VNN’s The Aryan Alternative Distributed In Matthew Owens Neighborhood


It turns out that Alex Linder’s The Aryan Alternative has been distributed in Matthew Owens’ neighborhood in Mobile.

Chuck Rudd of GLPiggy has engaged Linder to try to find out who is distributing Rounder’s defunct tabloid. Personally, I doubt that Linder had anything to do with this, as he hasn’t expressed much interest in the Matthew Owens case.

Detective Hunter Wallace strongly suspects that VNN Forum member “OTPTT” (the only VNN Forum member in that area) acted independently and took advantage of the situation to distribute some old bulk issues of The Aryan Alternative.

Note: The SPLC has an article about the story.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The difference between me and you is: I`m ready and willing to reveal my identity, unlike yourself. You prefer hiding behind your twisted ideas with a fake photo and false name. Or am I wrong as well?

  2. Trine- Du ar en (I don’t know the word for race traitor pa Norsk), and that is all.

    You also are unregenerate. Your own countrymen are nothing but cowards, worshiping the Negro Phallus in the form of multiculturalism. Breivik is correct.

    Norway is soulless. Even HE (Breivik) is pro-Decide and pro-Sodomite – the two most obvious indications of damnation of a people by YHWH God.

    St. Olaf, pray for your people, for only a miracle can save them now.

    Ora pro nobis, Sancte Olaf.
    Misericordie, Domine.

  3. Hey Trinsky – do it. Put up or shut up Kike.

    It’s a Kike. Abso-toot-ly.

    Post your name, address, phone number, a photo, and Email addy.

    Hunter – the Judentroll’s IP ID would be highly amusing.

  4. “Barb – it’s not a Norwegian.”

    Yup. Upon further reflection, I ‘spect you’re right, Denise. The “blue eyes” threw me off for a minute, until I remembered about eye-color-changing contacts.

    It’s certainly a nasty, degenerate piece of work, isn’t it? Its kids are bastards abandoned to the creche because their female parent (I refused to honor it with the title Mother) flatters herself that she has something to contribute to the world of work while taking handouts from actual, working Norwegians — all the while calling *US* White trash.
    Iz to laff.
    Well, laff after I get done gagging, anyway.

  5. Barb – I guarantee you that this Liar is a Judentroll out of the JooSA or IsraHell. It’s not a Norwegian at all. It’s probably not a Negron, either – unless it’s a JudenNegger “Toure” variant.

  6. Hey Barb, wanna have a chat in Norwegian? Can you speak it at all? Du er ei jævla fitte, dra til helvete di forbanna utpulte merr!

    And you Denise, what the fuck do you know about Norwegians, di jævla fitte.

  7. Denise du er eit ufyselig uhyre av verste sort. Du skal brenne i helvete, det er sikkert og visst. Jeg håper du dør en fryktelig død di fordømte ekle beist.

    Hilsen Trine.

  8. @Trine

    You can babble in pidgin-Norweigan all you like, but it won’t change the fact that you are a black NIGGER.

  9. Norway has a long tradition of voting for labor/socialistic governments. Norwegians however, do not correspond with this choice of politics in their general views and attitudes. Norwegians are basically a racist, intolerant, anti religious, anti American and anti Semitic people. They reject things of foreign origin and believe themselves to be superior over all other countries, especially the USA.

    Racism is overall clearly a larger issue in Norway than in the USA. Racial equality, tolerance and integration has been much more successful in USA compared to Norway where there has been very little integration at all. USA is by far the most successful country in the west when it comes to integration and racial equality. I have lived in both Norway and in the USA, so I know what I`m talking about.

    USA is not perfect and has racism issues of course, but don`t think any other western country has done a better job than the USA at racial integration.

    Norway is in the top 3 of the worlds most secular nations. I have never met an atheist African American, and have never met a christian Norwegian. I think I know who`s going to heaven and who`s going to hell in this equation. Not that I`m a believer myself….

