VNN’s The Aryan Alternative Distributed In Matthew Owens Neighborhood


It turns out that Alex Linder’s The Aryan Alternative has been distributed in Matthew Owens’ neighborhood in Mobile.

Chuck Rudd of GLPiggy has engaged Linder to try to find out who is distributing Rounder’s defunct tabloid. Personally, I doubt that Linder had anything to do with this, as he hasn’t expressed much interest in the Matthew Owens case.

Detective Hunter Wallace strongly suspects that VNN Forum member “OTPTT” (the only VNN Forum member in that area) acted independently and took advantage of the situation to distribute some old bulk issues of The Aryan Alternative.

Note: The SPLC has an article about the story.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Dirk,

    There first thing to understand in this discussion is that race exists:

    (1) There is racial variation in modern humans (Caucasians, Africans, Asians, Australian Aboriginies, Twa Pygmies, San, etc.) just like there is racial variation in other species like canines. No one would confuse a Swede with an Australian Aboriginie or a Btwa Pygmie.

    (2) The global distribution of the human species across all climates on the planet is responsible for creating this racial variation.

    (3) There is a “human species,” but there is no “human race” because races are adapted to local environmental conditions; there have been many human species and even more human races over the last two million years of human evolution.

    (4) Your skin is the largest organ in your body. Morphological differences in skin color are not a “minor variation.”

    (5) Humans evolved from other species.

    (6) Even if we accept the Christian premise that all human beings are capable of salvation, on a supernatural level, that it no way implies that all human beings are biologically the same. That is preposterous.

  2. The difference here is, you hate everyone regardless of how good they are as individuals.

    Bearing false witness is a sin. Go and take the beam from your own eye.

    these people should not be included in your equation of Racism if you must cling to such ideology.

    What does that mean?

  3. God seems to approve of slavery:

    “And masters, treat your slaves in the same way. Do not threaten them, since you know that he who is both their Master and yours is in heaven, and there is no favoritism with him.”

    Ephesians 6:9

  4. There is nothing in this passage about “racism”:

    “For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility.”

    Ephesians 2:14

  5. God does not show partiality or favoritism (Deuteronomy 10:17; Acts 10:34; Romans 2:11; Ephesians 6:9)

    Bullshit. God favored the Hebrews all over the place. He certainly approved of them favoring themselves. God ORDERED THE HEBREWS TO EXTERMINATE GROUPS WHO PRESENTED OBSTACLES TO THE HEBREWS. God did all kinds of shit to people who got in the Hebrews’ way. Jesus favored the Hebrews over the neighboring peoples (remember scraps from the master’s table? Remember what he said to the woman? Let’s see how well you know your Scripture). If God is truly color-blind, then why did Jesus choose a Samaritan in that parable? Why not a Kushite, or a Yellow? The Levant was the cross-roads of the world at the time, and the Israelites were at its choicest location; why would he choose Samaritans, for his supposed tale of color-blindness? Because rice Christians like you willfully twist the Scriptures to pleas Mammon; the Samaritan story is actually far more consistent with racial nationalism, than not – Jesus was basically telling two cousin peoples* to work together, much as a WN might tell Nords and Meds to squash their differences.

    God said men should choose rulers from among their own people. It’s right there in black and white in the Scriptures. What say you, Christian? Or is that rice Christian?

    *(there was significant debate among the Hebrews of the time as to whether Samaritans were Hebrews or not, with the more liberal types (like Jesus) saying “yes,” and the more orthodox-conservative types (like the Pharisees) saying “no.”

    , and neither should we. James 2:4 describes those who discriminate as “judges with evil thoughts.” Instead, we are to love our neighbors as ourselves (James 2:8). In the Old Testament, God divided humanity into two “racial” groups: Jews and Gentiles. God’s intent was for the Jews to be a kingdom of priests, ministering to the Gentile nations. Instead, for the most part, the Jews became proud of their status and despised the Gentiles. Jesus Christ put an end to this, destroying the dividing wall of hostility (Ephesians 2:14). All forms of racism, prejudice, and discrimination are affronts to the work of Christ on the cross.

  6. The true story goes more like this:

    (1) The term “racism” didn’t exist until the 1920s. It was invented by European communists.

    (2) “Racism” wasn’t considered a social problem in America until 1938 to 1945 when it was popularized by Allied war propaganda.

