Obama vs. Scots-Irish

Greater Appalachia

John Nolte on the Scots-Irish revolt against Obama in West Virginia, Kentucky, and Arkansas:

“Last night was more of the same for President Obama. In Arkansas, he lost over 40% of the vote and a full 36 countries to a relatively unknown attorney who lives in Tennessee. In Kentucky, Obama lost over 42% of the vote and a full 67 counties to “uncommitted.” Rather than blame the President’s failed economic policies, his racial and class divisiveness, his war on the coal industry, or the decision to stop lying about his position on same-sex marriage –Democrats prefer to describe their very own as racist”

But it’s true!

With the exception of Arkansas, the Democrats have lost both chambers of every state legislature in the 11 states of the old Confederacy. They have ceased to be competitive in Dixie.

Might this have something to do with the near extinction of the Blue Dogs? John Barrow is the last White Democrat standing in the House from the Deep South.

Kentucky and West Virginia are border states. They are two of the most racially homogeneous states in America. The two party system has endured longer there because those states are less blessed by the wonders of diversity.

Eventually though, as the Democratic Party becomes the anti-white party, the urban party, the “progressive” party, it will alienate the Whites in those states who are similar to other Southerners, but comfortably secure at the state level, and they too will dump the Democrats.

(1) Ta-Nehisi Coates

(2) Salon

(3) Washington Post

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. In the debates during the fall, it’d be interesting to ask both of the clowns onstage what they think of non-white US crossing the demographic Rubicon: put them on the spot about it.

    What will Obama say about it? If he decries it, he sells out his base. If he supports it or praises it or “celebrates” it, I think he can kiss another 15% or so of his white voters g’bye.

    Even more interesting would be Romney’s response. He’s at very little risk decrying it, because NAMs won’t vote for him no matter what he does. If he had the nerve to condemn it, it might show a little spine, win him some non-committed white voters, and draw the actual real battle line for all to see.

    I think it would be vastly entertaining to pin both of them down on this.

    My bet is, no one in the MSM holding the debate puppet strings will have the guts.

  2. I actually like Coates’ title: ‘White Resentment, Obama, and Appalachia.’ That says a mouthful, if you think about it. It’s one of the reasons the enemy has been trying to promote ‘diversity’ in Appalachia, because the people there still have some sense of organic nationalism/tribalism. That is a threat to the regime because it’s exactly opposite of the regime’s ideology.

  3. Kentucky and West Virginia are border states. They are two of the most racially homogeneous states in America. The two party system has endured longer there because those states are less blessed by the wonders of diversity.

    West Virginia and Ohio have a less generous welfare system than Ohio.
    I commented about this on a past post, the differences in demographics of Cincinnati, OH and Covington, KY, the differences between Weirton, WV and Stubenville, OH.
    Get rid of a generous welfare system, and you get rid of them. They will voluntarily relocate. It’s not like they have a house full of quality merchandise to move. They will take what they want out of the Sec. 8 property and leave the rest for the owner to clean out.

    I read that piece by Ta-Nehisi Coates and I can not even believe some company pays him to write. His talent lies at high school level (or in his case “high skool”).

  4. Heh, I thought ‘NAM’ just meant “Niggers And Mestizos”. Anyway, just for the record, the majority of Asians voted for Obama last time, and the little bastards will do it this time too.

  5. Back in ’99 out here in the Northwest, I was in attendance at a meeting held in a U.S. Forest Service Ranger Station and saw a government-issue poster on one of their in-house “eyes only” bulletin boards positioned far down a hallway. The wording clearly argued that the F.S. was to hire or transfer as many minorities as possible from other regions into Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, as well as the F.S. Districts in Eastern Washington and Oregon to increase the diversity in the local, essentially all-white populations.

    This practice wasn’t just to “promote” diversity, it was to directly use tax dollars to relocate minorities employed by the U.S. Government to effectively force diversity by that carpetbagger Bill Clinton.

    Go Dixie!

