Glenn Beck on Matthew Owens


Glenn Beck has come a long way since his days at FOX News:

Note: OD was criticized at the time for noticing Beck’s trajectory in Glenn Beck: Restoring Honor and Implicit White Nationalism and The Puppet Master: Glenn Beck on ZOG. In spite of the MLK claptrap, Beck has been moving his audience closer to our camp.

It is also worth noting that Glenn Beck has enjoyed a lot of success with his GBTV program. Beck’s accomplishment hasn’t gotten the attention it deserves in racialist circles. Could we do something like that?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Monday morning he started fawning over Abraham Lincoln, insisting we need leadership like Abe’s, so I turned him off. The guy may have some redeeming qualities, maybe he’s not too far gone(Black Founding Fathers, MLK worship?), he just rubs me the wrong way.

  2. Isn’t he pro Israeli though?

    I admire the Nationalism of the Israelis and sort of despise the liberalism of diaspora Jews. Wouldn’t say that is pro Israeli though. Grudging respect maybe. I don’t even mind the 3 billion weapons subsidy.

    However, if Antisemetism is a sort of default European state of mind or a social correction (Romanticism, Nationalism) the Diaspora really only has itself to blame this time.

    They could have fucked off to Israel. No big bad Xtians and Nazis there mein lieblings.

  3. The Lincoln fetish really annoys me in general. He might have been the biggest villain in all European and Euro-American history. Some of you lot like Hitler (but I see him as very much a Lincoln), however Both Lincoln and Hitler loosened the grip of the Western powers over blacks. We were quite busy being superior beings in Africa or over Africans before Lincoln and Hitler respectively bankrupted us.

  4. I checked out the comments…I was almost proud of the commenters over at kosherrepublic until I saw these…

    Holy f*ck. That was proto-Stormfront action over there. Awesome.

  5. Now that Beck has mentioned it, I’d like to see Limbaugh, Hannity and O’Reilly mention it too. This beating incident shows how Faux News and the high-visibility conservative pundits are helpful to the White right (unintentionally of course). They get the basic facts out to huge audiences, facts that would never see the light of day in NFTRM (non-Fox/talkradio media). Of course, they never fail to dilute the facts with references to MLK, racial platitudes, and bromides about the “party of Lincoln,” but at least they get them out.

    Fox is important for another reason, too. Fox swings a big hammer in terms of being able to get access people if they decide they want to. If this black mayor and black chief decide not to file hate crime charges, they will have a harder time ignoring calls from Fox News demanding an explanation that they would ignoring calls from ordinary citizens like us.

  6. Just watched the vid … it’s a step in the right direction, pointing out the preponderance of black on White crime, just wish he didn’t apologize for it by showing us lynched blacks from a bygone era.

  7. Anyway, this Beck video … it is about the best thing he has done since The Puppetmaster. We should encourage Beck to do more stuff like this. His audience is moving in our direction.

    The “War Against White People” stories are always the most popular news stories on The Blaze.

  8. Links to OD are commonly posted at The Blaze in the comments. I would like to encourage our readers to post links there and elsewhere. That more than anything else draws new readers.

  9. I’m partly Irish. I’ve had people in my extended family executed in extrajudicial abuses of power. I don’t know them, so it’s not particularly a big deal. I find the dumb black Identification with this Lynching stuff to be be a sign of retardation. I don’t go up to Germans and demand they rehouse me because my grandparents house was bombed or what have you.

    These blacks are more like psychologically fragile children if they really belive this hysterical guff about lynchings. They know 1/3 of their own young men are not fit to live. My god, they have to live with the depredations of their own young men. They know why whites would administer swift justice. Those crackers were actually fed up with repeated assaults, rapes, murders. It’s was a last resort with known brutes.

  10. Mighty—I loved it up until that crap started. The underlying message was like some feeble apology for daring to report on these hideous crimes against Whites……some sorta shout out to his black supporters that ” we know you suffered too” !!

    Blech…took all the goodness out of it for me.

    Having said all that, Glenn will always be on my gratitude list for his work on Black Liberation Theology and his reports on Obama’s background leading up to the last election. He really did open my eyes to a LOT of stuff that put me on the right road racially (eventually).

    And YES I think you could do an awesome Internet-Show Hunter 🙂

  11. Just read that GBTV is featuring the attack tonight. I still listen to Beck’s radio show. I don’t agree with his MLK worship and some other things, but I believe he has a good heart and cares about this country. He has talked about the possibility of race-based violence and has warned people about it.

