Good Deeds


I was just ambushed by a distressed middle aged White woman from Georgia who claims to be stranded in Alabama.

Although I was skeptical of her story, I gave her a ride to the Wendy’s and $5 dollars. At worse this woman was just a non-threatening homeless bum or a drug addict of some kind.

In any case, I racially profiled her and made the snap decision that charity was warranted in this case in light of my Southern Nationalist principles.

How do you respond in these situations?

Note: There have been other cases where I have observed the rules of The Talk: Nonblack Version.

I usually adhere to racial discrimination, sexism, and white privilege in most incidences. Young attractive White females are most likely to receive assistance. The trayvons are never provided with assistance.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Trayvons never receive assistance.

    Old White men, particularly if their cardboard sign says Vietnam vet, get a handout from me.

  2. Did you see that special on ABC about a lovely white woman sawing thru a bike chain and juxtaposing that with a Trayvon sawing thru same?

    The white bird got all the help. One older white lady person called 911 on the blondie.
    All the men tended to stop and assist.

    The Trayvons were immediately confronted.

    Damned fucking right MSM! Young damsels get whatever they want. As it should be.

  3. That “Vietnam Vet” bit is a getting a bit thin with the beggars around here. “Gulf War” vet would even be pushing it for most of them, let alone a war whose last year was close to 40 years ago.

  4. On a wet, snowy night in December 2004, I was coming off the I-94 expressway exit and about to make my right turn onto Conner, which is the route I would usually take to get home. It was close to 11:00 PM, and I’m sitting at the red light and this white guy, who looked to be in early 40’s comes up and tells me that his truck broke down and asked me if I could spare some change for a pay phone. I knew the guy was telling the truth because there is a lot of commercial truck traffic throught that area, and the guy seemed a little shaken, and with good reason — you do not want a breakdown around Conner Park at night. Anyway, I let the guy call his wife on my cell phone, and let him wait in my car while the tow-truck came. This guy lived way the hell out in Chesterfield, which is a good 30 miles or so from where he broke down.

    So yeah, racial-profiling is instinctive for me in these kinds of situations. Had it been some nigger, male or female, I would not have gone to the trouble, or even considered it, and I make no apologies for that.

  5. I’m most likely to help young white females, too. 😛 They are least likely to be running a scam. When I used to work in a run-down area, on a few occasions, I was approached in parking lots on a few occasions by really haggard looking middle-aged white females that gave me a really long BS story about why they were stranded and asked for money. They’re more than likely drunks looking for booze/drug money. In fact, I think one of them had booze on her breath.

    Years ago while driving in Vermont I was flagged down by a middle aged white lady whose car had broken down. This was in the mid-90s so few people had cell phones. I drove her to a gas station and waited until she reached someone on the phone who would come get her. That was fine, and she was telling the truth, but these days you never know.

    I’d help an older white man as well. Basically the least threatening and least likely people to do me harm.

  6. One time I was riding with my brother-in-law in Jacksonville, FL in 1997, on Main Street in Springfield neighborhood, when we saw a pretty red-haired girl standing next to a dinosaur with the hood up. We were slowing down when old Buckwheat stepped out from behind the hood and out into the street like he was just gonna make a Cracker stop.

    I guess you could say we gave him a lift. You should have heard that coal-burner scream when her nigger landed in the back of the pickup and we just kept on going.

    We gave him a dirty shop rag full of ice to hold on the bump on his head as we dropped him off in Yulee. He didn’t even say thanks.

    There’s my do-gooder story.

  7. – About a year ago I passed 3 young black females apparently broken down next to a dangerous interstate on-ramp. As I passed, they started yelling “Sir! Sir! We need help! Please! No joke!” I kept on driving but called 911 and reported I saw some women stranded.

    – About six months ago a White woman approached me in the Whole Foods parking lot with toddler in tow. She said she and her daughter were out of gas and asked if I could spare any money. I filled up her tank and gave her some cash.

    – About a month ago I was approached by a college-aged White guy in restaurant parking lot. Same story; “I’m out of gas and trying to get back to my university.” I gave him $20.00.

    – A couple of hours ago, while filling up my tank earlier tonight, I was approached by middle aged White guy who looked like was just released from prison. He looked like the type that justifies carrying a gun. He told me he was running low on gas and trying to get to Pensacola, Florida. Did I have anything to spare? I gave him curt, “no,” and he shuffled off.

