About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The real evil badguys aren’t field leaders, dollars to donuts says that as in serenity he is merely the (extremely capable)frontman.

  2. He’s certainly the enforcer.

    If the electrics of all sorts went off horses would be premium again. I’d assume cavalry would re establish battlefield utility. I’ll assume that machine guns would be rare.

    Do niggers ride horses well? Or even know how to breed them?

    Obviously this is speculative fiction that is really just about TODAY however I doubt that very many blacks would survive such an Armageddon. The electronic age has simply made their lives comfortable. Pre electric they are all farm equipment again.

  3. It would never happen like that in real life.

    Everything wouldn’t go down all at once. There would be a gradual decline as major systems started to fail due to energy becoming more expensive.

  4. “I’ll assume that machine guns would be rare. ” If only the electronic stuff is gone there would still be machine guns, and trains, and probably telegraphs. America probably wouldn’t collapse, though a bunch of no-go zones should pop up, atleast temporarily.

    The plane just falling out of the sky indicated more than just a loss of electronic systems though, and I don’t know what to make of that other than its probable dramatic effect.

  5. It seems like an EMP knocks out all electrics and they never come back online in any way.

    However, pre-electical tech? That’s going back to 1840-50.

    You’d need slaves again to bring in crops (no combined harvesters. Or tractors) Armies would be lining up to fire massed volleys. How could metal be machined (rifling) without electric lathes? Muskets would be back. I don’t see blacks being in positions of power in a black power age redux.

  6. I’m not sure that you could make machine guns without electric machine tools. The ammo either. I’m pretty sure the maxim was made in factories that were powered with electricity. I could be wrong but smithing automatics would be near impossible.

  7. This is a television show so naturally “it all goes down” all at once.

    In reality, you could get to a zero sum world like this through a series of imperceptible changes over a long period of time: the price of gas gradually increases due to stagnant or declining production, which means your discretionary spending shrinks which shutters businesses and increases unemployment, food prices and manufactures become more expensive as costs are passed onto consumers by producers, the tax base shrinks and forces cuts in government services.

    Suppose the price of jet fuel started to skyrocket. You would see airlines going bankrupt, raising prices, and merging. That’s already going on. As the price of gas increases, you might see people adapt by driving less and buying more fuel efficient vehicles. The size of vehicles might start to noticeably shrink over time.

    Housing prices might collapse in a depressed economy. Suddenly, people would be less able to flip their houses and move across the country, as they are accustomed to doing today. A less mobile society would emerge.

    As the price of the junk in the supermarket increased, it would become less affordable. People would adapt by growing their own food or buying locally. As grocery stores shutter, local production would revive.

    Highways would deteriorate as their maintenance becomes less affordable.

  8. “Suppose the price of jet fuel started to skyrocket.”

    They’d also ditch the modern jumbo carriers for the smaller aircraft in use 60 years ago as fewer and fewer people could fly.

  9. “This is a television show so naturally “it all goes down” all at once.”

    That also looks to be a story element, the lockett reactivating electro-magnetism.

  10. Steampunk!

    I’m actually surprised by this because Maxim was an electrical engineer before he designed the Machine Gun. Fully steampowered factories churning out machine guns?

    Cavalry might be out then. Possibly steam powered cars then…

  11. It would be quite a strange world then. Trains everywhere, possibly stoked cars. Although lawn mower type gas engines would function.

  12. You can make almost any normal IC engine run on steam, though smaller simpler ones are much easier to convert. The problem is efficiency, they have to run on low pressure at high rpms.

  13. 15 years later, people would still have working modern firearms and ammo is easy to make. Brass shells can be re-used many times.

    Also, people would fix the electric grid and build new electric devices. The future shown in this preview would have to be something more like 200 years in the future after a massive die-off of humanity

  14. “It seems like an EMP knocks out all electrics and they never come back online in any way. ”

    Such devices are limited in range in scope. Nothing like what some depict. If you had that kind of power(as in watts) available to supply the device to operate on that kind of scale, you would do far more with it.

  15. This show is probably trying to grab onto the cotat-tails of “The Walking Dead” popularity.

    It’s already ridiculous.

    ANY Negro Warlordism would ONLY occur on places that Whites weren’t interested in. I may be engaging in pure wishful thinking, but when Humans are forced to exist in a primitive environment, and struggle for daily survival – even the most indulgent DWL’s would lose their tolerance fo MonkeyShines in no time flat – or get killed off by afore-said Monkeys. And Negroes getting power grids and computer systems up and running? HAHAHA!

