Matthew Owens Beating: Arrests Expected Today


Some of the suspects have been identified. Arrests expected today.

Update: Second male eyewitness heard “this is justice for Trayvon” and heard racial slurs used by the mob.

Note: As soon as names are released, we are going to pounce on their social media profiles. CofCC notes that Mobile has a black mayor. The chief of police is also black. Naturally, it is not a “hate crime.”

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I’m sure their profiles will be illuminating to say the least, probably shining examples of human intellect and insight.

  2. Black people acting black is the rock on which BRA will split.

    “A year ago now, it was becoming obvious that black people were going to play the starring role in the eventual downfall of the BRA system. . . .

    It was a strategic decision to put black people in the spotlight. I would say after the Trayvon Martin affair that one day the actions of black people are going to prove to be the knell of the present historical epoch.”

  3. Second male witness heard “This is justice for Trayvon.”

    Tensions leading to beating of Mobile man had been brewing awhile, neighbors say

    One of Parker’s neighbors, who asked not to be identified for fear of retaliation, said he was watching a movie with his family when he hard the confrontation. The neighbor, a white man who drive a limousine part time, said several of the black residents were shouting racial slurs.

    He said one of the assailants shouted, “This is justice for Trayvon,” an apparent reference to the unharmed black teenager in Florida whose shooting death at the hands of a Hispanic neighborhood watch volunteer sparked a racial fury

  4. According to the article it sounds like the neighborhood residents are scared s***less. The single older white lady, Marsha Skipper, is blaming Owens. She doesn’t want it to turn into a “racial” issue, i.e., she’s seen what they did to poor Owens and she doesn’t want them coming after her. The only witness the article cites wants to remain anonymous. After all, if and when the blacks who did this are arrested, they’re going to start whining and complaining to the media. The local version of Quanell X (black muslim leader) will probably appear on the scene on their behalf.

    Why does it seem like many of these hate crime attacks, like this and the one in St. Louis, involve lower status white guys down on their luck, so to speak? He’s an out of work auto mechanic who gets into confrontations with people (drinking could be involved).

    The folks on the front lines of this racial war are the non-affluent, working class whites. If those of us who are a bit more fortunate don’t stand up for them we’re going to regret it.

  5. You could probably get names of the entire street if you dig enough.
    This sounds like 21st century YT is ready to roll.

    This is what the MNetropolitan Police did with the rioter. Two weeks of warrants issued at the point of a gun, taser or truncheon.

  6. My friends sister moved to UCity in St Louis. The niggers there broke in three times.
    Stole the Boxer dog, another time a Lap Top, next a Plasma Screen TV.

    They also threw poo over the fence and stole lawn mower.

    They moved out quickly.

    Same thing was happening to this guy.

  7. Some one needs to go to that town and “VOTE” the niggers out – PERMANENTLY! This Shit won’t fly for much longer!

    The Klan was Right, the nigger is JUST WRONG!

    Niggers – what are they good for? Absolutely Nothing

  8. Will be waiting for the arrest announcements as well. Anxious to hear.

    I agree with Saiie’s comment: it’s the working class whites who are affected mostly by these type of crimes. When I watched the video of the 2001 Cincinnati race riot videos, I saw many examples of this in the victims. These are people who can’t afford to move, or have to work there. It’s sad. I fear for these people, I really do.

  9. Perhaps some sort of Freikorps ought to be organized. We are witnessing a delegitimzed state unfold. Massive scale anarchy cannot be far off. It’s already here
    in many ways. The Brazilianization of America continues apace.

  10. Whatever else this attack does it’s going to help destroy property values in that areas.

    How could any white living among the savages take themselves seriously if they remain behind?

    Drop a CBU on them.