  12. Beck rubs me the wrong way too. And his feminine appearance is disturbing. He’s definitely a man of the Dark Age. I don’t see him as being a product of the Age of Survival or able to carry many into of his mostly older audience into our age. The types he appeals to worship the flag and Lincoln, think MLK was a good man whose message has been hijacked by the likes of Sharpton, worry about the future of Israel as a Jewish nation, etc. He will make moves in our direction every once in a while but I see him as something very different from us. Of course, as the culture changes and the Age of Survival takes hold, he will be forced to adopt in order to keep viewers.

  13. I’m willing to accept Beck’s MLK and other blather in return for having someone with his disseminating the essential and most important facts to people outside our own circles: a Black mob almost beat a white man to death while shouting “justice for Trayvon,” and the media is covering it up. DWL and Jews hate Beck, Drudge, etc. for this exact reason. They report on things that DWLs and Jews simply do not want people to know about, because they’re terrified of the impact the information might have.

  14. Rule of thumb re Glenn Beck:

    The website and the radio show are somewhat more sane than TV or live appearances.

    The former two are indicative of a fairly serviceable (but far from perfect) commentator, and the latter two are indicative of a Jimmy Swaggart-style hustler.

  15. He is the only one, besides me, that I know of, to call the Matthew Owen case a lynching, or at least an attempted lynching.

  16. “He really did open my eyes to a LOT of stuff that put me on the right road racially (eventually).”

    In a way, me too. The day after Obama was elected, I was immediately turned on to Rush and Hannity. I was looking for answers of some sort and CNN was too busy masturbating to Obama. I wasn’t racially aware at the time, but I had good racial instincts. I called the NAACP and told them black people no longer needed a crutch.

    Anyway, in short, FOX left much desired after about a year and a half. I wanted to know more about White people, so I google searched “KKK”. Eventually, I found Metzger’s site(at the time his site was a Godsend. I never heard pro-White advocacy before … it was music to my ears), then OD and SBPDL.

    Then I discovered and read Culture of Critique and for the first time, I could see.

  17. Read “Black Athena”. Then you will see how they plan to take away everything.

    Martin Bernal is fowl.

  18. Only difference between MLK and Jessie/Al is MLK is dead.

    Glenn cannot be so stupid to not know this, so he either exists in a weird cognitive dissonance realm, or the MLK stuff is just window dressing.

  19. Has anyone said to a liberal’s face:

    “Civil rights was a confidence trick perpetrated by Martin Luther King.” ?

    It strikes them dead. The look of mortification on the face is priceless. It’s a very efficient way to cheese off DWL.

  20. PP said it perfectly, on all points. Beck goes the way he thinks the wind is blowing while presenting himself as a renegade. On the few occasions he goes our way he’s worrying about his image as a renegade. Most of the time he plays it safe. I mean, come on, what intelligent being doesn’t know by now what the Jews are pulling, or what a scam the saint MLK thing is? Beck may be a lot of things but he’s not that stupid.

  21. Can we be honest? Glen Beck is, at base, a neocon.

    I’m surprised he has tipped anyone over the edge. Everyone I know who listens to him remains trapped in Douchey Jooland. I’m glad he has led some to see the light.

    Beck rubs me the wrong way. I have no idea what his base principles are. Kind of like Romney. Must be a Mormon thing.

  22. Beck and the other NeoCohen clowns are simply catching the scent in the wind. The shifting breeze….they may have finally gfigured out that Niggers aren’t going to keep them in their cushy gigs.

    Hey! Has any-one kept tabs on Massa Simpson’s, and that other oil-drilling girly man from MA, on their thoughts n’ feelings in the shifting public opinion re: their beloved Dark Pets?

    Some-one needs to taunt Massa Simpson.

  23. I think Beck has to make concessions to the kosher programming of the sheeple – most of whom have have been clamped into the mind forged manacles since the public school – aged 6 yrs.

    Also the ‘no talk’ cordon sanitaire for the goyim around America’s most cohesive, powerful and wealthy ethnic group is an important part of that programming. Anything overtly critical of the Master Race is not going to play well to the grazers.

    So I think Beck may have to be very careful how he opens up certain subjects.

    Shoah remembrance day is always a good one for giving the sheeple ideas, especially survivor narratives. My personal favourite is ‘Jews who run with the wolves’.