  10. Laughs.

    Do you really believe that integration has been a success in America? In what sense? I mean aside from the sense in which black people are promoted 24/7/365 by every major institution in America?

    America was successful at winning WW2, splitting the atom, and putting a man on the moon. It lost the “War on Poverty” and the “War on Drugs.” We have been even less successful at achieving “racial equality.”

    The day that “racial equality” is achieved in America will be the day that water flows uphill.

  11. That Trinesky is a damned Jew. A Judentroll.

    It’s obvious.

    If ever I meet It I will be sure to bring Holy Water, and watch it go up in smoke…..

  12. Trine is a laugh riot! Integration a success, this guy can’t be serious. He must be one of those Europeans who bases his views of the US on TV shows.

    Integration, Success, USA

    Choose any two.

  13. The difference between me and you is: I`m ready and willing to reveal my identity, unlike yourself. You prefer hiding behind your twisted ideas with a fake photo and false name. Or am I wrong as well?

    I bet Stalin’s cronies probably said similar things to anti-Communists. And Pol Pot’s cronies. I bet pro-slavery types said the same thing to niggers and Yankees running the underground railroad. I bet Washington had to hear similar things from King George’s cronies.

    Leftists are tone-deaf.

  14. Jews are Niggers, after all. They really are. Thnk about it.

    The substantial (cognitive) difference between the two seems to be IQ (and related stuff, like conscientiousness and impulse control). In every other way, Jews and Blacks are birds of a feather.

  15. Trine is a Jew. Walks like a Jew, talks like a Jew, screeches like a Jew, and above all, hates like a Jew.

    Whether it is an accident of birth, or a matter of conversion, or whether that conversion was conscious or not, is all immaterial: it’s a Jew.

  16. Svigor – I’m still waiting for Legion to give it’s Earth name, address, photo, et al – like it said it would.

    Jim – this troll is a Jew. It’s obvious in EVERY way.

  17. It doesn’t matter where it lives, because it was wrong about the difference between us and them. The difference between us and them is that we’re okay with “Live And Let Live,” but the idea drives liberals insane with rage. The idea that one particle of the Universe might escape liberal Jew/Yankee hegemony and vibrate on its own frequency drives them out of their minds.

    They despise Freedom, and we love it. Everything else is trivia.

  18. This forum represents the evil of this earth, the influence of Satan in full bearing through individual decadence. I am a catholic and I know one thing for certain, you all are going to hell and you will have little chance of repentance. Whatever you believe or think of yourselves, trust me on this: You are doomed for an eternity in HELL for the extremes of evil that you represent!

  19. There isn`t any doubt at all about what Christ thinks about what you are spreading around. It`s called manure.

  20. So Christ wants our people destroyed by negros without fighting back? And I know the Bible. Read the OT, the Almighty God has no problem with genocide and has required it in times past.

  21. The term “racism” itself didn’t exist until the 1920s. “Racism” wasn’t considered a social problem in America until the 1940s. There is nothing in the Bible about “racism.”

  22. “Racism” is a manufactured sin against the creed of modern liberalism. The other “sins” against liberalism are nativism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia, heterocentricity, “white privilege,” etc.

  23. The first thing to understand in this discussion is that there is only one race—the human race. Caucasians, Africans, Asians, Indians, Arabs, and Jews are not different races. Rather, they are different ethnicities of the human race. All human beings have the same physical characteristics (with minor variations, of course). More importantly, all human beings are created in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26-27). God loved the world so much that He sent Jesus to lay down His life for us (John 3:16). The “world” obviously includes all ethnic groups.

  24. God does not show partiality or favoritism (Deuteronomy 10:17; Acts 10:34; Romans 2:11; Ephesians 6:9), and neither should we. James 2:4 describes those who discriminate as “judges with evil thoughts.” Instead, we are to love our neighbors as ourselves (James 2:8). In the Old Testament, God divided humanity into two “racial” groups: Jews and Gentiles. God’s intent was for the Jews to be a kingdom of priests, ministering to the Gentile nations. Instead, for the most part, the Jews became proud of their status and despised the Gentiles. Jesus Christ put an end to this, destroying the dividing wall of hostility (Ephesians 2:14). All forms of racism, prejudice, and discrimination are affronts to the work of Christ on the cross.

