About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Forgive me but Negroes and irony mix like water and electricity. They (and many young white pop culture zombies) are going to hear the thunderous clapping beat and the auto-tuned Obama, and will find their faith in black Jesus renewed by this ad. Also, as a postscript let me add that Karl Rove is the biggest piece of shit neocon in the history of ‘the stupid party.’

  2. A slightly earlier juxtapostion of negative data might improve it slightly.

    However it is a excellent way to attack his blackness. They must do this.
    The only thing I’m glum about is that Rove is from the neocon school.

    I undestand Russert (Minor) played 2/3’s of the ad and misrepresented it by cutting off the data and text.

    Quite funny overall. I think it suggests that the GOP are willing to call out the black factor this time.

    McCain really didn’t know how to deal with a Magic Nigger. Romney had analysed the problem.

  3. The ad basically says Obama=Kanye. But only white people will get it, that is, the 60%-70% of white people who hated Kanye for what he did to that pretty little blonde country star.

    The ad isn’t meant for niggers.

  4. Romney isn’t going to even bother with blacks this election. He’ll do some hispandering, but no candid shots with cute niglets or black preachers for Romney. He knows it’s a waste of time. Any blacks that would vote for a white man, are already in his boat. The other 95% will automatically vote for the HNIC.

  5. “Hirschibold says:
    April 27, 2012 at 9:53 pm
    Forgive me but Negroes and irony mix like water and electricity.”

    I shall purloin that line.

  6. “McCain really didn’t know how to deal with a Magic Nigger.”

    He knew. He was simply too chickenshit to do it.

  7. John said: I undestand Russert (Minor) played 2/3?s of the ad and misrepresented it by cutting off the data and text.

    And don’t think some enterprising inner-city nigger working for a TV station won’t make a copy with the end cut off or intentionally roll it late so the end gets cut off on purpose.

    Agree with maxsnafu that McCain was a pathetic ball-less candidate.

    On another note: Watching WoF right now. White woman wins a boat on her first run, black woman looking pissed. Black woman wins 90% of a boat on her turn. White woman wins a little money and a trip on the next round. black woman looks like her head is going to spin around. Trip is to Jamaica ….. camera not on the negress any more. When camera gets back, black woman is looking at somebody in the audience for the okay to chimp out on the White woman. White woman wins the next round. Next round, White woman goes bankrupt negress can’t even generate a smile even though she now gets to spin. White man wins. black woman smiles because it wasn’t the White woman. White man wins again, black woman smiles, it wasn’t that White woman. black woman high fives White man. but negress has to bite lip and cheek when she looks over at White woman. Time for the bonus round. negress goes home. White woman loses bonus round. negress surely grinning in the back room.

  8. Karl Rove and Jorge W. Bush: enemies of their country, enemies of their people, destroyers of America.

    And why? I can’t even find a coherent motive. Either stupid and evil for no very good reason, just for the heck of it, or else stupid and hypnotized by YKW.

    Any other plausible theories?

    Well I suppose maybe it’s that they’re baby boomers, a cohort fated to pillage and ruin all they touch, a cohort fated to scream and plead in Hell.

    So they got that goin’ for them.

  9. YKW doesn’t need to “hypnotize” the Bush’s, Roves, and the rest of the political class; big money plus big media buys them off and fences them in. As to the sheeple, yeah, there’s quite some distractive hypnosis going on…Whites sucking on beer cans and watching oversized Congoids do kid things with sticks and balls, while their country is hijacked and destroyed by the kosher mafia.

  10. Romney would do well by not pandering to negros; but he’s going to. Not in attempt to get the negro vote, he’ll do it to as an attempt to prove to the undecided that he’s not racist

  11. He’s got a homo spokesperson and I’ve heard he might pick Condi Rice as VP. I see every indication he’s going full retard on this one.

  12. If Romney wants to lose he will pick condeleezzza. If he picks her, it’s a clear sign he’s not serious about winning.

  13. Its not Romney’s job to tackle the race issue, that will be brought to him, in what might be the biggest nigger lynch mob in history, Romney = Zimmerman x 2. The vermin elite want us to tackle the disrespectful work of handling the blacks, as usual.

