Caribbean Project: Free Labor vs. Slave Labor In Post-Emancipation Jamaica


Whenever I hear libertarians prattle on about the superiority of free labor over slave labor, I roll my eyes because the poor dears know nothing about history, or mangle history to justify their theories.

Here’s further evidence from Ian Thomson’s The Dead Yard that slavery was superior to freedom:

“Jamacica loves a hero, and no Jamaican was more heroic than Paul Bogle, the Baptist preacher and reform agitator who led the Morant Bay uprising. Bogle and his conspirators were protesting not against the adored Queen Victoria and the empire she ruled from London, but against the plight of the half-starving black majority that was without work, without land or a future.

By the 1860s – thirty years after emancipation – many Jamaican plantations had turned to scrub as the owners were unable to compete with the cheap sugar produced by Cuba and Brazil. Jamaica had become a patchwork of ramshackle, half-evacuated farmsteads, where rumours of re-enslavement (associated with the possibility of Jamaica joining the United States as a slave state) were rife.”

Shouldn’t it have been the other way around?

After the abolition of slavery in Saint-Domingue, sugar production in free labor Haiti collapsed while igniting a boom in slave labor Cuba, Jamaica, and Louisiana.

In 1834, slavery was abolished in Jamaica. Thirty years later, the economy in free labor Jamaica had been prostrated because the sugar plantations there couldn’t compete with slave labor in Cuba and Brazil.

Neither Haiti or Jamaica ever recovered from freedom.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Slavery works, despite what your Enlightenment hamster may tell you.

    Some groups of people lack the intelligence and impulse control control necessary to live as free people. As a result they pose a threat to the freedom of those who are capable of freedom. Slavery is a necessary restraint on the otherwise unrestrainable.

    Slavery is a check on the maladaptive and dysfunctional that at least manages to derive some good from that part of the population that would otherwise be a total drain on the society. What great civilization has not known some form of bondage?

    When you free the slave, you begin to kill the society. That is what the Yankees wished to do to the South. The South refused to die. The negroes fled north and the high-minded abolitionist Yankees were ill equipped to deal with them since they had always believed in their negro-worship that the darkeys were capable of being free.

    I agree with Hunter. Don’t blame slavery; blame emancipation.

    Blame the Yankee penchant for social experimentation. That’s what Puritans who’ve lost their religion do. They’re even worse than niggers.

    Deo Vindice

  2. I blame the jews, (and all the non-jews involved in the trade), the slave traders and the slave buyers. The jews made up about 90% of the slave traders and slave buyers. You mention negative things about blacks, I agree with you. That’s the exact reason they should have been left alone and left in Africa and not have been brought here in the first place.
    I know that there were blacks in Africa involved with selling their own kind, but just because something is for sale doesn’t mean you have to buy it.
    Dragging people, however primitive, from their homelands and forcing them to work like beasts of burden is disgusting.
    It was quite obvious, even when slavery first started ,that the blacks were a foreign and alien race incapable of assimilating to Western culture. It was fully well known then, even more well-known back then than today. Yet, greed trumped common-sense. It trumped loyalty to fellow whites, and it trumped the spirit of The Faith.
    I know emancipation wreaked havoc on the south, and later,on the north. But, the blacks should have been left alone in Africa from the very beginning.
    Yankee experimentation or not, all groups of people who were thrown into slavery throughout history were eventually freed. One way or another (not just talking about the israelites in egypt. all groups of people who were thrown into slavery were eventually freed). Slavery is untenable.
    You are showing support for a system that was set up by talmudic jews, to an extremely large degree, and would never had existed if not for white so-called Christians who preferred the jewish way of letting someone else get their hands dirty, while playing big shot and living a life of ease off the backs of unpaid labor.
    The white race is quite capable of very hard work. The pioneers who went West didn’t need slaves to plow their fields or harvest their crops, or build their homes, or nurse their children, or chop the wood, or clear the forests.
    Whites are quite capable of working the cotton fields also. There have always been plenty of white share-croppers quite capable of very hard work. They work better and harder than do the blacks, too boot.
    The south could have been settled and gone on to do well and prosper without slavery. Again, the slave system is untenable. Attende Domine.

