pro-Zionist, pro-Jewish, anti-Nazi claptrap. Breivik was/is a JewMossad project, aimed at massacring anti-Zionists AND discrediting the HardRight. Applauding or embracing his individual terrorist methods play directly into the hands of the ZOG.

  4. Wrong. Never mind what he “says”, after the deed. Look what he did and whom he killed. Not Jews, not ragheads, not blacks. He’s pure shabbatz goy. His manifesto – written before the deed – oozes Jew-love. He’s a disaster for WNs, and his “Oh, I killed all those kids to fight the multi-cult” is more of the same. Have you seen some of the pictures of WHITE children with their heads blown apart and blond hair spattered with blood as they were carried off that island, HW? Take a long look. Anti-Zionists dead, white children dead. How nice for the Jews. Not for us.

  5. (1) Breivik explains himself in his defense statement linked above.

    (2) He acted in ethnic self defense.

    (3) I have no sympathy for White multiculturalists and White communists. Just because someone is White doesn’t mean they are on our side. Just because someone is critical of Israel doesn’t mean they are on our side either.

    (4) The people who are obsessed with Jews to the point where they interpret the entire world through the prism of Jewish conspiracy theories (people like J Richards at Majority Rights) are the real disaster for WN.

  6. FFS MJF, they weren’t “children”. He even mentioned this meme during his statement when he said he killed no one under 14. More than half were over 18, many as old as 60.

    I said before, he struck exactly where his logic said he should. I’ll admit I had my misgivings about his true intentions at first, but I later realized he had thought far more about tactics than any one of us. From his position it was a genius move, he exacted maximum damage on who he wanted to inflict damage, Norway’s ruling traitorous elites. DWLs don’t give a shit about dead muslims or negros. Muslims and negros are tools to shore up their own illegitimate power. They are the expendable crewmen of liberaldom.

    Breivik was a soft, weak minded man of banal upbringing who willed himself to the forefront of history. He hasn’t seemed to falter once since he charted his course . I have a suspicion he is about two steps ahead of anyone alive today. Perhaps this is his undoing, perhaps not.

    Therefore, I understand the sentiment of many toward him, on all sides. He scares people. They rage against him because he is a harbinger of a terrible recompense. I have been to war, I understand his logic. In Afghanistan, the Taliban sometimes kill all but one of the children of those who helped Americans. Why all but one? A man with no children has nothing to lose, a man with one child remaining is reminded every day why he only has one child left, so he falls in line because he fears losing one more. The perverse logic of war is logic nonetheless. There’s a bad moon on the rise, and we all will fall under its cast.

  7. (4) The people who are obsessed with Jews to the point where they interpret the entire world through the prism of Jewish conspiracy theories (people like J Richards at Majority Rights) are the real disaster for WN.

    Agree. Jews aren’t comic book arch-villians, FFS. They are trained opportunists, that is all.

    The reason the Utoya crowd hated Israel is because they viewed it through the lens of “Evil White Imperialists”. I don’t give a shit about Israel, they can bulldoze all the shitskin houses they please, I don’t give a fuck. Rachel Corrie can rot in hell. It’s only when white Americans get roped into their little schemes that I have a problem.

  8. Jewish “conspiracy theories”? Go back and read his online manifesto again. Vintage shabbatz goy. Now, on trial, he plays the White Hero…and you guys fall for it. The Jews are laughing behind their hands.

  9. You don’t need to invent theories as to when jews are involved. They sign their names.

    White traitors are the problem. Not jews. Jews are simply opportunistic organisms. You can’t get an infection without a break in the skin. When treason becomes more costly than loyalty, they will change course. Until then, more of the same. Any ideas?

  10. Even Linder isn’t buying into this:

    It’s not a fact, it’s an assertion from the very large segment within roughly White circles who cannot perceive shades of gray. Breivik stated he was angry about destruction of Norway, and he took out that anger on rising generation of socialist scum. That these favored some economic boycott of Israel is far down the list, and hardly the reason he acted. But retarded pseudo-nazis know otherwise. Just ignore the 1000-page book he wrote explaining his thinking, and go with whatever you want to believe. The ‘fact’ is that Breivik’s actions are in line with his writings. There is no reason to believe things, in this case, are not what they appear.

    Is the thought that someone would actually risk life and freedom to defend his own country really that strange? To these tardzis it is. He must have done because these ‘kids’ wanted to boycott Israel!

