When Sharpton Incited the Black Mobs to…. Kill the Jews

Al Sharpton is back in the news. Sharpton – Trayvon Martin’s “family adviser” has been leading street protests, holding inflammatory press conferences, feeding compliant mainstream media (MSM) contacts a narrative: an evil White RACIST – George Zimmerman supposedly chased and shot down Trayvon Martin – a:
sweet and innocent, young Black child. A RACIST police force in a terrible, RACIST Southern State, supposedly let the RACIST murderer go! Reverend Al shouts “No Justice No Peace” – and there are rumors of Black riots if a special prosecutor isn’t appointed. The special prosecutor is appointed and a RACIST, HATE CRIMES show trial is on.

But, thanks to the very hard work of the alternative, internet media – the Trayvon Martin case has been exposed as just another Sharpton hoax.

Those of us who lived in New York City during the late 1980s, early 90s are not surprised that Al Sharpton is currently inciting Black mobs in Florida – “Reverend Al” was inciting Black mobs to attack White people many, many times in the hell that turned in to Black Mayor David Dinkin’s NYC (See Tawana Brawley rape hoax, Central Park wilding gang rape attack,)

We battled hardened, White urbanites expect terrible Black criminality and we also have to deal with Black race hustlers like Rev. Al Sharpton, Jessie “Jetstream” Jackson, Jeremiah Wright, James Meeks (Chicago guys) and a pathetic assortment of White Liberals, Leftists, who deny or excuse the worst Black crimes against White victims. But, there was one New York City Black mob attack that was different. In 1991 Al Sharpton incited Black mobs in Crown Heights Brooklyn to:

Kill the Jews

A Look At the REAL Al Sharpton-The Crown Heights Pogrom yidwithlid.blogspot.com

Al Sharpton played a leading role in inciting Black mobs to attack Orthodox Jewish New Yorkers in what became known as the 1991 Crown Heights Pogrom and the once solid Black-Jewish alliance broke apart. Jewish New Yorkers joined other White Gentile New Yorkers in saying “enough was enough”. Incompetent Black Mayor David Dinkins was voted out of office and the incompetent Black Police Commissioner Lee Brown was let go. White mayor Rudolph Giuliani, White Police Chief William Bratton took back the streets of New York from the criminal Black underclass – Al Sharpton had to regroup, repackage himself as a reformed community activist and MSNBC progressive journalist. But, the Trayvon Martin case shows that Al Sharpton is still… Al Sharpton. The “Rev. Al” was taken down in New York City, he now needs to be taken down in Florida and in any/all fly over states he tries to push his fake RACIST hate crime hoaxes.


  1. Hunter Wallace says:
    May 7, 2012 at 11:37 pm (Edit)
    That’s interesting.

    So that’s how blacks lost New York?

    Jack Ryan replies – yes, Blacks lost New York by making the huge mistake of turning against their Jewish benefactors. Here’s Wilmot Robertson’s (author of the Dispossessed Majority, Instauration Magazine) take on the Black anti Jewish Pogrom in Crown Heights Brooklyn in 1991. Robertson enjoyed the Black mobs turning against the NY Jews, I just liked the result – BRA in New York City ended and White civilization was restored:


    “Erstwhile editor of the New York Times, A.M. Rosen­thal, let fly a burst of angst, wailing and gnashing of teeth in his regular “On My Mind” column in his house organ (Sept. 3, 1991). Entitling his tirade, “Pogrom in Brooklyn,” Rosenthal sputtered on at length about the black-Jewish confrontation in the Crown Heights neighbor­hood of Brooklyn. The column was worth reading for a number of reasons, not the least of which was the amuse­ment afforded to this Instaurationist at seeing Rosenthal and his tribe chivvied on their own turf.

    There were other more cogent reasons for hearkening to the aging mediacrat. First, the column showed that the Chosen are getting seriously worked up about the situation. The lid is boiling off the pot. Unlike a great many of our more pessimistic Instaurationists, Rosenthal knows very well that violent manifestations of anti-Jewish feeling are only the tip ofthe matzoh ball. He is also keenly aware that such feelings are not restricted to ghetto blacks like Rev. AI Sharpton. If such violence becomes generalized, it is only a matter of time before reporters and editorial writers will be forced (against their will, to be sure) to examine the reasons for the violence. Even with slanted coverage, there will be no way to stop the airing of views that Rosenthal and his friends want smothered at all costs.

