Breivik Planned To Behead Norwegian Prime Minister


H/T Drudge

Anders Breivik planned to behead former Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Bruntland, film the decapitation, and post the video to the internet as a warning to other liberal multiculturalist traitors.

Note: He claims to have been inspired by al-Qaeda’s propaganda of the deed.

About Hunter Wallace 12411 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Breivik, IMHO, shows himself more and more to be a heartless, fanatical, psychopath going in all directions at once. He claims to be a Zionist, yet he wants to emulate al-Qaeda in chopping folk’s heads off. he also claims to be a nationalist, but he gave the communist clenched-fist salute in the courtroom. I hope the Norski’s throw him into a padded cell for the rest of his life and weld his cell door shut.

  2. Al Qaeda were simply copying renaissance era paintings that depict David & Goliath or Judith & Holofernes.

    Carravagio was more of an inspiration than anything else.

  3. Breivik was planning to behead some poisonous, Race Betraying NWO bootlicking toad?

    Wow! Cool as Hell!

    He certainly has a brilliant sense of theater!

    Drat. He should have done that first.

  4. Breivik is a patriot who actually walked the walk.

    His actions make the girly-men uncomfortable, not because anything he allegedly perpetrated was particularly savage, but because he makes their own impotence and inaction more acute.

    Breivik is several steps ahead of most of us, so pay attention.

  5. I don’t like killing young possibly reformable White people and don’t advocated killing or breaking the law however you have to admire the mans ice water blood, that the White Man’s way.

    As a personal note, its nice to see a lack of people being bothered by severed heads, John there being spot on. This is historically quite common heck the Celts (one of my ancestors) regarded them as good trophies.

    Said decapitated party is caput (pun intended) what does it matter after that?

    If we all took that attitude the muzzies would lose a lot of leverage over the West.

    Heck if we remembered just who we really are, one the nastiest smartest SOB’s on the planet (some peoples beat is in one or more categories but we are across the board high in all of them) and put our own peoples ahead of profits, we could do a lot of amazing things but getting the “continuous growth” and self loathing poisons out of our system will take time.

  6. I note that unstrustworthy homosexual Greg Johnson condemns Breivik. This is the same effete, lying homosexual who creams his purple boxers whenever the Third Reich is mentioned.

  7. Man, don’t you just love a good beheading? If I had been around during the French Revolution I would have acted like those idiot super fans that the cameramen always pan over to during every football game. I would’ve led the chant, “GUILLOTINE, GUILLOTINE, GUILLOTINE!”

    Maybe I’ll still get my chance.

    Lots of folks have got Breivik genes just waiting to turn on. They are like those domestic hogs who grow old in a pen and still have tiny teeth and short snouts. Then one day they get turned loose in the woods and in a matter of months they grow a great wart hog snout and huge tusks. The snouts and tusks were there all along, hiding in their genes, waiting until they were needed.

    You can believe it. I’ve seen it with my own eyes.

    No telling what is hiding within us. Waiting for the right time.

    Yeah, I may still get my chance to lead the chant.

  8. While you are lauding one man’s actions, remember that civil law allows for the STATE to enact capital punishments for crimes, not one man.

    Mob violence is ANARCHIC, no matter who does it. Breivik feels his is the actions of a patriot, but he has nothing behind him- neither clergy, state, or people.

    But his tactics are striking fear into the hearts of the PTB. Because, if he can do it, so can others…. just remember, however, that the Communist Revolution was anarchic to the core, and resulted in 100,000,000 million deaths, as teh “Black Book of Communism” made clear.

    For all his faults (which were many) Hitler was a gentleman when it came to his vision of a reunified Germany. That he hated the Deicides is actually rather a minor point in any analysis of him… for every nation in Europe did the same, over the last two thousand years. Of course, the Jews don’t mention that fact, when they use him like a bogeyman….

  9. “He claims to be a Zionist…”

    You never know, that might be a piece of clever propagadistic judo on his part; after all, if he can make his claims to be a Zionist and pro-Israel stick, then every time he is denounced as a blood-soaked racist or whatever, then guess what can also be brought up in the conversation.