    (3) There isn’t a word in the Bible about “racism.”

    (4) The proof that there is nothing about “racism” in the Bible is that it didn’t come up as a subject of discussion among Jesus or the Church fathers or even anywhere in Christendom until well into the modern age.

    (5) Historically speaking, the idea that “racism” is immoral or a social problem can be traced back through Marxism to the Jacobins and the French Revolution.

    (6) Liberal theology is ridiculous and a transparent attempt to write modern terms like “racism” into sources that were completely unfamiliar with that line of thought.

  7. James 2 (New Living Translation – if memory serves, one of the better ones)

    My dear brothers and sisters,a how can you claim to have faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ if you favor some people over others?

    2For example, suppose someone comes into your meetingb dressed in fancy clothes and expensive jewelry, and another comes in who is poor and dressed in dirty clothes. 3If you give special attention and a good seat to the rich person, but you say to the poor one, “You can stand over there, or else sit on the floor”—well, 4doesn’t this discrimination show that your judgments are guided by evil motives?

    5Listen to me, dear brothers and sisters. Hasn’t God chosen the poor in this world to be rich in faith? Aren’t they the ones who will inherit the Kingdom he promised to those who love him? 6But you dishonor the poor! Isn’t it the rich who oppress you and drag you into court? 7Aren’t they the ones who slander Jesus Christ, whose noble namec you bear?

    This has nothing to do with the desire to survive as a people. None. It has to do with people fawning over the wealthy in hope of reward, and ignoring the poor and socially downtrodden.

    If anything, it’s an admonishment to you, who sides with Mammon at every turn, and shuns and condemns our beliefs because they’re unpopular.

    IF this is an admonishment to men that they must submit to panmixia and integration, then why does Israel get a pass? Why are you bothering us for talking about these things, when Israel is doing them.

    You hypocrite. Mammon-worshipper.

  8. Racism, in varying forms and to various degrees, has been a plague on humanity for thousands of years.

    Then how odd, of God, to choose, the Jews. No? Jews are the pioneers of racism. It’s shot through their religion in a way that I have not found in other religions. Certainly not in Christianity or the other big religions. Judaism is essentially ethnic self-worship.

    Brothers and sisters of all ethnicities, this should not be. Victims of racism, prejudice, and discrimination need to forgive. Ephesians 4:32 declares, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

    Forgiveness comes after the wrong, not during. First, one must put a stop to the wrong. Then, forgiveness can be sought.

    I’m fine with forgiving Blacks, Jews, and the rest. Once their wrongs are stopped. Once the wrongs being done to my people are stopped and reversed, I’ll be right on board the USS forgiveness. The USS forgetfulness will have to sail without me, though.

    May Galatians 3:28 be completely realized, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

    So, God wants a unisexual, totally undifferentiated “mankind.” Is that what you’re saying? No more women or men, etc?

  9. For crying out loud, you need look no further than the Ten Commandments.

    Thou shalt not covet…. (Some will be haves, some have-nots, no such thing as equality, Tough!)

    Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. (Your ancestral racial heritage is your most important possession. Protect and honor it or die.)

    Don’t see anything about racism, judging on race, or excluding aliens from my tent. Hmm. Maybe I didn’t look hard enough? Where are some of those tea leaves modern “crystians” use?

  10. The only cure for people like you is death or jail. That`s all there is to say about it, you are nonredeemable.

  11. Dirk, interpret some scripture for us heathen hellspawn:

    Deuteronomy 7:14-15:

    English Standard Version:

    “When you come to the land that the Lord your God is giving you, and you possess it and dwell in it and then say, ‘I will set a king over me, like all the nations that are around me,’ 15you may indeed set a king over you whom the Lord your God will choose. One from among your brothers you shall set as king over you. You may not put a foreigner over you, who is not your brother.

    New American Standard Bible:

    “When you enter the land which the LORD your God gives you, and you possess it and live in it, and you say, ‘I will set a king over me like all the nations who are around me,’ 15you shall surely set a king over you whom the LORD your God chooses, one from among your countrymen you shall set as king over yourselves; you may not put a foreigner over yourselves who is not your countryman.

    King James Version:

    When thou art come unto the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, and shalt possess it, and shalt dwell therein, and shalt say, I will set a king over me, like as all the nations that are about me; 15Thou shalt in any wise set him king over thee, whom the LORD thy God shall choose: one from among thy brethren shalt thou set king over thee: thou mayest not set a stranger over thee, which is not thy brother.