  3. @Outlier,

    Interesting links, thanks.

    Though I doubt even one-tenth of one percent of the Canadian population are blacks descended from those who came north on the Underground Railroad. The vast majority of Canadian blacks are immigrants from the West Indies and Africa, or their descendants. By nationality, Jamaicans are the largest and most criminally-inclined group of blacks in Canada.

    From that CBC link we learn that blacks are 2.5% of the population (2006) and 9.12% of federally incarcerated inmates (2010-2011), about three and a half times their per capita share. But aboriginals, at 3.9% of the population, are a whopping 21.49% of inmates, about five and a half times their per capita share. On the other hand, and not surprisingly, Whites and Asians are underrepresented among inmates.

    There exists a small (by US standards) black undertow in the larger cities like Toronto and Montreal, but both of these metro areas have relatively low crime rates compared with other Canadian metros. The three cities that consistently have the highest crime rates–by far–are Saskatoon, Regina and Winnipeg. Why? Because they also have the three highest aboriginal populations (percentage-wise) in Canada.

    And just like the Southern states with large black populations have the highest crime rates in the US, the Western provinces with large aboriginal populations have the highest crime rates in Canada. What the black undertow is to America, the aboriginal undertow is to Canada.

    So my question is, is there a similar problem with aboriginal criminality in the US? It sure doesn’t get much publicity if there is. If it does exist, it would likely be most noticeable in states where abos outnumber blacks, like Alaska, Oklahoma, South Dakota or Montana for example.

  4. Harry,

    1.) I’m saying that it is obvious that slave labor was superior to free labor: slavery produced enormous wealth and prosperity, whereas emancipation produced crushing poverty.

    2.) The negro has never been an asset to civilization in any condition other than slavery.

    3.) On the contrary, the reason we have so many blacks here is because it was rational: blacks were better suited to be plantation laborers, there was an abundant supply, and slavery generated prosperity in all areas involved in the slave trade.

    4.) Of course when you take a slave society, destroy that society, and try to impose freedom on that society for moral and religious reasons, the result was a social and economic calamity.

    5.) The Constitution protected slavery. The Bible sanctioned slavery.

    6.) Eventually, slavery would have been rendered superfluous by the mechanization of agriculture that ended sharecropping. We would have been immeasurably better off if slavery had been phased out in the 1930s.

    7.) Slavery didn’t fail in the South though. Slave prices were near record highs. The South produced two-thirds of America’s exports.

    8.) We are paying the price of abolition.

    BTW, after emancipating the slaves, the abolitionists moved on to their next great project which was ruining our women, and after succeeding in that with the triumph of women’s suffrage and feminism, the same people moved on to promoting fags as the next great progressive cause.

    9.) If America alone suffered from racial diversity, there might be some merit to this argument, but Canada and Australia and Britain and Sweden and Germany are all now burdened with the same problem.

    There are more Asians and Hispanics in America now than African-Americans.

  5. HarryO is quotable and requotable: “How we are talking past one another here. Hunter, et. al. I’m assuming you are merely asserting that blacks are better controlled…than being given freedom…. Well, of course.”

    Exactly, I was also thinking “of course” and “talking past”: Along one track some of us are saying it was not necessary nor right to bring them here, even though it was profitable for some in the short term, and others arguing it WAS justified to bring them to live here among us because they were more profitable than any paid or indentured white labour could have been; but along another track there is the irrefutable argument made that those who were brought here, and used under control, STILL require control (or deportation, since they are no longer so profit-making) — a view with which only “Yankees” (those “who are worse than niggers”) could disagree.

    HarryO says “Now can we move on and work on the SEPARATION solution.”

    Although if it were not for Yankee “intervention” (a mild term) the separation solution of deportation would probably have been completed long ago.

    Realize that the Anglo-Celts of Vermont and Massachusetts who were/are worse than niggers are genetically indistinct from the Anglo-Celtic slave buyers of the Caribbean southern circle — all of them Englishmen, all the same DNA.