    Hunter – you and others have posted pages of Negroes on Facebook, et al, “communicating” with each other. That Bebo site was a fascinating example. When left to their own devices – even their language skills devolve into incomprensible babble.

    Meanwhile – behold all the Regular Gents posting on this thread. You’se guys immediately launch into an impromptu discussion of this and that – guns, technology, steam power.

    Nah. I’m not worried about Negro Warlords. The teenagers in my ‘hood would be fully capable of taking out the entire crew of horse-riding Nagas. FYI – only in movies and TV are face to face showdowns depicted.

    The plane falling out of the sky looked cool, though.

  16. the show looks like more ridiculous girl power drivel to me

    as far as I can tell negros are deathly afraid of horses. Negros are afraid of anything more powerful and more intelligent than they are. Something I’m grateful for. mexicans seem to be fond of torturing horses, which is why I have my wolfhounds

    legally owned machine guns in private hands is much more common than most folks would think. You wouldn’t need to create more; but replacement parts. blacksmiths here in hajji land can do it so it wouldn’t be long before White America can do it as well

    i’m a few years from being totally self sufficient regarding food. and I’m only one man. I’ve yet to meet a single negro in the survivalist movement

  17. Here’s a question to be posed, Hunter.

    For those of us (me, alone, I guess) who don’t WATCH the Idiot Box and know NOTHING of Jew Tube, save for classic/old movies, educational DVD’s, and pre-1990’s TV shows we choose for our brood (Andy Griffith, Carol Burnett, Red Skelton, Frasier- for the wife and I, and Addams Family/Brady Bunch, etc.) why not discuss BOOKS that deal with the same topic?

    I mentioned ‘Rohan Nation’ on this forum. I’d love to know what others think/thought about this tome- for this WAS an EMP, Mass outbreak of killer virus, reduced to horse/cavalry modes of warfare, against Chicoms, and Islamic jihadist…sort of book. Tossed in like Cod Liver oil, every once in a while, were the preachings of the author via his characters, acting as philosopher kings- as if Libertarianism, and ‘civil Anarchism’ were ‘good for you.’

    These bad tasting moments in the book, were all blathering on about libertarian ideals, incipient multiculturalism as NORMAL, (blecch) and much of the same crap about ‘religion is the opiate of the masses’ stuff most pseudo-intellectual post-Americans (who know nothing of True Faith) indulge in, in spewing their bile of resentment against their Maker…. the sort of vituperation that fills Stormfront, VNN, and other idiot fora (other than this blog).

    That would be a nice addition/alternative to critiquing Jewish propaganda, no matter how well done, on the Boob Tube. After all, TV is owned and operated by the ENEMY- it is still JEWISH, and diverts us from the REAL WORLD, and our battle.

    My 2 cents.

  18. I do my best not to read anything written in the last 50 years or so. Spend a year reading 100 year old books and in no time you’ll see just how indoctrinated you are (even when you think you’ve already swallowed the red pill).

  19. Of course the premise of the show is implausible. However I still think machine gun parts would become quite hard to mass produce without electric powered machine tools.

  20. Right, John, such implausibility generally makes for annoyance of the intelligent. A good story should be somehow possible. And right, Fr John: “don’t WATCH the Idiot Box and know NOTHING of Jew Tube”!

  21. Just noticed the comment above: “You’d need slaves again to bring in crops….”

    German farmers, at least, never saw any need or had any use for slaves, and they never moved around slashing and burning, eroding the soil and “wearing out” farms as they went either, but they actually settled, and as they did in Europe actually improved the topsoil from its virgin condition – and they are still recognised as the most efficient, productive farmers. Their territory in the Shenandoah valley was called “the breadbasket of the Confederacy,” no thanks to the slave importers.

  22. Cut it out everyone! This is just another PC cartoon for ersatz adults. If you want to watch the silly PC crap – watch it! But it’s absurd to dissect and vaticinate about the whole pile of schlock.

  23. I don’t have high expectations for this show … it is going to be on NBC, which means it will be certainly full of PC garbage, but anything about the future collapse of the United States is worth checking out .

  24. Without mechanized farming you will need human muscle. That means slaves or serfs whether you like it not. Cheap fuel and electricty automate what would otherwise need to be done by hand. You do know that those German farmers used cheap labourers right? That many Germans were fleeing serf like conditions in Prussia, Bavaria and Hanover?

  25. I am sharing my garden this year with a poor white family and it’s working out quite well. The kids are learning how grow vegetables (potatoes) and are proud to be helping provide for their family.

    So it doesn’t necessariy have to be serfdom or slaves, just friendly cooperation and sharing. And grow veg is seasonal — it’s brutally hard work, but only at certain times of the year.