    I think “I’m out of gas; I’m stranded; I’m trying to get to X” has to be a standard grifter line.

    About once a week, I give cash to desperate-looking people holding up signs on the side of the road. Only Whites of course.

    Basically, in these street encounters, I am willing to offer limited help to Whites in some circumstances and no help to non-Whites ever. I would make an exception for non-White children.

  8. Being there when someone needs you with the things they need is the greatest feeling on earth.

    I’d help damn near anybody. Fuck. Being the hero is the best drug there is.

  9. I felt bad for this white-trashy lookin’ dude once, but am leery of bustin’ out a wad in front of beggars. So I told him no, then as he walked of I pulled out a $20 and two cigarettes, called him back, handed it to him and then briskly walked off.

  10. Not all YWFs. Young white females with uncombed hair and stained XXL t-shirt receive no help from me. They are normally prostitutes with nigger pimps.

  11. “That “Vietnam Vet” bit is a getting a bit thin with the beggars around here.”

    If he’s an old White man who is reduced to sitting on a street corner holding up a
    cardboard sign, whether he’s a vet or not, the fact that he’s sitting there instead of in a lazyboy recliner holding a grandchild is proof enough for me that somewhere along the way the anti-Whites in America seriously screwed him over, and that’s reason enough for me to gladly give him a handout.

  12. It’s always good to give minor charity to individuals of any race, provided it is a safe situation. Our issue with the Congoids and their Jew-masters is a matter of group-conflict, not this or that anonymous individual. And I will tell you, when push comes to shove, if I find a Black or a Jew or a Latino aiming his weapon in the same direction that I am, I’ll accept him – for a time – as an ally.

  13. I help Whites if I believe he/she really needs help. Problem is, White people are few and far between down here in the multicultural hellhole diversity complex of Miami, Fl. In Dade County there are mystery meat bums every shade of brown and black imaginable, all begging for the lint in your pocket.

    I’m stuck down here for at least another year.


    Then I’m outa here like a bat outa hell and I ain’t lookin’ back. I have family in Northern Florida, around Panama City Beach – a scouting trip is in order, plus, I attended school in Tallahassee so I’m familiar with the territory.

    Speaking of which, if FAMU wasn’t in Tallahassee it would be a White paradise … a bona fide Whitopia.

    SBPDL should do a numbered post on FAMU. Tallahassee proper literally shuts down when that piece of shit school has its home coming. Cops are brought out IN FORCE just to maintain peace and keep the TNB to a minimum.

    Meanwhile, most White kids flee the area that weekend.

  14. Barb: Most of those old bums screwed themselves over by drinking or doping and by burning bridges with their families by lying, conning and stealing.

    I still buy bottles of cheap White Port for those guys when they panhandle outside liquor stores, but I don’t let them tell me their bullshit, crybaby stories.

    About ten years ago in Macon, Georgia I even bought one of those huge bottles of cheap brandy for an old nigger who was about to have to spend a very cold night outdoors or wherever those guys hole up during freezing weather. He was in bad enough shape that he very well might have been on his last hours. If that brandy helped him slip away easier, then it was money well spent.

    People often tell me that I shouldn’t do that because it just encourages them to continue their life of squalor. I always just reply, “Fuck you, cocksucker.”

    I figure that when guys are so far gone that they are begging for booze in pissed pants outside a liquor store that they are way beyond fixing, so why not spend a few bucks to let them feel better for a little while.

    I always buy the booze for them. I don’t give them money. I don’t want to take a chance on their pissing it away on food, clothing or shelter.

  15. “I always buy the booze for them. I don’t give them money. I don’t want to take a chance on their pissing it away on food, clothing or shelter.”


    You got the right idea.

  16. I pretty much help no one, but members of my own race and ethnic group are the only exceptions. I don’t bother helping attractive young females, or any females, really, since I figure the crowd of obsequious betas will be forming momentarily and I usually have other things to do.

    Usually, helping the downtrodden comes with punishment.

  17. I do remember giving a stranded redneck 10 bucks for gas late one night, and telling him “remember a White racist helped you.” Probably preaching to the choir.

  18. Charity these days is tricky since most of the organized ones are into wiping out the white race via liberalism. But when the Alabama tornadoes went thru N. Alabama I sent money to LOS’s tornado relief fund. I figured they would get money and supplies to small town white people who are on no one’s list to help.

