Explaining Anti-Semitism


In the comments, I respond to a Jewish reader who wants to know why Jews are resented:

“Keep in mind, I don’t hate you folks. I just want to know why you don’t like us. I can’t wrap my head around it, and anyone who studies Judiasm will find it very hard to dislike.”

Are all Jews bad? No, obviously.

It is conceivable that we could coexist with the Jewish minority. The black minority isn’t so bad either. I will grant that 1 out of 10 to maybe 2 out of 10 Jews fit this description.

At the same time, I will argue that 3 out of 10 to 4 out of 10 Jews are activiely hostile to their host countries. The rest are moderates who will usually go along with the hostile class of Jews in the name of Jewish solidarity.

What do we mean by a hostile class of Jews? Suppose you were to import a minority of White Nationalists into Israel. The WN minority spends its time denigrating Jews, demanding special privileges, denying that Israel is a Jewish state, hijacking institutions and using them to deconstruct Jewish identity, and lobbying for open borders to dilute Israel’s Jewish majority.

Then the WN minority incredulously asks: why do you hate us? Why do you resent the Jews? Not all Jews are bad.

Sure, but that doesn’t mean Israel wouldn’t have a WN problem, a hostile group of aliens who do not identify with the Jewish majority, and who are openly antagonistic to Israel’s Jewish character, and whose actions are doing great damage to its ethnic and cultural integrity, and stirring up resentment against Whites as a group.

In such a situation, it is conceivable that some Israelis might start thinking that Israel would be better off without the White Gentile minority, and that putting up with the “good Whites” isn’t worth the cost of tolerating the anti-Semitic WN minority.

So that’s why you are hated by anti-Semites. That’s why there are so many anti-Semites instead of, say, anti-Apacheists or anti-Eskimoists.

Note: There are reasonable and insane anti-Semites. J Richards is an example of the latter. Kevin MacDonald is an example of the former.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Oscar is kinda outing himself here. Hahaha.

    It’s impossible to have a “reasonable” discussion about Jewish malevolence and criminality. Impossible. The very second one attempts to discuss causation, with ANY Jude – the hissing spitting Oy Vey Vere Vas G slash D? Oye a KNAAAAZEEEE! starts up. There are pro forma excuses for EVERYTHING. “We HAD to bomb those defenseless Palestinan toddlers with American Paid For Willie Pete – they were TERRORISTS!!! Every one a bomb, against poor Jews who just want to go to shul – once they get old enough to learn how to walk!!! It’s THEIR fault.!!! WAAAA!” (Fyi – that last bit is a direct quote. Well -the bit about having to do it. They always “have to do it”)


    So shove it in your yarmulke and shove it up your keyster.

  2. Stonelifter – you don’t know ANY “righteous Jews”. And “Christian churches” are crawling with Cryptos. They are present to monitor any Awakening.

    Akin to “nice Negroes” – you only know dormant ones.

  3. “Oscar is kinda outing himself here.”

    So much for the famed accuracy of your jew-dar. Better take it into the shop and get it looked at.

    Fun task: I’m white. Can you guess my actual ethnic mix?

    Hint: it’s three-quarters one very specific thing, then the remaining quarter is split two ways, but none of it jewish.

    Another hint: it’s not in my family lore in any literal way, but we are quite obviously part Danish and have come to recognize this.

  4. One point everyone here should understand. Jews really were the driving force, leadership of Communist terror, mass murder in Russia, Ukraine, Hungary and were preparing to do the same in Germany before they were stopped. Stalin (not Jewish, very, very, Slavic White tough guy, gangster) used various Jewish henchmen to terrorize everyone else, including old Jewish Bolsheviks, drive Trotsky out of Russia (eventually Stalin had Trotsky murdered in Mexico).

    Stalin took power from Trotsky – which was interpreted by everyone in “the know” as signaling that Jewish “internationalist Communists” wouldn’t be at the top of Revolution in Russia any more. The peace treaty/alliance between National Socialist German and Stalin’s USSR confirmed the move to de-Jew the Soviet leadership. The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, named after the Soviet foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov and the German foreign minister Joachim von Ribbentrop, was also a notice to the world that the Jews were being pushed aside in Russia, Eastern Europe.

    Prior to White Gentile Russian Molotov, the Soviet Foreign Minster was Maxim Litvinov – a very Jewish Communist, born in to a wealthy Jewish banking family.