    Re: “Could Whites have picked the cotton?” It is argued that New England was on approximately the same latitude as Britain, in a similar climate, while the southern states lie even further south than Mediterranean Europe, and northern Europeans poorly adaptable to intense sunlight, heat, humidity and malaria, cannot work as hard there as tropical natives. As I noted in an earlier comment, German settlers in their various colonies in Central and South America have proven this to be wrong, generally out-producing black, Hispanic and “Land-bridge Asian” farmers and farm labour. Furthermore, German farmers did grow and picked cotton, voluntarily and profitably, in Pennsylvania, during the 1860’s when it was scarce. But it is a risky crop for the short growing season, only possible to mature in the warmest areas of the state.

  6. We know the origin and history of the problem. SEPARATION was, is, will be the solution.

  7. @ jeppo

    Thanks for your interest.

    Though I doubt even one-tenth of one percent of the Canadian population are blacks descended from those who came north on the Underground Railroad. The vast majority of Canadian blacks are immigrants from the West Indies and Africa, or their descendants.

    True. Here’s a recent example of an immigrant from Africa …

    Aylmer triple stabbing leads to first-degree murder charges – Shakti Ramsurrun, 28, found with his 15-month-old child; young mother and 2 others found dead

    The CBC didn’t allow comments on this story, but if they did, their website would have crashed.

    What was she thinking?

  8. If the US ever breaks up into different countries, each country/area for each race and group, whites like Hunter Wallace and Apuleius would be dragging along their precious negroes with them. We can sit on the the front verandahs of their plantation homes and listen to the darkies singing Negro Spirituals while we sip mint julips and make a toast to our new white homeland, same fuckin’ bullshit as our old white homeland.
    Lets bring in lots and lots of jews, as well. They are really really smart and if we listen to them then we can be really really rich and we can be big shots just like them and we can play golf all day while the darkies do all the work and the jew stock brokers will invest our money in the stock market and we’ll have it made in our glorious and shining new white homeland, same fuckin’ bullshit as our old glorious and shining white homeland.

  9. Joe,

    1.) It was the North that brought in hordes of Jews to work in its manufacturing industries. The South had little use for immigration.

    2.) If the U.S. breaks up into different countries, then blacks won’t be needed to pick the cotton. Blacks are already superfluous in the Black Belt counties which hasn’t needed sharecroppers in sixty years.

    3.) Should the U.S. break up over the effects of Peak Oil, it is not far fetched to imagine a return to neo-slavery.

  10. Outlier, obviously she wasn’t thinking. Typical mudshark/coalburner naivete. Now she and her parents are just three more statistics. Lawrence Auster has added them to his lengthy collection.

    By the perp’s name, we can deduce that he’s an Indo-Mauritian, but he definitely looks like he’s of at least partial African ancestry. No doubt there was a whole lotta mixing going on over the centuries in Mauritius.

    Though that article didn’t mention it, I read elsewhere that their 15 month-old interracial lovechild is named–wait for it–Aryan. How utterly ironic.

  11. Bible quote for today: “thou shalt not sow thy field with mixed seed.”

    Last week, I was in Tampa, Orlando and Toronto airports and saw a lot of interracial couples (white/black, white/hispanic, black/hispanic, white/asian, white/indian). Its a common site in airports for some reason. May be its the need to fly a lot to visit the in-laws.

    It seems most of the white/asian and white/hispanic thing is some older man with much younger asian or hispanic barbie doll. I’m assuming the guy is divorced (and had kids with ex-white wife) and now wants some young thing – to difficult to find a white chick and the mail order girlfriend is an easier route.

  12. Dragging people, however primitive, from their homelands and forcing them to work like beasts of burden is disgusting.

    If it’s all they’re fit for, then how is that disgusting? If I use a mule to plow my fields, is my use of the mule disgusting to you? Domestication of animals has been very beneficial to humanity.

    Unfortunately, some people seem to be like pet owners who anthropomorphize their darling animals, falsely attributing to them human attributes. The Yankees have done similar with the negro. When you clear away all the sentimentality over our “darker brothers,” you can acknowledge simply that they are what they are.

