About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. As an example, there is this current UK Asian grooming story. Apparently, the police dragged their feet on the investigation as they feared racism allegations. An example of PC” coming back to bit you in the ass”.

    ” Asian sex gang: young girls betrayed by our fear of racism – Vulnerable teenagers were abandoned to their abusers because of our society’s nervous respect for their ‘different’ culture. ”

    “Asian” is PC code for muslim/pakistini


  2. What’s really distributing about the PC culture is that it flows from the bogus “Holocaust”. It been studied and it now appears there were no gas chambers or incinerators. The only fake facility was at Auschwitz. which was slapped together by the Soviets as a war propaganda tool.

    http://holocaustdenialvideos.com/ (scroll down on link to view other videos)

    In Europe, many countries have laws against Holocaust denial. If there was so much evidence supporting the Holocaust then why is it necessary to have laws preventing denial?

    Every time someone white person says something negative about another race, gays, women, etc. the standard comeback is: “Oh, so you’re a Hitler or a Nazis?” Presently in Europe, national parties are on the rise and the media are labeling them as “right-wing” or “far-right” trying to infer a connection with Nazis and, by default, the (bogus) Holocaust. Posters on these stories are screaming about the Nazis and how “we must guard against this”.

    Last week, I recommended/emailed the above-website to a few liberal friends/family and so far they have refuse to watch it as it appears they have a deep buy-in to the Hollywood narrative. In fact, some immediately started arguing and condemning me without considering watching the videos.

    Basically, the entire human rights movement and laws are built on the bogus Holocaust narrative. So, the only way for this to be reversed is for European countries to drop these laws and for the alternate view to be published.

  3. She’s a perfect example of the new hipster racist class.

    Her and Warrior Chick.

    Both are beautiful.

  4. Outlier
    “Her and Warrior Chick.

    Both are beautiful.”

    Don’t get too excited, from what I understand, Ruka is one of the self chosen.

    “Every time someone white person says something negative about another race, gays, women, etc. the standard comeback is: “Oh, so you’re a Hitler or a Nazis?” Presently in Europe, national parties are on the rise and the media are labeling them as “right-wing” or “far-right” trying to infer a connection with Nazis and, by default, the (bogus) Holocaust. Posters on these stories are screaming about the Nazis and how “we must guard against this”. ”

    Do you think they are using the holocaust, to justify genocide against Whites? We should ask them.

  5. Do you think they are using the (bogus) holocaust, to justify genocide against Whites?

    In a twisted way, yes.

    The bogus Holocaust narrative has is the leverage and backdoor for: gay rights, human rights, MultiCult, feminist death cult, US civil rights, etc.. And look at who have been leading each of these causes. Any time anyone complains at about these they get smeared with Nazis, etc.. It’s a vicious cycle, and to break this cycle the truth about the Holocaust Hoax must be exposed. This, of course, is why there are laws in the Marxist EU criminalizing Holocaust denial, and the only hope is that when the national parties get into power they revoke these laws. It is the Achilles Heal of the war against white people.

  6. The jews are in the position that they are now the genocide deniers, they have targeted a race of people for harm they are in violation of the Convention of Genocide, simple.

    But then again there are those who for emotional reasons love to debate the minutae and we spend days learning that jews are pervs and like light bulbs jammed up their backsides.

  7. Outlier
    That sounds very complicated. I would just ask them, “Are you using the holocaust, to justify genocide against Whites?” I would not let them evade that particular question, no matter how hard they try.

  8. The Holocaust is too easy to deal with to be frightened by it. The easiest way to deal with it is to say it’s absurd to suggest that the people who ended it by invading and flattening the country perpetrating it should be guilt-tripped with it.

    End of story.

  9. My grandfather was in the Royal Engineers. He appears to have been one of the engineers that cleared up Bergen Belsen. I have no guilt over the holocaust. I’d also be quite happy for a Jewish, Negro, Pakistani expulsion to occur in the UK if people there wanted it. I never understood his service (or himself I image) and that of my grand uncles to mean that Britain had to be ethnically submerged By darks and English imprisoned for moaning about foreigners and black bastards.

  10. It appears Ahmadinejad understands these relationships (i.e. the “vicious cycle”, the genocide conflict, and the Achilles Heal)

    So, this is why he’s been on TV, in the west, several times stating such, and holding a Holocaust Denial conference in Iran featuring David Duke.