  26. Market Gardening. There’s that too. But it’s a barter economy at that point. Which might not be a bad thing.

    Market Gardens are taking off again in the UK. It used to be that Poles and Ukrainians would come over to harvest. Now East End Londoners are again filing out of the city to work seasonally on the farms. Gardening is an obsession in England anyway so it’s reversion to an old norm.

  27. John: As Jim points out, it’s quite feasible to run a machine shop on steam power. I’m no engineer, but my impression is that most of those tools are powered by a single rotating shaft. A shaft can be made to rotate in many ways; a water wheel, a windmill, steam engine, or in a pinch by a flywheel powered by oxen. I’ve no doubt there would be many ingenious solutions to that problem.

    Back in the eighties, I visited Malawi. It’s a desperately poor country, and one of the chief sources of revenue for the locals is selling wood-carvings to tourists. Some of the carvings appeared to have been turned on a lathe, and I envisioned a shop in the nearest town or city with an electric lathe. Then I visited the local village, and saw the reality.

    A piece of water-pipe, with a ball-bearing stuck on each end, jammed into holes in a pair of wooden poles planted in the ground. The lathe was powered by a Babuntu, via a motorcycle chain wrapped twice around the pipe. He gripped the ends of the chain, and pulled each end in turn, setting the pipe spinning back and forth. The work was fastened to the end of the pipe and formed by the “artisan” with the sharp point of a broken file.

    Make no mistake, people will find a way. Farm machinery might not be self-propelled; it might be dragged on a cable by a stationary winch powered by steam. The Afrikaners have a saying: “‘n Boer maak ‘n plan” ( a farmer makes a plan). One way or another, we’ll survive, and without reverting to the Afromatic range of farm implements, either.

  28. My family will pass on this one. I’ll not support these magic negro brainwashing fantasies anymore.

  29. John,

    Mosin knows all about those fleeing German farmers. And you’d be surprised at who shows up to farm, when the economy collapses, and White men can’t get jobs. You may also be surprised by how intelligent, inventive, and interesting those White workers can be. You may also be surprised by the taste of vegatable and fruit, grown by REAL farmers, who love their work, despite it’s backbreaking nature. For part of the year.

    Anyway – once you taste real food, produced by REAL farmers – you don’t go back to Frankenfood. I can’t even eat “store-bought” factory eggs anymore.

    Mosin – don’t LIE. Action Adventure things on TalmudVision perk your interest.

  30. Cavalry might be out then. Possibly steam powered cars then…

    Wood gas.

    Also, people would fix the electric grid and build new electric devices. The future shown in this preview would have to be something more like 200 years in the future after a massive die-off of humanity

    Mass die-offs precede abundance; population drops to 1/x, survivors are now x times as wealthy. Even 200 years in the future, there’d be tons of guns around; more per capita if there’s a die-off.

    Civilization is far more resilient than most Post-Apocalyptic writers are capable of dealing with in a realistic way. Knowledge is power, and it’s distributed widely. Hence, tons of hand-waving.

    ANY Negro Warlordism would ONLY occur on places that Whites weren’t interested in. I may be engaging in pure wishful thinking, but when Humans are forced to exist in a primitive environment, and struggle for daily survival – even the most indulgent DWL’s would lose their tolerance fo MonkeyShines in no time flat – or get killed off by afore-said Monkeys. And Negroes getting power grids and computer systems up and running? HAHAHA!

    Right. Whites dramatically outclass blacks in all organized activities (war, civilization) But I could easily see DWLs enslaved by blacks on a small scale, for a time. Until they’re deprogrammed.

    the show looks like more ridiculous girl power drivel to me

    Grrl power is like a turd in a pool; ruins the whole experience.

    German farmers, at least, never saw any need or had any use for slaves, and they never moved around slashing and burning, eroding the soil and “wearing out” farms as they went either, but they actually settled, and as they did in Europe actually improved the topsoil from its virgin condition – and they are still recognised as the most efficient, productive farmers. Their territory in the Shenandoah valley was called “the breadbasket of the Confederacy,” no thanks to the slave importers.

    Germans didn’t settle the deep south. When the antibiotics dry up, whites might again be facing the fact that they tend to die a lot toiling outdoors in the hot, humid climes of the deep south.


    Oooh, it’s not every day an alt-righter sends me reaching for my dictionary. Thanks.

    So it doesn’t necessariy have to be serfdom or slaves, just friendly cooperation and sharing. And grow veg is seasonal — it’s brutally hard work, but only at certain times of the year.

    Right. Agriculture is short periods of way too much work, widely separated by long periods of very little work.