  6. Hunter – He didn’t just lose the Bocephus vote, he’s even losing the vote of some of the Bocephus’s children especially the ones who started at a school they wanted to go to, but now the parents don’t have the money because Bocephus’s job with the coal company ended, his job at the coal fired power plant is ending, his job with the aluminum plant ended because the cheap electricity is ending, his wife’s job at the restaurant or mini-mart outside any of them ended, his daughter can’t get a job at the local park this summer because there are no taxes revenues to pay for it anymore. This is Obama’s effect on America. And now the one’s who parent are intelligent enough to understand who are sitting at home going to a local non-first-choice college are learning. It’s us vs. them. If they win, we are all poor.

    The one’s that voted for Obama were smug in the immediate time after, like they were a seer that couldn’t be questioned. Like they had transcended some mythical boundary. I told them how it would work out for them. And it did exactly as I told them. The negro now becomes the real problem, because after they got one in there, they will keep going with the “you a rayciss” shit.

    I think what needs to happen across the country is there needs to be a catagory of “Other” in the primaries. We are too large of a country to have only two parties. “Other” would allow non-Dems/Non-Repubs to vote in the primary for any of the “Other”. The French system (I hate to say it) seems to kind of work. Or we need to move away from the party voting (homosexuals+negros+hispanics+DWLs+whatevers vs. people who have some value and pay taxes) and primaries altogether.

  7. The diversity push is going into overdrive. The average American doesn’t want it, but that doesn’t matter. I was listening to a local radio station on the way to work today. A community here is fighting the building of low-income housing in their neighborhood. The community doesn’t want it, but it will be the 3rd or 4th low income housing build in as many communites where nobody wanted them. How long can this keep going? We all know the goal, to introduce so many that the native whites are too afraid or outnumbered to push back.

  8. I pray that my home state can hold out. The deceivers make diversity sound so great, especially to a people like mine who are homogenous. They make it seem so special and sophisticated to have vibrant friends of color. Imagine, bring culture to the mountains (gag!).
    Speaking of “culture”, I’ve heard whites over and over complain that they have no “culture”. What gives? I hate that word, it makes us seem as though we’re some putrid cheese. I prefer heritage or tradition.

  9. I’m with you, Chris. I always thought that NAM stood for “Niggers and Mexicans.” About the same, either way, I guess.

    I really do wish there were some other choice besides the anti-white party versus the neo-con party. But there ain’t, and the net effect of either is about the same anyway since both are controlled by YKW. Minority relocation is only good for YKW, its not good for anyone else, including the minorities, who are climbing out on a limb that will eventually be cut off. They don’t belong here and won’t be able to stay once the government tit runs dry.

    The economy is a hollow shell at this point and the policy decisions of both parties have gutted the economy. Of course, YKW never made money from growing or making things, but through usury and sharp dealing. They don’t much like to get their hands dirty.

    There is only one real solution for this continuing fiasco: a free and independent South. There are far too many anti-white DWL’s in the other parts of the country who will only continue to drag us down with them in their suicidal obsession.

    If we want a better future for our posterity, it’s well nigh time to get our hands dirty.

    Deo Vindice

  10. Jews grabbed hold of the (now, old) media precisely in order to define the contents of “culture”, to purge of it of Whiteness and to replace it with Black, Spic, and Jewstuff. And did so q

  11. (Reset), @Wayne: Jews grabbed hold of the (now, old) media precisely in order to purge it of Whiteness and replace it with Black, Spic, and Jewstuff….a Hollywood Kosher Culture of Death, in parallel with their (NY/DC) creation of a a debt-driven Economy of Death. New Media – witness this site and hundreds with the similar goals – permits whites to re-discover the Traditions that the Jews surpressed and even create entirely New Values. Something which terrifies the Jews, as witness their frantic efforts to control the ‘net…and control guns.

  12. Kind of off topic for this post, but have you ever thought that maybe some other part of the country will want to leave the Union first?

    Where are most of the blacks and mexicans now in the US?

    Once these groups are no longer useful as weapons against whites, they will finally have no purpose in the US. They will be a giant drag on the country. What better way to deal with them, than to declare them foreigners who are unwelcome in a new North Eastern country.

  13. the goal of cultural marxsim is to devalue our White/ Western culture, and when you hear Whites say they have no culture it means the enemy is winning.