    He understands he can take down Israel with this idea – and this idea is far more powerful than any nuke Iran “may” have. No wonder Israel are so hot for the US to bomb Iran.

  11. The Halocoust is THE justification for the marginalization and destruction of the white race, period. Every white person his held responsible for that. Dont’ be fooled that the plaintiffs are only after Nazis. They are after Germans, European whites, and even American whites. When you peel the onion a little you see it. Even after our ancestors defeated the Nazis with much bloodshed and sacrifice, we are guilt-tripped just as though they were baking Jews. I say “enough!”. The whole Holocaust thing is a crock of shit.

  12. One more thought: Multiculturalism is nothing more than the International Jew’s passport into any Western nation. It’s all about making whites accept them everywhere. It’s done by making native whites just another ethnic minority in their own homelands.

  13. Sorry for so many posts, but one more thing: Confederate=Nazi=White person to every DWL. The enemy gives us not quarter no matter how much we pander, kneel, beg, etc. They are going for the end of us as a people. We can either continue to pander or, as Hunter says, stop giving them the moral highground. Germany, like the Confederacy, can and must be intellectually defended. We don’t have to say they were angels, there were none on any side. But we must understand their reasons. They didn’t just wake up one morning and decide to destory their nation and bake minorities, although this is what Hollywood would have us believe.

  14. Even after our ancestors defeated the Nazis with much bloodshed and sacrifice, we are guilt-tripped just as though they were baking Jews. I say “enough!”. The whole Holocaust thing is a crock of shit.

    In the same vein, so is Roots, Amistad, etc.. – although true, they’re designed to be a guilt-trip as is Schindler’s List, etc. It keeps going-and-going like the Energizer Bunny. Its part of the vicious cycle. In Spielberg’s movie The Last Days, he has an extensive piece about how black soldiers freed a concentration camp and it includes a “reunion” of the aged-black-soldiers and concentration “survivors”. It’s a white guilt-trip times 2. Does it get any thicker? Then, the money from The Last Days goes to fund a e-museum to keep the vicious cycle going.

    However, according to The Last Days of the Big Lie, the black soldiers weren’t even there as they were training in the UK. And there were no gas chambers nor ovens.

  15. OMG-Like, did you know white and black people are like way different from each other? Like-OMG!
    This chick reads the Bell Curve once and already she’s an expert.
    What is your solution fair lady? Doesn’t sound like she has one.
    Expulsion too nasty for you? Both the Babylonians and Romans expelled the Jews from their geographical region. Millions of Germans were expelled from their homelands. Expulsion is a viable alternative. If you want to be an African-American, do it in Africa, not here.

  16. “Why do White Nationalists have to be so chauvinistic?”

    Because women sided with the jews, cultural marxsim and the enemies of the White race and the enemy of God when they jumped on the feminist band wagon. It is not a matter of chauvinism as much as a logical reaction in the changes in women behavior. Verifiable, demonstrable and repeatable behavior if you care to do the research. It doesn’t paint a very pretty picture. Women today are not what our grandmothers and great- gandmothers were. ( for those of us old enough to remember women who were worthy.)

  17. And they WERE worthy!

    Not the sluts that call themselves women today.
    more like that Cher song from thr 1960’s ‘Gypsies, tramps and thieves.’

    (the latter when thinking of pre-nups, divorce, ‘screwing the man’ – and Sarah called Abraham, LORD.. how the mighty have FALLEN…..)

  18. “In Spielberg’s movie The Last Days, he has an extensive piece about how black soldiers freed a concentration camp and it includes a “reunion” of the aged-black-soldiers and concentration “survivors”. ”

    HAHA! Are you serious? How does anyone watch something that nauseating and not choke on their own vomit?

  19. Apparently, “Asian” pedophilia and grooming in the UK is a “Social Construct” according to some UK Marxist …

    Asian sex gang ‘were acting within cultural norms’

    The historian said “nobody ever explained” to the men – eight of Pakistani origin and one from Afghanistan – that women could not be treated in this way.

    Dr Starkey called for better teaching of English history to create a “common identity” and overcome the challenges of multiculturalism.

    Does any sane or even semi-sane person believe this?

    but …

    Last year, Dr Starkey provoked controversy after blaming “black culture” for initiating the London riots, saying that in today’s society “whites have become black”.


    The only social construct here is: MultiCult.

