Amurrica Series: White Babies Now Minority In United States


I will reiterate my proposal of how to reimagine the American social contract: we ought to withdraw from that contract, rip it to shreds, and negotiate a new contract among our own people.

“Non-Hispanic whites accounted for 49.6 percent of all births in the 12-month period that ended last July, according to Census Bureau data made public on Thursday, while minorities – including Hispanics, blacks, Asians and those of mixed race – reached 50.4 percent, representing a majority for the first time in the country’s history.

Such a turn has been long expected, but no one was certain when the moment would arrive – signaling a milestone for a nation whose government was founded by white Europeans and has wrestled mightily with issues of race, from the days of slavery, through a civil war, bitter civil rights battles and, most recently, highly charged debates over efforts to restrict immigration. …

The question is, how do we reimagine the social contract when the generations don’t look like one another?” said Marcelo Suarez-Orozco, co-director of Immigration studies at New York University.”

Americanism is suicide.

I will say it again: my fundamental idea, which is the first thing you notice after stumbling upon this website, is the dissolution of the Union.

I know this must sound ridiculous in the present political context. It will sound less and less ridiculous over time. For all kinds of reasons (the soaring, unsustainable national debt being just one), the dissolution of the Union is the only way to ensure our racial survival on this continent.

If the Union were dissolved, African-Americans and Hispanics would cease to be citizens and voters in the Republic of Dixie. It is the only way we will ever even have a shot at solving the problem.

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About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. You know, island countries like New Zealand and Australia are starting to look more and more appealing, as long as they don’t start importing more NAMs.

  2. This is why I refuse to speak ill of Mormons. They may talk about ‘magic underwear’ and a book of the Bible that God just happened to give them when no one else was looking, but they are also some of the only whites who are pumping out babies, and have an (implicitly) white identity.

    Blacks (and to a less extent Hispanics) don’t do quality so much as quantity. There are two basic reproductive strategies, the lower fertility, higher attention strategy (of Grizzly Bears for instance) where mama has only a few offspring but spends an intense amount of time raising the child; and then there is the strategy favored by sea-turtles and black people, whereby Shaniqua squirts out one-thousand eggs, knowing that most will die of AIDS or in prison, while one or two will go on to make words rhyme or put a ball into a hole for several millions of dollars.

    There is much more cause and effect going on here than anyone will admit. The Lame-streamers will tell you that whites are becoming a minority because they are refusing to have babies, but really whites are having fewer babies because higher-brained mammals will not have children when the conditions are not optimal, and the offspring is likely to have a miserable/or no life. Lower brained mammals, such as hamsters or Bantus, will have the children whether or not resources are available. When they do this in Africa, the babies either starve or some celebrity narcissistic celebrity stuffs them into a Louis Vuitton handbag; in America, we get to foot the bill until the progeny is old enough to sally forth from its public housing project and repay us for our (coerced) charity by beating us to death, raping our wife, and stealing our TV.

    I am a smidgen angry about all of this. I guess, horror of horrors, that makes me a racist.

  3. Jews rejoice! Jews rejoice! Jews will only be happy when European-Americans are a powerless minority. Or when Euro-Americans are all dead.

  4. “Heil Hizzle Mein Nizzle”

    L-O-fkn-L! I lost my breakfast cereal at that handle. That made my day, thanks!

  5. There are too many blacks in Dixie for your plan to succeed. You will have to migrate elsewhere, somewhere north, and cede Dixie to the blacks. That would be optimum. A black Dixie, and a White Midwest/West.

    The most likely scenario is continued intermingling at the State level with the current local segregation. Politics will become tribal. The best examples are Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan. If we are lucky, we will avoid the violence. Probably won’t. Our political parties will have to become reorganized along racial/ethnic lines. White will have to form a party that represents White interests against the interests of blacks and Mexicans, et al. There will be much messy coalition formation and destruction. There will be explicit racial/ethnic quota systems (welcome to South Africa) for all sorts of things.

    I agree we need to get rid of the Constitution. (We should have stayed with the Articles of Confederation, but that’s a lost opportunity.) We would be best off with a parliamentary system at the state and federal levels. Parliamentary systems naturally support coalition formation and destruction and are best suited to protecting minority interests.

    Pretty ugly. Glad I’m old enough to die first.

