U Mad Bro? Virginian Pilot Upset With “White Supremacists”


H/T Patrick Cleburne

The Virginian Pilot is lashing out at the “white supremacists” who have hijacked the narrative and poisoned the discourse surrounding the Norfolk Beating:

“But that’s only one portion of the talk, which has been perverted on Internet sites from Facebook to political blogs to the most awful white supremacist precincts. Those emails and calls came from California and Cincinnati, from New York and from locations unknown.

This conversation cannot and should not be ceded to those people, most of whom couldn’t locate Hampton Roads on a map but have nevertheless taken it upon themselves to tell us what this attack means and how we all should react in its aftermath.

They have used email and Twitter and the Internet to stir racial animosity, to articulate the rankest bigotry and to spew vulgarity and cowardly threats at any and every one.

These are the kinds of visceral reactions typical of an anonymous Internet, where deliberative responses have no chance of keeping pace with the impulsive demand for more violence, for a nihilistic surrender to the inevitable.”

You will be mediated, damnit!

About Hunter Wallace 12407 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “You will be mediated, damnit!”

    While grammatically defensible, “damnit” simply looks fussy and weird. It has the unintended effect of vitiating the force of emotion you intend, through its careful nicety.

    Always use “dammit”. It may be (for some) technically wrong, but it does a better job of getting your point across.

  2. When you ignore the important issues don’t expect others to also ignore them. Funny the people they’re condemning are merely those who are talking about what is important to them. We’re not ‘hijacking’ anything. The MSM is irrelevant because they’re deluded or cowards or both.

    They’re loosing control of the narrative and they resent it.

  3. I’m amazed that anyone would take them seriously. This blatant refusal to name the person of color must surely be obvious to everybody by now. Here’s another example linked by Drudge:


    The video shows what we all knew; the mob is black. The descriptions of the suspects somehow miss that detail:

    The 12 suspects are described as ranging in age from 15 to 18 years old. Police released the following descriptions of the suspects’ clothing and ages.

    – 17, gray sweatpants and a pink shirt
    – 17, pink sweatshirt, blue jeans, black T-shirt with white writing
    – 17, long blond hair, black bubble jacket, white jeans
    – 17, maroon Hollister T-shirt with white writing, blue denim jacket, blond stripes in the back of hair
    – 18, red jacket and olive green baseball hat
    – 17, heavyset, black T-shirt, gray jeans and a purple scarf.
    – 17, purple sweatshirt, blue denim jacket, light jeans, white sneakers
    – 18, white T-shirt, blue jacket, mesh hat with white writing
    – 18, blue T-shirt, gray sweatshirt, white sneakers
    – 17, tan jacket, light jeans, black knee high boots
    – 15, heavyset with blond hair in a bun, pink sweatpants, pink sweatshirt, blue denim jacket
    – 15, heavyset, purple Polo shirt with two yellow stripes and a yellow No. 5, light blue jeans

    Wait – blonde hair in a bun?

    Yep. And black skin. Funny how nobody noticed that.

  4. “They have used email and Twitter and the Internet to stir racial animosity, to articulate the rankest bigotry and to spew vulgarity and cowardly threats at any and every one.”

    I myself did not comment on this beating, but rarely have I heard many of our compatriots ‘spew vulgarity and cowardly threats’. Who would have made threats of violence against the paper? An agitator from the SPLC? I have frequently read posts where someone suggests carrying a concealed weapon in case of an encounter with a mahogany mob, but how is that a threat? Liberals truly are retarded.

  5. I just watched the attached newsclip. A textbook example of what the late Sam Francis referred to as ‘Anarcho Tyranny”. The cops act like the victims are an inconvenience. It is telling that they tell the female victim to ‘shut up’. Officer friendly…

  6. Hijack?

    This is an attempt to delegitimize opinion. Everyone is entitled to an opinion except…yt.

  7. Analogman – It might be on the head, but it isn’t hair.

    Fr. John’s link said:

    It’s why Costco has 58 million members worldwide, and why its security is tighter than an airport (they demand to see your membership card at the door, screen your receipt on your way out, and last week the cashier asked me for three forms of identification). It’s why customers will put up with quirky eccentricities like only accepting American Express ….

    ID check to enter, receipt checks, and American Express.

    I think we know why “people” put up with it. The “people” are White.
    And it is a monocultural paradise.