  11. I don’t see it as hurting our side MFH. Whether it will help it remains to be seen.

    Hunter made great parallel between him and John Brown. Do you think John Brown’s action hurt the cause of abolition?

  12. “The people who are obsessed with Jews to the point where they interpret the entire world through the prism of Jewish conspiracy theories… are the real disaster for WN.” – HW

    “Agree. Jews aren’t comic book arch-villians… They are trained opportunists, that is all… I don’t give a shit about Israel, they can bulldoze all the shitskin houses they please, I don’t give a fuck. Rachel Corrie can rot in hell. It’s only when white Americans get roped into their little schemes that I have a problem.” – Jim

    Agree on all counts. It’s wisdom like this that keeps me tuned to OD. Thanks for not being Stormfront, HW.

  13. There is a line where the Jewish Question drifts from reasonable and valid points into stereotypical conspiracy theories … J Richards, for example, is someone who is well across that line.

    In this case, it is plainly clear that Breivik attacked the youth camp (none of the victims were under 14) because it was a political retaliatory attack on the Norwegian political class for supporting multiculturalism and mass immigration.

    Norwegian leftists endorsed a boycott of Israel … okay, well that’s true, but they are also fanatically anti-White.

  14. Back. Nothing new there. K. must be out with a flashlight, weeding his vegetable garden. Breivik? Yes, absolutely, next time I feel like striking a blow for the White Race, I’ll definitely go out and murder….80 Whites. Do you undestand how much irreplaceable NORDIC genetic material this stupid F**K Breivik destroyed forever? Over “wrong ideas”? HW, your site is teeming with Zionist trolls tonite.

  15. You and kvetch-sky are perfect for one another, Firefly. Go away! We don’t need people like you around crying about traitorous whites getting killed. Whites are our worse enemy. Anyone with half a brain can see that.

  16. There is nothing about this case that suggests Breivik got up one day and thought to himself: gosh, I think I will go out and kill a bunch of White children for supporting an Israeli boycott.

    It was more like “I am going to make these multiculturalist sons of bitches pay for flooding our cities with non-White Muslim immigrants.”

    Just because someone is White doesn’t mean they are “on our side.” Some of our most vicious enemies are White leftists.

  17. Do you know how much irreplaceable genetic material is destroyed everyday because of the non-white flood into our countries? Ask yourself that.

  18. Yes, that’s true. But unlike you and Breivik, I don’t lose sight of the fact that organized Jewry pulls the strings on the white cosmics and on the Blacks. As for the John Brown comparison: JB fought a pitched battle with Federal troops. That’s getting the symbolism right. Breivik murdered unarmed people until the cops showed up, then threw his arms in the air and surrendered. Whites killing whites. Jews just love that sort of thing. Think: WWI, WW II. Breivik writ large.

  19. Under Daubert, scientific theories are admissible. The Wright Island Model is a core part of accepted science in textbooks. It says immigration causes complete genetic replacement. This is admissible in court for proof that immigration is genocide.

    The failure to use this is our movement’s biggest failure. We need to bring a suit in federal court to get an injunction on immigration using the Wright Island Model as the scientific evidence.

  20. Old Atl. – Do you mean this?

    Majik- I agree with you, but one must ask the question from a theological p.o.v. If all Israelites in the O.T. were the ‘Chosen People,’ then why were some against Christ?
    Did their (those who were ‘against Him’) ‘genetic potential’ matter to YHWH God, or were they also ‘clay molded by the potter’ for ‘common’ use, and thus, of no eternal significance to the Almighty?

    Just because someone is White, does not mean they are worthy of ‘salvation’ (i.e., continued genetic existence, via their descendants). The Bible is full of records of apostate ‘chosen people’ who were ‘cut off’ and their descent ‘forgotten’ because of men, foreign occupations, and sometimes, GOD! The same thing applies to the dead on Utoya Island. Though, of course, Lutheran theologues who are merely wringing their hands, wouldn’t DREAM of looking to Luther’s own “Bondage of the Will,” to come up with such conclusions… that would be (gasp) “Calvinist.”

    Hunter- Majik DOES have a valid point. Jews are guilty. (Maybe not here, but they are guilty, nevertheless, just on general grounds……) But it’s hard to see that point- I kmow.

    As far as I am concerned, I believe that Breivik is a ‘plant.’ But of whom, I am not sure. But I know the Norskis- they will seek to tar and feather him with the brush they used for Vidkun Quisling, even though Quisling (who KNEW about the JEWS) did not act decisively enough, in the days of WWII. The Norwegians (like most UberWhites- the blond/blues) seem to have a ‘divine condescension’ toward those not UberWhite- which, in multiculturalism’s case, means their eventual annihilation, if they “work out their damnation with [little] fear and trembling.”