  6. “and then there is the strategy favored by sea-turtles and black people, whereby Shaniqua squirts out one-thousand eggs”

    It has long been a suspicion of mine that nigras are born from eggs. I have no proof yet but I suspect their eggs are about 12 inches long and green with dark green stripes. Which is objectively a good survival strategy considering the favorite food of the nigra.

  7. Bob,

    (1) The black share of the population hasn’t changed much. It is Hispanics and Asians that are flooding into America and changing racial demographics. Most of them are actually settling in the Western and Northern states.

    (2) Compare Tennessee and Arkansas to Washington and Oregon. The former have hardly changed while the latter have swiftly gone the way of California.

    (3) Alabama is whiter than Illinois, New York, and New Jersey.

    (4) Running away isn’t a solution. I’m convinced that one act of cowardice invites the next act of cowardice. If you aren’t willing to fight for your own home, why would you fight for your adopted one.

    (5) 45 percent of blacks live in the North and West. A larger percentage of the Hispanics and Asians live in the North and West. Many of the Hispanics in Florida are White Cubans.

    (6) In an worse case scenario, why would we have to migrate north? Why choose to live among the people who are responsible for creating this situation? Why not move to some other country abroad?

  8. When armies are in disarray, they regroup and then go on the attack. So it doesn’t matter where we concentrate our numbers, as long as it happens.

    I am not loyal to land. That is a crazy form of European nationalism, where thousands will kill each other, over a little river or a hill. Land can be lost and land can be retaken. If you stay and fight for an area, that is swamped by non-Whites, and no one else is doing it, that’s it for you. Extinction.

  9. White Americans decided to indulge in “do your own thing” immorality in the 1960’s and it’s been that way ever since.Instead of banding together to close the borders,stop massive immigration, and work to keep our industry here when it was dismantled and moved to China,white Americans were too busy doing their own thing showing hardly any love or loyalty to their own families.
    There are hardly any white babies being born today. No one is putting a gun to the head of white America forcing us to get divorced in droves, get abortions;Have only one, and many times,no children, so as to have more money in our pockets,indulge in pre-marital promiscuity,post-marital promiscuity,drug abuse,alcohol abuse,etc.
    Neither the Jews, nor anyone else ,put a gun to the head of white America and forced us to flush our faith,heritage,culture,and history down-the-toilet. We did it to our ourselves through our own collective behavior.
    Nothing good is going to accrue to white America until family life is restored and family is given a place of honor in our culture — not just giving honor with words, giving family a place of honor through our actions and behavior.

  10. I think the South East coast is toast. I have talked to a few Negro’s here in MI, and they all talk about NC as the place to be, and of course FL and GA are gone, prob SC too. How are we going to get them out? Were going to have to make a stand in the mid Atlantic states, and teach our West Coast brethren the truth about race…and erect some large fences.

    I’m waiting for the first state to adopt secession, and then were off to the races..

    I’ll tell you why whites can’t seem to maintain stable relationships anymore – movies, and porn. Turn the TV off, and use a Gatekeeper ( to filter your Internet. And I disagree, Jews have everything to do with the premeditated interracial movies/characters/plots being foisted on sleeping whites. Also, they run the entire porn industry. It’s always been a race war with them, and they know what they are doing.

    What does “Mein Kampf” tell us about Hitler’s beliefs? The following are extracts from the book:

    “The Jews were responsible for bringing negroes into the Rhineland with the ultimate idea of bastardising the white race which they hate and thus lowering its cultural and political level so that the Jew might dominate.”

    “The Jewish youth lies in wait for hours on end…spying on the unsuspicious German girl he plans to seduce…..he wants to contaminate her blood and remove her from the bosom of her own people. The Jew hates the white race and wants to lower its cultural level so that the Jews might dominate.”

    “The longer I lived in Vienna, the stronger became my hatred for the promiscuous swarm of foreign peoples which began to batten on that old nursery ground of German culture.” (A reference to East Europeans)

    “Only an adequate large space on this earth assures a nation freedom of existence.” A reference to Hitler’s policy of living space (Lebensraum)

    “We must eliminate the disproportion between our population and our area…… Some of this land can be obtained from Russia….. We must secure for the German people the land and soil to which they are entitled.”

