Explaining Anti-Semitism


In the comments, I respond to a Jewish reader who wants to know why Jews are resented:

“Keep in mind, I don’t hate you folks. I just want to know why you don’t like us. I can’t wrap my head around it, and anyone who studies Judiasm will find it very hard to dislike.”

Are all Jews bad? No, obviously.

It is conceivable that we could coexist with the Jewish minority. The black minority isn’t so bad either. I will grant that 1 out of 10 to maybe 2 out of 10 Jews fit this description.

At the same time, I will argue that 3 out of 10 to 4 out of 10 Jews are activiely hostile to their host countries. The rest are moderates who will usually go along with the hostile class of Jews in the name of Jewish solidarity.

What do we mean by a hostile class of Jews? Suppose you were to import a minority of White Nationalists into Israel. The WN minority spends its time denigrating Jews, demanding special privileges, denying that Israel is a Jewish state, hijacking institutions and using them to deconstruct Jewish identity, and lobbying for open borders to dilute Israel’s Jewish majority.

Then the WN minority incredulously asks: why do you hate us? Why do you resent the Jews? Not all Jews are bad.

Sure, but that doesn’t mean Israel wouldn’t have a WN problem, a hostile group of aliens who do not identify with the Jewish majority, and who are openly antagonistic to Israel’s Jewish character, and whose actions are doing great damage to its ethnic and cultural integrity, and stirring up resentment against Whites as a group.

In such a situation, it is conceivable that some Israelis might start thinking that Israel would be better off without the White Gentile minority, and that putting up with the “good Whites” isn’t worth the cost of tolerating the anti-Semitic WN minority.

So that’s why you are hated by anti-Semites. That’s why there are so many anti-Semites instead of, say, anti-Apacheists or anti-Eskimoists.

Note: There are reasonable and insane anti-Semites. J Richards is an example of the latter. Kevin MacDonald is an example of the former.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. This is very interesting ….


    (N.B. scroll down on the link to find other videos – the web page designer must have over look this presentation problem)

    Actually, I don’t have strong feeling either way towards Jews. After reading comments on OD claiming that the Holocaust was a hoax, I started researching it for myself and I came across the website this weekend and watched all the videos, and the strength of the videos is strong. It really made me wonder: WTF is going on ?

    Obviously, the rounding up of Jews, Poles, etc. and transport to concentration camps was true. But, based on the above website, what followed afterwards seems highly suspect and/or exaggerated.

    Also, I’m not into conspiracy theories, but this one is too convincing.

  2. They never ever leanr fomr their own history. EVER. This sort of thing has bene going on for centuries. They NEVER learn.

    Like Negroes – Jews are incapable of grasping the simple, simple concept that THEY create the hatred and hostility that others ethnies develop, once Jewish malevolence is exposed. NO OTHER enty has the same histoty of being loathed, and BOOTED, like Jews. Human groups war for turf. That’s the history of human existence. No other ethny has the same history of being booted from EVERYWHERE they go.

    Gentiles have tried to explain TO Jews – but it never ever sinks in. No matter how many examples of Jewish racism, or atrocities, against others are provided – it’s ALWAYS a stream of accusations and abuse hutled against a Gentile who dares to whisper a word of reproach – or worse. What to do?

    Jews seem to be congenitally incapable of grasping the concept, let alone admitting, or accepting, that others have a right to exist as they are, maintain their own identities, and attendent cultures, DON’T like beng tricked and abused, ripped off, looted, and murdered. Jews don’t, overall, seem to understand that others have a right to simply exist WITHOUT THEM.

    We don’t need them. They’ve been attacking every-one else for centuries. They add nothing, and take everything. We don’t need them. We don’t need any of them.

    I’m sick of them.

  3. Lehman Brothers was a firm started in Mongomery, Alabama.

    Supposedly there was a successful Jewish community in the South pre and post Civil War. Wiki says they helped finance the Alabama Reconstruction. How much they helped finance I do not know, but I would expect that if you were a successful businessman at that time, that a certain amount would have been expected and you would have known that and willingly complied.