    The South will want to leave 1st. The rest of the usa is pretty much on par with the enemies of our race, although often enough good people which is why DWL is such an apt name for them. There are some areas in the West that might want out 1st, but it won’t work, them being land locked and all

  14. I always thought there was a false note when people would say the English or Brits were mutts.

    The old accusation was that English were a bit inbred (ie Pedigree) pasty and tradition bound.

    Couldn’t put my finger on a possible motive for the ‘mutt’ thing until I realized this sort of discourse is connected to attempts to wipe out the natives by importation of a new people.


    H.W.: The problem with the two party system in place today is that both political machines are fundamentally anti-white. While the Democrat Party is clearly nothing more than a cultural Marxist, New Left operation bent on destroying Western cultural norms, standards and values, we should not make the mistake of thinking that the Republican Party is a pro-white alternative. After all, treachery is its middle name!

    Willard Mitt Gordon Gekko Romney & Company are as fundamentally anti-white as it gets when it comes to destroying and outsourcing white, working class jobs and financially impoverishing our people. Hell, the guy made hundreds of millions of dollars by looting companies and raiding pension funds, leaving a 25 year trail of corporate carnage that defies the imagination!

    He and his ilk call it “creative destruction.”

    Over the next several decades, the Republican Party is ‘dead man walking’ given its Jewish inspired Ayn Rand-Mises-Hayek economic platform coupled with the party’s fatal embrace of economic austerity as a solution to our country’s economic woes. Combined with the demographic catastrophe that has befallen our hapless nation, it will soon be “lights out” for the GOP. Personally, I will relish watching the death throes of the party of Lincoln and then we as white people just might see the rise of a pro-white party to take its place.

  16. the US system appears to be a replication of the Israeli system:

    GOP-Rand-Likud or Dem-Chomsky-Labour. There are other interpretations.

    GOP: A belligerent party pitching its best young men off a cliff in sacrifice to Mars.

    Dems: Pussies genocide-ing the people with imported strangers.

  17. Obama vs. Scots-Irish

    I thought O’bama was Irish.

    Barack Obama’s Irish ancestral home opens – 23 May 2012

    President Obama’s ancestral home in Ireland has been opened to the public, on the first anniversary of his visit to Moneygall in County Offaly.

    The president’s great, great grandfather lived in the house before emigrating to America in the 1850s.

    BBC Ireland correspondent Mark Simpson was shown inside by one of Obama’s distant relatives, Henry Healy.


  18. The phrase “Scotch-Irish”— is a true example of Trotskysim.

    And why so many Americans now –ridiculously and wrongly— think they have something to do with the Irish, when in reality, they have not an Irish bone in their bodies.

    (Although some do argue that in ancient times, some who were Irish went into Scotland, and THEN much later those went —through the Ulster Plantations– back into Ireland, and THEN –fleeing that crap— to Appalachia.

    None of my family in Appalachia considers itself —in any way— “celtic,” lol.

    Now, only some of the younger people do it to be “cool,” since Hollywood has pumped out so many sexy-looking pro-IRA movies. Back in reality, the Kennedy’s were not that great for America and true drivers of “immigration,” giving the pope an embassy, etc., purveyors of Liberation “theology,” etc.

    Scotch-Irish should ALWAYS be traded for Ulster-Scots heritage—- which is the reality that people have tried to obscure in order to wipe out a real heritage.

    Much of Appalachia, and we always heard, half the revolutionary army— came through the Ulster Plantations (i.e. were Scots —largely from the lowlands— self-identified as Anglo-Saxons most usually, strictly protestant, and so on.)

    De-legitimating this very important group that largely settled in the mountain borders, which was the early frontier (by making their children actually identify with the Irish —whose lands they only very briefly passed through, and who have often hated them, and harmed them, both abroad and in their new country) is part of making other groups appear to be “founders” in the u.s.

    Have known MANY Appalachians, and not a one –except the youngers ones stripped of reality— considers themselves “celtic.” They consider themselves poor wasps. “The wrong kind of wasps” as one friend (jokingly) put it once.

    The real experience for them of the Ulster Plantation experience is ERASED by this Trotskyite term “Scotch-Irish” as they were NOT Irish, they were Scottish who went through Northern Ireland (the root of the “troubles”).