    To pretend like we would never have made contact with them here on earth is naive at best. Once the coon-tact was made, domestication of these strange creatures (“half-devil, half-child” Kipling) was attempted. It turned out well–until the soft-hearted, soft-headed, disconnected Yankee urbanites began to anthropomorphize their negro pets. Once this occurred, the agitation more “humane” treatment began.

    If you lie down with dogs, don’t expect not to get fleas.

    Deo Vindice

  13. Though that article didn’t mention it, I read elsewhere that their 15 month-old interracial lovechild is named–wait for it–Aryan. How utterly ironic.

    Compensating, I guess.

    “Once you go black, you never go back.”

    was replaced with:

    “Once you go black, you go single mother.”

    and the latest:

    “Once you go black, you end up dead.”

  14. @Hunter Wallace
    Benjamin Franklin had the best idea. He wanted to make slavery illegal, period. Ship the blacks back to Africa, period. And ship the jews back to Eastern Europe, period.
    He’s the one who discovered electricity, so I guess it makes sense that he’s the one who could see things so clearly, while the other Founding Fathers fumbled a bit in dim candlelight, so to speak.
    There were plenty of jews down South, they were the owners of the giant planatations .They were the ones who owned and ran the slave auctions. They were the ones who bought the overwhelming number of slaves (overwhelmingly they took Christian surnames as they love to do to cover up their behavior).They also owned, or had a big financial interest , in the shipping companies that brought the slaves here. Slavery is talmudic jew to the core.
    You’re showing support for jew talmudic business practices. The blacks should have been left alone to live in Africa. And yes, the country should never have been opened up to such large scale immigration.
    The average Yankee did not support large scale immigration, either. That policy came from the Federal government. Not grass-roots Yankee do-gooder types.
    The large corporations wanted massive immigration. The large corporations grew out of the slave economic system of monopoly and the concentration of wealth in a few hands.
    It’s all tied together: Southern slavery, Northern corporations, the Federal Reserve Bank of 1913 (supported by many wealthy jews whose wealth was from slavery originally), corporate monopoly, and massive immigration.
    Slavery is a big part of the story and the predicament we find ourselves in today.
    It’s untenable in any shape or form. It always leaves misery in it’s wake.
    It’s been that way throughout history and wherever it was practiced.

  15. “Everyone here agrees that abolition was a calamity and that blacks ought to be deported to Africa.” Yes. The difference of opinion is about whether it should have been or needed to be in the first place. Besides the benefits of slavery, was it ever at all integral to southern, Anglo-Celtic culture?

  16. Joe,

    1.) Benjamin Franklin was a Quaker abolitionist who believed in racial.equality.

    2.) It was Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe who promoted Liberian colonization.

    3.) Most of the slaves were brought here on Yankee and British slave ships. Portuguese, Dutch, and Spanish Jews were more involved in the slave trade in South America.

    4.) The Romans and Greeks practiced slavery.

    5.) All our problems here seem to stem from non-Southerners telling us how we ought to run our society.

    6.) The vast majority of Jews who came to America settled in the North which was overrun by immigrants.

    7.) Large corporations did not grow out of the plantation system. They grew out of tne free labor system in the North during the War Between the States. The Gilded Age began in the North in the late 1860s.

  17. Just noticed your comment, Joe: “There were plenty of jews down South, they were the owners of the giant planatations .They were the ones who owned and ran the slave auctions. They were the ones who bought the overwhelming number of slaves (overwhelmingly they took Christian surnames as they love to do to cover up their behavior).They also owned, or had a big financial interest , in the shipping companies that brought the slaves here. Slavery is talmudic jew to the core.”

    What references, where is data, for Jewish ancestry of plantation owners?

  18. 8.) The Bank of the United States was killed by Jefferson. The Second Bank of the United States by Jackson. The independent treasury system was established by Polk.

    9.) A national bank had been a Federalist/Whig project for the NYC-based Money Power.

  19. “The vast majority of Jews who came to America settled in the North”–but logically so, since the North was also the most populated portion of the country, also with the majority of the white population, and with most of the large urban areas, industries, financial centres, educational institutions, etc.