    Here’s a short Wikipedia note on Maxim Litvinov and the purge of the Jewish dominated USSR Foreign

    “The replacement of Litvinov with Molotov significantly increased Stalin’s freedom to maneuver in foreign policy.[12] The dismissal of Litvinov, whose Jewish ethnicity was viewed disfavorably by Nazi Germany, removed an obstacle to negotiations with Germany.[13][14][15][16][17][18][19] Stalin immediately directed Molotov to “purge the ministry of Jews.”[9][20][21] Recalling Stalin’ s order, Molotov commented: `Thank God for these words! Jews formed an absolute majority in the leadership and among the ambassadors. It wasn’t good.”[20]

  5. a Jew: “I just want to know why you don’t like us.”

    I think it’s the Jews who don’t like us. Anyway, the crucial thing is not whether we like each other, but whether the Jews must be allowed to keep their domination on the mass media and government. The answer is NO. They must be evicted. Until the end of time, they will support race-replacement and keep asking: “oh, why do you hate us so much?”. Actually, it’s a matter of having our mass media. Oh, why can’t we have our own TV stations?

    What’s funny is that, most often, Jewish commenters who discuss with us on internet forums won’t even acknowledge that the Jewish domination on the media is a problem for us! Their arrogant solution to the Jewish problem is that White people should stop blaming Jews, and that the Jews should keep the media. I hope there are good and honest Jews who go about their lives without causing any trouble, but what we get on WN internet forums is mostly dishonest and scheming Jews. They are living proof of the problem they say doesn’t exist.

    HW: “Are all Jews bad? No, obviously.”

    I wish even the good Jews would go back to the Middle East. There are millions of good Chinese in China, but I don’t want them in my country. Besides, Jews don’t look half as good as White people. My ideal country would have lots of blue eyed blonde girls, and no Jews at all.

  6. Armor says:
    “My ideal country would have lots of blue eyed blonde girls, and no Jews at all.”

    Unfortunately, whenever you have a country or a community, school, place where there are lots of attractive blue eyed, blonde girls, you will also soon be visited by….

    Lots of Jews.

    Lots and lots of Jewish Billy Joels, prefer to mate with beautiful Nordic Christie Brinkleys than with Jewesses that look like Elena Kagan.

    Here’s a picture of Christie Brinkley and her half Jewish daughter – who is really ugly – looks worse than her Jew father Billy Joel.


  7. “It’s impossible to have a “reasonable” discussion about Jewish malevolence and criminality. Impossible. The very second one attempts to discuss causation, with ANY Jude – the hissing spitting Oy Vey Vere Vas G slash D? Oye a KNAAAAZEEEE! starts up.”

    Exactly. I would like to be gracious toward sympathetic jews, but unfortunately they make such overtures impossible.

  8. I don’t think what is happening is a result of people being better informed about what is happening about any particular negative thing that some jews(particularly the wealthy ones at the top with a great deal of social/political/economic muscle) have done, but rather as a result of conscientious people being disadvantaged over time to unconscientious individuals. When the media portrays white men as uncool,dorky,lame,etc it is those uncool, lame dorks… who tend to be conscientious that lose.

    This is much the same reason that white guilt is on the way out, the people that genuinely take to heart that they are the reason for everything bad in the world obviously won’t survive.

  9. It’s kind of apropos that Bob Whitaker just had a blog about “Jewaholics” a few days ago. His comments are serious and funny at the same time.

    Anyway, I admit that I’m a Jewaholic but in recovery.

  10. Jack Ryan, normally i don’t care for “ugly Jew” remarks, but man, that girl looked like she was the daughter of The Joker of Batman fame!

  11. Confednnorth says:
    May 8, 2012 at 5:44 pm
    Jack Ryan, normally i don’t care for “ugly Jew” remarks, but man, that girl looked like she was the daughter of The Joker of Batman fame!

    Jack Ryan replies:


    And understand that extremely ugly, half Jew daughter of Billy Joel has one of THE most beautiful mothers in world history! Just think how that must make her feel – she feels very bad, low self esteem and she tried to commit suicide in 2009:


  12. The jew cries out in pain as he kicks you.

    As jewish communists were mass-murdering 5 million Ukrainians in the early 1930’s, those jewish communists were complaining of Ukrainian anti-semitism.

    Any non-jew who refuses to be submissive to jewish ideology, jewish organizations, jewish politicians or anything jewish, will be labeled by jews as “anti-semitic”. Any non-jew who refuses to ruled over by jews will be labeled by jews as “anti-semitic”.

    The term “anti-semitic” is used by jews to promote jewish supremacism and jewish domination over non-jews.

