Starting a Real Conversation


Derb has a new column at Takimag called “The Basis of a Real Conversation.” I’m in a blithe mood this afternoon and can’t be bothered to write a more extended article. I will just hit you with some bullet points that add a little bit of context to our national conversation about race.

(1) The New York Times has a new interactive map called “The Geography of Government Benefits.” Press the play button.

(2) The Washington Post has a new article about the growth in EBT card usage.

(3) has an eight year chart which illustrates the crunch effect in gas prices on the economy.

(4) The American Enterprise Institute has an article which illustrates the collapse in housing prices.

In so many words, America is a place where the suburban living arrangement is coming unglued. Gas prices are choking the sprawl economy down again. The collapse of housing prices has clasped a ball and chain to the ankles of the American nomad. The cities are full of angry minorities who are growing ever more dependent on government services that are supported by the beleaguered White taxpayer.

The unscripted “conversation about race” will begin at some point in the streets. It only needs a spark like a Trayvon Martin.

About Hunter Wallace 12408 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I used to think that maybe America would turn around but with the right person voted into office but what were seeing has been going on for nearly 45 years with no end in sight. Some people might want to deny this but when you compare the country to my childhood in the late 70s to now, there is obviously some serious decline going on with no end in sight. We used to have the best educational system in the world, number 1 in most industries, the world’s largest creditor nation and we attracted the best and brightest from all over the Western world. We’re none of those things now and we’re suffering from moral bankruptcy, cultural rot and the country is swimming in trillions of dollars worth of debt. It seems this decline is terminal. I can make several predictions based on trends I’m seeing. The dollar at some point in the near future will no longer be the world’s reserve currency. The huge debts are going to force severe cuts in the military to the point of the US no longer being a superpower. All the overseas bases will close and all the troops will come home. The financial and economic center of the world is going to shift back to Europe. London has already replaced New York as the financial hub in the world. The ever changing population is going to trigger massive White flight from some states to others and eventually it will become national as millions of people emigrate out of the country.

  2. Howie Kurtz?

    Is London really the global financial capital? Surely it’s just an interlude before Shanghai takes the lot.

  3. Just heard Holland has lost AAA rating. The UK is double dipping.

    I think it’s time to invade the Niger Delta, Congo Delta and start the long hard dlog of Postimperialrereconquest.

    Used to be that when your economy hit the skids you started gearing up for conquest. I don’t think there is any alternative to a very ugly colonization process.

  4. All the overseas bases will close and all the troops will come home.

    Sounds good to me. Recall what happened when Spain’s overseas military forces came home in 1936.

  5. I read ‘suburban living arrangement’ and my first thought was of James Howard Kunstler. I wrote him once to ask why in his Science Fiction dystopian novels he mentions ‘the race thing’ in passing, but never details any kind of genuine race war. Was it, I asked, because you were afraid of being called a racist reactionary, just by the taint of showing a real interest in the subject? He responded a few days later that that was the case.

    I still think a mainstream novel could be written about racial warfare in America, on the scale of some epic like “Dune” or “Lord of the Rings.” Harold Covington is good, but his books, like those of Kurtagic or Perdue, are really pro-white polemics rather than genuinely fleshed out speculative fiction.

  6. And sadly, James Wesley, Rawles’ novels are all about a “rainbow preserve” where multiculturalism is tied to some variant of his aberrational protestant xianity, that bears little resemblance to either the a) exlcusionary Puritanism of New England, or b) the hierarchic White/Black Anglican culture of the Antebellum South, or c) the facts of race, crime, and ethnic grouping in times of emergency.

    In Patriots, he had me going ( I was willing to read of an Asian/amurrican joining the ‘group’) but when a tall, Big Black Buck and his Nubian ‘Queen’ came/trekked all the way from ‘Chi-town’ to someplace near Sandypoint, Idaho… I basically said ‘Eff it’ and gave up on the novel. Same sort of ‘touchy feely multiculti paradise’ exists (but on a far more tedious scale- REALLY tedious) with ‘Rohan Nation’ by Drew Miller. There, holocaust memories interweave with incipent lesbian misogynistic female horsewomen, and a LOT of bs libertarian claptrap, all of it stultifyingly bashing Islamic jihadists and Chicoms one minute, and the next, introducing an American variant of the same race(s) as a ‘good guy.’ You begin to wonder how realistic (and theologically literate) libertarians are, when they actually believe this sort of garbage. Then, sadly, I look at Ron Paul, and his NOT crying ‘foul’ back in Iowa in January, and I realize, they actually DO think all men are ‘just like them’ – when they are not.

