About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. So what do the crime statistics for black females look like compared to e.g. white males?

  2. What Blacks understand and respect is enforcement – law enforcement, rule enforcement, dominance etc. They don’t get stuff like congenial social behaviours – you know, a person sitting on the train and talking or staring out the window. Because of their racial antagonism if the person is White – there has to be a dominance display, a confrontation. The White has to be prepared to face them down or escalate the confrontation to survival based defense. Whites are taught in school (actually it’s drummed in) to be apologetic and retiring – especially in relation to Blacks. Whites are programmed to think that if they are bullied by a Black and they stand up to the Black and it comes to confrontation that the White will be in more trouble from their fellow Whites (especially if they succeed). Whites have to get rid of that programming and learn how to confront and follow through against harassment, bullying and assualt. They should carry items that can immediately become weaponized.

  3. @ Lynda

    I think its part of the European genetic to be patience, tolerant and curious. But when they get pissed off they really lose it – a long fuse so to speak. It appears that Europeans are also adventurous. The reason why Communism is still in China because it fits their personalities which is a manifestation of genetics. I can’t imagine full blown communism or even Euro socialism in the US. The reason why democracy will never work in the Middle East and Africa is it goes against the grain of their genes.

  4. @Lynda

    I don’t mean to pick on you but….

    “The White has to be prepared to face them down or escalate the confrontation to survival based defense.”
    –Escalating will land a white man in prison. period

    “Whites are taught in school (actually it’s drummed in) to be apologetic and retiring – especially in relation to Blacks.”
    –It’s good to do this actually as it would avert constant fighting….but the blacks would have to reciprocate, herein lies the conundrum.

    “Whites are programmed to think that if they are bullied by a Black and they stand up to the Black and it comes to confrontation that the White will be in more trouble from their fellow Whites (especially if they succeed).”
    –That is exactly true, so why bother?

    “Whites have to get rid of that programming and learn how to confront and follow through against harassment, bullying and assualt. They should carry items that can immediately become weaponized.”
    –That leads the males right to prison, and other whites (especially the women) will not be clamoring to have them released. They will disappear into ether.

  5. All of the above spells out that we need an authoritarian state like that in SA under Apartheid.

  6. The fat Latina who says “people fight over the smallest things” is part of the problem of minorities. A fight? That was no fight, that was a mob assault and robbery. The two White girls were using their phones, probably texting, and eating French fries on the way home when they were attacked by a pack of sheboons.

  7. It seem to have become a common trend after a chimp-outs to have a station’s blackest reporter stroll about the scene of the crime registering other blacks people’s canned dismay at the travesty.

    The subliminal reads:
    “See whitey? Most of them are kind and outraged just like you. Now don’t be goin’ and havin’ racsit thoughts. Just look at all those nice black people just waiting to be your BBF.”

  8. “Escalating will land a white man in prison. period… [it] leads the males right to prison, and other whites (especially the women) will not be clamoring to have them released. They will disappear into ether.”

    Not necessarily so. My attorney is a 101% gold-plated all-star son of a bitch. If, God forbid, I am ever forced to shoot someone in self defense I’m confident he’ll demonstrate my innocence without having to go to trial. A few hours in city or county lockup while the bail is arranged and I’ll be out of there.

    Of course, I have no intention of ever shooting another human being, nor even of having to touch my gun except for maintenance, training, or sport. Why? Because as a rule I do not place myself in situations where that kind of self-defense is necessary. I zig when Trouble zags. I stay out of bad neighborhoods and away from places where violence is likely. I limit my social interactions to situation where whites of known quality are in the majority.

