H/T Free Republic
The Daily Mail is reporting on a particularly savage black-on-Hispanic rape and double murder in Las Vegas.
Note: Clay also raped a 50-year-old woman in the Nevada desert the day before the murders. The race of the victim is unspecified.
The person who was raped in the double murder case was a 10 year old girl. Then Obama’s son Clay murdered the girl and her mother, leaving them to be discovered by the girl’s brother. Shocking.
They have the death penalty in Nevada. This one needs it, badly.
Bury him alive.
Good to see you are enjoying the Dailymail.
It’s a very forthright right wing news paper. Mainstream but it dies report the grizzly reality.
Dacre (the editor) got heavily involved in the Stephen Lawrence Bullshit and the DM is partly responsible for the end of Habeus Corpus.
Otherwise they will be a good link to the crime and TNB stories.
“we are no longer accepting comments on this article”. Interesting. Why no pic of the 50 year old woman, I wonder? They certainly splattered the article with pics of the Mexicans. How odd :-/
Oh, sorry. The 50 year old wasn’t murdered. Never mind.
Holy shit! WTF.
Not surprised they’re “no longer accepting comments”. Race realists – “Trayvon strikes again”, “nice hoodie”, etc. – must’ve hit that one hard. History isn’t made by apathetic majorities. It’s made by radicalized minorities. And that’s going to be us: HardRights + WNs.
Any story that cuts to close to Racial Reality – well – the Comments Close Quick.
New “flash rob” in Portland at a gas station store. By flash rob they mean assault, what appears to be menacing a couple who ran in to call for help and a flash rob mob, of sainted hoodie types.
“While the group was leaving the store, an employee attempted to apprehend one of the suspects and was hit several times. That suspect was described as a 17 to 18-year-old African-American woman, 5 feet 6 inches tall, with a heavy build.”
All black-Hispanic conflict is orchestrated by ‘da man.’ He used the same machine with which he engineered Hurricane Katrina and manufactured AIDS, in order to turn Dontavius Deshawn against Javier Carnalito.
But that machine actually had been invented thousands of years ago, by da Blak Egypshunz. Da whyte debbil jus sto aw da nahllidge fum dem niggaz. Dass whah da niggaz be struggalin n sheeyt.
Anybody heard of this?
“London, Apr 27 (ANI): Egypt’s new Islamist-dominated parliament is preparing to introduce a controversial law that would allow husbands to have sex with their deceased wives up to six hours after death.
Known as the “farewell Intercourse” law, the measure is being championed as part of a raft of reforms introduced by the parliament that will also see the minimum age of marriage lowered to 14 for girls. ”
No doubt DWLs will be pushing for that here next.
Y’all stole my thunder about the “Comments section closed” manuever. Must have been quite a few “hoodies, blacks or Obama’s son” remarks flooding in so fast they shut it down in less than a few hours after posting that article on line.
This is actually a very good development in the whole scope of things.
Everyone have a nice weekend and keep up the good works.
Brutus linked,
“London, Apr 27 (ANI): Egypt’s new Islamist-dominated parliament is preparing to introduce a controversial law that would allow husbands to have sex with their deceased wives up to six hours after death.”
But sex with an Egyptian women whether “dead or alive” is irrelevant because 97% the women there under went Female Genial Mutilation (FGM) … so they’re not really “into it” … so to speak : )
Who cares what they do in Eygpt? This is just jew distractration for the goyim. Don’t fall for it.. We have black savages in the USA to deal with.
Agreed on that. Egypt is a distraction.
Anyone catch Obama’s comedy routine?
He never says anything that is self depricating. Not once. It’s extraordinary that this unctious man is not called out for his self regard.
You got to go all the way to England to read the news, and England has become a wasteland imo.
I heard about the Egyptian “necrophilia” law on Friday. I read an article on the Christian Science monitor stating that it was just introduced by a nutty legislator and has about zero chance of being voted in by the rest. However, it is notable that someone this extreme even made it into their parliament.
As for the Clay article, when I read it last night I was too upset to leave a comment. I wish I had, as perhaps some people would have seen it before the comments were closed.
John: re Obama’s “comedy routine”: All the more reason why I will thoroughly enjoy it when he loses in November.
At least Bush looked like an ass in the presser.
And he brought in a hostile like Colbert.
I think O.D. has just a little bit too many Black crime horror stories. Sure, these stories are entertaining and they put across the point of the bad things in life when BRA is allowed to run wild. But, too many of these stories can depress White people and cause them to give up hope, fall in to “End Times” negativity, hope for “The Rapture” to be taken out of this terrible world.