  19. It’s always good to give minor charity to individuals of any race, provided it is a safe situation. Our issue with the Congoids and their Jew-masters is a matter of group-conflict, not this or that anonymous individual. And I will tell you, when push comes to shove, if I find a Black or a Jew or a Latino aiming his weapon in the same direction that I am, I’ll accept him – for a time – as an ally.

    Whatever. Anonymous individual Blacks are too likely to cut my throat, or otherwise make trouble. And helping Blacks and Jews is not my line anyway.

  20. That’s a good line.

    “I’m a white supremacist, here’s 10 bucks.”


    “Tired replaced, g’bye dear, btw I’m racist.”

    that’s something that will stick in the mind. Before the booze erases the nerve cortex at least.

  21. ‘- About a year ago I passed 3 young black females apparently broken down next to a dangerous interstate on-ramp. As I passed, they started yelling “Sir! Sir! We need help! Please! No joke!” I kept on driving but called 911 and reported I saw some women stranded.’

    Anti-racists are starting to complain about this type of behavior more and more.

    At the Jew-niversity I work at they call these ‘micro-aggressions’. They have had whole seminars wasting good tax-payers money on this non-sense.

    Anti-racists won’t be happy until they literally control EVERY action one takes.

    Strike back by driving past the stranded Negroes!

  22. Just be careful and observant of your surroundings.

    There are cases where the white woman is bait for a white victim with her black thug boyfriend hiding in the bushes. These white women will do anything for their abusive black thug including helping him attack other whites. It is more of a black pimp, white slave relationship than a boyfriend /girlfriend relationship. Several examples at this link.

    Caution :Not good reading for those with high blood pressure

    The end game of Groveling White Guilt Syndrome meets Virulent Black Race Hatred :”White women who show “Pimp Respect” to their black masters”

  23. Chair-borne, there’s nothing wrong with niggers wanting to sexually dominate White women. The wrong comes in when you realize nobody’s burning their houses down.

  24. In coastal Mississippi, it is almost impossible to pump gas in a car without being accosted by some hobo who wants your change; or some guy sitting in an SUV who needs a couple of gallons of gas ‘to get to the school to pick his kids up and he left his billfold at home’.

    I will not give to organized charities, e.g. March of Dimes or Red Cross because of the money they distribute to blacks. I have found that the most satisfying and effective way to give to those truly in need is to help those in your own community that you know need help. Anonymous money orders mailed to them or age-appropriate toys for the kids around X-mas; A ham or a turkey left at the door a few days before Thanksgiving.

  25. I think “I’m out of gas; I’m stranded; I’m trying to get to X” has to be a standard grifter i line.

    LOL I was just telling my wife about some white lady that tried that on me. We were debating about if it was a new scam. I told her that a gallon of fuel would get her to the next town to pickup her kid and she could have bought one for the price of the figs she was smoking.

    In retrospect I should have offered to just squirrel some fuel in her tank…..I was pumping diesel into a car so she may not have caught it until her Shit stalled and I was gone.

    Fucking white traash methheads are almost as bad as niggers…. I’ve seen hundreds of them buy a pack of smokes a lottery ticket with a $10 and then prepay the change for gas in their jalopies. Pathetic…..I don’t consider their types my kinfolk either so don’t get started on that.

    In retrospect

  26. Mighty said Meanwhile, most White kids flee the area that weekend.

    That reminds me, it is the 29th of the month. All my supermarket shopping for the next week must be done tonight and tomorrow. Ah, the pleasures of diversity.

  27. My personal favorite bum story took place a few years back in college. As I walk out the door of the science building (nigger free-zone) some nigger asks to borrow a cellphone. I told him “don’t have one” and then proceeded to make a call 10 feet away. Really, you can’t show compassion to these animals. For starters they don’t deserve it. After that, they view kindness as weakness.

  28. I give, generally, up to fifty dollars a month, to specific, and qualified ‘homeless’…what is my method, it varies; does it work, who really knows – but that is my duty, and ours as well, to our folk-community. If your senses tell you NO, then don’t, but keeping this passion alive is important, if not too ourselves as individuals, or as a culture.

    Vets, and time? You make your call the way you see it, but those who have been there, will give until there is no more – and this is from a passive/aggressive approach to the duty and obligation we all share to each other – not any obligation to the ‘state’.

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