    Jacob and Esau. It keeps comin’ back to that biblical example, folks. YHWH God’s not going to let us forget it, and neither am I!

    This sort of Pusillanimous Puke masquerading as realistic fiction, really gets my goat. The only good book I have read about futuristic fiction in a rather recent long line of it, was Dr. Patrick Johnson’s “The Revolt of 2020” – it started with a huge ‘bang’ and only bogged down when the main characters were actually trying to decide what was God’s will – in a fight that has been being waged by the Antichrists, since 1917. At least here was a book where good and evil were portrayed as all decent fiction should- in ‘black and white’. If that means race categories and ‘stereotyping,’ then ‘Molon Labe.’

    I’d rather have a dead negro in front of me, than be in a hospital for the remainder of my life, haunted by dreams of what such a horde of beasts would do to my family. Castle doctrine, self-defense, fear of life, all of it must IMMEDIATELY come into your mind, when confronted by a Nigger at your door. And not some ‘Patriotard’ novella from a man who makes a pretty penny selling ‘isolationism’ to the masses, but doesn’t point out that the only viable isolation is RACIAL, before everything else.

  7. I know a guy, a professional, published author, who is currently writing just that sort of novel. He let me look over the MS the other day and I really liked it. It’s about a planet suspiciously similar to our own in which replicating machines have replaced almost all forms of labor. The now-unemployable underclass of green-skinned former slaves is used as a whip to tyrannize the productive blue-skinned majority by the corrupt government that’s running the planet. The tyrants push too far, though, and violence erupts across the planet as a full-on race war between Greens and Blues begins. At this point a charismatic space army general (sort of like Doug MacArthur in a space helmet) mutinies along with the entire planetary strike force loyal to him. The mutineers shoot their way off the planet and travel to a backwater world to set up a colony of their own. Using the local greenskins as farm laborers, they get rich growing the one crop the replicating machines can’t copy: coffee beans.

    Imagine the 82d Airborne giving Uncle Sam the finger, kicking out the Soul Soldiers, taking over the Congo, and re-colonizing Africa. It’s like that. The allegory is so thin its transparent.

    He told me he’s got a publisher and the book will be out this summer. I didn’t read the ending (not written yet) so I’m excited to see how it ends.

  8. My “plan” is to send a flotilla to Africa and seize the three or four great river deltas in one fell swoop. Then–Exterminate. A war like no war ever fought before.

    A novel like that could be written as a couter factual Victorian yarn. Those oldboys very nearly tried it. Garnet Woseley, Kitchener, Chelmsford. If they’d simply used the means they had at their disposal.

  9. In Kunstler’s World Made By Hand, Brother Earle from Lynchburg, VA reports that an unending series of catastrophes has led to the collapse of BRA and that the race war has broken out across the Sunbelt.

  10. “The unscripted ‘conversation about race’ will begin at some point in the streets. It only needs a spark like a Trayvon Martin.”

    I’m going to go on record here and predict that the charges against Zimmerman will be dropped at some point in the coming months. Weaknesses in the State’s case aside, Angela Corey is up for re-election this year, and at some point she’s going to realize that this disgusting show-trial is alienating her base (white republicans) and jeopardizing her job. They are waiting for the right time to get out of this.

  11. Best collapse books out there — Matthew Bracken, Enemies Foreign and Domestic series. Not specifically racial but good reads. Haven’t read Kunstler yet. Can’t stand that he’s another Jew trying to get people to think about something other than real problems, although I know he’s well thought of here.

  12. John, I doubt there is an innocent nigger in South Africa, so why wouldn’t a functional area be the place to start or do you think there would be too many “sympathizers”?