  11. I HOPE AND PRAY THE WHITE PPL START A F…… RIOT, BY ALL MEANS THAT IS ALL THE BLACKS WOULD DO.. ALL WE HEARD ABOUT IS TRAYVON MARTIN ON EVERY DAMN NEWS STATION, HAVENT HEARD ONE THING TIL TODAY CAME ACROSS IT BY CHANCE.. I am sure that this will somehow come back to be Matthew Owens fault, considering he is white, all the bad (if any at all) will come to light that is all the media will focus on.. Where are the marches, the rallys and so forth? We (you know us whites whom have it made and always have, like every white person left on earth owned a slaves a fews back) should march and rally just like the African Americans> This is BS and should have WAY more media attention! America is going the wrong way, AND A BIG FYI TO ALL YOU AFRICAN AMERICANS SHUT UP GET OVER IT SLAVERY ENDED YEARS AGO AND YOU HAVE EQUAL RIGHTS!!! CAUCASIANS ARE NOW THE MINORITY. CANT SAY NEGRO, BUT HELL IF YOU DECLINE TO DONATE TO ‘THE NEGRO COLLEGE FUND’

  12. Amy,

    That was a riot. The niggers started it. Noone jumped in to help Owens. Not even his fckn family. If one or two whites had jumped in it would have been the kickoff.

  13. “The folks on the front lines of this racial war are the non-affluent, working class whites. If those of us who are a bit more fortunate don’t stand up for them we’re going to regret it.”

    The biggest lie ever told was when they convinced whites that segregation was the brain-child of rich whites trying to sow divisions between the races and keep from having to live around blacks. Why would rich whites need segregation? It’s not like they need it today, and they certainly didn’t need it then. Segregation has always been for and by the working class white man, it was the only way for him to raise his family in an environment absent this sort of thing.

  14. “

    Video of neighbor’s ebonics rant about Mr. Owens. News reporter doesn’t even turn around to talk to her.

    I love the knowing smirk from the reporter. The comments below are pretty great too.

  15. Lily! Whoops! You posted that viddy first. Sorry!

    FYI – it’s going everywhere now. Dang. I’m gona be forced back to Joobook. Gotta comment.

    “Howjoo lak it eef yo keeds be callt NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGas all dey long?”

    Well – lady – it’s all about calling a spade a spade.

  16. I see, as I have seen all my life, the indescribable sub-human mentality of the female negro in the video and it is nothing more than a recurring nightmare.

    Observe the reaction of the White camera crew to this revolting sub-humanoid who in typical black depraved fashion will not – cannot stop her deranged rant.

    The Whites try waiting her out. This never works. Even they then catch-on and placate the rabid beast with an offer to talk to her down the street near her Suburban. Can an idiot (not merely an epithet) like her in a non-BRA society really come into possession of such a valuable item (add to her excruciatingly low mentality her beastial behavior)? No answer necessary.

    The White female is stuck. She is simply in a completely dysfunctional world at this point – the world of the black mind and behavior. She is non-plussed, frustrated and helpless. The feral creature has to be dealt with as one would deal with a dog by way of offering a snack.

    A great encapsulation of the impossibility of Whites functioning in a black world. They can accomplish nothing until they are separated from the negro. They encourage her with a bribe to go away. Is this how Whites should really deal with blacks? It is how they have dealt with them with increasing “care” for 50 years now and our national house is dilapidated and beginning to fall apart as a result.

    By the way. I wonder if the two White newsies will still vote for BO in November? I give you 3 to 1 odds they will. There is none so blind as they who will not see.

  17. Harry O – I loved that video. The Presenterette is smirking. They are waiting the Sheboon out. They wait for her rant to end.

    The smirking is all. It’s wonderful. She’s tossing her blond tresses, and smirking at the camera man.

    The BRA is ending.

  18. Blondie should have Twisted round and yelled/said:

    “wot choo gunna doo? beat me too! We have you on camera with that dumbass.”

  19. The morbidly Obese one was funny. Disgusting pig siddled in and siddled out. If i were a cop I’d arrest that loud mouth. She’s clearly one of the attackers.

  20. The biggest lie ever told was when they convinced whites that segregation was the brain-child of rich whites trying to sow divisions between the races and keep from having to live around blacks. Why would rich whites need segregation? It’s not like they need it today, and they certainly didn’t need it then. Segregation has always been for and by the working class white man, it was the only way for him to raise his family in an environment absent this sort of thing.