    Given the guy’s methodical nature, I wouldn’t put anything past him.


    Breivik is Norwegian for “rotting cloaca.”

  11. You again, huh Trine?

    Jews. Can’t live with ’em… and they don’t smell like cookies when you bake ’em! 🙂

  12. Chris – LOL!!!

    The Jude does not appreciate the irony of calling for Breivik’s death – and “freedom for da peepul”.

    I do though.

    Whatta Jew……..

  13. Jim – Yeagley is such a kosher bootlicker. (Or should I write cloven-hooof licker) Let’s send Trinesky over to Yeagley.

    A perfect marriage.

  14. All we want is to be able to walk the streets of Oslo free of fear of black gangs like it used. Living under self-imposed curfew after nightfall just because your white and cant go outside because of fear of attacks really sucks.

    I remember stories the old folks used to tell of how it was like under the German occupation for us civilians. Compared to the Balkanized Oslo of today the it sounded like a Heaven.

    Well you never know what you have lost before you actually have lost your land.

  15. I remember stories the old folks used to tell of how it was like under the German occupation for us civilians. Compared to the Balkanized Oslo of today the it sounded like a Heaven.

    Thought so.

    The narrative: Churchill=Hero and Hitler=Villain is not so clear anymore.

  16. Well, Norge, it’s not like your people haven’t been asking for it. How about you get together with 20 other good Norwegians and take your neighborhood back?

  17. Breivik is a lazy bastard. He didn’t want to do the hard grinding work of politics, where you go out and talk to lots of people and change their minds.

    Now if only our politicians went around murdering their constituents, as part of their political campaigns, like Breivik did? I’m sure they would become president in no time. (roll eyes)

  18. “Breivik is a lazy bastard. He didn’t want to do the hard grinding work of politics, where you go out and talk to lots of people and change their minds.”

    If the only legitimate exercise of white defense is that of politicking, we are doomed. Politicking is for politicians. Action is for men of action. I think whites are more of the latter fiber, though we’ve been taught otherwise.

  19. Well, that is a good point. One Breivik is a lone madman, 10 Breiviks is a lost cause, but 1,500 Breiviks are a credible insurgency.

    While I don’t think what is did is morally defensible, I have to say that he has clearly put the pain on those most direclty responsible for the slow genocide of our people than another other activist in the present era.

    Note, also, that the authorities are going to find him insane. I think he knew this, as to admit he was sane is too politically unacceptable. In a real sense, he’s going to get away with this; I would be his life in a Norwegian facility would be better than most average Americans’ lives.

  20. If Breivik had another 50 or so with him and had achieved a successful coup and began deporting Muslims, blacks ect, would he not be hailed a hero?

  21. KevinV says:
    “Note, also, that the authorities are going to find him insane.”

    They don’t want people to take his message seriously enough, to Think about it let alone discuss it, so they are making light of his mental stability and are encouraging the masses to do so.

    Isn’t it funny how they did not declare Bin Laden and his followers insane and asked they be put in mental institutions? They want us to take their message very seriously, for some reason.

    LandShark says:
    June 28, 2012 at 11:40 pm
    “Action is for men of action. I think whites are more of the latter fiber, though we’ve been taught otherwise.”

    When it is baseball season, you don’t go out and play basketball. Breivik was playing basketball, during baseball season and that is really dumb.

  22. But any rational individual would have to admit that it doesn’t look like basketball season is ever going to get here. Which makes waiting for it the dumber thing. Kind of like waiting for Santa Claus to come down the chimney.

  23. Kevin – sorry – but WHATEVER any-one does to survive is morally defensible.

    We’re being too finicky.

  24. A man who shots down whites– especially young whites who never reproduced children–is an Enemy to the white race– He deserves the Death Penalty.

  25. Those Whites were the children of the elite political class, they were being groomed to further the immigration policies of their parents and most likely would have.

    They were not at some random summer camp where everyday teens attended.