    But if you use the correct term “Ulster Scots” — (the real heritage of Appalachia), then you will be accused (lol) of creating “disunity.” I.e. — cease to EXIST as your real heritage or you are a bad person, (in effect, it’s same accusation of being a racist, redneck, ignorant, etc,)

    While the Irish will quickly accuse Jews of being unable to admit they caused any harm, which in turn, caused expulsions, they will never apply this same principle to the oft-broadcasted images of “irish need not apply” signs (that are usually juxtaposed/ intercut with the hackneyed images of blacks being water hosed).

    I’m all for the Irish nation. But they were not the trajectory –in real history— of the Ulster Scots, and therefore Appalachia—

    —-About the term “culture” Wayne: while what you say is true, the term also references the Organic (as you say, but say it’s disgusting)— Even so, it keeps present the idea that the seemingly non-ethnic things we associate with ‘heritage’ (arts, music, foods, folkways, etc.) are really biological, organic, connected to DNA

  19. —- It really is awful that the OTHER SIDE of the Ulster Plantations (the only one that informed the early creation of the mountain borders —Western Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee) has NEVER been taught to the people as their true heritage.

    Under the current regime, there has never been ONE expression —one film, one t.v. show, nothing— of the “Scotch-Irish” — of their movements from Scotland into Northern Ireland and the flight to the Virginia coast and then to the mountains. (Where they made up half the revolutionary soldier army)

    Not one single expression of their reality.

    That’s some major shit, if you think about it.

    Jim Webb’s book awhile back —How the Scots Invented America— was one of the few. And he said part of his motive in writing it, was that these Americans (through generations of propaganda) have lost any sense of who they really are, how they got here, what had befallen them.

    The real coalition of people —who feel a bond in sensibility— lies mostly in the south, with the (real) appalachians, the west and the mid-west. Wisconsin, Minnesota, the Dakotas, once they lose their leftism, are truly assimilated into those peoples.

    The Northeast mentality is something else, and very foreign to it.

  20. — But the “Scots who invented America” —the Ulster Scots, have a unique identity now because four hundred years in a place (what became the u.s.) is a long time and in that time, people forged a new identity out of real experiences.

    Many Appalachians feel totally at odds (even more so than deep southerners, maybe) from the existing way of life in the u.s. (the northeast atheist-materialist peoples masquerading as “christians” while fleecing the public, and so on—- the nation of Rick Santorum/ Romney, etc.)

    At least the south got “development” from the central planning committee, lol. So, they have the cheap urbanization, huge military installations on their old properties, etc.

    Appalachia has been a longer, slower grind of propaganda and attempts to strip coal and gas, (as well as the beauty of the land), the few resources the transplanted Ulster Scots have held onto.

    They seem the most Impossible-to-Assimilate people in the country, and probably what the one-worlders hate most (regional, kinship-oriented, rural, valuing “connect-the-dots” common sense, bible-based and disdainful of governmental authority and officious city bureaucrats, valuing thinking for yourself —because you have to do so Religiously, for your Religion, and so on).

    — that’s another point people miss. The connection between “Bible Base” and common sense thinking. And also why America was LITERATE. (Protestants READ FOR THEMSELVES—- therefore, creating a literate public was necessary Religiously. Imo, it was one of their greatest innovations in terms of giving power to common people)

  21. Dixie girl- when recent DNA research shows that over 50% of the Anglos in Britain already ARE celt, it’s not incorrect to say their ‘eldest daughter’ is, also.

    Scots-Irish is who I am. Celtic for sure, but while I can identify with the movie, ‘The Quiet Man,’ I can’t identify with the beer-sodden perennially drunken Irishman who think they can fornicate on Friday, go to Roman confession on Sunday, and be all ‘full o’ grace’ on Sunday.

    I much prefer the Anglican/Presbyterian ‘don’t do that, or ye’ll go to hell, laddie’ attitude of the more Northern Celts- an occasional drunken bout with the whiskey, then sincere remorse, and a desire for ‘amendment of life’ as one’s goal….

    Culture is derived from Cultus- the Latin work that defines the religious system that is in place in a given land. Yes, it includes everything -art, music, architecture, literature, folkways, etc. It is the ‘organic cauldron’ that bubbles with life, much like ‘culturing milk’ gives us yogurt- with all those baccilli living in the ‘soup’ of their chosen medium.