    GOD’S WORD Translation:

    You will enter the land that the LORD your God is giving you. You will take possession of it and live there. You will say, “Let’s have our own king like all the other nations around us.” 15Be sure to appoint the king the LORD your God will choose. He must be one of your own people. Never let a foreigner be king, because he’s not one of your own people.

    What did God mean here, Dirk?

  12. The only cure for people like you is death or jail. That`s all there is to say about it, you are nonredeemable.

    Haha, don’t be mad that I know the Scriptures better than you do.

    You don’t get to give up. It’s your job to Witness. Or maybe get knocked off your horse, on your way to Damascus. Is that what you’re afraid of, Dirk? Is that why you’re running?

    Here’s the take-home point, Dirk:

    You cannot serve two masters. You must choose: God, or Mammon?

  13. And who is the foreigner in this equation? Blacks born in USA with US citizenship with foreign ancestry just like yourself? This is a country of immigrants, no one is a lesser immigrant than others. If you want this country to be pure race then we should all get out and leave it to the native Americans. And you know you that this point is undeniable.

  14. Dirk still hasn’t condemned the 20-1 brink-of-death beating of a White man at the hands of niggers.

    That’s because he worships Mammon; how could he condemn Mammon’s greatest totems?

  15. “The only cure for people like you is death or jail. That`s all there is to say about it, you are nonredeemable.”

    Dirk is a troll. He just rejected the central tenet of Christianity. No real Christian would think any person could could commit a sin from which they could not redeem their soul through repentance.

    Dirk is angry.

  16. Racism is far worse than mass beatings, in Dirks world. Even if racism PREVENTS mass beatings.

    Dirk, did you know there was FAR less interracial violence during Jim Crow, in either direction? Is peace now a bad thing when it interferes with liberal dogma?

  17. And who is the foreigner in this equation?

    WELL, if you knew your scripture, you’d know that “foreigner” is meant to be interpreted from the point of view of the people in question. But since you DON’T, and furthermore DON’T CARE that you don’t, and since you’re busy worshiping MAMMON and not God, you go into semantics (as if God would give a SHIT which people drew what border where, or decide nationhood along such Mammonesque lines):

    Blacks born in USA with US citizenship with foreign ancestry just like yourself?

    See what I mean? This guy’s a Mammon-worshipper. That’s why he’s reverting to definitions of legal citizenship in spiritual matters, and basically wiping his ass with the Scripture.

    This is a country of immigrants, no one is a lesser immigrant than others.
    If you want this country to be pure race

    Don’t…change…the…subject…boy. You don’t get to change the subject any more. You don’t get to bear false witness over and over, and demand we respond. You start owning your own behavior. Now.

    then we should all get out and leave it to the native Americans. And you know you that this point is undeniable.

    Then he throws little Mammon (Congress’s idea of a citizen) overboard, to go back to big Mammon (hate YT); now, it’s all spiritual, and legal citizenship doesn’t matter.

  18. I`m not naive, I know there is a racist element in most of us, myself included. But my point is, all this talk of yours and the attitudes displayed here, they will never change anything, they remains fruitless and without a future. Therefore we must accept the multicultural society that we have because it will never change. We must make for a coexistence that serves everyone to the best of our abilities. I believe that is GOD`s will.

  19. Racism is far worse than mass beatings, in Dirks world. Even if racism PREVENTS mass beatings.

    Dirk, did you know there was FAR less interracial violence during Jim Crow, in either direction? Is peace now a bad thing when it interferes with liberal dogma

    Dirk loves the idea of racial strife, racial hatred, etc. Like his god Mammon, he thrives on it.

    Racial strife and racial hatred would be nonexistent/irrelevant in homogeneous societies. Which is why he hates the idea of homogeneous societies.

    This stuff isn’t complicated.

  20. “And who is the foreigner in this equation? Blacks born in USA with US citizenship with foreign ancestry just like yourself?”

    “Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. ”

    Propositional nations are un-Biblical. God does not recognize our divisions. Only his divisions. He created my race. Therefore, what distinction holds greater sway? The USA, created by man? Or my racial heritage inherited from my parents, that was created by God? So in your world God bows before man? Interesting Christianity you have there.

  21. “Therefore we must accept the multicultural society that we have because it will never change.”