    I am reminded of that Star Trek episode where the last of the Greek Gods is found by the Enterprise crew on a lone planet, and, after not having Kirk, McCoy, et al. ‘worship’ him, he abandons himself to the ether. I fear this is how most Norse will view their necessity, rather than stand up for their country, race, and history.

    UberWhites (witness that Swedish ‘mix it up’ video) in Scandinavia, because they partook of the amillenial pessimism of Luther’s constipated bowels, don’t have the ‘Calvinist/Puritan vision’ of victory that suffused the American continent, until, say, Dallas, 1963. They (Scandics) actually both smack themselves down continually, (no one can stand out, or call attention to himself) and yet, they look down with haughty condescension in the same breath, when someone dares tell them they are ‘wrong.’ – On a wide variety of issues. They are VERY ‘passive-aggressive’- as a race.

    Breivik is causing discussion, to be sure. But I do not believe the average liberal, rich, and highly intelligent Norski will stop and think that African savages will remain savages, because they are predestined to be the ‘behemah’ of the Bible, precisely because all of Scandinavia is padlocked to a State [Protestant] Church that long ago, ‘gave up her first love.’ And the dead on Utoya Island, are the first victims of that ‘holocaust’ to redeem the Norse people, whether one believes in Breivik, or no……

    May God grant the sons and daughters of St. Olaf, the grace to come to their senses, and see themselves as just one of the peoples who are the Elect of God in Christendom, and submitting to Him, be redeemed, before it is too late.

  21. His targets included a few blacks but it’s mainly rather beautiful looking white people. Probably salvageable as Hornet pointed out.

    If half a dozen mosques and African social clubs had been assaulted it would be playing out very differently.

    Terrible visuals as it stands.

  22. More practical question.

    Why didn’t the swat team kill him? I think he’s surprised to be alive. It’s a massive bonus to him to have come out of the place unscathed.

    Did he expect matyrdom?

  23. @MajikFireHornet
    I was amazed when you described those Breivik murdered, as prized genetic material worth preserving.

    White anti-Whites, are the dregs of the genetic gene pool and some of them were earmarked to be professional White anti-Whites, the very lowest of the low.

    I hope you Stormfront types will be happy with the White anti-Whites, because no sensible Pro White wants them in our gene pool. We’ll deliver them to your doorstep, so you can use them in your breeding programs. Enjoy!

  24. The jewish superman theory is bunk. If the nazis would make themselves useful and tie jews to the genocide of whites they would be useful, but as it is they peddle second rate metaphysics. The sound like blacks complaining of “raysissm.”

  25. Hunter Wallace says:
    “Is the thought that someone would actually risk life and freedom to defend his own country really that strange? To these tardzis it is. He must have done because these ‘kids’ wanted to boycott Israel!”

    I don’t agree with what Breivik did and don’t like his ideology, but facts are facts, he walked the walk, while all the Jew Obsessives ever do, is beat their chests and talk tough to each other, using fake identities.

  26. Breivik: ““I consider 21 years of prison as a pathetic punishment.”

    Breivik: “There are only two just and fair outcomes of this case. One is an acquittal, the other is capital punishment.”

  27. Every time a coal burner is whacked by her “lover”, should we also shed one giant collective tear?

    How can anyone be more guilty than whites working to destroy their own countries? At least when jews pitch multiculturalism, they are being true to their own, what’s whitey’s excuse?

    Oh yeah, the “jew made them do it”. Kind of like the “devil made them do it”. Their “priceless genetic material” is neither here nor there if Europe is going to be 70% muslim in fifty years. What about us Europeans who are betrayed by this scum, is our genetic material as valuable as theirs?

  28. While Breivik may have believed in some things we have in common, his behavior was that of a souless psychopath. He deserves to be condemned for his mass murder spree, not praised as a great hero of our race. Exalting him as a hero can only repell people who are on the verge of joining us, because of their own concerns about the race question.

  29. One Hand: Brevik killed 77 kids. 77. Kids. I mean, Jesus.

    Other Hand: Brevik didn’t waste time killing the invaders, who, after all, aren’t really the problem, since they are too few and too stupid to be a threat to the natives. He instead killed the real enemy: self-hating white liberals, the purveyors of the ongoing racial auto-genocide. By killing the enemy at both levels, wholesale (ideological campers) and retail (government officials), he did tremendous damage to those whose grip on power makes the invasion possible.