    “(The state) must see to it that only the healthy beget children; that there is only one disgrace: despite one’s own sickness and deficiencies, to bring children into the world; and one highest honour : to renounce doing so. And conversely it must be considered reprehensible to withhold healthy children from the nation.” This would later develop into Hitler’s idea of the Master Race.

    “When you tell a lie, tell big lies. This is what the Jews do, working on the principle, which is quite true in itself, that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility……”

    “Whoever wishes to win over the masses must know the key that will open the door to their hearts.”

  11. This is one problem that wasn’t caused by blacks. They contribute a smaller percentage of births almost every year. This is all Ted Kennedy’s fault. ALL of it. Piss on him. If I had a time machine and could go back to 1965…

  12. Western Washington is well on its way to becoming similar to the San Francisco bay area of California. Another 15 years and its demographics will be pretty much the same. The culture is similar too. Central/Eastern WA is full of Mexicans who work on the farms.

  13. Joe says:
    “This is the fault of Whites”

    It has nothing to do with the 24/7 media propaganda, ramming those ideas into peoples heads, from cradle to grave?

    This is why Putin, when he took power, went for the control points of Media, education, etc. He is former KGB and understands how brainwashing of the masses is achieved.

  14. “I will reiterate my proposal of how to reimagine the American social contract: we ought to withdraw from that contract, rip it to shreds, and negotiate a new contract among our own people.”

    That is exactly right, and the new social contract can be imagined initially as the use of the original US Constitution (as Bob above hints) as the bylaws of a New White North American Compact

    Keeping the organization functioning as a white voice in a white context would make it successful. Remaining accessible to newbies might be the biggest problem we would face.

    Secession or forming a state/nation is the last step, not the first. And remember that it took a century and a half from whichever European settlement matters to you until they were strong enough to nationalize themselves.

  15. The south is still in the best position to secceed. However the spine of an ethno state begins around the Appalacian mountains. Either blacks could be deported north to Yankeedom or south to Mexico. Other regions will still cling to their illusions of America for a while but that will change when refugees come flooding into their states.

  16. I guess if I was a damnyankee I’d cut and run too. Hell y’all got no guns, very few veterans and an over abundance of SWPL/ DWL’s. As for me, I have a couple hundred acres of good dirt, guns, friends with trigger time down range and 2 generations buried in out back.

    I think a lot of you miss why most decent middle class White folks have small families and it has nothing to do with anything wrong on their end. We are high investment parents. The cost of investment has gone through the roof. Pay has not caught up with expenses, folks have to have step housing bills to avoid negros, price of college has gone through the roof, some believe they are killing the earth from environmental propaganda, men don’t want to marry because the laws but him at such a disadvantage etc etc. throw in wanting to leave them something when you die and small families make sense

    yes some of the lest peasant reasons Whites are having small families are true but there is more going as well

  17. @FedUp
    White Americans bought the propaganda hook-line-and-sinker. We white Americans bought it because it was a very convenient excuse to use to” do your own thing”.
    I was around in the 60’s when Christian congregrations pushed out the ministers that preached morality out on their butts so the “Christians” could get divorced in droves without listening to any criticisms or sermons. That was even before all the Hollywood and Madison Ave propaganda encouraging divorce.
    While many make good points about the collective behavior of Jews,that is not enough to change the situation we face. We need to examine our own collective behavior,as well, if there’s going to be any change for the better.
    Most likely,the Jews will never change.They have behaved in this fashion throughout history. It’s up to us to change ourselves,our thinking and our behavior.
    Proxyguy makes an excellent point: “Turn the tv off”. If white Americans are so gullible and so easily indoctrinated (which we are), than white Americans need to turn their collective back on the propaganda and indoctrination and turn their collective heart to family and kin. It’s the only way. There’s no getting around that.

  18. “If you aren’t willing to fight for your own home, why would you fight for your adopted one.”

    I was born and raised in Miami, Fl. So was my dad. His father relocated to Florida from Georgia. In other words, I’m a second generation Miamian.

    In my own lifetime, I’ve witnessed the slow decline of Miami’s racial character–it’s striking. My dad has witnessed the racial breakdown completely and resents it, as I do.

    I understand the natural urge to stand square and fight, but there is absolutely no hope left in the city of my birth.

    None. Whatsoever.

    I long for an escape to a place like N. Florida, or, even the White parts of Georgia, where my roots are deepest.

