About Hunter Wallace 12412 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. @robert, wow that is the most un-constitutional thing i’ve ever seen, carefully disguised behind that niggers corpse. federals withholding grants to states for not following the mandates of the minority eunich class, the “trayvanderins”.

  2. also someone on the article’s comment role talked about the niggers making the full nigger transformation back to kaffirdom with the old african tactic of hostage/ranson shit. that is terrifying, as it will probably occur and could affect a large number of DWLs back where i grew up, oh well let liberal guilt die on its cross, just make sure to adjust the mirror so it can see itself looking so heroic and sexy up there.

  3. If the Dems have put forward an anti CCW bill they are absolutely fucked in the election. They always lose gun debates.

  4. oh well let liberal guilt die on its cross, just make sure to adjust the mirror so it can see itself looking so heroic and sexy up there.

    I don’t have the words to describe how funny that is

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