I just got suspended for a week at a White forum (off-shoot of Stormfront) for criticizing the negative mindset of End Times survivalism that contributed to a White man in North Bend Washington apparently murdering his White wife and daughter and then retreating to a bunker hole in the wilderness where he died in a confrontation with armed authorities.
I understand that it might seem hard to find inspirational positive stories in BRA, but I am sure we can find some positive White stories if we try.
When in doubt look to be around young White families (in a safe, positive way) – young White moms and their healthy children are always very inspirational.
the bill will be voted down; but hajjis will screw anything. Ask anyone who’s spent any serious time here. I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve seen hajji screwing his livestock or another dude out in the middle of nowhere
OD is interesting to me because of the Confederate angle.
It’s a great mentality to bring because it is based on a society that actually was supremacist. Analysing that society gives practical assurance to designing sonething for the future.
I also enjoyed the Safari to SA and Rhodesia.
I plan to visit down there in the near future, to look at the New Ruins and visit sacred battle sites and pay respects to my ancestors.
Outlier says:
April 29, 2012 at 10:14 am
I hope they use all that “meat” to feed the hungry.
Re: Comments closed
Again, I’ll hazard a guess that most white Americans are not only aware of negro mayhem, but fed up with it as well. Any news site you go on with this sort of story, if it remains uncensored, will show lots of grassroots support for racial realism. I’ve had many whites speak frankly to me about how ridiculous PC has gotten also (I know that’s anecdotal but it just goes to show).
Liberals have a tremendous psychological advantage because they are over-represented in media, academia and government and have the advantage of PC socialization that freezes racial discussion out of the mainstream. In actuality though, people who don’t like this madness they force us to endure are the numerical majority of whites. They may mouth the platitudes (as they feel they have to), but they don’t believe any of it.
. That suspect was described as a 17 to 18-year-old African-American woman, 5 feet 6 inches tall, with a heavy build.”
Wow….that should narrow it down shouldn’t it? Maybe WNs should start calling the cops on every black saying they think they see the suspect from laser nights crime. They all look and dress the same and probably have warrants for something.
These comments are a joke. If you are going to profile and judge people by what they wear, then it is only fair to include all. What if we. Called all women who wears short shirts or tight clothes whores or asking to get raped? The US has a long way to go.
I read about the savage crime of Bryan Clay in today’s local newspaper, but there was no photo of the perpetrator. Sensing that such a violent, irrational crime was most likely committed by an African-American, but given no clues as to the ethnicity of the criminal by his name, I looked up his photo online… and sure enough. Another mind-boggling, absolutely FERAL atrocity committed by someone of the black race. Check out the INTERPOL statistics and see which race commits 3-times the number of murders, rapes, and violent assaults AROUND THE GLOBE (not just in the US). This is unacceptable to anyone who values civilized society. Being politically correct on this subject seems to have only made matters worse.
True story.
Back in January, I was running through downtown around midnight. It was cold outside. I was wearing a hoodie. I must have looked suspicious, but the truth is that I had simply missed my workout earlier in the day, and I was alternating between cardio and lifting weighs in a nearby gym.
A police officer pulled up alongside me and asked me what I was doing … I explained that I was simply out jogging and using the 24/7 access at the nearby gym. He explained to me that there had been a string of robberies downtown and he was just checking to see what I was doing.
I told the police officer that I prefer to use the gym at nights and would keep an eye out for any suspicious looking African-Americans. I got the police number and told him I would recall and report any suspicious activity.
I’m a strong supporter of profiling.
why do shorts on girls make you think about rape? Or miniskirts about whores?
i’m perfectly ok with calling women who dress like sluts and act like sluts slut
I’m glad these crime stories are posted as they won’t be posted anyplace else(MSM). They serve to wake whites up to anger(yes, whites need to get angry already!) and hopefully teach whites to use situational awareness..
It sounds like AR’s first interaction with anyone is a hypersexualized one. There’s some difference between a hoochie mama and a svelte girl.
AR likes to confuse easy to understand things.
History isn’t made by apathetic majorities. It’s made by radicalized minorities.
Too true. We’re going to have to grab a few heads by the hair. Rhetorically speaking, of course.
I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve seen hajji screwing his livestock or another dude out in the middle of nowhere
Hey lifter, I have the perfect book project for you: surveying former operators and getting their subhuman anecdotes about hadji. Seriously, that would make a really good book.
