John Brown and Anders Breivik


My view of Anders Breivik is similar to Gov. Henry Wise of Virginia when asked about John Brown after the War Between the States: “John Brown, John Brown is a great man, sir.”

Note: Henry Wise was the arch-enemy of abolitionism in Virginia, but recognized the greatness in Brown, a moral fanatic and terrorist who was totally committed to the cause of anti-slavery.

150 years from now, Anders Breivik will be remembered as the European John Brown: bloodthirsty terrorist, crusader against the Islamization of Europe, omen of the Eurabian Civil War.

About Hunter Wallace 12411 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hunter, Breivik is nothing but a selfish psychopath with delusions of grandeur. He belongs in a padded cell, not on a pedestal.

  2. Speaking of reassesments:

    Is Lincoln going to be seen as the gravedigger of Euro-America?
    Eventually his reputation may be so hated that his statue is bamayan-ed. Give it 100 years I wouldn’t be a bit surprised.

  3. Confed, Breivik was diagnosed as fully mentally fit so how do you know better?

    The Norwegian authorities would have loved nothing more than to have passed him off as a stand alone delusional nut job, but have been unable to do so.

    It would take a brave (or something else) man to argue against that decision.

    It takes an ever braver man to second guess Hunter. I would advise caution.

  4. Some on the so-called Right heap scorn on Breivik because unlike them he walked the walked and they despise how a man of action underscores their timidity and cowardice. He didn’t limit himself to posting a billion widely unread comments on obscure blogs; thus showing them to be emasculated, impotent, feminized cowards that they deep down know they are, they lash out with envious rage pretending that their innate gutlessness is in fact some moral concern. I know and you know that you’re abject limp-weistes, lisping wimps. So at least have the decency to just shut up. You’re not fit to polish Breivik’s shoes, you lying cowards!

  5. Lincoln and Churchill killed the White Western man. They dug our graves, whether they knew it or not is irrelevant. They are the great villains of our demise.

  6. Agreed FB. Take a deep breath though bro. This ain’t over yet.

    Cannot put into words how useful and informative I have found these blogs in just the last few weeks alone FB. Don’t forget us noobs, we need this info and support.

  7. I’m merely hiding in plain site. Cometh the hour cometh the man. Breivik actually has a homogenous nation to keep. None of us do. I came pretty late to this realization.

    However, I’d say I’ve only been racist since perhaps the Emma West video. I was shocked that she could be persecuted for having a strop on a tram. The law as I knew it
    as a kid in the 1980s has been torn up.

  8. Anyone on the Right who criticizes Breivik is a piece of shit, ball-less, feminized, lying coward. If we survive as a people, it will be thanks to the Breiviks among us.

  9. AB did what he thought was best, and I believe he is 100% sincere when he said his actions where about love of his own people, nation and heritage. I’ll not second guess the mans actions. We spend to much time bitching about how this argument or person or action wasn’t perfect when none us are perfect. What counts is your out there doing things as you see best according to your abilities and talents.

    He killed his enemies, destroyed one of their resources. DWL’s don’t breed much so his actions took axe to root on the long view of things. Killing 77 hajjis is nothing to them; they breed like rats, but he took everything from his foes.

  10. Assessing tactics is what all good soldier do after a battle. You should know that. There is a specific downside to what he did, which is quite obvious.

    The results of his actions will only be known when we see how the Norwegian Progressive Party does in future elections. Or if immigration there is arrested. It’s important to remain empirical about the consequences of the massacre.
    It could easily strengthen the hand of the multicult in Norway.

  11. “FB says:
    April 19, 2012 at 3:52 pm
    I hope both fuckers rot in hell.”


    I only wish AB had beheaded that PM first. THAT would have been spectacular!!!! Zowie!!!!

  12. Anyone who hasn’t noticed by now (or is unable to do so, for whatever reasons) the screamingly obvious, that AB is a creepy loathsome megalomaniac mental case narcissistic scumbag psychopath from hell who caused the biggest damage to the right imaginable, is himself beyond redemption from evil stupidity.

  13. The hysterical denouncement of Breivik by those on the supposed white right, and the willful dishonesty regarding his motivations reminds me Rich Lowery’s and the other eunuchorn’s spineless condemnation of Derbyshire.

    They’re almost like two peas in the same metaphysical pod.


    First they came for the Holocaust Revisionists, and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a Holo Revisionist;
    Then they came for the White Nationalists, and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a White Nationalist.
    Then they came for the Paleo Conservatives, and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a Paleo Conservative
    Then they came for me, and there wasn’t no one left to speak out for me.

  15. Geez. Why would anyone ever go on a shooting spree when they leave so many avenues open for peaceful protest.

    Going to jail over words. Gotta love that FREEEEEEDOOOOOOOOMMMMMMM!!!!!

  16. Haven’t totalitarian hamfisted fucktards learned a thing from history? All this does is serve to radicalize groups further. Say what you will about J. Edgar Hoover, but at least he knew how go after his enemies without using hate speech laws.

  17. “The results of his actions will only be known when we see how the Norwegian Progressive Party does in future elections. Or if immigration there is arrested. It’s important to remain empirical about the consequences of the massacre.
    It could easily strengthen the hand of the multicult in Norway.”

    Breivik clearly stated in his hour long statement that his intent is to polarize the factions in Norway. Yes, in the short term the multicult will get more oppressive, thus exacerbating the discontent on the right and radicalizing it further.

  18. “I only wish AB had beheaded that PM first. THAT would have been spectacular!!!! Zowie!!!!”

    I think I’m in love with you.

  19. “I think I’m in love with you.”

    Crushing on Denise.

    #7 in the twelve steps to overcoming one’s anti-racism.

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