    Of course, there are certain situations where you have to expose yourself to the risk of black aggression. In such situations I have found that a confident and alert demeanor acts as a deterrent to any humanoid jackals that might be looking for easy prey. When I am outside my home or other environment which I control, I maintain maximum situational awareness. My eyes never stop moving. I scan my surroundings continuously, seeking out threats, gauging potential threats, noting areas of concealment or isolation where a Threat might lay in wait. I identify and evaluate likely threat axes and escape routes. I look behind myself using reflections in mirrors, metal objects, and other reflective surfaces along with occasional quick glances to my rear and both flanks. I watch faces for signs of hostility or aggression, and evaluate the combat potential of every potential Threat I encounter. I listen for the telltale signs of Trouble: shouting, screaming, apelike screeching and hooting, fireworks (real gunshots sound like fireworks popping), police sirens or bullhorns, inappropriate profanity, rap/hip-hop music, etc. I smell the air to detect pot smoke, piss, malt liquor, body spray, hair dressings, and the like. I keep my hands loose, free, and by my sides. I eat or drink nothing in public — nothing to tie up my hands, no choking hazard if I have to defend myself. I wear a dark suit, white or pastel dress shirt, and plain or rep tie (to give impression of One Not To Be Fucked With), with the tie loosened a bit to prevent an aggressor from using it to strangle me. I NEVER have earphones, earbuds, or anything else over my ears. I NEVER wear clothing with visible slogans, logos, or symbols. I wear heavy dress shoes with rubber soles for traction. I walk briskly and confidently with a manly stride, always on the alert, until I reach my destination.

    If an aggressor confronts me, I measure his threat potential. If his aggression is limited to insults, obscene gestures, name-calling, etc., I do not react. I walk past as if the aggressor is not there. If I am in a confined space with the aggressor, I ignore him, but maintain an alert. If the aggressor enters my defense zone ( = personal space), I say nothing but I look him right in the eye, standing up if I am seated. I use my peripheral vision to make sure other blacks are not moving in to support the aggressor. I maintain this posture until or unless I am physically attacked.

    If I am attacked, I gauge my response. If the attack is limited to holds, I would use any of a small number of joint locks to stop the attack. If fists are used, I would disable the attacker by use of a kneecap dislocation (turn sideways to present minimal target aspect, kick downward to tenemy’s kneecap with outside edge of shoe) or similar technique. If counterpunching is required, the open-palm strike to the chin is used. All of these loves are intended to disable the attacker so that I can escape.

    Note: Most blacks can’t fight. They tend to either grapple ( easily defeated with elbow or wrist locks) or go for the sucker punch, which is impossible if you keep your wits about you. They also never fight alone. Watch for homies jumping in on the action; even that nice black man in the coat and will not hesitate to come in swinging if it looks like a brother is going to get a beatdown from YT.

    Avoid black women at all costs. They have zero self control and ordinary deterrent methods will be ineffective. They will immediately escalate the situation to the level where weapon-based self-defense is required. If you hit one, you will probably kill her, so don’t. Just ignore her until the screeching stops. In the rare case of a female attack, the open-palm face strike is the best defense, but, as I said, it is likely that you’ll kill or seriously injure her with even the most measured blow. This is why men don’t hit women: up against an open palm backed by male upper body strength, their skeletons are like chicken bones. Avoid at all costs.

    If the situation escalates, if other blacks join in, or if limited defensive measures are not enough. I would at that point draw my gun and kill the attacker(s). BUT I NEVER LET THINGS GO THAT FAR.

    God willing, I’m never going to have to do any of that, because I don’t allow myself to be put in situations when those sort of things can happen. By keeping to controlled or other safe environments, by maintaining a confident and alert demanor, and by gauging my responses to aggression, I hope to avoid ever having to strike another person in anger again, or touch my gun except on a target range.

  9. These two young White women were apparently attacked at 3am on the subway in NYC.
    Well, having lived in NYC during the early 90’s I will tell you the 4 train runs right through the S. Bronx. They were attacked at 176th st. This is a terrible area any White person should avoid at all costs, especially when the night people are out in numbers.
    If memory serves me correct, the four train runs beneath Grand Concousre, a notorius Avenue in the Bronx. A no go zone for Whites when I lived in NY.

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