  20. @Apuleius
    If that’s all they’re fit for, why the hell do want them here in the first place?
    I never said that blacks are “darlings”
    I never said that blacks are “pets” to be “anthropomorhized” ( or even not “anthropomorhized”, for that matter).I never said that blacks are “pets” ,even.
    I didn’t say anything “sentimental” about blacks.
    You do twist my argument around.
    Dragging people,however primitive, from their homelands and making them work as beasts of burden is disgusting because the blacks in Africa were minding their business and not bothering us. It is disgusting because it doesn’t say anything good about us that we are not willing to do the work the needs to get done. It’s especially disgusting to bring in a very primitive people in to do the work that needs to get done. If we’re so smart and they’re so stupid, why do you want stupid people do your work for you? Doesn’t make sense.Smart people can do the work and they can do the work more intelligently. Maybe even make innovations.
    My white race is very capable of hard work. I mentioned the pioneers.Perfect example. I mentioned the white share-croppers. Perfect example.
    I said that my white race is very capable of doing hard work. I said that slavery leads to a monopoly based economy and a concentration of wealth into a few hands. I said slavery undermines free enterprise.
    You twist my words around and are deflecting from the merits of my argument.

  21. “The Romans and Greeks practiced slavery”–as did other Mediterranean and Middle-eastern white peoples, but it was not so common, nor institutionalised, among ancient northern European white peoples.

    Looking on from a distance (north) I agree, Hunter, that “problems here seem to stem from non-Southerners telling us how we ought to run our society.”

    Criminal “Yankee” intervention continues to violate southern people’s, southern states’ rights, continues to distort and destroy their identity and culture — and the same activity destroys our same people living north of the Line.

  22. @Mosin Nagant
    Everything I said about jews and slavery and the slave system being a jewish talmudic economic system can be found online. It means more when one does one’s own research. The info is readily available.

  23. “It was not so common, nor institutionalised, among ancient northern European white peoples.” It’s not in our blood to submit. White sharecroppers, who/what kept them down?

  24. I’m familiar with a lot of it, Joe, but regarding Jewish ancestry of the southern plantation slave owners I’m not informed.

  25. Joe, I can tell you’ve never been around a farm. If you have, you must have forgotten the role of animals in life on the farm. This paradigm has a different point of reference that the urban paradigm. Animals get used in the service of life on the farm.

    Food doesn’t come from the supermarket. It comes from the crops and the animals slaughtered. Somebody has to pick those crops, and there isn’t always enough idle hands to help out at harvest time. Enter the negro, professional idler and shiftless layabout. It was a perfect fit…at the time.

    A mistake, perhaps. But no one at the time expected that anyone would ever equate wild savages with civilized humans. Why did we equate them? Can you see why we never should have? Can you see the consequences of “equality?”

    If you can’t see, then just go back to sleep. It will all be over soon.

    By the way, most plantation owners were not Jews. There were some (very few) Jewish plantation owners just as there were some (very few) negro plantation owners.

    Irish and German immigration helped the Yankees win the war. They continued supporting immigration with other groups (Italian, Polish, East European Jews) after the war. Until the problems began to surface during the 1920’s. By then it was already too late. Yankees still love immigration as it gives them the whip hand over “the wrong sort of white people.” You know who they are, don’t you?

    The Jewish problem is entirely of Yankee making. Don’t distort Southern history to make it fit some strange conspiracy theory. The truth is awful enough already.

    Deo Vindice

  26. Slavery was de-institutionalised in Italy (and all of Catholic Europe) when the Catholic Church made slavery illegal in the year 514 AD.
    Unfortunately, The Spanish and the Portuguese insisted upon it and broke Catholic law to institute slavery in their new world colonies.
    Instead of sending their poor to the colonies to give them a new lease on life and give them an opportunity to work in dignity and liberty, they brought in slaves. Their poor remained poor (actually their poor became poorer) and the slaves,of course, were poor. What an ugly vision for the world.

  27. “Food doesn’t come from the supermarket. It comes from the crops and the animals slaughtered. Somebody has to pick those crops, and there isn’t always enough idle hands to help out at harvest time. Enter the negro, professional idler and shiftless layabout. It was a perfect fit…at the time. A mistake, perhaps. But no one at the time expected that anyone would ever equate wild savages with civilized humans.”