    I have worked with a bunch of members of the tribe over time. Some you like, some you don’t, just like with any group of people. And to me, there probably isn’t much difference between a Jew who doesn’t go to synagogue and a bad Christian who attends church.

  4. During WW2, there were large groups of Jews hauled away on trains and dumped in detention camps. I believe that much is true. I’m also quite certain that more than a few Jews were executed by firing squads at some of these camps. There is credible evidence of this, most notably at Treblinka. However, many, if not all, of those executed Jews, had i fact been snipers or communist guerrillas and were dealt with in a manner befitting an enemy combatant. This is just something that happens in war, and Americans executed German and Japanese prisoners as well. But I do not believe for a second, any macrabe stories of gas-chambers and ovens at Auschwitz, or rendering-vats at Dachau.

    Guilt can be a powerful weapon when wielded against a race of people who’s culture is rooted in Christian ethics. Even more effective in the hands of a race who’s culture is rooted in deception and predation.

  5. @rjp,

    Jews have an interesting history in the South. The pre-second wave Jewish immigrants were ususually German or Sephardic and had bourgeouis and assimilatory rather than revolutionary sensibilities. Many were very succesful in business in the South, which was well known to be much more hospitable to Jews than the north. Southern Jews were well represented in the Confederacy.

    The late 19th centry Jewish Reform movement (the first actual American Jewish “denomination”) renounced Zionism and the concept of “galut” (exile), declaring that “America is our Zion.”

    This assimilatory tendancy was overwhelmed by the second wave of Jewish immigrants. They were mostly Eastern European, deeply suspicious of the gentile middle class, and clustered in their own communities where they cultivated the hostility towards Middle America that has given us so much grief over the past century.

  6. Did you see that post over at Irish Savant from Seanantijihad?

    Hilariously done. See how well equal rights would go in Israel for a large Gentile minority of about 10% of their population. Jews are liberals here There ans everywhere except they are conservatives in Jerusalem.

    I wish they would all fuck off to Israel. But they won’t because they have to live among us.

  7. It’s the glaring doublestandards. They believe they have a right to be in every White country, period. What’s mine is mine and what’s yours is mine, as the old saying goes. And I don’t believe the holocaust tall tales either. Lots of people die in wars. I saw black and white photos once of Yankee POW’s and they looked as bad if not worse than any I’ve seen from WWII. Did the South just hate Yankees? No, but in war the soldiers eat first, followed by the civilians and if any is left over, it goes to POWs. Sometimes, there’s just nothing left.

  8. It’s about the Jewish culture (not religion), not individual Jews. They don’t have meetings as a group to go and be evil. They are raised to be the culture that is “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” or Marxism.

  9. One other thing. Jews say they hate the Nazis because of what they did to the Jews (it’s always ALL about them), but they don’t hate the German people. This is a lie. They blame all white nations and peoples for WWII, especially the Germans. Pull the string a little and you’ll find this to be the case every single time. Hence scum like Tim “Tick-tock” Wise.

  10. Wise absolutely hates Europeans. If you get his goat he starts foaming about Aryan warriors blah blah blah. Just wind him up and he goes off like a spinning top.

    He’s a mental.

  11. David F. maybe Dana is one of your kind.

    This is a quote from over at OneStDv today: yep packs of wild niggers are killing and beating whites all over the country and I’m the asshole for being born a jew after the civil rights movement i had nothing to do with and don’t give a flying fuck about.

  12. Gertrude Stein wrote and translated speeches for Petain.

    She was American, Nazi and Jewish. Henry Ford had nothing on that crazy bitch. She must have watched the deportation of French Jews in Vichy France and felt nothing.
    Or perhaps she saw nothing.

  13. In the South, Jews didn’t appear on our radar screen as a threat to our racial customs until John Rankin vs. E. Michael Edelstein and the House Committee of un-American Activities in the 1930s.

  14. The Civil Rights Movement wasn’t launched by the native Jewish minority either – it was spearheaded by the radical out-of-state New York Jews who had come over from Germany, Poland, and Russia in the late nineteenth/early twentieth century.