    I assume the official liturgy observed by synagogue/state would be the equivalent of a colonic irrigation for the readers of OD, but for the those who are still grazing in the round-up ready gmo pastures of tv land – the astute presenter could slip in some reality based programming. But would he? Does he?

    For those who can handle the steak and potatoes here is a good comment on the unity synagogue and state.

    “Penatagon’s Yom HaShoah ‘Holocaust’ Liturgy for 2012”. Scroll down on Maurice Pinay’s Monday April 23, 2012 post.

  24. Well, GB certainly made a concession at the end of that video, showing us a picture book of Negroes receiving Aryan justice. Maybe someone can better explain to me this type of propaganda, because I’m sure it wasn’t by accident that a picture of “Honest” Abe seemed to be looking at the video of the feral Negros during his monologue.

  25. Beck lives in a really big, nice house because he’s a pro at appealing to ‘red-blooded’ White proles. Currently, the proles are interested in “The War On White People.” It’s about time!

  26. Hunter – your Alabama Color of Crime and Color of EBT stats has just provided a matchless educational opportunity.

    You are THE best.


  27. Read “Black Athena”. Then you will see how they plan to take away everything….

    had never heard of that one. amazing.

  28. Lynda, great comment and link. Whenever I see goyim dancing for the Jews like that I always picture a bunch of old Jews in yarmulkas smoking cigars and drinking whiskey and watching the show on closed-circuit television, laughing their asses off. They are playing us like fiddles.

  29. Oh – a TP guy I enlightened is now mailing around Holohoax data to the group.

    We gotta work on the ground level. Crumble the foundation of ZOG.

  30. Lynda ,

    Thanks for that site. It shall be forwarded.

    I couldn’t get through the liturd-gy. Too sickening. But great info.

  31. Beck thinks he’s the Mormon Father Conklin.

    He’s not even close. Other than that, he has his moments …

  32. “the Mormon Father Conklin”

    No, you mean Coughlin. Father Coughlin.

    Not that I agree or approve the guy, but do try to get at least your spelling straight. It’s like that idiot over at SBPDL, rattling on about the imposition of “Marshall” law. Wot, d’ye mean like the Marshall plan mate?

    This whole damn culture needs to grow up, and FAST.

  33. Just saw that video of the ranting black in Mobile standing behind the journalist.

    “HaH choo lyk eet eef yoo keids bee cahl neeger.”

    now, imagine how much more inarticulate her children are. Multiply the sgression by 10. Poor old Owens what he must have put up with!

  34. Seems like this is not being treated as a hate crime. Good. Even though it is a firm of ethnic cleansing. Even though it is a scene straight out of “Louis Theroux Law and Disorder Johannesburg”.

    This sort of mob violence directed by blacks is exactly why segregation existed. Whites were literally scared about the naked aggression and physical viciousness of blacks. It’s all perfectly clear once you realize coexistence simply means we sacrifice our working class to these beasts.

  35. “However, if Antisemetism is a sort of default European state of mind or a social correction (Romanticism, Nationalism) the Diaspora really only has itself to blame this time.”

    John- Those who (and I am quoting from the Bible, now) ‘say they are Jews, and are NOT’ [Rev. 2:8,9] have been pretending to be the ‘Chosen People’ for over 20 CENTURIES already.

    The “transfer of Conditional privilege” (a quote used as a subtitle in the late Charles Provan’s book, ‘The Church is Israel now’- great book, btw) is the TRUTH when it comes to ANY discussion of the [sic] ‘Jews.’

    Add to that three ‘Jewish’ authors (Benjamin Freedman in the 1950’s, Arthur Koestler in the 1970’s, and Schlomo Sand today) who state, and stated that THEIR PEOPLE- ‘Jews’ are NOT ‘Semites’ and NEVER WERE, and you have just decimated the ‘charge’ of ‘anti-semitism.’

    The only VALID ‘Semites’ are those who are of the Family from where their predecessor came from- Shem, one of the three brothers of Noah. As Japeth is considered the father of Europeans, and Adamic humanity in the Bible is clearly ‘racial mixing’ exclusive, that would make Shem- the father of ‘Semites’ – WHITE.

    Not swarthy, like the Neanderthalic, Khazarian imposters known to the world as ‘jews’ today. No, not even Palestinians, nor Arabs. Only the family of Noah (who was ‘perfect in his generations’ -i.e., did not racially fornicate like Esau and Cain, and all of THEIR spawn) can be considered the ‘family of Shem’ today. That’s you and I, buddyroe. And no others.