  8. The moral equivalence of a mob attack with bricks n fists, the black sturmabteilungSA
    and harsh WORDS from nasty white men.

  9. Their refusal to acknowledge the obvious is almost comical. The myth of negro equality will die hard for DWL’s and anti-Whites. They resent very much that others are not as deluded as them.

    That reporter sounded like a true believer. I wonder if he still is?

  10. We’re putting the heat on!

    10 years ago, newspapers would get a flood of emails and phone calls, but not from VDARE people. Back then it was the National Alliance, and they were considered a more “fringe element.” Nevertheless, it foreshadowed the current conservative racial activism.

    Having been watching this scene for 12 years, I find it fascinating how conservatives have become racial activists. The campaigns of the NA 10 years ago are now being carried out by conservative and “button down” outlets like VDARE, The Blaze and and World Net Daily who are attacking media outlets for racially biased reporting.

    The MindWar, being a War of Consciousness, allows us to see what progress we are making by the spread of popularity of our views.

    But we should remind ourselves — it’s the enemy losing, not us winning. Not yet at least.

    The NBC editing of George Zimmerman’s 911 call has enraged the public, and primed the pump for the Virginia Pilot affair.

    What White people are figuring out is that the mass media plays favorites; that they play dirty against Whites; that they wage MindWar against us.

    At this time, our job is to drive the knife in further by promoting antiwhitemedia.com to the racially awakening conservatives. Conservatives need to see that commercials are also their enemy, not just the news.

  11. The ‘Virginian Pilot’ is upset that we are controlling the narrative now, not them. They are upset that the Dark Age is over, that we are moving into the Age of Survival. They represent the past. They are the dinosaurs. History has passed them by.

  12. This conversation cannot and should not be ceded to those people, most of whom couldn’t locate Hampton Roads on a map but have nevertheless taken it upon themselves to tell us what this attack means and how we all should react in its aftermath.

    Why don’t libtards ever think through what they say? The last 50 years have seen Yankees and Jews lecture the South endlessly about itself. Now, all of a sudden, everything’s local.

    Oh, wait, I remember: they never think through what they say because they only allow people who agree with them to speak. This is what happens to totalitarians: mental atrophy.

  13. Do you think that victim really saw “young people” ?

    How could he have missed the groidal?

  14. The Southerners were ofcourse saying this:

    you Yankees don’t have to deal with as many blacks as we do. Mind your own business.

    In a sense the paper is saying that we area black community ans so what if a YT is
    beaten up?

  15. Heck, it’s a black world, so what if YT is getting beaten up?

    Just look at the TV commercials.

    I think when ordinary White conservatives start seeing the genocide in the TV commercials, we are on our way.

  16. I hope more newspaper reporters get urbanized. It’s awesome, and this video confirms why.

    “That reporter sounded like a true believer. I wonder if he still is?”

    He really looked shaken. It might take a few more reeducation sessions with urban youths before it sinks in, however.

  17. “I have frequently read posts where someone suggests carrying a concealed weapon in case of an encounter with a mahogany mob, but how is that a threat? Liberals truly are retarded.”

    No, they are not retarded. They are members of a cult- the MULTI-cult.

    It’s their religion, and like all ‘true believers’ they are scared shitless that the Whites of Christendom are awakening from their cultic control….they ARE the Jim Jones’ or David Koreshes of the Multi-cult, and somehow, someone has just said, “I think the kool-aid is drugged” and they see their millennial utopia melting faster than a snowman in June, and they are scared….

    – That someone is US, and we aren’t drinking our own racial suicide any longer. The cult is dead. Long live its demise.

  18. These young whites who get the $hit beat out of them by negros and then don’t have the b@lls to even describe the baboons are just what the blacks want.A world of white pu$$ies where the black baboon ba$tards can do whatever criminal violence they want to entertain the monkey mobs.

  19. I bet the reporters were paid hush money but then the woman columnist broke the story anyway because her conscience couldn’t take it.

  20. Liberalism has an anchor about itself and it is going down, the center will not hold. Blacks are urban racial supremacist terrorists and they are even going to scare the DWLs and gentle SWPL folk.

  21. The center will not hold because the DWLs who have spent decades being race traitors so they can make a buck and be relavant are being pushed aside by blacks they cannot control in any fashion and they are backed by the first African warlord president, Obama.

  22. Stonelifter,

    Are you saying that no women can ever have a crisis of conscience?

    I believe in averages, not absolutes.