These comments are a joke. If you are going to profile and judge people by what they wear, then it is only fair to include all. What if we. Called all women who wears short shirts or tight clothes whores or asking to get raped? The US has a long way to go.
Indeed. Until the federal gov’t explicitly Constitutionally acknowledges and enshrines man’s God-given Right to Free Association, there’s going to be more and more trouble.
Until libtards stop their campaign of intolerance against dissenting views and lifestyles, and people of White color, and learn to coexist with people and to Live And Let Live, there’s going to be more and more trouble from uppity Whites.
“Who cares what they do in Eygpt?”
I care because we’re flooding western civilization with these people.
Mighty white of Mr. Wallace not to pound the cop’s head into the concrete.
Until libtards stop their campaign of intolerance against dissenting views and lifestyles, and people of White color, and learn to coexist with people and to Live And Let Live, there’s going to be more and more trouble from uppity Whites.
This is what I’ve been saying, albeit in different terms. Liberals are moralists who hate anyone who doesn’t share their worldview. You can see this in how they deride even non racists who don’t share their delusions, i.e. moderates are “sheep”, conservative types are “tea baggers” etc. They simply cannot tolerate contrary views. They’re basically religious zealots, and their religion is secular humanism, although it actually seems to have some elements of pantheism since they seem to implicitly view the collective of humankind as a god concept (thus racism prevents the imminentization of their raceless utopia and is therefore the ultimate evil).
I resent the hick comment. I have a very expensively aquired education.
Uncalled for.
Sivgor, the 64 and 58 pilots see a lot more of it. They have million dollar imaging systems that see in the dark
But it is a frequent occurrence all over the middle east and africa
Not to long ago, I saw three dudes holding hands and walking out into the desert and was thinking great, I don’t want to see this…. but it turned out to be a group poo session. Strange but not the strangest
If only the 64 and 58 guys could upload it to YouTube and Tweet it to all the Kwanbook libtards.
they could; but then they would be in deep poo. as in career ending trouble, but my guess is some of it is on youtube and the like.
‘These comments are a joke. If you are going to profile and judge people by what they wear, then it is only fair to include all.’
Fine with me! Let us bring Racial Profiling back in spades!
In fact given the preponderance of financial crimes committed by Jews (Michel Milken, Bernie Madoff) I think that Jews should be Racially Profiled for White Collar crime. We could start off by putting the NSM guys in charge of this particular program….
‘What if we. Called all women who wears short shirts or tight clothes whores or asking to get raped?
What? This is not some Brown Islamic website! Sheesh.
‘The US has a long way to go.’
No it doesn’t. Progressivism is wrong. There is no linear upward movement toward ‘Utopia’. There is no-where ‘to go’.
Spengler and Evola were right: Things go in Cycles. The USA is doing just fine in the current cycle: the hardening of White Racial Attitudes. ( http://www.occidentaldissent.com/2012/04/28/millennial-racial-attitudes/ )
“What if we. Called all women who wears short shirts or tight clothes whores or asking to get raped?”
It would be a good thing. Women wearing decent clothing are more likely to be girls who keep legs closed til wedding nights, which would go a long way towards seeing to it that White children get to be raised by their married parents.
Against Racisim @April 29, 4:47 pm out with the pointy finger – “these comments are a joke. If you are going to profile people and judge…etc and etc”
AR – save this for the fellow Kwans at the novus ordo RC parish ‘seder’ . Everyone without exception profiles and judges others by what they wear and how they behave. This is human behaviour 101.
If you are a brutha – ya gotta look like a brutha with yo ass hangin out o yo pants and a hoodie; if you are a Shite woman the burka is for you, if you are an Orthodox Judaic – on with the kippah.
All of the above are certainly judged by their in-group on what they wear. As a Kwan, I hope you don’t think people who hate your race do not immediately take your measure based upon what you wear, how you behave and what you say. Of course they do.
Get out of live streaming liberal douche and reality denial. Just snap out of it.
Why do racists, against Blacks in particular choose to identify with the worse type of Blacks, the equivalent to White trash???
What a sad cop out for your limited little minds.
That is all.
Obama’s son? Really? You call this journalism?! It’s THIS kind of slander that makes more and more people gravitate towards the President and rally to support him. It’s one thing to dislike him but it’s quite another to make up lies about him.
Really, an American tradegy? 911 was an American tradegy. Having some punk ass kid get his just desserts is a C’est la vie moment. By the way if Obama had a father he will look like bobby rush.