    Time and again history has shown that once these thoughts get out in the public forum, there is no telling what will happen. What really concerns Rosenthal & Co. is the obvious loss of control by the New York Jewish political establish­ment of blacks in general and black leaders in particular. Doddering old Toms like Mayor Dinkins can no longer be depended on to maintain even a semblance of order among the schwarzers. Worse, more than a few Toms show signs of getting out of hand. Another interesting point, one which should be noted by all those who think that Jews are potential allies of the Majority against the blacks, is Rosenthal’s crude and clum­sy attempt to use the phantom of Southern whites as a club to beat the blacks back into line. It is a familiar tune: ‘We Jews helped you out against those red necks, you owe us.” Unfortunately for Abe, the younger blacks no longer buy it. Not that they have developed kind feelings for whites; on the contrary, they hate us more than ever. It is just that the blacks dump the Jews in the same boat with whites.

    What Rosenthal and his tribesmen sawy very well is that there are strong anti-Jewish feelings stirring in that pot also, which will eventually leave them with nowhere to go, now that the left is folding up like a rotten watermelon rind.
    But what has old Rosie worried more than anything is the willingness of the blacks to use strong-arm tactics. As long as the Jews feel confident that they can wrap things up in a bundle of lawyers, legal briefs, “interracial councils,” prosecuting attorneys, pliant politicians and sellout black “leaders,” they feel safe. They know they hold the strings. What the Jews can’t handle, what they have never been able to handle, is primal rage, war and racial instincts on the loose. I am not claiming that the blacks were in the right in the Crown Heights affair. I don’t know if they were, and I really don’t care. What is important is that they are finally hitting back at Rosenthal and his racial cousins in a way Jews can’t answer. All the sneering, arrogant lawyers in the world won’t save you when a lynch mob is knotting the rope. Rosenthal is clearly in a state of panic over what the future portends.

    In the final paragraphs of his column, Rosenthal blusters about “actions which can be taken” against the people in­volved in the Crown Heights riots. “Effective pol ice action and then … all available legal punishment of the rioters and their manipulators ….. Political and social ostracism can be an effective weapon.” And so on. We have seen this before when whites, not blacks, tried to put the brakes on the Cho­sen. What Rosenthal does not understand is that matters have reached the point in this country where all the police and lawyers and judges and “social ostracism” in the whole world won’t put his Humpty-Dumpty back together again. The young black street thugs who attacked the Hassidim laugh at the cops and look at a stretch in jail as a badge of honor.

    The United States is moving towards total racial and ethnic polarization.
    Welcome to America in the 90s, Abe! You ain’t gonna like it one bit! “

  2. A remarkable tracksuit with ‘tasche.

    We need more OTT Revs. They always overplay their hand and hurt their own.

  3. It seems like everyone is turning on the Jews. The Occupiers and far right don’t like them and now Sharpton. Even Mike Carol – the black dude that had his videos remove by OD – didn’t like them. Year ago, Jesse Jackson took a punch at them and Eddie Murphy mocked him on Saturday Night Live.

    ” Don’t Let Me Down ”


    So funny.

  4. Have y’all seen the new True Value hardware commercial? Nothing but white people…lots of them. I cannot find it online, just happened to be paying attention a few minutes ago during Home Improvement reruns on TVLand. Good stuff! Spread the word!

  5. I doubt many of you pay attention to speeches by Louis Farrakhan, but his targets the last few years in particular have been not whites, but Jews. He goes as far as describing them as “satanic jews” such as the ones that took over the BET channel. What is interesting, is that Farrakhan has more of a following than either Sharpton or Jesse Jackson or probably combined. And his following includes Christians, not just black Muslims.

    Nevertheless, he tells a story from the 1990’s where a group of prominent Jews in the Chicago area had him for dinner, and offered “friendship” in exchange for Farrakhan to rebuke various statements and books that were detrimental to Jews. Farrakhan did not accept.

    Its likely that Sharpton was given a similar offer and accepted it. I don’t hear Sharpton making any statements about Jews or Jew wars ect. Its also doubtful that without such a deal made between Sharpton and the Jewish establishment, that he would be appearing as a guest on O’Reilly, MSNBC, Saturday Night Live or debating Christopher Hitchens on the existence of God.

  6. This all started with a car crash involving a hasidic jew and an immigrant black:
    from the wiki:
    “Some members of the community were outraged because Lifsh was taken from the scene by a private ambulance service while city emergency workers were still trying to free the children who were pinned under the car. Some falsely believed that Gavin Cato died because the Hatzolah ambulance crew was unwilling to help non-Jews. Their anger was compounded due by a false rumor at the time that Lifsh was intoxicated. A breath alcohol test administered within 70 minutes of the accident indicated this was not the case. Other false rumors circulating shortly after the accident included: Lifsh was on a cell phone, Lifsh did not have a valid driver’s license, and that police prevented people, including Gavin Cato’s father, from assisting in the rescue.[6][14][15]”

    “”No Justice, No Peace!”, “Death to the Jews!”, and “Whose streets? Our streets!””
    Didn’t work this time.