  23. I only hope to add context to a story Kievsky. In part I view this as internal Democratic party politics, and it is nothing I conceived of myself but cribbed from “Bonfire of the Vanities” where jews are deposed by blacks.

    The DWLs have triangulated by using the word “racist” against whites and to appear to be “good” whites.

    That is why I like the Mantra, it completely strips the DWLs of this false idea of their “goodness.” We destroy them at BUGs, completely.

  24. Last post of the day (thanks HW for your work).

    How can we help the black racialists become the dominant cult of the left and Democratic party?

    DWLs you are toast.

  25. Jim Jones was a product of liberal do goodism. Or a manifestation of it.
    The left likes to throw around the accusation that conservatives are drinking koolaid but the reality is that DWL are committing murder suicide pacts on an unlrescidented scale. Just like Himmler, Koresh, Jim Jones, Manson.

    How can that guy be attacked by a groidal and still fail to say “I was attacked by 100 black kids” ? How the fuck did his indocrtination do that to him? You can see his soul was switched off as the words came out.

  26. John, perhaps you are right but I prefer to give him the benefit of the doubt. Of course he didn’t say “I was attacked by 100 black kids”. After all, I’m sure he wants to keep his job.

    This could also be the reason why many of the other “reporters” stick to the party line. I doubt they are all true believers but most of them probably are.

  27. These dwls are part of a new and improved death cult. I couldn’t come to grips with what CWNY had to say about these people worshipping the black man, because that wasn’t totally accurate. As stated before, this cult has novices and adepts. The novices are not taught by the adepts to worship the black man per se, but to worship themselves as the means of the black man’s salvation. They essentially view themselves as the Lord himself vis a vis the blacks. Of course, the adepts don’t believe any of this nonsense, they are just using the blacks and the novice dwls as means of social control.

    The novice dwls soon will be confronted with a touchy situation – because the blacks will become like a girlfriend who is trying to distance herself from a clingy beta nerd. In such a situation, the girlfriend rightly becomes insufferable because she realizes that to the nerd it is more important for him to have her, than how she behaves and treats him. If she behaves badly, she really isn’t worth having, but the beta nerd is so needy that he can’t help himself and he ends up presenting himself as a detestable beggar to the girlfriend. To the novice dwls, there whole being is wrapped up in helping non-whites so it will take some time for them to snap out of it – hopefully situations like this that function as “traumatic separation events” will help them.

    That this is a death cult is clear. These idiots are willing to sacrifice themselves for the cause. Their hatred of religion has left them bereft of categories to analyze the situation. A development represented in Christianity that was prefigured in the Old Testament was that the Almighty did not really desire sacrifice – he desired mercy. Hosea 6 : 6. But these dwls are so willing to offer sacrifice – usually of others – but often of themselves to placate their black false god. They will soon learn what a merciless demon they are worshipping when no sacrifice will suffice.

  28. The internet is eating their breakfast, lunch, and dinner by telling the real RACIAL
    truth about these feral flash mobs whether the mainstream news likes it or not. The others may be slow in getting it. Fox woke up very fast to the idea that telling their White viewers was the best way to remain in business.

    O’Reilly is now talking about it and asking why there isn’t the national brouhaha over this flash mob beating the way there was over the mainstream media’s Martin-Zimmerman nonsense.

    There are too many newspapers and journals folding thanks to the dearth of subscribers. The ones that remain before are a lot smaller than they used to be. And too many of their broadcasting competitors who cater to smug and self-righteous DWLs are barely hanging in there for lack of viewers.

    Our enemies may be able to marginalize and destroy us through their media hegemony. But we are retaliating on them in the way that really hurts them. We are hitting them in the wallet. Let’s make sure that the red ink goes on hemorrhaging.

  29. @Admirer:

    Awesome analogy. But I think that not only the novices but the adepts as well are in for a rude awakening. The novices – SWPLs – will merely be out in the freezing weather. The adepts – DWLs – are going to find themselves in the same straits of the guy who is riding on the back of a very hungry and increasingly cranky tiger.

    The Negros and Mestizos they have championed are too racially cohesive for them to control. The Mestizos throw any one outside La Raza the moment they achieve demographic dominance. The Negros do the same and with the Obamanation running things the Negros are not fooling around. The DWLs and the SWPLs both are about to get “enriched by diversity” beyond anyone’s worst nightmares when and if the EBT Card no longer works.