  26. “We” all know what the teenagers were going to do when they grew up– so let’s just kill them now.
    “We” have the wisdom of god himself and we can see the future. So massacre the white teenagers.

  27. With “white nationalists” like this– who advocate and celebrate the killing of white teenagers– who needs enemies?

  28. Then kill the immigrants who are doing the raping and the muder– not the white teenagers who never harmed another white. The teenagers had nothing to do with the government policy of mass immigration.

  29. The white race lost about 77 teenagers– all dead before ever reproducing children– we, as a race, lost the teenagers who were actually killed down– and we also lost all the white chidren who will never be born because the teenagers are now dead and buried.

  30. Go advocate the killing of the Rothschild’s children– they’re the ones who set the immigrant policy in Norway– go advocate killing down the rothschild’s children– see how far you get.

  31. Joe, let me dumb it down a bit for you, ok?

    Say your family member was brutally assaulted by a local gang. Do you go after the lower rung attackers to prevent another attack or do you go after the gang leader who ordered the attack?

  32. LandShark says:
    June 29, 2012 at 12:40 am

    “But any rational individual would have to admit that it doesn’t look like basketball season is ever going to get here.”

    That is only our perception.

    What you don’t understand is how small a movement we are. Most people don’t know what is happening and when they find out, they don’t care and that is because so few in our movement bother to learn, how to change people’s minds on these issues.

    It takes effort to learn this skill and you have to find the right teachers.

    What is more effective in terms of growing our movement? Killing young white people, or persuading them to take up our cause?

    Kevin McDonald was anti-white in his youth and he changed his mind. If he was murdered by someone like Breivik, he would not have come to our side and his entire family would hate us forever.

    Really, the chest beater types don’t want to learn this stuff and they don’t want to do the practical hard work of politics and that is persuading millions of people.

    The reason why we are such a small movement and why the Reds control all of our countries is Reds take their politics seriously. They learn the trade and they do the hard work. That’s why they are so successful and we are not.

    No more excuses for this failure. It is all our fault.

  33. Derry: Spare me. They were not “white kids”. They were cultural Marxist teenagers, and many we not white at all, but were “New Norwegians”. Their parents bare the responsibility for their deaths because they supported genocide of the Norwegian people.

  34. Wayne,
    When is a genetically white kid, not white?

    And you did not answer my question.

    “What is more effective in terms of growing our movement? Killing young white people, or persuading them to take up our cause?”

    And what of Kevin McDonald?

    Answer my questions please.


  35. Derry, I know this is hard to swallow, but the struggle for survival, let alone liberty, always always always involves blood. Read Patrick Henry. There is no voting to save us now. There was no voice AT ALL for the right in Norway….NONE. Hasn’t been for a long, long time. They were shut down by their Marxist media at very turn.
    As far as white kids, they were teens, of an age that many of our forebears went to war. Moreover, a good number were NOT white at all. Also understand, our biggest enemies are our fellow whites.
    The mess the Marxists have gotten us into we will not escape without wading through rivers of blood. Either that, or sit back and enjoy the slavery/racial extinction.

  36. joe is upset those kids of anti White, anti Norwegian parents didn’t live long enough to spawn more anti White/ anti Norwegian devils. you know, more “people” like joe

  37. Wayne,
    You are not answering my question. Why is that?

    “What is more effective in terms of growing our movement? Killing young white people, or persuading them to take up our cause?”

    It is basic mathematics. If you can’t recruit an army, you aren’t going to win any wars. Wars are won and lost, before the first shot is fired. It is all about preparation.

    As for Kevin McDonald, he was anti-white in his youth and campaigned for open borders with his university pals. Then he noticed a high percentage of chosenites leading the open border movements and he put two and two together.

    Now if some lazy knuckle head, like Breivik, had murdered Kevin McDonald, then we would have lost one of the best minds in white nationalism.

  38. K Mac is a good man, but few walk away from their upbringing and most pro-whites have never heard of him. He’s not even a blip on their radar. It’s the more overt things like how anti White the media is, getting crushed by affirmative action, typical negro behavior and crime that bring White men around

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