    My retreat from Miami is not an act of cowardice, it’s and act of self preservation … the physical manifestation of my desire to live among White people. When I eventually have kids, it’ll be impossible to shield them from non-Whites and the vile culture that accompanies their presence.

  19. “Many of the Hispanics in Florida are White Cubans.”

    There are a subset of high IQ White Cubans in S. Florida, but, make no mistake, the brown and black tide of low IQ useless eaters has overwhelmed them. I’m friends with a lot of White Cubans … over the years, White flight has seen them off to nicer parts of Florida.

    Also, Miami is being overrun by, in my opinion, the worst kind of African: the Haitian. These people are a particularly vile strand of blackness. Their presence only insults Miami further.

    I can honestly say I hate the place of my birth and I want out, as quick as possible. I won’t even look back when I leave.

  20. We are all headed for the dustbin of history if those birth rates are in anyway true.

    Zimmerman, Pah, we all gotta die some day.

  21. My post for today. Strangely resonant in its conclusions, before I even checked out my fave second site….

    Fed up. Why we care about land, is because God tells us that the Land is our inheritance. We are incarnated beings, whose flesh and blood are tied to the earth we live on, the rivers and lakes we fish, and the graveyards we adorn with our parents and grandparents. THAT’s WHY land matters.

    Our land. for US, by ourselves, for ourselves.

  22. Long time lurker, first time poster here, announcing that I am finally done defending filthy Jews. This comment to the original article was the law straw:

    When I came to the U.S. as a 15-year old, stateless Jewish immigrant from Germany, the South was still segregated and I never saw anything but “white” people on TV. These so-called white people in their happy housewife aprons and families of smartalecky, well groomed children and the wise Dad who knew best, were more foreign to me than any person of color I saw in the street.(Still are).

    I was able to get a FREE college education at The City University of New York, a fact that was bemoaned by the white American secretary in the bursar’s office who told me that people “like me” shouldn’t be going to school on American taxpayer’s money.

    I can say that in my professional lifetime, I and my equally professional family, have undoubtedly paid more taxes than this secretary who begrudged me an education simply because of who I was.

    We have come a long way, and the “coloring” of America is one of the best things to happen to us. Now, we just have to go back and offer a free and excellent education to all our children and forget the concepts of race and ethnicities as they become more and more meaningless. Perhaps we are truly on our way to becoming the proverbial melting pot of the world…and I couldn’t be happier about that.

    New York
    May 17, 2012 10:43 AM

  23. I have relatives buried in the West Country going back at least 500 years. Beyond that common ancestry kicks in as a statistical fact. I’d prefer to be able to claim more ground for my cousins than watch that shrivel up and be forced to defend that little patch of sod.

    My bloodlines are in the soil around there in a literal sense. Without a plot of farmland or whatnot, what do you have?

  24. Stonelifter has the right of it, good schools, good neighborhoods, and relatively risk free families are a thing of the past. They’ll come back of course( or we’ll be gone ), but in the interim fertility rates have crashed.

    “Get what George Zimmerman is getting.” – The media doesn’t have unlimited power, lots of people can and do defend themselves, their property, and their communities, and the liberals have to internalize their impotent rage for the most part. Anyone remember the names of the 2 illegals the gentleman in Texas shot and killed for robbing his neighbor? me neither.

  25. Put it another way. The media cannot keep showing national instances of black criminality, Acts of white self defense, without sleepy bur rational whites drawing the logical conclusion that
    blacks should be wiped out.

    They can only publicize so many zimmerman’s before YT burns down the ghetto.

  26. @Jennifer
    Yeah you can see the hatred for “whites”, in her writing.

    She’s just another in a long line of twisted anti-Whites, and they have no future among Whites. We are a people becoming, they are a people ending.

  27. John says:
    May 17, 2012 at 2:45 pm

    “We are all headed for the dustbin of history if those birth rates are in anyway true.”

    Japan has a lower birthrate than the West. Korea has the same issue. Yet Japan and Korea are 97% and 98% natural Japanese and Korean and aren’t going anywhere, because no one is trying to genocide them, by flooding their countries with millions of people that are not their race and force integrating them, until they disappear.

    They are only doing it to White countries.

    People talk about having more White children and that is a good thing, but the elephant in the room is, someone is trying to genocide us. We can’t ignore that.