  30. http://mangans.blogspot.com/2012/05/patriotards.html#comment-form

    AnonymousMay 4, 2012 12:20 PM
    You know, everyone says it’s the elites who dropped the ball, but it seems to me that it’s the average person who dropped the ball. 70% of Americans are overweight; they dress like pigs; they mock the intelligent and the intellectual; they mock culture or refinement; they are into things like trucks and baseball caps; they are an utterly degraded lumpen mass. And it’s a surprise that the educated elite class in America turned their backs on these people?

    How could anyone with any intelligence or education or taste root for these kinds of people? Why would any intelligent person feel any sense of solidarity with them? Did the intellectual class betray these people, or did these people betray the intellectual class? Did the educated get so fed up with the piggish mockery of culture and refinement from these people that they just began to see them as aliens?

    It seems to me that the elite are the ones who have standards; they stay thin;they are well behaved; they dress well. It is the average American that has allowed himself to become utterly degraded.

    In Asia, there is often a large gap between the educated class and the peasant class in terms of taste and lifestyle, but nowhere near so large as in America. When traveling to Asia I am often struck by how well mannered and tastefully dressed even the lowest class peasant is. An intelligent and educated person might feel some sense of solidarity with these people, even if they are different and uneducated in many ways. They are not so different. The gap is not so large.

    Even in Europe’s past it seems to me that the famous “mob” is just a small fraction of society. In America the majority is “mob”.

    No educated elite can possibly begin to feel a sense of solidarity with “America” until the American masses begin reforming themselves and moving away from the poggish degradation they have allowed themselves to fall into. The American masses must be something worth feeling solidarity with. And only they can do it; they will not accept any message from the elite. They have to re-learn how to dress well, to re-learn a respect for education and culture, to abandon the trucks and base ball caps, to stop stuffing their faces and being fat pigs, to stop being slovenly, to read a book or two.

    Perhaps it is the job of the elite to provide guidance, but in America, part of the philosophy of the average man is a disdain for the elite and a desire to NOT emulate anything that smacks of elite. So they themselves must refashion themselves into something worth saving, for the educated elite to give a hoot about doing anything for them.

    The sad thing is that the average man really believed in the stupid philosophy of egalitarianism that made him think he could just disdain the elite and no longer seek to emulate them, as the lower classes in all countries have always tried to elevate themselves by doing. He could simply give loose rein to his inner pig. He thought he could dispense with the elite. He thought it really was the country of the masses. Well, he is now discovering that on his own, the “average man” does not amount to much.


  31. “It seems to me that the elite are the ones who have standards; they stay thin;they are well behaved; they dress well. It is the average American that has allowed himself to become utterly degraded.”

    The elites have money. It’s easy to be thin when you can hire a chef to make delicious spa fare. The first bunch to borrow when the banks expand the money supply benefit by getting to use the money while it still has purchasing power.

    The families of the average joes who can’t afford a stay at home mom, it’s no wonder they’ve taken to eating crap that’s fast to prepare.

    Your utterly lack of sympathy for the plight of the formerly-middle class White American is appalling.

    “Did the intellectual class betray these people, or did these people betray the intellectual class?”

    The first one.

    Go away, anti-White.

  32. America awaits a dailymail moment.

    Stick some tits and ass together with images of sports and then tell the truth about…ni… Black folk (fucking up your property value, hurting your kid, beating you up etc etc) and you will be a Tycoon.

  33. In reply to Anon,

    if as you say, the average American white man has gotten that way, it’s from feeding on a culture that treats him as tax slave, an alimony provider, a target for abuse and A media that depicts him as a fool. However he’s been resilient enough to be three or four times better than the average nigger. YT is quite resilient.

  34. “The novices are not taught by the adepts to worship the black man per se, but to worship themselves as the means of the black man’s salvation. ”

    I wholeheartedly agree. The messiah complex ego stroking device. This is the point CWNY always misses. Bless his heart.

  35. “It seems to me that the elite are the ones who have standards; they stay thin;they are well behaved; they dress well. It is the average American that has allowed himself to become utterly degraded.”

    This person has a point. The obesity epidemic is disgusting. It really is not that difficult to stay thin or in good shape. Don’t eat sugar, anytime or anywhere. Sugar in all forms including high fructose corn syrup is in almost all processed foods. So, don’t eat processed foods. No sodas. They are liquid sugar and the ones with aspartame and other artificial sweeteners will make your insulin spike just as if you ate a cupcake. Your body does not recognize it. Alcohol, especially beer, is another form of sugar and is broken down to glucose in the liver, which will also make your insulin spike and make you store fat.