    But many of those cash crops (sugar, indigo, etc.) that “had to be picked” were planted as part of a business plan, to use slave labour, begun by importing the negroes to pick them.

    Of course this is hindsight, but would southerners really have been poorer and malnourished without negroes?

  28. @Apuleius
    The jewish problem is of jewish making. They are the ones who act as they do.
    I’m quite familiar with farms. Used to work on one in Pennsylvania owned by an Old-Order Mennonite friend of mine. Yes, I know where food comes from,thank you.
    My Mennonite farmer friends help one another when extra hands are needed. They, including myself, never expected anyone else to do the work for us. We did the work ourselves. We always managed to get everything accomplished.
    My friends in Pennsylvania do quite well for themselves.
    When I need an updated eye glass prescription, I go to my eye doctor.
    I’m wide awake. Debate always keeps me alert.

  29. >>>slavery produced enormous wealth and prosperity>>>

    Right. . .those southerners really enjoyed the air conditioning on a sweltering, humid day.

  30. Re: “most plantation owners were not Jews. There were some (very few) Jewish plantation owners….” So there were some.

    Were they innovators, trend setters for this enterprise? I’m interested, but don’t have time for the research now.

  31. “Of course this is hindsight, but would southerners really have been poorer and malnourished without negroes?”

    In the long run no. But that assumes that history would have played out in a similar enough fashion to let that long run come to pass. Even haiti had to turn back to slavery post independence as there were four great powers breathing down their collective necks.

    In the short run without slavery there wasn’t much of any economic activity that was going to happen in the area, and that was purely a function of how hostile the environment is to us.

  32. The Boers in South Africa did fine without slave labor. Even better than the American Southerners who always had a large population of poor whites (even in ante-bellum times). The whites were poor because the blacks did the work for free. No need to pay one’s own kind to work when you can have “wild savages”(as Apuleius would say) do the work for free. Who gives a shit if that leaves other whites out in the cold. We got our darkies,excuse me, I mean “savages”, as Apuleius would say. And a little bit more spending money.

  33. I will leave it to you Southerners to decide if the slaveowners were predominately Christian or Jewish. If they were,in fact, predominately Christian, then they did a great disservice to their faith, their heritage, their culture. And they sinned both against the black race and their own white race. But mostly, they sinned against their own race.
    All the romantic notions of the Old South, and all the intellectual and philosophical justifications for slavery doesn’t mitigate the sin or the disaster that slavery was, or the harm it has done to our country as a whole.
    If you Southerners insist on supporting slavery,the world is going to leave you all in dust. And in the dust, you can talk of your white pride and your great accomplishments,but no one will hear you.
    And if we white Americans ever do carve out a niche for ourselves on this continent, and you supporters of slavery bring your slavery with you, the struggle for a new homeland will have been in vain.

  34. Joe, you act as if the country were already settled when slavery began. Truth is, the early white settlers were fighting the native savages at that time. Importing other savages when you’re in a land surrounded by savages is not a particularly noteworthy event. Until the land fills up with settlers, the practice of slavery has no deleterious effects upon other whites. But then that is part of the anti-white narrative, isn’t it? Our ancestors were supposed to have been prescient like no other people before or since.

    Putting the genie back in the bottle isn’t going to happen anytime soon. It’s akin to restoring virginity. The real question is where do we go from here? Segregate, relocate, or exterminate? It’s all good. I’ll even let you have dibs. Which way we going, boss?

    Deo Vindice

  35. Slavery is a sin, a disaster, causes backwardness and poverty … all the arguments of the Black Republicans who are responsible for abolition and racial equality in America.

  36. “The Boers in South Africa did fine without slave labor.” – They had slave labor until the british conquered and “ended” it. In the process of that conquest 1/2 their population were herded into the worlds first concentration camps, and post that conquest the British flooded cheap foreign workers into the area to work in the absolutely gigantic diamond and gold mines.

    “The whites were poor because the blacks did the work for free. ” – The south had areas with no slavery, and after the civil war there was no slavery. Economic growth was not simply going to “just” pick up after the civil war. It required climate controlled infrastructure to do, and if I could take that technology back to the south 300 years ago I would do so in an instant, but they did not have it.