  28. Roarkes Drift was bad ground. But mealie bags and .45 Martini Henry miracles prevailed.

    The Alamo might have been a mistake but the myth of the place was worth the bloodshed.

    Gordon in Khartoum, the Boxer Rebellion European Cantonment in Peking…all inspired pushback. The downside of course is not good but…

    Surrender as in Singapore, Philipines were ignominy.

  29. Surrender in Rhodesia was a disaster.

    We are very good at war, but we are magnanimous in victory. The various darks figured out that they could appeal to our magnanimous side and then simply lobby for equality. Once equality was acheived they bred faster, commit more crime etc etc in a dirty war.

  30. ps, I don’t get why folks are ok with legit White hispanics. This is still not there nation

  31. @FedUp
    I agree with you:The agenda is white genocide. That’s why it is so important to keep our families intact and strong so as to better be able to defend ourselves.
    I know it’s difficult today,especially with radical feminism. Big disaster for the white race. The women are going to have to come on-board and sacrifice for their families,people,race,heritage,and culture.Men have to do the same:Sacrifice for family and race,heritage and culture.
    I don’t have any ultimate answers,I just see a lot of broken families,broken homes.This do-your-own-thing type behavior is just going to have to stop,or at least be greatly slowed down if we are to go up against all the forces arrayed against our race.
    We are not philosophical enemies. We have the same goal in mind:To save our race.

  32. If this isn’t a wake up call, I don’t what is ?

    MSNBC was talking about all morning.

    It will be interesting to see what the DWL do: drop all the morally-superior-human rights-multicutural-etc-bullshit, or continue with it. The up coming election will be interesting.

    The only hope is mass revocation of citizenship of fake Americans. Russia is proposing revoking citenship of “fake” Russian women who marry foreigners. Hopefully, this is a trend.

  33. “This is why I refuse to speak ill of Mormons. They may talk about ‘magic underwear’ and a book of the Bible that God just happened to give them when no one else was looking, but they are also some of the only whites who are pumping out babies, and have an (implicitly) white identity.”

    And the Anabaptists (Amish, Mennonite, Hutterites) are still out-reproducing the Mormons and all others of European descent, and their families and communities are still very cohesive, divorces and separations still rare.

  34. Welcome to the winning side, Jennifer.

    Just going through the eye of the needle, separating the wheat from the chaff at the moment. Hold on tight, the great adventure is about to begin!

    We have been made more than conquerors. Our Pax Triumphalis is nearer than you think.

  35. I think the South East coast is toast. I have talked to a few Negro’s here in MI, and they all talk about NC as the place to be, and of course FL and GA are gone, prob SC too. How are we going to get them out? Were going to have to make a stand in the mid Atlantic states, and teach our West Coast brethren the truth about race…and erect some large fences.

    The problem in the SE is the federal gov’t. The problem everywhere else is the federal gov’t, AND the White population.

  36. Amurrica Series: White Babies Now Minority In United States

    Should read:

    Amurrica Series: Newborn Tax Slaves now Minority In United States

  37. Long time lurker, first time poster here, announcing that I am finally done defending filthy Jews. This comment to the original article was the law straw

    Welcome, Jennifer! I’m glad you decided to stop lurking.

    A White defending Jews is like a Jew defending Nazis.

  38. bob,

    If the federal government hadn’t bombed the Serbs who else would have done it?


    “The question is, how do we reimagine the social contract when the generations don’t look like one another?”

    I hope all the currently comfortable conservatives understand what that sentence means.

  39. And the Anabaptists (Amish, Mennonite, Hutterites) are still out-reproducing the Mormons and all others of European descent, and their families and communities are still very cohesive, divorces and separations still rare.

    But aren’t they all parasites (yes, “pacifist” and “parasite” are the same thing)?

  40. Multiple wives?

    I reckon I could handle at least three.

    I think polygamy-patriarchy is definitely worth considering. Gives women somewhere to defect away from metrosexual, homosexual, eunuch KWA. And given proper sex-selection practices, such a society would not have to cuckoo-bird its males into surrounding society (i.e., it could stop being parasitic, the way FLDS are).

  41. “TabuLa Raza says:
    May 17, 2012 at 7:01 pm
    I am finally done defending filthy Jews

    Will you defend the clean ones?”

    What are the names of te clean ones?

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