U.S. Kids Getting a Third World Education


Because of Brown vs. Board of Education, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Immigration Act of 1965, U.S. kids are Third World kids.

Because we live in Black Run America (BRA), White kids are forced into integrated schools with non-Whites, where they receive an inferior Third World education. That’s what happens when public schools are run for the benefit of the blacks.

Because we live in a liberal democracy where “mainstream” conservatives are afraid of the DWL, Jewish, and non-White vote, the truth about “failing schools” can never be admitted.

Note: Mitt was told to get out of the hood in West Philly.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. African refugees in Israel get a cold shoulder and worse – The influx of migrants has triggered a sometimes violent backlash in the country. Prime Minister Netanyahu says their presence ‘threatens Israel’s social fabric.’


    How come Netanyahu can say ‘threatens Israel’s social fabric.”, but Mitt can’t. Mitt has to twist the obvious illegal immigration/black situation and claim its a “Civil Rights issue”.

    Why can’t European leaders come out and say multicultural and illegal immigration are dragging down the education system and social fabric. Instead they say they’re not doing enough to assimilate them.

    Israel bluntly states the obvious – but western leaders pussy foot around it with bullshit and it doesn’t matter if its a conservative or liberal leader.

  2. When will these bozos finally wake up and face reality? Nonwhites fail in school because they just don’t have the mental equipment! And it’s genetic, not a thing you can do about it.

  3. He’s as clueless as any of them, isn’t he? “Our kids are getting a third-world education, and minority (i.e. third-world) kids are suffering worst”. So what’s the solution? More money down the same bottomless pit to close the gap? Those third-world kids are the problem. Will nobody come out and say the obvious?

  4. “How come Netanyahu can say ‘threatens Israel’s social fabric.”, but Mitt can’t?”
    Because Nazi! Because Hitler! Because slavery! Because Leo Frank was lynched by a mob of hideous anti-Semitic redneck apemen, and then they wouldn’t let my Uncle Shlomo in their country club or marry the nice blonde Epsicopalian heiress, and back in the 1920s my Uncle Moishe got punched and called nasty names by Big Red Hannigan down on Delancey Street!!

    Why can’t European leaders come out and say multicultural and illegal immigration are dragging down the education system and social fabric?
    Because the Holocaust! Because the Crusaaaades! Because the Spanish Inquisition!!

    Don’t you know anything?! Why do you hate those Somalis? Why won’t you take our Sudanese infiltrators off our hands, and let them live in Minnesota and rape the shiksas? You owe it to us because Uncle Shlomo!! Why do you want to kill sixmillionjews?! Why? WHY?!! WHYYYYYYY???!!

  5. Yes, I note that Romney and other “respectible” White American conservatives occassionally venture down in to all Black urban areas and try to put out some “Conservative” ideas for improving Black education, it’s usually some kind of Libertarian, privatization scheme where the Black underclass students that terrorized and ethnically cleansed White students from the urban public schools will be offered “vouchers” to attend White private schools and the private schools have to accept these underclass Black students and then the Black students will proceed to terrorize, ethnically cleanse the White students from these private schools.

    These voucher schemes usually never get off the ground as public teachers unions and racially aware Whites work together to kill this ridiculous, anti White education scheme.

    The current system is a segregated system and most White tax payers will pay a lot of tax $ to keep underclass Black “students” off the streets and away from their White children, White neighborhoods, White suburbs.

  6. Romney says that he wants to “tackle the greatest Civil Rights issue of our time” and if successful he will perfect and preserve multi-racial America.

    Is he lying?

    Of course.

    He is for the status quo and isn’t going to “tackle” jack squat.

    The status quo for our race equals extinction.

    However. If the GOP collapses, Joe and Jane Dittohead and the Country Club Whites will enter crisis mode and the unthinkable will become thinkable (i.e secession, the end of equal rights and democracy, etc.).

  7. Sadly, Romney proposes a new ‘civil rights’ crusade. And notice he specifically says it’s for the sake of ‘minorities.’ What about poor White kids, who suffer the most under this awful system. Our former system protected them, now they are subject to what Stephen Hale called ‘the dark pall of barbarism.’

  8. Well they are third world people. The race makes the place.

    The answer to an egalitarian is obvious. One third of American kids receiving third-world education? Simple, bring the other 2/3 down to their level so everything is fair. In trying to make things equal that are not, they succeed only in making things equally dismal.

  9. Sadly, Romney proposes a new ‘civil rights’ crusade. And notice he specifically says it’s for the sake of ‘minorities.’ What about poor White kids, who suffer the most under this awful system. Our former system protected them, now they are subject to what Stephen Hale called ‘the dark pall of barbarism.’

    As CWNY says, they are the new gods, all actions must be made with deference to them.