  15. Hunter,

    Have you seen the film “An Education”?

    It’s about an English Schoolgirl who falls for a London Spiv. In one sceen he conspicuously rents a House he had bought in Nottinghill to a family of Jamaicans. He then goes about the neighbourhood offering to buy houses at cut prices cause the niggers are moving in. Carey Mulligan plays the young lady in question.

    Nottinghill was working class Irish/English then it got nigged out as Spivvy types rented to blacks. Then Nottinghill progressively became whiter and owned by people like Blair and Cameron. It’s a super rich enclave now.

    This was an academy award winning film. That scene charts so much of what has happened since ww2.

  16. The spiv was a philandering Jew in this case. Below the surface these liberation struggles are about cheating property out of the working class and destroying their savings.

  17. Chris – look up population numbers from say, 1935-1947. Any old Frist world official Gubmint records.

    The Jewish global population rose.

    The global Christian population dropped by approx 100 MILLION. Half was most likely in Russia.

    I care about THOSE people.

    Jews? They can blame themselves.

  18. That is basically what has transpired via blockbusting -> black “rule” -> gentrification here in America as well.

  19. “John says:
    May 8, 2012 at 3:11 am
    The spiv was a philandering Jew in this case. Below the surface these liberation struggles are about cheating property out of the working class and destroying their savings.’

    That’s pretty much their entire history. No matter how much you destest poor old Adolf – he STOPPED all the THAT in Germany, during the Reich. STOPPED it.

    Patton saw them pulling their same old tricks in Poland, whne the poor frightened oppressed little Juden came back – to claim “their” propety – and every-one else’s.

    They’re pulling the same stunts all over the entire JewSA, that you just described, in that movie. Really study their history. It’s always the same bag of rotten tricks.

    They’ve been treated better in the USA tha anywhere else – save Cromwell’s England. Awwww…the poor darlings weren’t allowed into a few country clubs.

    I wonder why not?

    The Nazis were too liberal.

  20. The civil rights movement being pushed by New Yorkers makes perfect since, because New York City is the center of global capitalism. On another forum (the bad one) I pointed this out and people actually thought it was a good point. That the Jews in civil rights were New Yorkers, not natives.

    While you make a logical argument that the actions of some Jews hurt other Jews and thus antisemitism becomes logical, I still view antisemitism mainly as an excuse and a diversion. In raw numbers, if you want a scapegoat, the Catholics would be a better one.

  21. ALSO – Jews were FULLY emancipated in Germany, for what? A hundred years? Same thng in Austria. No one oppressed them or stopped them form doing a bloody thing they wanted to do .

    No one.

    So what do they do? Foment war against Germany. Slander Germany and Germans -and all other Whites since then – and really -forever. They’re still slagging poor old Isabella and Ferdinand.

    I’ve written this before – but the thing that is truly remarkable about the Jewish history, in Western Europe, is that for all the malicious, depraved, and vile stunts they’ve pulled, as a Race – that they haven’t all been rounded up an SLAUGHTERED. A handful have been punished – but overall they’ve generally been expelled.

  22. John: “The spiv was a philandering Jew in this case. Below the surface these liberation struggles are about cheating property out of the working class and destroying their savings.”

    Yes. Jews got behind Marxism as an old-fashioned swindle.

  23. All the Jews would have to do to have me fully on their side is agree that Western nations should remain white and show some appreciation for being allowed to live among us. That’s it. Is that asking too much? I would even support Israel if they would do this.

  24. “John says:
    May 8, 2012 at 1:54 am
    Did you see that post over at Irish Savant from Seanantijihad? ‘

    I saw that. Wonderful!

  25. I’ve generally found Sephardics to be likable. The eastern European khazars are the worst. The german and french jews somewhere in the middle. The English jews more or less stayed there to help fuck that place up, so I’ve never met one.