  13. Jack – Stalin was married ot Rose Kaganavich. Lazar’s sister. LK – the guy who engineered the starvation of the Ukraine. Among other atrocities. I think old Lazar died after Stalin did. I have to check it out. don’t have time now.

    So much for the “purge” of Jews, in Talmudic Russia.

  14. Well, Oscar – I canot prove what you are or are not – but you definitely come across as one of them thar Jewaholics.

    “Reasonable discussions with Jews, regarding these matters…”


  15. Denise,

    Yes, you are correct – though Stalin had this Jewess wife killed.

    Stalin and the Jews is a very interesting subject. He kept some Jewish henchmen/butchers around after Trotsky and the Old Jewish Bolsheviks were killed off. Beria and Lazar Kaganavich being two of the worst. But, these Jew Communist butchers still around under Stalin had to be on guard never to act like Jewish intellectuals, never to form all Jewish groups.

  16. Jews have established the right, somehow, to reside in every western nation–after the founding of a very robust ethnically Jewish state in the middle east, even.

    The “chutzpah” is astonishing. Why would they want to live around us anymore? Except to exploit…

  17. Jewish intellectuals only act like intellectuals when in search of power.

    They do not need to do that once they run the secret police. See Rahm or Perl or Wolfowitz. Once they are in they start butchering.

  18. Denise, I love you but you are the personification of a Jewaholic to the nth degree.

    Remember, I am one too albeit in “recovery”.

    The bottom line: our obsession about Jews and our need to expose them is another failed political strategy for securing the survival of our Race.

  19. If anti-semetism cannot be made to help pro-whites then it is nothing more than a destructive hobby. Same with nigger atrocity porn, if it doesn’t become pro-white then it is the usual carping we have seen for decades, just a chance for a hapless reactionary to blow off steam.

  20. Here’s something you may or may not know. Rupert Murdoch’s mother was a Jewish heiress.

    One of his daughters married a greatgrandson of Freud. She lives in a priory compound in the Cotswolds.

    The conservative’s on both sides of the pond lap up his propaganda daily.

    Truly these people breath as one.

  21. “but unfortunately his work is mostly appreciated by the priest like anti-semites who have sniffed too much incense in their lives.”

    If that was a direct insult, actually I don’t care for incense.
    But my seven years as a ‘shabbas goy’ led me to read and research, and everything I have uncovered, from the Protocols, to “L’Affaire Williamson” of E. Michael Jones (great book, btw) is true.

    As St. John Chrysostom noted: “God hates the Jews.”

    And you know what? So do I.

  22. Fr. John be pro white stop the genocide, but don’t waste your life on a hobby. And for god’s sake you people with jews on the brain I don’t think HW is going to be your next TJ Ready, the next leader of your torch light parade.

  23. Oh please. NOT talking aobut Jews doesn’t help either. Advancing “sight” is all there is . NOT citing Jews is even more destructive. This is how they’ve gotten over on every-one elsed.

    FYI – relentless repetition actually works, dears. If not – why the HITLERHITLERHITLER agitprop, 24/7, on extreme Jew Media?

    And who on Earth said ANY-ONE expected Hunter to be JT Ready? Oh – wait – RRS Mr Assumption did.

    Run al;ong and repeat the mantra to those that have not yet heard the Mantra.

  24. What John, and of course, beloved Fr John said.

    Jack Ryan – your posts are particularly interesting on this – Hunter’s Gift to Denise for Fun Thread (even if he was replying to some Poor Innocent Yet Snark Filled Juden.)

    YOU are not denying malevolent history and intent. Great!

    RRS – go tel Kevin MacDonald to stop obsessing over Die Juden. Better yet – go tell Abe Foxman the Mantra.

  25. “I’m not condemning the Western conquests”


    You yourself defined anti-semitism as nutty, irrational, emotional dislike of Jews, for no rational reason whatsoever.

    There IS no term “anti-Eskimoism” tossed around, defined as nutty, irrational, noreasonwhatsoever, dislike, etc. etc. etc. of Eskimos. There IS no term “anti-Apacheism” defined as nutty yada yada yada.

    Because there is nothing irrational about conquest.

    Invading peoples in order to take what they’ve got is the height of rationality. The actions taken against the Apaches had nothing to do with emotions and everything to do with stone cold, rational, calculation. And the hatred the Apaches felt at being conquered is ALSO rational.

    Because Apaches are honest, they admit that what we did was utterly logical and rational, from the point of view of their conquerors. Because Apaches are honest, they don’t claim we did what we did because we irrationally hate them — as the Jews unfailingly claim about us vis a vis the Jews.

