Wisconsin: The Color of Crime


I’ve finally nailed down the Wisconsin numbers …

In Wisconsin, African-Americans are 6.3 percent of the population, but are responsible for 57 percent of homicide, 32 percent of rape, 73 percent of robbery, 32 percent of aggravated assault, and 31 percent of burglary.

Source: Arrests in Wisconsin, 2010

About Hunter Wallace 12408 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. When it comes to Negroes it’s all negative. There is no up side. Even 0.01% of the population is a public burden and menace.

  2. I fucking hate iPhones.

    Do a compare and constrast Wisconsin v Sweden.

    Same ethnic groups separated by a common negrophilia.

  3. Blacks are always bitchin’ that they are always underrepresnted in everything; well here’s proof that it’s not true!

  4. I read somewhere that almost all American states have higher academic achievement, better living standards, and more wealth per capita than Scandinavian countries once you correct for blacks and mexicans. I know, I know. And JFK was perfectly healthy when he died, except for that hole in his head.

  5. so three people lost their job over editing the phone call. So what? The damage was done, mission accomplished and the left doesn’t give a shit about their drones in the way we care about our people

  6. Out of all the states in the U.S., Wisconsin has the highest black incarceration rate while, out of all the states in the U.S., it also has the lowest white incarceration rate (as shown here: http://www.cows.org/pdf/ds-blackwisconsites_011107.pdf ). I suppose Wisconsin just has the most angelic whites in the nation, while it has the most reprehensible African Americans.
    As another example, a site entitled “The Ten Worst Places To Be For Blacks” (this is a site, by the way, that came up among the very first search results in a random Google search of mine, in which I wrote “Worst cities for African Americans” in the Google search box) listed Wisconsin at number 1, as the very worst state in the nation to live for African Americans (as shown here http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:tkssaNgyyvAJ:www.blackcommentator.com/146/146_cover_dixon_ten_worst.html+worst+cities+for+african+americans&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&source=www.google.com).
    A site entitled “The Top Ten Best Cities For African Americans” listed Washington, D.C. at number one, and Atlanta, Georgia at number 2. These are the best places to live if you’re African American (as shown here http://www.therealestatebloggers.com/top-10-real-estate-lists/the-top-ten-best-cities-for-african-americans/ ). This site is from 2007.
    According to the sites, these conclusions are based upon such facts and figures as useful measures of family income, home ownership, life expectancy, education levels, unemployment, underemployment, racially selective policing, prosecution, and mass imprisonment, etc.

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