  25. So in reference to what you believe: If Jews are as someone on this forum claims, a Negro, then Jesus must have been a Negro in your view? The creator of mankind and all things, is a Negro. Correct?

  26. So in reference to what you believe: If Jews are as someone on this forum claims, a Negro race, then Jesus must have been a Negro as well in your view? The creator of mankind and all things, is a Negro. Correct?

  27. Jesus commands us to love one another as He loves us (John 13:34). If God is impartial and loves us with impartiality, then we need to love others with that same high standard. Jesus teaches in Matthew 25 that whatever we do to the least of His brothers, we do to Him. If we treat a person with contempt, we are mistreating a person created in God’s image; we are hurting somebody whom God loves and for whom Jesus died.

  28. Racism, in varying forms and to various degrees, has been a plague on humanity for thousands of years. Brothers and sisters of all ethnicities, this should not be. Victims of racism, prejudice, and discrimination need to forgive. Ephesians 4:32 declares, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Racists may not deserve your forgiveness, but we deserved God’s forgiveness far less. Those who practice racism, prejudice, and discrimination need to repent. “Present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God” (Romans 6:13). May Galatians 3:28 be completely realized, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

  29. This forum represents the evil of this earth,

    But niggers beating a White man 20-1 to the brink of death? That’s goodness. The Pope told me so. Know a man by his priorities: Dirk thinks Whites expressing their opinions is worth opprobrium and threats of hellfire and brimstone, and niggers beating a man 20-1 to the brink of death is just fine (which is why he didn’t comment).

    Dirk thinks we’ll go to hell for our words, and the niggers who beat a man 20-1 to the brink of death will go to heaven.

    Ergo, Dirk is evil. Simple math, really.

    the influence of Satan in full bearing through individual decadence.

    We’ve already seen that Dirk is a minion of Satan, so…

    I am a catholic and I know one thing for certain, you all are going to hell and you will have little chance of repentance. Whatever you believe or think of yourselves, trust me on this: You are doomed for an eternity in HELL for the extremes of evil that you represent!

    Actually, this is exhibit B for Dirk’s evil: who could worship a “god” that casts people into Eternal torment for crimes committed in a human lifespan?

    Evil people, that’s who. And maybe idiots, I suppose. You do see a lot more of the fire and brimstone thing in the less-cognitively-gifted denominations.

  30. No that is not correct, any person committing sins are equal of sin, of course they are. The difference here is, you hate everyone regardless of how good they are as individuals. I know many African Americans who are good people, working people, devout Christians, these people should not be included in your equation of Racism if you must cling to such ideology.

  31. The first thing to understand in this discussion is that there is only one race—the human race. Caucasians, Africans, Asians, Indians, Arabs, and Jews are not different races. Rather, they are different ethnicities of the human race.

    Who gives a shit about your pedantry? Seriously, what difference does it really make if we’re using the word race or ethnicity to refer to race?

    And just so we’re clear, yes, Whites, Blacks, and Yellows are all racial designations not ethnic ones. Ethnic directly involves culture, race does not.

    All human beings have the same physical characteristics (with minor variations, of course).


    More importantly, all human beings are created in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26-27). God loved the world so much that He sent Jesus to lay down His life for us (John 3:16). The “world” obviously includes all ethnic groups.

    Where does it say all human beings are created in God’s likeness and image? Quote us which bible you’re reading from. Isn’t it a sin to twist scripture?

    But never mind that. Please tell me why God made races, if he intended them to be destroyed. And if he intended them to be destroyed, why didn’t he say so?

    Where does God say that man should undo what He has wrought? I’m genuinely curious.

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