  26. “So what do they do? Foment war against Germany. Slander Germany and Germans -and all other Whites since then – and really -forever. They’re still slagging poor old Isabella and Ferdinand. ”

    Spain never flourished more than after they rid themselves of the tribal network. That Spanish Century was magnificent.

  27. This is one of the most clear and concise statements I’ve read on the jewish question. Well done Hunter… except for the last sentence…J Richards is nonsense and Kmac will have a statue one day. Have you read Kmacs books?

  28. “It’s the constant existential threat they face. Everyfuvkingwheretheygo.”

    That’s a bunch of bullshit used to keep the dumb jew foot soldiers in line. The made men run the game and trot out nazi boogy-men every now and then to keep the yentas fired up and the payola coming in.

    You should watch that documentary made by an Israeli Jew about Abe Foxman.

  29. I would wave a rainbow flag adorned with pink unicorns as long as it represented something tolerable to my white sensibilities.

  30. If the feds went after the tribal crooks with the same gusto they attacked the Italian mob, anti-semitism would decrease significantly.

    And yes, they are crooks, in every sense of the word. Bernie Madoff was norm, not the exception. Most wealthy jews are up to their craw in full on illegal activity. The tribal network of squalling Abe Foxmans, political connections, and straight-up payoffs is what protects them.

  31. But then again, attacking criminal organized Jewry IS anti-semetic, so we’re back to square one. Even if we don’t act like anti-smites by pointing out jewish bad behavior, they’ll just paint a swastika on the hood of their car, or attack themselves with a mob of skinheads, or whatever.

  32. I tend to reserve the phrase “anti-Semitism” for the phenomenon (which sadly does exist) of unreasoning, emotion-based, often hysterical dislike or hatred for Jews. If there are legitimate rational criticisms of Jews or Jewish culture or behavior to be made, and of course there are, just as there are of any group, then I don’t view those criticisms as “anti-Semitic,” merely as part of a political dialogue. They may even be shown to be incorrect eventually, but this doesn’t matter so long as they’re rationally derived and offered in good faith.

    The best way to minimize actual “anti-Semitism” is to stop labelling so many phenomena with that label, have calm rational discussions about these things, and be willing, on any and all sides, to be convinced of another person’s position when facts and good arguments favor it.

    There’s never going to be a complete end to the nutty irrational version of anti-Semitism, but it can mostly be quarantined by making reasonable distinctions.

  33. Jews fought for the South during the War of northern Aggression, but the Jews of 1860 aren’t the Jews of 2012.

    2 out of the 3 Jews I know are righteous men. They also don’t follow the talmud,one switched to team Christ. I can’t say about big city jews and the like, but they damn sure seem like trouble to me. Far leftist and the like, but big city people all seem like trouble. Un-rooted, without understanding. No ties to blood and soil.

    The main reason I’d like to see a South free of Jews ( unless they can establish their Confederate credentials) is they are a foreign people and belong in their own homeland

  34. The Jews’ take-over of the American mainstream “Conservative” movement is an incredible story – akin to the Jewish Bolshevik’s coup in Russia. Winston Churchill wrote about the Jews leading role in Communism. Only a few “Conservative” writers have written about the Jewish leading role in the Neo Conservatism take-over that has made mainstream Conservative magazines/think tanks like National Review change in to supporting the Neo Con plan of destruction:

    1) Invade the world for Israel
    2) Invite the world – mass NW immigration in to the US, White Western countries
    3) In hoc to the world, endless borrowing to pay for 1 and 2.

  35. John 313- “During WW2, there were large groups of Jews hauled away on trains and dumped in detention camps.”

    The reason for that action was NOT because they were “Jews,” but because by and large the vast majority of Leftists, Anarchists, Revolutionaries, and other ‘threats to the nation’ just HAPPENED to be of jewish ETHNICITY.

    The very same point must always be noted of the Bolsheviks. Except there, the vast majority of “Leftists, Anarchists, Revolutionaries, and other ‘threats to the nation’ were JEWS first, and only afterwards, happened to be Bolsheviks. The Jews’ bloodlust on Russia’s White/Aristocratic nobility, and their whipping up of the peasantry, was/is historically quite verifiable, from Solzhenitsyn’s opus, on down to Makine’s “Memories of my Russian Summers.”