    Because Whites are honest, we don’t claim to the Apaches that we never did nuthin’ and therefore their hatred of us is irrational and inexplicable — like Jews do.

    Same deal for Muslims vs. Norwegians. Utterly rational efforts at conquering, rationally hated by the Norwegians.

    Because Apaches and Eskimos and Whites are honest, the terms anti-Eskimoism / Anti-Scandinavianism, etc., etc., those words simply aren’t out there, being shouted at every opportunity, the way Jews do with “antisemitism.”

    Jews are engaged in financial and social conquest, and we Whites don’t like it. But Jews, refusing to be honest, blame US for anti-semitism, an irrational, emotional hatred of Jews, etc. etc. etc.

    Yet Jews and their cheerleaders come here, whining, “Why don’t you like us? It’s just so very irrational……”

    What it is, is, annoying mendacity.

  26. BARBARA!!!! Well done! Excellent point. So simple. It’s so easy to overlook the obvious, since the rational hatred issue is self-evident.

    Only it’s not.



  27. Jews and Whites/Western civilization are incompatible; this is obvious to anyone who has even briefly looked at the last 2500 years of history. It’s hard to be compatible with a people who have sworn themselves to your destruction and all their “holidays” celebrate a military victory over their foes. Jews are resented because of their actions and behavior, just as they were in NS Germany, not because of any Jewish propaganda about an “innate” hatred of Jews by Germans or a hypnotic power that Hitler held over his people.

    Look around you at your country and ask yourself WHY it is no longer the great land it once was; the reason why is Jews.

  28. The link to the picture of Billy Joel’s daughter was a about a failed suicide attempt.

    I think the Aryan half of her tried to kill the Jewish half.

  29. She has that coalburner “Resignation” look in her face.

    The daughter looks nothing like her. Just like a mutant mulatto baby.

    She already killed herself having that kid.

  30. #28 Barb — you make some useful points (“nitwit” isn’t one of them; why be angry?) but you’ve misread me on a basic level. I was making a distinction, not a definition.

    Think for example of criticism of the Catholic Church. There are plenty of valid criticisms one could make of the Church’s role in this or that sphere. There are also a bunch of hysterical crackpots who simply hate Catholics and believe silly things about the Church. The latter group fall under the rubric of “anti-Catholic bigotry” but the former don’t: even if I disagree with a criticism of the Church, so long as it’s well-reasoned and leveled in good faith I have no real right to dismiss it as mere “bigotry” or say it’s invalid just because it’s “anti-Catholic.” Rather I have a duty to analyze it on its own terms.

    Same thing here. There is a tendency in this society to lump together crackpot Jew-hatred alongside serious, thoughtful criticism of Jewish aims and behaviors. To my mind only the crackpot stuff (things that are abusive, destructive, violent) is what we ought to seriously call “anti-Semitism”. Critical stuff that is thoughtful and worthy of grown-up consideration ought not to be tagged that way, even if, after we give it due debate, it turns out to be discredited. Nothing the matter with turning out to be wrong, that’s what arguments are for.

    There’s this tendency on the left to pre-empt discussion by making up phony pathologies for people who disagree with them, so we get nonsense terms like “Islamophobia” when in fact there are perfectly good reasons for Westerners to be wary of Muslims, it’s not an irrational phobia at all.

    In the case of anti-Semitism we have an interesting duality because there really is such a thing as crackpot Jew-hatred, but it’s not the same thing as having legitimate criticisms of a Jewish role in issue X or Y or what have you.

    In a sane, grown-up political culture we should be able to discuss the latter, Jewish people included, without getting all nutty about it. But for various reasons, that doesn’t seem to be the culture we have.

  31. Barb – oscar is still accepting Noahide Status.

    Even alleged WN/White Advocates/Seccesionists are STILL colonized inside their own heads. by Die Juden.

    The raison d’etre of this thread is unter’s “answer” to a Jude, asking why he ins’t worshipped by us.

    The onus us always on us.

    Why is that?

    We kow why.

    The USA has bee THE MOST Philo-kow-towing Nation in HISTORY. And The Tribe has still have done every thing possible to destroy us.

    It’s NOT Anti Semitism. It’s Anti Gentilism. THIS is THE bedrock fundamental issue. We stop answering to them in any format. Whos cares if We hate Them? We have every right to do so, based on Their beliefs, and actions.

    We make thme answer to us.