  20. Why do White Nationalists have to be so chauvinistic?

    Almost every straight women I know are liberal bleeding hearts. They dislike the Tea Party, pro-gay, vote for left-leaning parties, etc. ; and every time I say something that isn’t politically correct or get into a debate with a women over politics, I get attacked with: “So you’re a Nazi are you?” – and this slur is mainly a women thing. But, the twisted reality is the “Nazi thing” is largely a myth.

    I can now understand why this is: women are emotional creatures and every time they watch some sob story movie they start crying, and the biggest sob story movies/series/books of all time are: Roots, Amistad, Schindler’s List, The Last Days, Anne Frank Diary, etc.. These are designed to play into their emotional nature, leading to a “divide and conquer” scenario.

    BTW, it isn’t “chauvinistic” – it’s “anti-neo-marxism”.

  21. Outlier- OMG. How right you are! I was at a local eatery yesterday, ‘treating myself’ now that Lent is over, and I can again eat as I wish… and there were four “Eeeevan-jelli-culls” next to me. I tried to ignore them, but they were so chatteringly LOUD. I also tried the ‘roll my eyes’ and shake my head when one of them saw I was ‘listening’ in (how could I not?) yet they didn’t take the hint, more’s the pity. I had to listen to their chatter ALL THROUGH MY MEAL.

    All were women well over Menopause, but weren’t ‘old’. They therefore think they are still ‘in the mix’ in society, but their talk, and their constant references to Jesus Christ, as if he were their Communal Live-in Lover, were enough to make me HURL MY COOKIES. Woman are not the chaste playmates of Jesus the Celestial Playboy lover- they are the subjects and slaves (Doulos in the Greek) of the King of Kings, as are men. (This was about as blasphemous as the now-defunct PromiseBleepers thing for guys- where Christ was your ‘good buddy’ in life….. ugh. two times.)

    I don’t normally wear my clericals when ‘off duty’ – that’s a choice my Bishop has permitted me- and that day was such a case. So they neither knew I was a priest, nor that I was both fascinated, and at the same time, repulsed by their… gossip. For that is what it was, once you broke down all the sanctimonious BS.

    Their talk of Christ was enough to make even a Montanist blush, and was filled with theological assumptions that never were a part of the Historic catholic Faith. It also appeared to me that they had never heard St. Paul’s dictum that ‘a woman is to be silent in the churches, and learn what she needs to learn at home, from her HUSBAND, who is to her as Lord and Master, as Sarah called Abraham.’ (compilation of about five N.T. verses, that shows you the older patristic way of life is much more ‘normal’ than today’s corrupt society)

    I wanted to stand and say to them, “Shame on you chattering females, for daring to presume an authority you don’t possess due to your sex, and for covering up your female gossip like hens in a yard, with the fallacy that you are being ‘spiritual’ or even ‘Christian.’ ” ….. but then, I realized I like this restaurant, and I wanted to be allowed back in there in the future…. and I didn’t have my clericals, so……. I stood, shook the dust off my feet (did they even get that scriptural referent? Probably not, Joyce Meyers doesn’t talk about those kinds of things….) and said good-bye to the hostess, who is a dear and very gentle woman- unlike these four ‘spiritual chatterers.’

    But your comments are SOOO right: “…women are emotional creatures and every time they watch some sob story movie they start crying, and the biggest sob story movies/series/books of all time are: Roots, Amistad, Schindler’s List, The Last Days, Anne Frank Diary, etc.. These are designed to play into their emotional nature, leading to a “divide and conquer” scenario.”

    Until men again restrain and (re)train their women, daughters, mothers, to shut up and listen to the Man of the House, and to work now to dismantle EVERY FUCKING FEMINIST PLATFORM in place, we will NEVER win the battle. If that means they (women) stop school at eighth grade like the Amish, then, so be it. If it means we take away the vote from women (as we shall from blacks), so be it. (Sorry, Denise, but ‘this is war!’)

    The function of women is to be helpmeets to their husbands, fathers, and the Hierarchy of the Church. Our duty is to never betray that trust, nor to treat a woman- any women- especially our wives, as if they were disposable, or mere chattel. I see more and more why the Law’s requirements in the Bible were far more strict for men, than for women. ‘To whom much is given, much is required.’

    (I wouldn’t even have mentioned this, except for the fact that my wife has agreed with me, and has encouraged me to ‘be a man’ in my forming of such opinions… for I, too, was once a victim of the Multicult heresy….and was rather ‘weak’ when we first married, because the culture had formed me, rather than Christ. [Rom 12:1,2] We all are on a learning curve, here… yt included.)