    Next, JEWS are NOT semites. So, as (White House reporter) Helen Thomas noted when asked that foolish question- after the Jews ‘axed’ her, you throw that factoid right back in their greasy, hook-nosed little faces- she said, ‘I am a Semite.’

    For further reading, here’s a post on Die Juden, (yes, he’s ‘CI’ – but he’s rather thorough) that I just came across last night. It takes a LOT of re-reading and dissection, but it’s quite good, for what it is.


  36. Leo Strauss. He is something of a bête noir on the left too.

    The esoteric readings of classics like Republic are for many Jews the only excuse they need to weasel in.

  37. “tend to reserve the phrase “anti-Semitism” for the phenomenon (which sadly does exist) of unreasoning, emotion-based, often hysterical dislike or hatred for Jews. There’s never going to be a complete end to the nutty irrational version of anti-Semitism”

    If there IS such an animal as a phenomenon of hysterical *unreasoning* dislike for jews for noreasonwhatsoeverexcepttheguyzanutcase, then WHY is there no such phenomenon, or at least that gets any press. at. all., of anti-eskimoism or anti-Apacheism or anti-Scandinavianism or anti-Texianism?

    The older I get in this movement the more convinced I am that any obvious examples you can point to of any naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews, is a pro-Jewish hoax / plant.

  38. The following typifies their mind-set for me. A Jewish lady at work has all the trappings: the holocaust calendar on the wall, Jewish artwork (if you can call it that) hanging in her office, etc.

    She told me she is applying for some German holocaust survivor relief money. As she is in her mid-50s she could not have been a WW II participant, so I asked her how? She said it was a claim on her deceased father. But her father was in New York during WW II. Evidently, because he was a German citizen during the war, his estate can claim some “holocaust” money.

    I don’t know if what she is telling me is true, however her shameless huckstering over some shekels that could never rightly be hers seems to be about par for the course.

  39. This is funny. Hands flailing away in the breeze, the Jew asks ‘why me?’, meaning, ‘who, me?’. As if Leonard Zeskind was just beginning his schoolwork, and had ever asked a question before being fully knowledgeable on the whole subject.

    And the goyim line up and proceed to innocently answer his ‘question’.

    Madagascar. But only after South Africa has been re-civilized and protected from it.

  40. Ah, but there WAS anti-eskimoism and anti-Apacheism. Do you not recall that we invaded their country, killed most of them, and took over their lands? Did you miss that part? Why do you think there are cities in Alaska with grand eskimo names like “Fairbanks” and “Anchorage”? Do you see any cities in West Texas with Apache names, or do they have names like “Odessa” and “El Paso”? (both very Apache-sounding, yes?)

    I’m not condemning the Western conquests, of which I am a beneficiary, I’m simply pointing out realistic facts. If we are going to have an accurate analysis of the world, then we should be willing to be honest about it.

    “Anti-Scandinavianism” is alive and well as we speak, and is vigorously practiced by Muslim immigrant rapists and their leftist enablers. But don’t take my word for it; just ask Anders Breivik, eh?

    And you will see “anti-Texianism” before too long, as well. The demographics guarantee it.

    I’m not grinding a particular axe here, I’m just putting things in better perspective, so you can see more clearly.

  41. “Jim says:
    May 8, 2012 at 5:20 am

    Spain never flourished more than after they rid themselves of the tribal network. That Spanish Century was magnificent.”

    The Booting of the Hebes, in Spain, is a classic example of Why WE don’t Need Them. AT ALL.

    No excuses.

  42. If you want the metaphysical rendition of anti-semitism visit Counter Currents, the jew as a ghost.

    I for one thank HW for not taking up anti-semitism. MacDonald’s work as incomplete as it is is about as far as we need to go since it deals with AS from a logical Aryan perspective, but unfortunately his work is mostly appreciated by the priest like anti-semites who have sniffed too much incense in their lives.

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