  37. We’ve had more than our share of those who would “trample out the vintage…” Leave us in the dust? Little John Brown is past his time for a nap. If his precious black race we have “sinned against” have anything to do with it, it’ll be a dirt nap, too.

    For the record, Southerners are white Americans who have carved a niche out of this continent. It’s called Dixie.

    Deo Vindice

  38. “Freedom was the real disaster. Why is slavery blamed for the catastrophe unleashed by freedom and equality?” – Slavery is believed to be the wedge that opened up white guilt. If it were not for slavery, none of the other chain of events would have transpired. Unfortunately, we know that this isn’t the case, and that the nations of northern europe have the exact same problem despite having nothing to point to like it.

    The reality is that the bare inequality between us and them is all that is required for white guilt. On that basis alone would we have done all of this to ourselves, regardless of our conduct, or that of our ancestors. No one feels especially guilty for the horrible things we have done to each other(and we surely have), simply because that inequality by and large does not exist. Arguments rationalizing that inequality are what have to be defeated if globalism is going to continue, but they must by necessity highlight the fundamental thing that we feel uneasy about.

    Of course globalism dieing out basically ends the issue right there, perhaps why so many fantasize about it. Out of sight, out of mind as it were.

  39. “Freedom was the real disaster. Why is slavery blamed for the catastrophe unleashed by freedom and equality?”

    I agree that freedom unleashed the catastrophe, and that the slavery enterprise that brought the negroes here was, at the time, profitable (at least for some), productive, and even benevolent. But that the disaster would not be possible WITHOUT slavery is the other irrefutable position that some of us have been taking here. But enough now, for me, of this “what if” discussion. Back to present reality and practical steps.

    All of this continuing course in southern history has been excellent and is appreciated.

  40. I doubt it.

    The Puritans and Quakers were mentally fucked up to begin with. If slavery had never existed in America, their minds would have fixated on something else. The Quakers were fanatical egalitarians in England before they ever arrived here.

    Does White guilt stem from slavery? If that was the case, the South would be the guiltiest region because it was the most involved in slavery, and places like Vermont and Minnesota where slavery and segregation never existed would be the least guilty.

    Wherever liberals are predominant, White guilt exists. Third World immigration exists in Canada, Australia, and Europe. Whose to say that liberals wouldn’t import non-Whites here?

    That’s what they have done in Ireland and Sweden.

  41. Re: “Quakers are still among the dumbest”: They were/are masters of influence, though. Never more than a tiny minority even in their heyday in England and the Quaker colonies (Pennsylvania and New Jersey) yet they’ve had more influence on other groups, churches, and culture in general than any other group, relative to their numbers, except the Jews.

    In the south, the Piedmont of North Carolina had a strong Quaker community early on, I understand. Anabaptists also settled there, including Jacob Amman himself.

  42. I just posted this at MacDonald’s (the restaurant, not the site):

    TabuLa Raza
    May 27, 2012 – (jewish hypocrisy thread)

    (writes KMD)- Roger Smith (1988) shows that until the triumph of the cultural pluralist model with the countercultural revolution of the 1960s, there were three competing models of American identity: the “liberal” individualist legacy of the Enlightenment based on “natural rights”; the “republican” ideal of a cohesive, socially homogeneous society; and the “ethnocultural” strand emphasizing the importance of Anglo-Saxon ethnicity in the development and preservation of American cultural forms.

    Rights vs. ethnicity- why? What if rights-bearing Whites want to establish a community that bars non-Whites? That would not violate natural (property) rights. It would violate “civil rights” which are created by legislation and are the opposite of natural property rights. “Civil rights” are bogus fantasy rights.

    The Naturalization Act of 1790 said the country is open to “free White persons.” This is hardly consistent with “proposition nation.”

    America- founded on NATURAL RIGHTS FOR WHITES! Amen.

    White individuals can form groups. And keep other groups away. By forming contractual, gated communities, for example.


  43. “If slavery had never existed in America, their minds would have fixated on something else.” Probably so.

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