    Multiculturalism. Abandon hope, all ye who enter.

  22. Yeah I guess CWNY is right, these people do worship at the altar of niggerdom. All they can do is attack us, but will not condemn nigger crime.

    The fact that Whites around the country are getting raped and killed means nothing to them.

  23. I condemn the 20-1 brink-of-death beatings, yes I do. Is that a clear answer?

    Well, it’s clear there’s a tiny sliver of hope for you, since you have proven capable of response. I would’ve liked something much HARSHER than you used against folks here for using harsh language (remember that, when you said we were all going to hell, we’re unredeemable, etc?), and I would’ve preferred not having to DRAG it out of you, but yes, a tiny sliver of hope.

    But, ultimately, I doubt VERY much you take Christianity seriously enough to really follow it. By that I mean, understand it enough to even know what its values are, irrespective of how well you live up to or uphold them.

    He just rejected the central tenet of Christianity. No real Christian would think any person could could commit a sin from which they could not redeem their soul through repentance.

    An excellent point. Presumably, the niggers who just 20-1 beat a man to the brink of death aren’t beyond redemption. I’m sure an honest fellow like Dirk would’ve told us so, if they are.

  24. “Therefore we must accept the multicultural society that we have because it will never change.”

    Multiculturalism. Abandon hope, all ye who enter.

    You have a real gift for pithiness. You do keep notes, right? If you don’t, you should.

  25. BTW dirk. We are not trying to preserve a white America. We are working to preserve and further our race. If making America white is part of that equation, so be it. But the goal is not a “pure white America”. America’s future is inconsequential. God doesn’t command me to honor the political constructions of man. He commands me to honor my father and mother.

  26. I`m not naive, I know there is a racist element in most of us, myself included. But my point is, all this talk of yours and the attitudes displayed here, they will never change anything, they remains fruitless and without a future. Therefore we must accept the multicultural society that we have because it will never change. We must make for a coexistence that serves everyone to the best of our abilities. I believe that is GOD`s will.

    If coexistence means accepting having my God-given Rights trampled, I’ll pass. I’d rather die than bow to tyrants. Especially FOREIGN tyrants, which GOD has forbidden.

  27. Thanks Svig. I really should, we all should. I know many times when a topic reappears in a discussion, I wish I had.

  28. I rest my case.

    Well, okay, but right now, you’re also LOSING your case.

    Of all minorities, you are thankfully the tiniest of them all. Thank GOD for that.

    Nope. People like us outnumber people like you – ideologically speaking. China alone outnumbers you guys. China has not, and will never, open its borders, or put non-Chinese in the driver’s seat, or elevate non-Chinese legally or culturally over Chinese. Japan, same deal. India doesn’t seem to be in any hurry to reciprocate your DWL sensibilities. Africa? Don’t make me laugh.

  29. You will never see the Chinese or Japanese (so, that’s what? 1.2 billion people already? 1.3?) forcing Chinese not to discriminate against non-Chinese. You may see fig-leaf laws on the books, but you’ll never actually see it happen. You certainly won’t see them importing alien populations in the bargain.

  30. “Presumably, the niggers who just 20-1 beat a man to the brink of death aren’t beyond redemption. I’m sure an honest fellow like Dirk would’ve told us so, if they are.”

    I found that hilarious: Savagely beating people into comas? Come to Jesus!! Profess politically unpopular thought? Go straight to HELL!!! Do not pass go or collect communion!

  31. Imagine what it takes to gather up 19 other simians and go beat a man to the brink of death over an insignificant verbal dispute.

    Standing over him, stomping his face. Kicking him as hard as you can. So many times, he’s touch and go now.

    Over some meaningless altercation.

    Take a break from worshiping Mammon and just imagine doing that to someone, for a minute.

  32. Dirk,

    Where in the Ten Commandments can we find a condemnation of “racism”? Where in the Gospels? Where did Jesus specifically address “racism”? Where did the Church fathers write about “racism”? Where did St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas write about “racism”?

    When did the Pope condemn “racism”? If “racism” is incompatible with Catholicism, explain the involvement of Portugal and Spain in the transatlantic slave trade for almost four centuries. Then the existence of Saint-Domingue and the French West Indies.

    If “racism” was so clearly immoral according to Christianity, then why did the Catholic Church sanction race based slavery in the Americas?