    Oh Mantra OC’s – new Mantra – why to Jews hate Gentiles so much, no matter what?

    Pro Jew is code for Anti White.

  32. Oscar – why not?

    *In a sane, grown-up political culture we should be able to discuss the latter, Jewish people included, without getting all nutty about it. But for various reasons, that doesn’t seem to be the culture we have.*

    Tell me why we can’t do this. Go ahead. I’ll check back.

  33. “Kievsky says:
    May 8, 2012 at 9:27 pm
    The link to the picture of Billy Joel’s daughter was a about a failed suicide attempt.

    I think the Aryan half of her tried to kill the Jewish half.”

    Nope. Consider history. The Jew tried to kill the Aryan – because it doesn’t look like the Aryan.

  34. “nitwit” isn’t one of them; why be angry?”

    I told you already. The mendacity is annoying. That’s why.

    “because there really is such a thing as crackpot Jew-hatred”

    No, there isn’t. In every. single. case. I’ve seen yet, the crackpots are a Jew-created hoax to make it look like crackpot jew haters are ubiquitous.

    I’ve done enough reading to conclude that even the actual spitting jew-haters in WN have legitimate reasons to be pissed off, which means they are NOT crackpot.

    Even Hitler had his not-crazy reasons to be pissed off. Whether you view his actions taken as beneficial to the German people, or not, intellectual honesty requires we admit that a gigantic portion of the Jews in 1920s and 30s Germany were, in fact, doing things that German people were right to be pissed off about. Hitler’s hatred was NOT irrational.

    And don’t bs me about definitions. The word “anti-Semitism” ALWAYS has the connotation that the person doing the complaining about jews is nutso, is imagining things.

  35. Denise Johnson is right about Barb Johnson being right.

    I want a hebe-hating 3-way with you bitchez.

  36. Awesome posts by barb and Denise. I’m printing out those posts and saving them.

    60 million Europeans mass murdered by communist Jews in the Soviet Union. At the time, the largest mass murder in human history.(Only to be surpassed by Communist Chinese death counts). 5 million Ukrainians mass murdered by Jewish communists-the Ukrainian government has released the names of those jewish communist mass murderers. Jewish leaders in the USA knew this was happening. And did nothing to stop it.

  37. I have to admit I had never heard about Stalin’s massacres in the context of
    highly placed ethnic Jews. I had not connected the dots there. Beria, Molotov (his wife at least) Trotsky (admittedly before Stalin) kaganovich and others. The commisars were most often Jews. No wonder the Cossacks were employed by the Czars to keep them down. In that context it is a shame that the Germans looked down on Slavs. Russians and the satellite enthnies were victimized by equalitarian vipers. I know that they intially got on okay with Ukrainians but failed to exploit the resentment that Ukrainians must have felt. The Balts sided with the Germans too. Finns knew what was up as well. The Jews cleared out of Russia super quick once Yeltsin restored Russia and they scrambled out with Putin got the Russian state functioning.

  38. Jack Ryan and Denise,
    Stalin was Georgian (Caucasic) and not Slavic. Stalin was married three times. The first time to a Georgian peasant woman in Tsarist times. She died giving birth to his oldest son. Stalin’s next 2 wives were yentas. The second one probably killed herself. The third wife was Rosa Kaganovich, Lazar’s sister. They married in secret and she and Beria and Lazar probably killed Stalin in 1953 by having Rosa put cyanide in his gout pills. They did this because they began to believe Stalin was going to dejudaize the Communist Party after the Doctors’ Plot and other post-1948 episodes.

  39. Sverdlov was one who died young. Yekaterinburg was MLKed to become
    Sverdlovsk. That’s like renaming Chicago Rahmton. Or NYC Bloomton. When I think about the Communist penchant for renaming cities it makes me think about Niggers here doing the same thing with streets.
    Sverdlov was a very cruel Robespierre type. Skinning priests, pouring lead down throats… 100s of burned churches on his orders. Pure fucking evil. It wasn’t about liberating the worker it was about establishing control over gentiles. No doubt about

  40. The US MSM is currently engaged in using the Trayvon Martin case to incite the murder of white people whom none of the pundits and reporters involved in the incitement have ever met or have any reason to want dead other than simple Jewish racism. So i think it should be Jews who are on the defensive vis a vis irrational genocidal hatred.

  41. Hi, YT,

    Hunter can confirm that me and Denise are not the same person.

    I’m in WY. My IP address would confirm that. I don’t know where Denise is located, but Hunter has said before that he’s met her.

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