    John: As Jim points out, it’s quite feasible to run a machine shop on steam power.

    Wood gas.

    Make no mistake, people will find a way.

    That will not be the theme of this show. That theme will not be in the forefront, either. Jews do not propagate such memes. When a Jew tells stories about the collapse of the cities, it’s always a cautionary tale, a tale of woe and misery. Jews and “people will find a way” are not on speaking terms.

  31. I’ve struggled, trying to find a way to make black warlordism viable in a PA American context. It ain’t easy, at least not in any sustainable way. It’s far easier to write them out of the picture (die-off of the parasites/grasshoppers), or as the bottom of a still-deluded society that produces more than it needs.

  32. OK- went to the local McD’s and used my laptop to watch the preview.

    When a Nigger calls a white boy, and says ‘Your Daddy’s blood is on your hands,’

    I’d kill the beastial SOB right there. NO nigger talks to me like that.

    I did what you all said, I thought, ‘Nigger’ at the uppity that dared tried to USE psyop techniques on me some months back, and when HE called the Poh-lice on me, (he accosted my personal space, but I was the one to ‘touch’ him to get him OUT of my space, and so, ‘HE was ‘assaulted’) yet, when I wouldn’t back down, he was shaking so hard with fury that I wouldn’t bow down to “Dr. Nigger,” it was visible. All of his supposed education, and erudition couldn’t cower me. I just looked at him and didn’t kow-tow, thinking niggerniggernigger all the while he was jabbering.

    Reading ‘The Clansman” is a revelation (did I mention this?) I am fast becoming an unreconstructed Yankee. I suppose after visiting and living in the South, and seeing how lovely y’all are (well, all except the ‘good ol’ boys when they’s being drunk dipsticks….), anyone could/should change their mind.

    But the same premise still holds. I don’t watch the jew tube, and neither should you.

  33. Fr John – some of those good old boys gave me Anise-flavored Moonshine, when I was down in Appalachia – and it was sublime! I want MORE, when I go back. Mmmmmm….yummy! It was a fabulous smooth liquore. Don’t knock drunken crackers!

    Also – if those Whites on that Talmudvision show were REAL Whites – the (snickering as I type) horse-riding Nagas would have been knocked off those horses befroe they EVERY saw the arrows coming.

  34. Hi Denise. No, none of that social media shit for me. I doubt I have the bandwidth for Twitter. I’m on a 56k modem out in the sticks. When I want data, I go get it, I can’t have it “streaming.”

  35. These kinds of shows (Jews doing PA) are almost always “be careful what you wish for, you don’t know how good you have it, if you go upsetting the applecart, this will be the result.” The italicized part is the real point.

    It’ll be nice, when we’re in a position to reciprocate, by making shows with our message. Covington scenarios, with the clear message: keep turning the screws, keep ignoring our grievances, and this is what will happen.

    One day, we’ll be in a position to talk back.

  36. I come from a market garden area of England. My family grew about 1/3 of their own food. Any airforce people been around Carterton and Brize Norton?

    Jim, that was a wood carving using parts of parts that were made in electricty generated factory conditions. Note that I’m talking about machine tools. Not hand held power tools either. Large engineering devices. Without electricty you would be heading back to some Rube Goldberg solutions as your bicycle example suggested.

    But yeah, a machine gun would be possible given those steam powered gizmos Colt used. The convenience of fabrication would heavily impacted though. Factories would need to be built on very large centralized sites.

    Metal is a real fucking pain to lathe without electricity. Anyway, premise is a bit far fetched.

  37. “Svigor says:
    May 16, 2012 at 5:16 pm
    These kinds of shows (Jews doing PA) are almost always “be careful what you wish for, you don’t know how good you have it, if you go upsetting the applecart, this will be the result.” The italicized part is the real point.

    It’ll be nice, when we’re in a position to reciprocate, by making shows with our message. Covington scenarios, with the clear message: keep turning the screws, keep ignoring our grievances, and this is what will happen.

    One day, we’ll be in a position to talk back.”

    Indeed! HA!

  38. Sure as shit someone survived Sodom.

    The discussion I’m interested in is a hypothetical one. Take away electricty, how do we reshape our world?

    It’s quite possible that large recognizably modern metropolitan cities might be viable.
    Just no blacks. The only use for them would be to work in the fields. They are poor craftsmen, terrible accountants.

    So let’s see, donkeys horses, modified rarer auto vehicles, trains, people making things with hands, growing significant portions of own food…and machine guns. A mishmash of 20th century, and 1850s machine shops. Lower population density.

    Would sewerage farms still work? Water pipes?

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