    Americans also eat a much larger quantity of food than their European cousins. If you feel hunger during the day just drink some tea or water and deal with the feeling of hunger. It just takes a little will power. Everyone has different body chemistry, but I have found that losing weight and keeping it off is about 75% diet and 25% exercise.

  36. “they are into things like trucks and baseball caps”


    Yeah, lets not talk about unimportant little things like sending our men by the millions into evil unnecessary meat-grinder wars until their minds are gone for 150 years, whoring out our daughters, and hating traditional morality.

  37. Trucks!!! Without trucks how will we ever be able to cart away the bodies of all those thin, well-dressed, liberal elitist Asians after The Day Of The Rope?

  38. Meena, you are wrong about alcohol and the body, this is a highly incorrect data that has been pushed upon people for some time under the guise that alcohol can make you fat:

    How does my liver process the alcohol?

    There are 2 ways that alcohol can be processed by your liver. Most alcohol is broken down, or metabolised, by an enzyme in your liver cells known as alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH). ADH breaks down alcohol into acetaldehyde, and then another enzyme, aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH), rapidly breaks down acetaldehyde into acetate. The acetate is further metabolised, and eventually leaves your body as carbon dioxide and water.

    A small amount of alcohol may be processed using a different set of enzymes in your liver. This alternative pathway, known as the ‘microsomal ethanol-oxidising system’ is mainly used when the level of alcohol in your blood is very high. Regular drinking can increase the activity of this second pathway.

    You are correct about sugar. And you are right in that sugar should not be a part of the diet. I lost a lot of weigh in 2009-2010 (65 pounds). Weight loss can really only be accomplished via diet — run the numbers, a pound of fat is 3500 calories, then go look at what various exercises burn, maybe if you are lucky, you can lose 3 pounds per week from exercise, maybe, but it is very demanding of time to do that, and then there is the body’s demand for additional nutrition for the muscles being transformed. And then there are plateaus which you will stop at when your weight is falling that will make you think it isn’t working (I have an idea about this that I won’t discuss).

    Eat like it was 150 years ago. Thats the simplest way it can be put.

  39. One of my class kids is a former service man, medic apparently . Various tours of Iraq.
    He’s got what he calls ADD but it is shell shock. Nervous ticks he can’t concentrate. An entire generation of white men ruined. We didn’t even get to colonize the place and carry off their best women. Motherfucking Bush and motherfucking Democrats.

  40. Weight lifting is critical combined with cardio.

    Cut out sweets, soda, fries.

    After that it’s all good. Men shouldn’t be too concerned with weight per se. Just look at your gut in the mirror, if you have one you need to cycle or run or use an eliptical. When I get down to “ideal weight” I’m generally light headed. Muscle mass (not steroid bowling balls) is quite important. However, so what if people are fat?

  41. rjp on Costco- “I think we know why “people” put up with it. The “people” are White.
    And it is a monocultural paradise.”

    Again, rjp, I read an earlier article, about rude, pushy Orientals in Costco, and how they ruin the shopping experience for Anglos. While it is a ‘mighty White’ experience here in Minne-stroika, it clearly isn’t in other parts of the BRA.

  42. In reply to Anon,

    “How could anyone with any intelligence or education or taste root for these kinds of people? Why would any intelligent person feel any sense of solidarity with them? Did the intellectual class betray these people, or did these people betray the intellectual class? Did the educated get so fed up with the piggish mockery of culture and refinement from these people that they just began to see them as aliens?”

    So … let me see if I get this straight … your disgust at the overweight but hardworking White lower-class slobs is the reason you have championed fat, feral Negro welfare slobs and fat, feral Mestizo slobs?! Because the white working class offends your sense of aesthetics? Fine. “Let ‘em eat cake, Marie Antoinette. But remember that that “sense of solidarity” swings both ways.

    Maybe you won’t find lower-class whites taking off your heads with guillotines THIS time. All I can say is that you’d BETTER keep those EBT Cards working or you will find your monstrous little multicolored pets lopping your stupid heads off with machetes. I must say that it couldn’t happen to a nicer, more deserving class of people than you folks. Just don’t look for any “bitter clingers” to come racing to your rescue. Got it? Good.

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