  10. The sleepy whites who voted Obama in now realize vaguely what they have done. Anti-white rule by non-whites. So now they can vote Romney who is only a return to anti-white rule by whites. BRA cannot solve the problem; BRA is the problem.

    Secession remains the only option. The GOP exists to prevent this option. When the “party of Lincoln” dies, our chances improve exponentially.

    Deo Vindice

  11. “As CWNY says, they are the new gods, all actions must be made with deference to them.”

    For the political class, sure this is true. But they are completely out of touch with the common people, a point I keep harping on. Most white Americans do not want this nonsense, but there is nothing they can do about it yet.

    The younger generation, which is supposedly so leftist (but in actuality is not), is even more hostile to this ridiculous social engineering that we’ve been forced to live with. The system is already very unstable, and in the future I think it will simply become untenable in its present form.

    Note that this does not mean there will be some racialist state in the future. I expect that, as confidence erodes, the government of the multikult state will increasingly resort to totalitarian means and naked force to realize their objectives.

  12. .

    White, Christian Americans should never again allow non-white, non-Christian, non-Americans to have political, financial, educational or philosophical control over them or their children.


  13. “Daddy?”

    “Yes, sugar?”

    “Why did you hand our country over to hostile foreigners who hate us?”

    “Well, honey, it was a long time ago… and it, just sort of, seemed like a good idea at the time.”

    “But why?”

    “Because if we didn’t hand over our country to foreigners, and surrender our sovereignty, and our laws, and our industrial base, and then let savages rape our women and children, well… they might have called us racist! And Professor Traitorstein would have given me an F in my Social Justice class. And that would have been bad.”

    “And why was it so bad to be called a racist?”

    “I can’t remember. But run along now… you’re late for your Morning Rape Class. Remember, Diversity Is Strength. Don’t forget to denounce your white privilege.”

    “OK Daddy, bye. I’ll see you after I’m finished getting raped.”

    “Bye, sugar. Don’t forget to thank all the vibrants!”

  14. Hunter – this may be of interest to;

    Presenting Miss Sarah Parcak – Asst Prof of Anthropology at UAB. She’s from Maine. She’s Uber White, and she’s a BIG One Worlder – but she’s pioneering the transformation of archeology, specifically Egyptology, with sattelite technology. Sattelite imaging allows archeologists to see a foot or so beneath the surface. You can see ancient roads, buried underneath the dirt. It’s pretty interesting, and UAB is helping her spearhead this stuff.


    I think she, and her students, have lived White. Very nice, helpful, useful cultural mores – and their insulated lives have prevented them from “seeing” the impending wreckage of their world, and “passions” due to the encroaching Black Tide of the BRA. They are Above it All.

    We can help them relaize that if they don’t return to Race Realism – all the things they love go away.

  15. More stuff on Parcak:

    This is from the UAB website. I’m into MacLuhan’s the Medium Done be Da Message philsophy:


    Look at the page compositon, and use of pictures, itself. Parcak – the subject of the article, and the pioneer of really interesting use of technology, in order to expand human knowledge – her face is literally cut off. You see lots of blonde hair, but the barest hint of facial features.

    Scan down the page – and not the full facial portrait of the authoress of the article, Marie Sutton.

    Oh no she di-in-t! (suck teeth) Lawd Ch’ile!

  16. Denise — your considerable energies are better spent on topics other than this. It just isn’t as insidious as you’re making it out to be.

    The photo of Marie Sutton is a standard head shot. Nothing very interesting, it’s just what you post in that context.

    The photo of Sarah Parcak is perfectly appropriate, and actually pretty good: it shows her as a dynamic scholar, pointing and comparing and studying, actively engaged in the subject before her, and it gives us enough of a sense of her as a person (viz. she is not 67 years old, she is not Senegalese, she is not a man, etc etc) to suffice.

    There are many far more sinister anti-white media memes to pick apart; this ain’t one of them. Take it from somebody who does visual stuff as a serious pro.

    Also, what McLuhan meant by “the medium is the message” is a lot more complex than how you’re taking it. But that’s for another day. The simple important fight is the one before us, and that’s the one you’ve got a good grappling hook for.


  17. Oscar – I KNOW what MacLuhan meant. I also know that this is not the most egregious example of unfortunate graphics composition. Howver – it would have been nice to show a full facial shot of one of the rising stars of UAB. Some-one that garnering media attention, and this possible attracting paying students.


  18. If the satellite imaging is only good for a foot or so down, then it is of little use. Many archeological finds are far deeper.

    It sounds more like just another case of some “establishment” academic hyping up a molehill into a mountain in order to get more funding. This is epidemic within “establishment,” i.e., status quo, scholarship and “research.”

  19. Oh geez. I really did not communicate the point of my posty very well. Yes – Brutus – Parcak is trying to get more funding. For the technology itself. Not herself. The “foot down” things is a generalization. She was describing how use of this technology is in it’s preliminary stages. It’s got to be further developed. You can see a LOT “a foot down”. I was astonished by the imagery. You can see building and road lay-outs.