  33. Do not pass go or collect communion!

    Actually, Dirk’s a Catholic, so I don’t think he’ll be inviting any of us to communion. Unless we convert, of course.

  34. Simple. Communists are just more Christian than us. It’s all due to nuance, we couldn’t hope to understand.

  35. Dirk,

    Why are saying we must accept “the multicultural society” because it will never change? The term “multiculturalism” was unknown half a century ago. Nicholas Sarkozy, David Cameron, and Angela Merkel have already admitted that multiculturalism has failed.

    Why are you trying to pass off late twentieth century liberal nonsense as Christianity? Were you just unaware that people here would know the difference?

  36. If you want this country to be pure race then we should all get out and leave it to the native Americans. And you know you that this point is undeniable.

    If you believe this, then you must think God is a racist. Because clearly, God wanted Israel as a racially pure state, on land that someone else found first.

    For your beliefs, and this FACT to be true at the same time, means God gives special racist dispensation to the Hebrews, but no one else.

    I choose to believe that God is not racist; that Christianity means* the protections that God offers to Jews, he offers to all peoples. That he wants us all to survive and prosper, or at least, to try.

    *Christ said not a jot or tittle of the old law would pass away, which means that we have to try to reconcile the old law and the new, which means this stuff all has to make sense together, as a whole – we don’t get to pick and choose.

  37. What a gang of fucking stupid hick motherfuckers on this site. Thank goodness I live in a good socialist country with good welfare and a high standard of living unlike your piece of shit capitalist shithole USA. My friend Trine referred me to this site, we live in Norway. In Norway we don`t believe in fairytales about GOD. You are a bunch of dumb American idiots, while we are the master people , we hate USA in Norway because you are so gooddamn fucking stupid.

  38. I think coexistence is a worthy goal.

    I.e., DWLs and Mammon-worshipers should learn to coexist with those who don’t want to live according to their ways and beliefs. For that matter, I think they should learn some tolerance, too.

  39. My friend Kari tried posting something on here and it was removed. This is a parasitic site of censorship. Anyway, here is what Kari wanted to say:

    What a bunch of stupid fucking American hick idiots on this site. Thankfully I live in a good socialist country with a good welfare system. Nothing like your crappy moronic capitalist shithole USA. Norwegians hate USA because you are such a fucking stupid motherfucking useless people. Bow to us, we are the masters, Norway will rule the way. Socialism rules!

  40. I’m toying with the idea of making an, *ahem* alternate version of the “coexist” bumper sticker. It’s still “coexist, but with a life rune instead of a peace symbol, a confederate flag as a much better “x” than the magen david, a swastika as a better “s” than yin-yang, and a KKK cross at the end. Still haven’t settled on what I’ll use for the “c,” “e,” or “i,” though I think I might put the boer triskelion as the dot over the “i.”

    Anyway, I found this interesting graphic:

    Free South Africa…to lynch YT.

  41. Svigor, is your name supposed to relate to Norse mythology or something? Forget it, we are not interested in you relating to us you dumb inbreed American fucking hick.

  42. My friend Kari tried posting something on here and it was removed.

    She probably was too much of a sewer-mouth, which is really saying something around here. We tolerate your stupid speech, which simple, common courtesy is far too civil for your ilk to reciprocate. Please show us the libtard site that will let my posts stand unmolested (I’ll forgo all harsh language and profanity, promise).

    This is a parasitic site of censorship.

    I think libtards are secretly jealous of free speech, even though they hate it. A love-hate type relationship. Ah, I could be onto something here. They’re subconsciously envious of the way we freely express ourselves (and rhetorically stomp them into the ground without breaking a sweat). It’s like Muslims fasting on Ramadan or whatever, and being offended at infidels eating and having a good time, or Catholics upset that nobody else is eating fish on Fridays; they have to obey their rules, so why shouldn’t we? That sort of thing.

    What a bunch of stupid fucking American hick idiots on this site.


    Thankfully I live in a good socialist country with a good welfare system. Nothing like your crappy moronic capitalist shithole USA. Norwegians hate USA because you are such a fucking stupid motherfucking useless people. Bow to us, we are the masters, Norway will rule the way. Socialism rules!

    David? David Duke? Is that you? Slow news day over at VNN forum?

  43. Svigor, is your name supposed to relate to Norse mythology or something? Forget it, we are not interested in you relating to us you dumb inbreed American fucking hick.


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