  13. When I see all the Jew would-be prophets out there distracting the people from creating a Logos-centric world I begin to understand why they used to kill the prophets. There ought be a price to pay for that kind of distracting.

  14. It is a pipe dream. But yeah SA could be treated like that. It would have to be a complete conquest and expulsion. No squeamish humanitarian complications. It would have been Politically possible 100 years ago.

    However a counter factual historical novel would be cool. Tsetsi Flies stopped the process.

  15. hipsters should not get any range time. We don’t need them; they will only undue what ever we fix.

    I don’t care for James Wesley, Rawles. His versions of staying alive when the SHTF is not doable, and he is a DWL.

  16. Second what Landshark said about the Matt Bracken series.
    Matt’s a former SEAL who built and sailed a 48′ sailboat from Cali to Florida via the Panama Canal. Series starts with an ATFE “crazed shooter” set-up at a football stadium and takes off from there dealing along the way with mass illegal immigration, welfare statism, firearms confiscaters, death of the economy, and such.
    Also John @8:23 – good idea, but China is already locking Africa up. I ‘spect that shortly the local populations there will plead for the evil white man to return – those that haven’t been killed by the Chinese that is.

  17. Hipsters exist to die at the hands of Obama’s nigger lynch mobs. Then we martyr the poor souls and with firm solemnity we condemn the crazier ones who go ever more extreme in their anti-white behavior and words.

  18. Tabula- “Frank Chodorov, Albert J. Nock, Murray N. Rothbard, and Roy A. Childs, Jr., standing lonely but unafraid.”

    Along with Ilana Mercer, I count three (possibly, four) Deicide family names here.

    To repeat what St. Paul said, 2000 years ago: “What fellowship hath Christ with Belial?”

    In other words, why trust ANY jew at ANY time, on ANY matter, as long as they REMAIN JEWS?

    But thanks anyway…

  19. Fr. John+ says:
    April 28, 2012 at 2:38 pm
    To repeat what St. Paul said, 2000 years ago: “What fellowship hath Christ with Belial?”
    In other words, why trust ANY jew at ANY time, on ANY matter, as long as they REMAIN JEWS?

    Jack Ryan replies:

    You realize that St. Paul, the former Pharisee Saul of Tarsus was a racial Jew and by the looks of this portrait, a very ugly, swarthy Jew.

    Here’s the German philosopher Nietzsche on the racial/cultural background of St. Paul/Jewish Pharisee Saul of Tarsus:

    The Gospels are invaluable as evidence of the corruption
    Which had already attacked the early Christian community.
    At the death of the savior, a process of decay began which
    Paul, with the cyclical logic of a rabbi, merely developed to
    its conclusion. These Gospels cannot be read with too much
    care; there are difficulties in every word of them. I admit,
    and I hope it will not be held against me, that it is this very
    fact which makes them such a delight for a psychologist. For
    they are the reverse of a merely naive corruption: they
    represent an ultimate refinement, an artistic triumph of
    mental rottenness . . .

    Here we are among Jews: this is the first thing to be
    remembered if we don’t wish to lose the scent, in this book,
    the illusion of personal “holiness,” which literally amounts to
    genius, and has never been even approached in other books
    or by other men; the elevation of deceit in attitude and phrase
    to the status of an art – is not any accident due to the
    exceptional talents of any one individual. It is a racial matter,
    in the formulation of Christianity, the art of concocting holy
    lies, which is the essence of Jewishness, after many centuries
    of earnest apprenticeship and practice in Judea, has reached
    technical perfection. The Christian, who is the last word in
    falsity, is the Jew repeating his type – thrice a Jew…

    Little super- Jews, fit only for the madhouse, reversed all
    values to suit themselves, as if the followers of Christ alone
    were the meaning, the salt, the standard, and even the
    supreme court of mankind… Such a calamity was only
    possible because a species of megalomania, similar to this
    one, and racially like it (orthodox Jewish) was already in
    existence. When a division appeared between official Jews
    and Christian Jews, the latter had no alternative but to
    employ the self-protective measures peculiar to the Jews
    themselves, whereas the Jews had used it only against
    Gentiles. The Christian is only a noncomformist Jew…