    I disagree.

    Segregation was the gov’t trampling Freedom of Association in the name of…
    Integration is the gov’t trampling Freedom of Association in the name of…

    The common factor is the gov’t trampling Freedom of Association and grabbing power in the name of…

    Otherwise, they would’ve just made some laws making Freedom of Association explicit, and White people could have had their own neighborhoods, all by themselves. Instead, they made laws trampling Freedom of Association (including restrictive covenants). Segregation is not necessary for Freedom of Association, but it is necessary for a power-grab in the name of…

  21. “Howjoo lak it eef yo keeds be callt NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGas all dey long?”

    Me: well, it depends on whether they were niggers or not, I suppose.”

    Heard a joke the other day:

    Mexican walks into a bar, says to the bartender, “gimme a beer, you black bastard.” Bartender says, “now, is that any way to talk to somebody? How would you like it if I came into your bar and talked to you like that? Here, you come back here and tend bar, and I’ll be a customer, and we’ll see how you like it. So, they switch places. Black guy says, “gimme a beer, you Mexican bastard.”

    Mexican says, “we don’t serve niggers here.”

  22. “I would say after the Trayvon Martin affair that one day the actions of black people are going to prove to be the knell of the present historical epoch.”

    One day? Hunter, that day is NOW.

    “I hope the White residents go full on Klan”- Denise
    Clearly, only a moral race (one that values honor, restitution, and punishment without revenge, but true Christian justice- which can and DOES include the death penalty) can restore order to an immoral one.

    “Why does it seem like many of these hate crime attacks, like this and the one in St. Louis, involve lower status white guys down on their luck, so to speak? He’s an out of work auto mechanic who gets into confrontations with people (drinking could be involved).” – Sallie

    Sallie, that’s presumptive. Do you know how much an HOUR mechanics get? Somewhere between $60-90 an hour. No, the problem here is the Nigger. As I’ve said, ‘The rich can always afford their own Apartheid.” The ENTIRE concept of Suburbs, White Flight, ‘good schools’ etc, is PREDICATED on this fallacy- that there is a place where Whites (who loathe confrontation, and will only engage in it as a last resort) can ‘flee’ to ‘leave the Negroes in peace.’ Banks, Real Estate Agents, School Districts, Car Dealers, Bus Companies, ALL are ‘in on the take’ with this charade, that didn’t start UNTIL ‘Brown v. Board.’ This man is a White Man who either cannot, or did not care to ‘flee’ and it was only the ‘MOB MENTALITY’ so typical of Blacks that caused this flare-up… aided (always) by the “Jewsmedia” fanning the flames of ‘Don’t look at this little rebbe over here, (you goyim, you). Look at the schwartzes cominguh into OUR neighborhood- oy! (Muriel, give me the numbah for the NAACP- I’ve got to organize the ‘behemah’ for a little ‘King David’ action- nu!”)

    “the “kids” weren’t playing basketball at all! They were going onto porches and stealing things and looking around yards, etc for stuff to steal. When they were spotted taking something off a porch, that’s when Matthew approached them and told them to go home. Wow.” – Lily

    There you are. IRREDEEMABLE. Predestined slaves and chattel. Nothing more to be hoped for. Even the best of them, is the worst of them (Barack).

  23. “Segregation has always been for and by the working class white man, it was the only way for him to raise his family in an environment absent this sort of thing.”

    Ding, Ding, DING! Give this man a PRIZE! YES.

    My late parents worked and SLAVED to keep us (well, me) out of the ‘approaching ghetto’ while I was growing up, I now realize that. Yet my relatives’ kids- my first cousins (even after my mom practically made their parents ‘move to the suburbs’ in the 1970’s) moved back to the ‘old neighborhood’ in No. Mpls, where they lived, worked, and raised their OWN kids (for a while) in that same ‘hellhole known as racial diversity.’ Don’t tell ME that Public School Education (indoctrination) and Democractic politics aren’t the MAIN CAUSE of Terminal White Stupidity on Matters Pertaining to Race!