    Anyway in this country we have literally elected a president who is the head of a lynch mob, there is opportunity here folks.

  14. “Gee shucks I’m the whitest guy ever, that’s what _____ some liberal journalist called

    might be a winning line.

  15. Romney is going to pick Paul Ryan as his VP; it’s quite obvious. Who said he was going to pick Rice?

  16. Paul Ryan would be a great pick. Wisconsin has never had anyone in the WH, and it’s a big swing state, so Wisconsinites might be enough star-struck to swing his way for it. In particular, what makes you think he’ll pick Paul Ryan?

  17. Per condi, I would think Romney would be smart enough to avoid anyone with even the slightest Bush taint.

  18. The Rice idea is out there. The point being to shore up the ticket’s foreign affairs gravitas.

    Romney will do or say anything to be President. He is monomaniacal. Taking America as it sits, where 95+% still believe in the multicult dream, can you really say it’s a bad idea? Can you see an intelligent professional campaign advisor telling Romney it’s a bad idea? Don’t you instead seeing Romney’s advisors telling him instead to do anything possible to downplay the implicit racial angle? That racial politics is a big negative in the mainstream conservative camp? That most conservatives are scared to death of being considered racist and will vote for Obama if they feel they are being racist voting for Romney?

    Romney wants to be President. He doesn’t give a shit about what you or I think. He cares about what the other 90% who can get him elected think. Think of what Condi would do for the average conservative voter? They could vote for the white guy and still assuage their racial guilt. Condi isn’t only a possibility, in the real world (where probably less than 1% could stomach what is discussed on this site), it’s not a bad idea.

  19. I just see the Bush baggage of Condi outweighing any positives due to assuaging the racial guilt of moderates.

  20. I’m not aware of any mainstream Republicans acknowledging any such “Bush baggage”. It is one of the most frustrating elements of dealing with the mainstream — their fundamental inability to see what Bush did to the Party and to the Country. For them it’s full steam ahead, and I don’t see Romney disagreeing. And whether it’s Romney’s general personality or his advisors’ ideas, I see the #1 rule of the Romney campaign being Do Not Make Waves.

  21. @Keep Honkin

    Yeah isn’t he, though? Shit, for all that awkward, goofy winding-up he did, the thing goes way high and he barely gets it over plate! He makes me ashamed to be a southpaw! Say what you want about Bush, but at least the guy could keep it inside the strike zone.

  22. “Hirschibold says:
    April 27, 2012 at 9:53 pm
    Forgive me but Negroes and irony mix like water and electricity.”

    I shall purloin that line.

    It’s funny to watch the blank looks on Blacks’ faces when you use subtle humor. It’s not even in their lexicon. Whites will often detect it via tone of voice and mannerism, even if they don’t get the joke, because irony and sarcasm are in their lexicons.

  23. Karl Rove and Jorge W. Bush: enemies of their country, enemies of their people, destroyers of America.

    If they don’t follow orders, they’ll be replaced with someone who will.

    Politicians do not control America. The people who control the politicians do.

  24. I say its a bad idea because the GOP will never beat democrats at their own game. Romney picking a she-boon will kill a good deal of support. Folks would still vote for him, but they wouldn’t work very hard for his campaign or have much enthusiasm. Which is pretty much what killed mc’cain.

  25. “Stonelifter says:
    April 29, 2012 at 1:41 pm

    I say its a bad idea because the GOP will never beat democrats at their own game. Romney picking a she-boon will kill a good deal of support. Folks would still vote for him, but they wouldn’t work very hard for his campaign or have much enthusiasm. Which is pretty much what killed mc’cain.”

    Good point. There already isn’t a lot of enthusiasm for Romney because he’s just Obama-lite. It seems the 2012 presidential race is now officially between a douche and a turd, just like in South Park’s episode of the same name. It’s a really funny criticism of politics. They even make fun of P Diddy or Puff Daddy or whatever-the-frig-his-name-is and his ridiculous “Vote or Die” campaign:


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