  7. Sadly, it’s not the Orthodox Jews who are the problems. These are the ‘stay in their shtetl,’ ‘bob and weave’ sort of Jew that WANTS to be ‘separate’ and many of them are even against the Nation of ‘Isra-Hell’ (as Joe Cortina calls it).

    Where our hatred, our godly rage needs to be directed, are at the reform, and renegade Jews, whose god is their ethnicity- their ‘synagogues’ are falsely known as ADL, SPLC, etc. THOSE are the Jews who must go.

    Deo volente. Per secula saeculorum. Amen

  8. Yes, King of Hollywood – Farrakhan and some other individual Black “leaders” can say honest, principled things against – the Jews. You can also find individual Blacks to say nice things about White ruled Rhodesia, pre BRA Detroit, segregation, Richard Nixon – Libertarianism etc. But, this just doesn’t change racial realities.

    Urban Black America is filled with millions of fatherless, dangerous Black bastards who are envious of any and all who have material things and other things like social respectability that they do not. One of the Ten Commandments in the Bible says:

    “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor’s. ”

    Well, the masses of the Black urban population…. covet.

    All of our nice, fair, reasonable White Americans trying to teach conservative economics, Constitutional law, free market economics have gotten nowhere in reaching, converting this Black lower class, mob population.

    Racial realists need to start thinking and acting “out of the box” – out of the Conservative sandbox and start learning how to deal with Black mobs.

  9. All of you guys sound like a bunch of racist, your pretty much saying that the event in Brooklyn was justified because blacks are criminals, that is in fact incorrect, blacks have suffered years of racial discrimination, white America is afraid of blacks achieving great excellence in America, but what you Jim crow representatives fail to realize, white dominance is losing its grip, America didn’t elect a White, Chinese, Spanish, or a middle eastern president, no a BLACK president was elected, the proof is in the pudding, Africa was a great nation, with kings and queens, we shall return to that state on day again, don’t believe me read your bibles like someone referred to earlier.(and if you still want to spread the word on how you guys feel, set up a conference in NYC and bring the leaders of the KKK too, and I assure you, it will be disrupted and the difference between 1900’s and 2012 will be felt,) BLACK POWER, OBAMA 2012!!

  10. @Malcolm X Black Nigger

    – Obama is losing! You’re gonna DIE nigger! I got a length of rope with your name on it! Romney 2012!

  11. @Malcolm X Dr.King
    In your opinion we are racist. You are just saying that because we are White. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

  12. “All of you guys sound like a bunch of racist, your pretty much saying that the event in Brooklyn was justified because blacks are criminals, that is in fact incorrect, blacks have suffered years of racial discrimination, white America is afraid of blacks achieving great excellence in America, but what you Jim crow representatives fail to realize, white dominance is losing its grip, America didn’t elect a White, Chinese, Spanish, or a middle eastern president, no a BLACK president was elected, the proof is in the pudding, Africa was a great nation, with kings and queens, we shall return to that state on day again, don’t believe me read your bibles like someone referred to earlier.(and if you still want to spread the word on how you guys feel, set up a conference in NYC and bring the leaders of the KKK too, and I assure you, it will be disrupted and the difference between 1900?s and 2012 will be felt,) BLACK POWER, OBAMA 2012!!

    Up your arse Nigger!

  13. Malcolm X Dr.King says….

    Glad to see you learned how to type.

    Study the real life, teaching of Malcolm X – he worked with George Lincoln Rockwell to support positive racial nationalism for both Black Americans and White Americans.

    Malcolm X didn’t support same old, same old Black criminality.

    Don’t be a negative, loser, drop out – Black underclass punk, thug, gang banger, crack smoking low life.

    Make something of your life.

    Yes, you can do this:


  14. I happen to agree with Malcolm X …. “READ UR BIBLES PEOPLE” and perhaps if you DID, you guys wouldnt sound so fucking RUDE (313CHRIS) man dude!!! YOU HAVE A GIANT MOUTH PIECE, PERHAPS IT SHOULD BE (((( SHUT DOWN )))). Anyways yall sound ignorant AF. Go take ur meds DF’s lol

  15. I seriously thinking that Barack Obama in the White House is G-d’s way of Rubbing it in your Face!!!!! especially if your Norman Rosembaum, WHAT A SLAP IN THE FACE TOTHE JEWS!!!! and WTF is Sarah Silverman telling the Jews to Vote for Obama The only reason why Sharpton has a TV show everyday defending the President and Brown nosing him saying “Obama can do no wrong he can even smack my Mama” says Shartpon, WELL THAT WOULD BE THE BEST THING OBAMA COULD DO!!!! PLEASE Mr. OBAMA PLEASE SMACK AL SHARPTON’S MAMA!!!!!

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