    Modernity is an ANTI-culture. It sterilizes, and compartmentalizes everything, and makes little dry blocks of ‘pre-packaged’ substitutes for what passes as ‘culture’ which, like TVP, feed those hungry for something ‘real’ for a while…. but then, gas, cramps, constipation, and utter revulsion, along with a longing for something ‘real’ soon dominate the subject host’s entire preoccupation with ‘nourishment.’

    2Pak Shakur isn’t even close to Beethoven, nor is Kerouac on a par with Shakespeare; Piss Christ isn’t Cranach’s Altar, nor is Obama Queen Victoria.

    Frankly, the organic nature of ‘culture’ is part of its appeal to me- at least it’s living and beneficial to the host Organism….White Men.

  22. Modernity is an ANTI-culture.

    True, but it also flows from Critical Theory developed and promoted by the 1930’s Frankfurt School, a left-wing think tank. Many young people think that the counter culture-movement is “cool”, but most of these “followers” don’t even know why they are doing it – they are useful idiots. Essentially, Critical Theory is: Attack and break down traditions so they can be replaced by marxism.

    “The History of Political Correctness (Complete)”

    And who were the members of the Frankfurt School? Anybody?

  23. Wayne,

    What’s your home state? Vermont?

    There’s a line from the movie “Defamation” where an ADL woman says, “We need to use that guilt.”

    Right now, there is fear and loathing among Whites. We need to channel that fear and loathing into activities that counter social engineering schemes of the government.

    The social engineering schemes amount to poisonous food and poisonous memes (the latter transmitted by public schools and mass media).

    My term for “social engineering” is “Integrated Pest Management” of humans. I took a college course on “Integrated Pest Management” which refers to protecting ornamentals, food crops and livestock from bugs, diseases, weeds, and animals/humans, using “soft control” whenever possible (rather than spraying massive amounts of chemicals, like we did in the 40’s-60’s until Rachel Carson’s book “Silent Spring” was published.

    IPM is “soft control whenever possible.” So is what is being done to us. Sure there is hard control — prisons, police, military. But they prefer to use soft control first.

    It is legal to resist soft control. Yet soft control is the foundation of ZOG’s genocidal grip over our very lives.

    In IPM, “Biological Controls” are where you bring an enemy insect to feed on and destroy your targeted pest.


    Cottony cushion scale, Icerya purchasi, can infest a number of woody ornamentals and certain crops (Figure 1). Common hosts in California are citrus, cocculus, nandina, and pittosporum. Its cottony egg sac and profuse honeydew production make cottony cushion scale easy to spot in the landscape.

    Biological Control

    Cottony cushion scale is usually well controlled by two introduced natural enemies. The most famous one is the vedalia beetle, Rodolia cardinalis,(Figure 9). This red and black lady beetle was introduced from Australia in the 1890s and saved California’s fledgling citrus industry from destruction by these prolific scales. Adult female beetles lay their oblong red eggs underneath the female scale or attached to her egg sac. The newly hatched reddish beetle larvae chew their way into the egg sac and feed on scale eggs and crawlers. Larvae molt two times and gradually increase in size.

    So the vedalia beetle interferes with the reproduction of the cotton cushiony scale. Likewise, bringing in non-whties and forcing us to pay for them so they get a free ride and open access to our females, is very much like introducing the vedalia beetle.

    In other words, we are being treated as a pest that needs to be controlled.

    There are other things to suppress birthrates of targeted pests, Cultural Controls. A cultural control is to grow things upon which they do not thrive. With us, the cultural control is High Fructose Corn Syrup. Obesity and diabetes may or may not suppress birthrates, but it certainly shortens lifespan.

    Another set of cultural control is bad education and Psy-Ops mass media as seen at antiwhitemedia.com This stuff affects children terribly, and they grow up into whiggers.

    Our job is to consciously counter hte Integrated Pest Management of us, and proselytize and try to spread a Counter IPM lifestyle.

    This is how we attack the problem at the root. Mindweaponization is resistance to soft control.