    The whole thing was interestng cause it’s a stellar example of Stuff White People DO. And what Whites would do – if freed from Darkies.

  20. A foot down gives you signals about where to dig. A depression here, a smudge there. Tells you a lot.

  21. “Why won’t you take our Sudanese infiltrators off our hands, and let them live in Minnesota and rape the shiksas? You owe it to us because Uncle Shlomo!! Why do you want to kill sixmillionjews?! Why? WHY?!! WHYYYYYYY???!!”

    Careful, Oscar. Lynda will start calling you a ‘covert Talmudic,’ too!

  22. “Secession remains the only option. The GOP exists to prevent this option. When the “party of Lincoln” dies, our chances improve exponentially. “- Apuleius

    I concur.

    I realize the utter verity of my closing statement from time to time, more and more each day.

    Secession. Now. Today. Forever.

    And yes, only as God wills, [Deo Volente] and we work toward that will, can we accomplish it.

  23. “White, Christian Americans should never again allow non-white, non-Christian, non-Americans to have political, financial, educational or philosophical control over them or their children.”

    Welcome to the concept of Theonomy!

    I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. You will either have a Christian Theocracy, that is top down (bad) much like Rome and the Middle Ages, or you will have a foreign creed imposed on you by a conqueror (Shari’a and Islam) or you can choose Theonomy and Biblical Law as the Founding Fathers inherited from the English Common Law tradition, and the Church.

    There is no neutrality, and you cannot ignore it. Those who try to in their statecraft are doomed. You can’t fight something (whether Talmudism and the ‘Noachide Laws’ or Shari’a and a butcherous Islam) with nothing (Common Law tradition, “Judeo-Christian [sic] tradition, multiculturalism).

  24. In addition to receiving a thirld world education, the white children in integrated schools face great violence against them. If black school children faced this kind of violence and harassment at the hands of whites, the whole world would know about it. It would be giant international news.
    The lack of news coverage about all the white school children who are attacked every day is yet another great crime against white Americans.
    @Fr John
    I think your conclusion is correct. It is all part of a spiritual war against us,and only religion, faith, morality, and loyalty is going to save us.

  25. Oscar the Grinch: Right on the money! Well put! This is why we must learn to use logic, good judgement and tact in presenting the truth to counter the fantasy currently served up as history. By these fantasies they control the narrative.

  26. So that’s reason amerikkka relies so much on foreign engineers and scientist. Funny how africans, indians, koreans, iranians, and cubans receiving this third world education supercede white people in their white colleges. I don’t how I stumbled onto this site but make sure my white friends, black friends, mexican friends, asian friends, military friends (which I doubt any of your sorry asses did anything for this country beside sit here make butt hurt comment about how inferior you may feel compared to your black counterparts) all troll this site.Racism is an illusion. Black racist, white racist, any racist, you all sick off hatred.

  27. That’s right, Jaysura: we are sick of watching our nation, race, and civilization destroyed by scum like U and your group-entitled, multicult friends. Fortunately, you and your Jew-masters have gotten away with it only via trillions in debt-finance. And when that debt-ponzi collapses, Jaysura, we will speak to them – and to you – in a language you can understand.

  28. Jaysura: You are right, racism is an illusion. It’s nothing more than a Marxist scam to cheat whites out of their rightful inheritance.

    Jaysura, wouldn’t all these superbly gifted multiculti friends of yours be better off back in their home countries, improving the lot of their own land and people???? Western Civilization, Jaysura, is a product of the white race and, in case you didn’t notice, it is the preferred civilization. Just ask your multi-culti friends running from the shitholes their ancestors created for them.

  29. As a teacher in the deep South, I think it has less to do with race and more to do with class. The worst kids are the ones with junkie, trash parents who have no business reproducing. They are white, black, Mexican- you name it. Kids having kids is the problem; and the lack of parental guidance/involvement drastically effects child development. Throwing money at the education system isn’t going to help anything; when teachers are powerless to discipline problem kids (corporal punishment is prohibited in nearly all schools, and believe me, most of these kids scoff at “time out”) what do you expect is going to happen? It’s not fair to kids who come from good homes, who want to go to school and learn, when you’re taking their time to talk down a crack baby who is having a melt down.

    Honestly, I think it runs deeper than our “Third World” education. It’s this whole welfare system that’s completely busted. Tax dollars are used to keep generational poverty sucking the lifeblood out of our nation. I used to work for a grocery store to pay for college, and I can’t tell you how many drug addicts with kids come through my line with food stamps buying junk food/steaks/sacks of crawfish (which is an expensive treat down here). These people need to get a job and straighten up. It’s not our job to raise their families and feed their kids.

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