Central State University Brawl


In the Mars Challenge, I noted that the Bush and Obama administrations had spent $323 million dollars in 2008, $323 million dollars in 2009, and $323 million dollars in 2010 on “strengthening historically black colleges and universities.”

$350 million dollars was requested from Congress in 2011 and another $350 million dollars was requested in 2012 to “strengthen” HBCUs. This doesn’t include the $73 million that is requested annually to “strengthen” graduate programs at HBCUs.

It’s always good to know your tax dollars have been invested so wisely by the federal government:

Note: I believe this is why we need an even bigger government with higher taxes to redouble our effort to strengthen HBCUs.

About Hunter Wallace 12413 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Number of Degrees Awarded by HBCUs Nationally: 35,759
    According to Wikipedia there are 104 HBCUs.
    343 graduates per school per year. The few, the fooled.

    This data reflects undergraduate degrees produced annually by Historically Black Colleges and Universities (based on a 3-year average) and how they contribute to the 2020 goal (60% of adults age 25-34 with an associate’s degree or higher), plus an HBCU summary by state. from: http://www2.ed.gov/about/inits/list/whhbcu/edlite-list.html

  2. I have to turn the sound off, on viddies like this. It’s always the same. This IS what Hell looks and sounds like.

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