  24. Dixiegirl, there is a wonderful resource on the internet called Wikipedia and it’s generally as accurate as printed encyclopedias. Scots are Celts. Apparently you haven’t heard. The traditional language for both and the Welsh (also Celts) is Gaelic. Try not to succumb to anti-Catholic bias or anti-Irish. When you aren’t otherwise bashing the Catholic Church and Catholics your posts are pretty good.


  25. White and Confed- The Roman Church is NOT the Catholic Church.

    When even Catholics such as Bp. Williamson, and E. Michael Jones, as well as Pinay are writing that what passes for Catholi-schism these days, ISN’T THE TRUE CHURCH, we all need to leave behind the Bing Crosby, ‘Going My Way/Bells of St. Mary’s propaganda from a prior age, and realize that what was good in Rome, was DESTROYED by Vatican II. I know, I was there, I saw, I grieved, I separated myself from the Whore of Babylon, and moved on.

    NOTHING GOOD is left of Rome. NOTHING, except the empty husk. American Bishops mandate all clergy learn Spanish; Diocesan churches built by Irish, French, German, even Italian and Polish Catholics, now have ‘sanctuary parishes’ for ILLEGAL ALIENS of MEXIMIDGET race, who care NOTHING for your ‘European faith,’ and even less, your CAUCASOID RACE.

    The Whore of Babylon is as MULTICULTURAL as the Soviets, precisely because she (Rome) has been JUDAIZED- totally. Grace exists in small pockets, with faithful Anglo priests, to be sure. But the INSTITUTION is now ANATHEMA to White Racial, Cultural/European/Christendom interests.

    As Fr. Seraphim Rose noted, ‘In the end, ALL the [mainline] Churches will serve the Antichrist. As St. Kosmos Aitola noted ‘Curse the Pope, he is the source of all troubles.’

    As an American (I am assuming this, so forgive me if you are a European) one can no longer be a Roman Catholic, and an apologist for White Culture/Christendom. AT ALL. (Hell, even the RC ‘mystics’ speak of this ‘falling away’ – St. Katherine Emmerich, etc.) Russia is not the antichrist anymore. She is striving via her President, to RE-Christianize herself. America, as long as she remains/strives to be multicultural, is Antichristing herself.

    End of story.

  26. Ulster Scot is far more accurate.

    ‘Reiver’ is far more descriptive of what they were in the original homeland. Most of the plantation of English and Scottish settlers in Northern Ireland who then moved to America were Reiver families. Clannish cavalry and bandits.

    Nixon, Armstrong, Johnson, Jackson, Washington… all seem to have a connection to the Cumbrian, Northhumbria, Tweed, Tees, lowland Scotland border frontier area too.

  27. Celt is a term that derives from Greek terms.

    Pict, Scot, Ulster, Cumbrian, Welsh, Cornish, Hwicce, Strathclyde, Hebredian (Island Highlanders) are all British Isles Celts I suppose.

  28. Fr. John, we’ll just have to disagree about that. I for one believe that the promise that Christ made to the Church prevailing over the gates of hell are eternal and have not been broken. I’m a joyful Catholic of the Roman rite.

  29. Dixie – ya may not want to BE the generic “Celt” – and I think it’s innate Scottish Celt orneriness, as well as a way to distinguish the Ulster Scot Dixie Celts, from other, suspicious. dicey Damned Yankee varieties – but Celts ye be, my girl!

    Be thrilled1 Celts go EVERYWHERE! The Windover Bog people were Celts. The Basques are Celts. I’ve been having an enchanting “side” conversation, on another forum, regarding Celts. This dialogue began with a viddy of a lovely young woman playing a bagpipe. Some young female commenters were bemoaning the fact that they thught femels couldn’t pipe – and I set ’em to rights, citing the almost full participation of females, in every venue, in tradional aka ancient Celtic societies. Another person weighed in, about the locale of this gal – the subject of the vidoe – and I iformed the person it’s not the terraine wot makes a Celt – it’s the DNA. Others have begun to weigh in. I have been inform that Celts are in Croatia! And I KNOW the White Mummies of Northern China are Celts.

    Be proud of your place, as an Uslter Scot (am I wrong?), in the beautiful, magical, demented, gorgeous Tapestry of Time, that is the Greater Celtic Community. You’re part of something that’s very very very precious.