    Gripping Hand: The real impact of his actions is happening now. His clear-eyed and unapologetic defense of his actions is making a profound impression upon the subconscious of white people both in Norway and abroad. It’s obvious from the comments posted at the various Brevik news stories that more than one white person has a guilty admiration for the man. His decision to act, and to boldly take the consequences, is going to have a profound impact on our cause. Nothing sells an idea like a cheerful martyr.

    Still, it’s hard to sign off on the deaths of 77 kids. Most people love kids, especially pretty little blondes, and the idea of killing them is deeply troubling.

    The Japanese had cute kids too, in 1945. We killed them anyway, and in great numbers. Sometimes I wonder if it is possible to fight a war — any war — with clean hands.

  30. Muslims are 1.8%, give or take of the Norwegian population. Non-whites combined
    apparently amount to not much more.
    Yet Brevik is afraid of non-Norweigean Euro-stock “becoming a minority” of
    the Norwegian population.
    Contrast that to America’s truly problematic demographics, non-whites being
    I’m guessing around 33% of the population.
    No white nationalist, soft or hard core can defend this pro-Israel lunatic’s

  31. “Muslims are 1.8%, give or take of the Norwegian population. Non-whites combined
    apparently amount to not much more.
    Yet Brevik is afraid of non-Norweigean Euro-stock “becoming a minority” of
    the Norwegian population.
    Contrast that to America’s truly problematic demographics, non-whites being
    I’m guessing around 33% of the population.”

    So you should wait till you’re half sunk before you start bailing water? Also, where are your numbers from? Could they have a motivation to undersell the actual population?

  32. Whites of European descent were once about 90% of the US population. That was about 50 years ago. The USA is a huge country, how much more quickly do you think a little state like Norway would go? It could be majority Muslim in 15 years, easily.

  33. Jews, Jews, Jews. Jesus, I get sick of hearing about the Jews.

    Look: Israel is an ethnostate. I support ethnostates. Ethnostates for everybody!, that’s my cry. How, then, can I oppose the existence of Israel? Because they oppress the “palestinians”? News Flash: the “palestinians” are an ungovernable rabble which has been kicked out of every decent country in the region, including the one specifically created for them (Jordan). You know what? Fuck the “palestinians”. I don’t give a shit what the Jews do to them. All they had to do was live in peace with their neighbors. They couldn’t — not with Hashemites, not with Syrians, not with Egyptians, not with Lebanese, and not with Jews. They deserve whatever they get.

    Guys, the Jews aren’t the enemy. This is a lie the Enemy uses to distract us. The Enemy is the global luciferian conspiracy. It so happens that a lot of Jews are part of this conspiracy. That has nothing to do with their religion or ethnicity, and everything to do with the desire to overthrow God and God’s order and substitute their own.

    Lets stop confusing cause and effect. The Enemy owns big business and the intellectual elite, and Jews excel in both business and intellectualism. That is why Jews are overrepresented within the ranks of the Enemy. There is no Grand Council of Rabbis somewhere in London plotting the extinction of the white man. That is the fake enemy the real Enemy uses to draw our fire.

    If you want to target someone, some group in particular, don’t target the Jews. There aren’t enough Jews to run a global conspiracy. But there IS a group you can target, a group that has millions of members worldwide, a group that has a big, fancy building in every city and town in America, a SECRET building where people (mostly white gentiles) take SECRET oaths and perform SECRET rituals. Target the group that owns the business community is Everytown USA, the group that can blackball whomever they please for any reason they please. Target the group that — alone among all its kind — openly and unashamedly ignores the civil rights laws, the financial reporting laws, and many other laws that other groups would be destroyed for ignoring.

    What group might that be? It ain’t the Hadassah ladies. It ain’t the kids playing foosball at the Hillel. It;s a group that people you know probably belong to — or to which you yourself may belong.

    You want to single out a group of people as the Enemy? Pick the one that fourteen presidents of the U.S. (and God only knows how many other politicians, military men, and other men of power) have belonged to. Pick the one that can scoff at laws the rest of us must obey. Pick the one whose symbolism, ideology, and philosophy permeates every aspect of government, business, and the mass media.

    Yes, a lot of Jews are slimy. But they are slimy because they have turned their backs on the very thing that defines a Jew: God Almighty. It is this hatred of the Deity that drives them to join with their fellow God-hating Gentiles and form the Enemy of mankind. Let’s fight the real Enemy.

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