  22. Continuing on the “divide and conquer” theme and movies ….

    On the flip side, porno appeals to many men, but scares women.

    It all started with Playboy, but Playgirl isn’t really the gender empowered equivalent because the main buyers of Playgirl are gays. I would image many women after seeing a prono think this is what men want from women, and many men think: women want sex like the porn sluts. Its really a divider as it not a reality for either.

    So, men have to stop watching porn, and women have to stop watching the bleeding heart bogus black-Jew persecution movies.

  23. @ Fr John

    Going back to our debate on music were you said “Sympathy for the Devil” was about music. If you read the lyrics you will see that its not about music, but how the devil is manipulating things to cause wars, assassinations, twisted lies, etc..


    The lyrics in this song are very impressive compared to most other rock songs.

    But who knows, may be they sold their soles for fame and fortune : )

  24. There are a lot of articles and books on this topic.

    Here’s just one.

    But I did read of demonic attacks, whenever the RS sang that one specific song at concerts. So, I think I have some justification for my positions. BTW, Mr. Makow is a Jew who converted to Christianity. That is his column, above.

  25. @ Loki

    re: your link

    The common man never wanted or wants communism even though “it suppose to be for them”. Its always the elites that think they know best. And who were the elites?

    Actually, I was watching a documentary on the formation of the USSR the other night. Everything was going “okay” until the elites decided they were going to confiscate the farmers’ land and equipment, and anyone that resisted was shot dead. If the farmers had lots of guns – like in the US – it wouldn’t have happened.

    In Canada, a Long Gun Registry was introduced by the Liberal government just after a 1989 mass killing at Ecole Polytechnic (french for technical School) in Quebec by a certain “Marc Lepine”.


    After claiming that he was “fighting feminism”, he shot all nine women in the room, killing six. He then moved through corridors, the cafeteria, and another classroom, specifically targeting women to shoot. Overall, he killed fourteen women and injured ten other women and four men in just under twenty minutes before turning the gun on himself. wiki

    But “Marc Lepine” wasn’t his real name. Marc Lépine was born Gamil Gharbi to a French-Canadian mother and an Algerian father. If his father was a muslim, then its fair to say “Marc” was a cultural muslim, or at least conflicted.

    So, it appears to be a semi-jihadi operation, although the media never presented it this way.

    The Long Gun Registry costs billions to establish/maintain, but over 20 years it never solved 1 single crime. Gun owners in rural Canada hated it, but recently the Conservative government moved to eliminate the LGR. The real ultimate purpose of a registry is confiscation (like the Nazis did in Austria).

    The point I’m trying to make here is that this is a hot issue for Canadian women and most wanted to keep it – but like the bogus Holocaust – they don’t understand that the Ecole Polytechnic massacre wasn’t due to a lack of gun control but MultiCult via “human rights” which most women are firmly behind.

    So, there’s a thread linking Canadian women’s support for human rights, emotional buy into bogus Nazis/slave movies, multiculturalism, immigration of conflicting/hostile cultures, and the massacre. But they want a Long Gun Registry.

  26. So, like “bigot,” has “chauvinist” passed through the looking glass, into meaning whatever libtards want it to mean?

    Libtards (and thus, the average lemming) don’t have a fucking clue what “bigot” means, and ironically, the vast majority of them are bigots. I guess it’s symmetry that libtards, who are also all chauvinists, don’t know WTF “chauvinism” means, and have taken to imagining that the “male” they were once so fond of putting before it is now inherent, just as they did with “bigot” and “racial.”

  27. Butchering my mother tongue and subverting millions away from its proper use is just one more offense to lay at the door of libtard morons (but, I repeat myself).

  28. Fr. John,

    I do think Steve Sailer and his commenters are correct that much of feminism, particularly the virulent form that came about in the 60s, was an invention of ugly gals (especially, ugly Jewesses) to wreak their revenge on their prettier, blonder, thinner, more popular rivals.

    But I’m curious — were society to overturn all feminist ideas and return to a standard of all women in the home, what DO you propose we do with the gals too ugly to attract an adequate provider? They’ve got to keep body and soul together somehow.

  29. Outlier
    “If she is, then what’s her angle?”

    I don’t know, but what I listen for, is if they speak out of concern for Whites. She did not do that, when I looked at her videos last year, so I lost interest after that.

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