    It is advisable to put on gloves before handling the New
    Testament. The presence of so much filth makes this
    precaution advisable. We would as soon hob-nob with Polish
    Jews as with early Christians, and there is no need to
    elaborate our objection: neither smells good…

    Paul, the Jew, the eternal and perfect Jew – Paul the genius –
    realized that, by means of the small sectarian Christian
    movement which had broken away from Judaism, a world
    conflagration could be kindled. He realized that, by means of
    “God on the Cross,” everything underhand, seditious, and a
    product of rebellious intrigues within the empire, might be
    welded together into one immense power. “For salvation is
    of the Jews”. . . (The Antichrist)

  20. Jack Ryan – nothing the Hellenized Jew Paul did negates the message of the Christ.

    Nietzsche? He had issues. I like a lot of what he wrote, but his acidic attack reveals nothing more than his own psyche. He’s also REALLY jealous.

  21. I still think a mainstream novel could be written about racial warfare in America, on the scale of some epic like “Dune” or “Lord of the Rings.” Harold Covington is good, but his books, like those of Kurtagic or Perdue, are really pro-white polemics rather than genuinely fleshed out speculative fiction.

    You’re asking for a lot. A writer who writes pro-white stories, rather than a pro-white who becomes a writer to tell pro-white stories. There’s a good chance of career suicide. And once you’re tapped for good pro-white stories, your pro-white readership will dump you for one of the zillion other authors writing non-pro-white stories.

  22. Can’t stand that he’s another Jew trying to get people to think about something other than real problems, although I know he’s well thought of here.

    I have zero interest in reading fiction by Jews, though I could be compelled under the right circumstances. But generally, if my Jewdar goes off, I pass.

  23. Hipsters exist to die at the hands of Obama’s nigger lynch mobs. Then we martyr the poor souls and with firm solemnity we condemn the crazier ones who go ever more extreme in their anti-white behavior and words.

    Sounds like a plan.

  24. Hirschibold said,”…
    I still think a mainstream novel could be written about racial warfare in America, on the scale of some epic like “Dune” or “Lord of the Rings…”

    It’s already been written. “The Turner Diaries”. No way it will be allowed to become mainstream. Would be nice if an updated book was written on the same subject. It would get no mainstream press but with print on demand it might make money. Jerry Pournelle talks a lot about electronic publishing and books on demand if anyone is interested. By the way I loved Dune. I read the first three books in four days.

    Robert said,”…. It seems this decline is terminal…”

    I agree.

    Unless immigration is stopped there’s no hope. The only way I can see this stopped is a wide spread conflagration between Blacks and Whites. It could happen. Most of my life I tried to get along with Blacks but about 15 years ago I decided this was a complete waste of time. Now I avoid any interaction with them that I can. I’m not the only one. Fred Reed wrote an article on this. Whites are beginning to feel that some sort of open conflict is inevitable and are less intimidated by the “we’ll burn it down” rhetoric. At this time we still have enough power numbers wise to prevail at the polls. That is if the votes aren’t diebolded into shape to defeat us. Won’t be for long.
    I’m a major book worm and thought I’d mention a series of books that may show a way out. The three books are written by James Dale Davidson and Sir Rees-Moog. “Blood in the Streets: Investment profits in a World Gone Mad”, The Great Reckoning…” and “The Sovereign Individual”. They are some of the best books I’ve ever read. The predicted all the trends we see today including the depression and the loss of blue collar jobs. Their timing was WAY… off though. They thought all this would happen sooner. The basic premise is that the nature of technology molds the possibilities for societys. Technology has made “defense” stronger as compared to offense. Therefore nations split and the scale of territory and order declines. It cost less to defend and it also cost less to disrupt civil society. The books have a lot of history in them as examples going back to the ancient Greeks. Also a lot of financial advice that while interesting to me have little use. The advice being for the wealthy. You can get these used cheap.
    One of the strategys is to withdraw. I don’t like this but it may be the best strategy. I personally don’t want the US to break up. I want the whole damn thing. Sorry I’ve babbled enough.

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