    Public Education is the CAUSE of it.

  24. “wot choo gunna doo? beat me too! We have you on camera with that dumbass.”

    The proper answer is to take several steps backwards/away from suspect, pull out taser (keeping it pointed at ground) and announce, “I believe your behavior indicates an imminent assault. I have a taser. It carries a charge of x and if you approach me or otherwise threaten me, I may be forced to use it on you. I also have a [name of firearm here], and will not hesitate to deploy it, should my taser prove insufficient.”

    That’s if you’re feeling nice. If not, skip the taser part.

    If not so equipped, one should not be in such a neighborhood.

  25. Private police academies. I assume there is no such thing. Why not? There should be a way to learn basic police skills without working for the government.

  26. Denise said: “BRA is ending.”

    A grand hope Denise. I wistfully share it.

    An interpretation is afoot here that the Glenn Becks, Limbaughs – you know the usual suspects are creeping closer to a racialist narrative, or I should say they are indirectly escorting Whites in that direction.

    Again, I hope this view is accurate. My instincts tell me that all these hollow men (and women) are serving more to nullify the otherwise rational reactions of Whites to the increasing breakout of black feral behavior.

    The ploy is to report and deplore the violence but then to solemnly warn their audience that above all anti-racism is foundational to all true good. Whites bow their heads, chastize themselves for any stirrings of racial sentiment and lapse into yielding to the moral government of BRA.

    The Becks, et. al. May be more of an obstacle to an awakening than an aid to it. And all the high profile faux conservatives fit the same profile regardless of style or personality. It seems to me that only by turning away from these taboo preservers and seeking EXPLICITLY racialist dialogue and information do people finally escape their thrall from BRA mind-control and doublespeak.

    Indeed, some do this but but it comes slowly and arduously and in remnant-like fashion. More Buchanans are badly needed but as we see he has been ajudged invalid finally by Big Brother. Time will tell how muted he ultimately becomes.

    When high-visibility EXPLICITNESS finally begins to arrive then we know things are TRULY and radically turning around. This will be proof of the power of the net.

  27. But I was thinking of one of those tasers that fires darts, so I guess in that case it should be taser/baton, then mace/baton, then firearm.

  28. What’s with niggers & stealing dogs? What kind of low down piece of shit steals a dog. Niggers stole my sister’s dog years back, got it back by offering a $50 reward.

    Who the fuck steals some poor kid’s dog? That’s flat-out orc shit right there.

  29. Harry O – when I wrote that the BRA is ending – I meant that the whole shebang is cracking due to [it]s own weight, and lunacy. The BRA is usustainable, all on it’s own.

    I don’t mean to imply that the White Race is going to rise and soar like a glorious alabaster satiny shimmering Phoenix.

    Nah. Not at all.

    Whites have realy screwed ourselves. 50-50 at best. We just have to wait it out, and pick up the pieces of what’s left, if we simply manage to survive. There’s been a lot of dygenesis. We seem, overall, to be more eager to suicide ourselves, than anything else. I have no idea if our Race will make it through to “the other side”. The Yids may just inherit the Earth. Dunno.

    Nah – it’s just the BRA cannot survive without White support – and Whites are disappearing. We MAY triumph in the end – but we wil wade through absoute horror, and oceans of blood, before we do. The coming decades are gonna be God Awful. Oh well. Settle in for the ride.

  30. “Segregation was the gov’t trampling Freedom of Association in the name of…
    Integration is the gov’t trampling Freedom of Association in the name of…”

    Segregation was done at the local level, by means of restrictive covenants among other things. People were not forced into such arrangements. No one was denied freedom of association by them. By contrast, integration came down from the federal government, with federal troops enforcing policy. Bussing ended only when whites moved too damned far away from black schools to make it work for example, otherwise our government would still be doing it to us. The two are not comparable.

  31. you can also goggle private police academy if your looking for more LEO type training. Going to a police academy doesn’t require becoming a cop or being one in the 1st place

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