  30. Oh yes, The Church will endure to the end of time, and Adam’s seed will forever be that Chosen People, as the Last Adam (Christ) incarnated our ethnicity as His own, deifying White Caucasoid Flesh, forever..

    But Orthodoxy has said that Rome is not that church, since at least 1100AD.
    The Reformers said so, as of 1517.
    Blanshard said so, in the 1950’s.
    And now, even ‘trad’ RC’s are saying so. Have you read Bp. Williamson’s blogs? Do you ever read anything but what the NCCB puts out? I was taught that a Catholic’s duty in life is to study the Fathers, and know their Scriptures. How is a blatant universalism – of Creed, as well as of Race, (or were you unaware of the Assisi Conferences in the 1980’s, which are viewable on YouTube?) the theological equivalent of the “Ye only have I chosen”of Christ?

    You can have your head in the sand all you want, but I would beg you to at least read E. Michael Jones’ new ‘e-book’, “L’Affaire Williamson,” or read Marice Pinay’s blog, or even Michael Hoffmann’s books. I beg you. for your eternal soul.

  31. Denise- the Red heads of the Tarim basin? YES!

    My, my. When I become President of the University (someday) would you like to be in charge of the Celtic Studies Dept? (But only if the women don’t wear the kilt- the plaid, yes. But the kilt? Sacrelige!) LOL

  32. The Frankfurt Shul , were, and still are a Special Edition Release, from Lucifer, Prince of Darkness, upon Humanity. They were not mere ordinary Kikenvermin demons – they were quite another bag of pustulant, roiling, reeking malevolence and loathing of anything that’s good, true, decent, or pure.

    We are still living under the nightmare they’ve unleashed. I beleive they are a Great Trial, permitted by God, to determine if we are worth the gift of Life, and Divine Light, that he’s bestowed upon our Race. This is one of the few times I’ll criticize poor old Adolf. He didn’t execute them, as he ought to have done – he booted them out, and they went straight to the USA. Thus his revenge is being extracted every single moment. However – it would have bene much better for all of us, Germans and Americans, as well as every other White Nation, had he done what he should have done. Hitler was far too Liberal.

  33. Fr John – thankee! I’d be delighted to take that post. The Plaid, yes. the kilt – Heaven forfend!

  34. P.S. – Only after I’ve completed my Call as High Judge and Jury of Crimes Against Our Race. It’ll only be a few years, in that post. I won’t muck around. Justice will be swift.

  35. “Something which terrifies the Jews, as witness their frantic efforts to control the ‘net…and control guns.”

    This is why there has been a “movement” of sorts (perhaps it is a subconscious understanding of our endangered position on the part of some whites) to learn to fabricate guns which are “under the radar” with regard to the BATFE. See here: http://www.pagunblog.com/2011/12/23/cnc-machining-an-ar-15-lower-update-and-slight-detour/ and here: http://johnbearross.blogspot.com/2012/02/you-cant-stop-signal-homebrew-ar-15s.html
    and there are many similar sites devoted to this pursuit, the idea being that once this knowledge is sufficiently ubiquitous, their efforts to control guns will be pointless. But of course they could always stop the sales of ammo. Still there are millions of rounds of ammo out there already.

  36. Celtic History?

    Just learn Gaelic. Then study Irish and British history.

    Do you know who Brian Boru is? Owen Glendower? King Malcolm? Or the Tudors?

  37. In full support of Fr. John’s argument @ 2:11, I would like to add the following titles to his suggested reading list:

    1. The Broken Cross, by Piers Compton

    2. Judaism and the Vatican, by Vicompte Leon de Poncins

    After digesting both the web sites and titles he suggested as well as these, if you chose to remain in the “Roman Church”, you are in dire need of professional help.

  38. .

    ….”But of course they could always stop the sales of ammo. Still there are millions of rounds of ammo out there already”….

    More like Hundreds of B-B-Billions with a capital ‘B-B-B’.


  39. The only Trotskyitism, if Trotskyism is a synonym for I Don’t Know, is the mistaken narrowing of the Central European super tribe called Celt into a synonym for The Irish.

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