  36. Well, hello Lynda- everyone’s favorite non-American (she’s Aussie) sedevacantist RC trolling (bizarrely) on implicit protestant (biblicist) American nationalist sites, to score brownie points for catholi-schism- the Whore of Babylon of the NWO!

    (For those of you who do NOT know, I am NOT a Roman priest.)

    “No, you mean Coughlin. Father Coughlin.”

    Gee, I thought I was working up to wearing the mantle of that man, who was Catholic, back when catholic (universally-held belief) meant something…. sigh.

    Looks like Beck is going to be on the next ‘Council of Twelve’ in SLC- if they have any brains in Mormon Utah…..

  37. Beck just talked about Owens this morning again, and the fact that the mainstream media is underreporting the story, and not reporting it as a hate crime.

  38. Excellent video up until the “without sanctuary” business. GB is really a proposition nation enthusiast. He really believes “all men are created equal” with the big picture of Lincoln in the background to back it up. He really believes there is a White man living under the black skin just waiting to come out, a.k.a, “colorblind conservatism”. He wants his audience to believe it too and I suspect that most of them do. This is the basis for professional “anti-racism” which is a code word for anti-White.

    I know. I used to believe the same thing before I was enlightened into race realism; before I realized anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

    IMO “colorblind conservatism” is our biggest hurdle and once cleared it will be over for the anti-Whites. Ironically, their pet blacks are helping to achieve that goal as we speak.

  39. “John says:
    April 25, 2012 at 10:47 am
    Just saw that video of the ranting black in Mobile standing behind the journalist.

    “HaH choo lyk eet eef yoo keids bee cahl neeger.”

    now, imagine how much more inarticulate her children are. Multiply the sgression by 10. Poor old Owens what he must have put up with!”

    John – I’m sending that video out to every-one. It’s perfect.

    Re: the neeger keeds – well Sheboon – sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. I’m sure the denizens of that street reverted to the mean African IQ generations ago.

  40. If he reads Wilmot Robertson, Fr. John will find the author of ‘The Dispossesed Majority’ acknowledged that there is a popular view of race, a biological view of race and a mystical view of race.

    So it doesn’t matter nearly as much as Fr. John believes whether Wesley Swift or other British Israelite/Identity teachers or Lynda or Charles Murray etc. qualify as
    the ultimate “Deciders” on the issue, to quote the buffoon George W Bush.

  41. Glenn Beck is a pillar of kick arse. Not too much good stuff on the old idiot box any more unfortunately. Go Celts.

  42. I just went to, a site that basically falls into the Beck/Breitbart/Mainstream conservative camp, as opposed to the occidental/ Amren side of the house. They had a post celebrating Israel’s birthday, blathering about how wonderful and glorious it was for freedom, Christians, etc. that Israel was flourishing.

    I posted a snip of Kevin Macdonald putting holes in the weak arguments of Christian evangelicals who figuratively (and sometimes literally) have allowed themselves to be used as human shields and pack animals for their more clever masters.

    I was excoriated pretty damn quickly as, among many things, a member of OWS. They cited their ‘bable paysages” to me like automatons and basically plugged their fingers in their ears and hummed platitudes until I gave up and left them to their little neocon party. I’m not sure these people can be won back to sanity.

  43. Then I discovered and read Culture of Critique and for the first time, I could see.

    Goddamn son, that reminds me of the scene in Buckaroo Banzai, where they whip out “Declaration of War (the short form).” You didn’t waste any time, did you?

  44. Shoah remembrance day is always a good one for giving the sheeple ideas, especially survivor narratives. My personal favourite is ‘Jews who run with the wolves’.

    Every survival story involves at least one miracle. Usually more than one. I think we should start publishing Shoah books, too. You know, nice, simple ones that just report the “eye witness reports” that make the orthodox priests of the Shoah uncomfortable. With no commentary, just some chapters in the back about the state of the art research into the reliability of “eye witness testimony” and the myths that grow out of them.

  45. The Lincoln fetish really annoys me in general. He might have been the biggest villain in all European and Euro-American history. Some of you lot like Hitler (but I see him as very much a Lincoln), however Both Lincoln and Hitler loosened the grip of the Western powers over blacks. We were quite busy being superior beings in Africa or over Africans before Lincoln and Hitler respectively bankrupted us.

    We’d be better off today if Hitler had won. We’d be better off today if Lincoln had lost.

    I don’t think I can put it any more succinctly than that.

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