Tales From Detroit: Crumbling Veteran’s Monument


What does the crumbling WW2 Memorial in Detroit symbolize?

Like the Grand Army of the Republic building, it symbolizes an America that has been destroyed by Yankee utopian projects. Its crumbling edifice heralds the spectacle of national disintegration.

Note: Michigan soldiers gave their lives to “preserve the Union” and to “defend the free world” only to live to see DWLs allow the Black Undertow to destroy Detroit and other cities.

This monument symbolizes national and civic exhaustion: why should the White Atlas work hard, save money, invest in his community, defend his community, seek to improve his community, when BRA makes defense of that community from the racial forces that would destroy it futile?

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I blame it on white Detroiters. They were the ones who imported niggers from the South and then let them run wild.

  2. wow that is totally false rudel, there were intergration riots in detroit and michigan as one of the most segregated midwestern states. the wars with other white nations brought hte niggers up here to work in the factories, which were owned by white men, but financed by jews

  3. Henry Ford was hardly financed by the Jews. He brought the niggers to Detroit in order to bust white labor unions.

  4. Rudel- I’ve never heard that. Clearly, Ford knew who the Jew was. He must also have read the American Communist Party (ACP) platform in the 1920’s- he lived until after WWII.

    So, why would he have acqiesced to the Jew’s vision for internal destruction of America, if he wrote what he did in the Dearborn Independent? Or was the evil, venal, money-grubbing man so many union thug bosses portray him as being? It’s no coincidence that the Unions were the ‘fifth columnists’ for the ACP, in seeking to make work a ‘social paradigm’ that needed to be ‘fixed…. I’d like to hear your take, with references and citations to buttress your views, please. Seriously.

  5. I’ll even start off the discussion by quoting Wikipedia on Henry Ford:

    “Ford was a pioneer of “welfare capitalism”, designed to improve the lot of his workers and especially to reduce the heavy turnover that had many departments hiring 300 men per year to fill 100 slots. Efficiency meant hiring and keeping the best workers.[23]
    Ford astonished the world in 1914 by offering a $5 per day wage ($120 today), which more than doubled the rate of most of his workers.[24] A Cleveland, Ohio newspaper editorialized that the announcement “shot like a blinding rocket through the dark clouds of the present industrial depression.”[25] The move proved extremely profitable; instead of constant turnover of employees, the best mechanics in Detroit flocked to Ford, bringing their human capital and expertise, raising productivity, and lowering training costs.[26][27] Ford announced his $5-per-day program on January 5, 1914, raising the minimum daily pay from $2.34 to $5 for qualifying workers. It also set a new, reduced workweek, although the details vary in different accounts. Ford and Crowther in 1922 described it as six 8-hour days, giving a 48-hour week,[28] while in 1926 they described it as five 8-hour days, giving a 40-hour week.[29] (Apparently the program started with Saturdays as workdays and sometime later it was changed to a day off.)”

  6. @Conchobar

    Don’t waste your time with him. Jewdel was baiting with that first comment. He’s obsessed with me because I won’t back down from his pathetic, goofy posturing.

    You and I both know what happened in Detroit. Don’t bother trying to explain reality to some middle-aged coward who moved to farthest corner of America because he’s so scared of niggers.

  7. “Don’t bother trying to explain reality to some middle-aged coward who moved to farthest corner of America because he’s so scared of niggers.”

    I moved to the PNW so my children could grow up in a healthy environment with clean air and water, mountains, forests, and beautiful beaches with plenty of opportunities for recreation and plenty of white folks and very few wops.

    Nobody moves to Detroit. It’s a bombed out wreck. Even the niggers are leaving.

  8. @Shrew-del

    “Even the niggers are leaving”.

    Yup. And they’re “coming home” to the Pacific Northwest, where the majority white liberal population is welcoming them with open arms. Have fun, asshole.

  9. This Italian, and all the Americans of Italian descent, can go back to Italy today, and the United States will still have the same exact problems, and the problems will still be as intractable as ever.
    You will still have black criminals, and tons of ’em.
    You will still have jews agitating for communism ( slave labor camps,even for white Americans), and tons of commie jews, same as ever.
    Your industry still will be in China: Your corporate elite, both jewish and non-jewish, still won’t give a shit.
    Your border with Mexico will still remain open.
    Your Federal Reserve Bank will still hand you fiat dollars.
    The jews on Wall Street will still be stealing your pension money.
    American soldiers will still be getting killed and maimed in foreign wars for the benefit of the jews.
    You will still have massive immigration from the thirld world, and tons of it.
    Your books will still be abridged by Madison Ave.
    Hollywood will still pump out filth.
    And not a goddamned thing will change if all the Americans of Italian descent were to pack their bags and leave your beloved America and go back to Italy.
    An America, by the way, that was sold-down-the-river to the talmudic jews by the Anglo/Protestant Christian elite for 10 cents on the dollar with the passing of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913.
    And all of you who are running from the blacks and the foreigners and ” the wops” can run all you want, but you can’t run from the fact that you were sold out by your own kind.
    If you don’t have the courage, or the intelligence, or whatever it takes, to face the facts, you will never have the courage, the intelligence, or whatever it takes, to change this country around for the better.
    Just keep running from “the wops” and tell yourself you’re doing well, but you can’t run from the commie jews in Washington.
    The ones who want to put you and your family in slave labor camps.
    Your Anglo leadership sold you to the jew for 10 cents- on -the-dollar, not even full price, putrid enough as that would be.
    And there ain’t no running from that.

  10. ““Even the niggers are leaving”.

    Yup. And they’re “coming home” to the Pacific Northwest”

    Sorry but you are wrong yet again. Oregon’s black population declined from 2.17% in 2000 to 1.8% in 2010 and 2/3rd’s of them live in the ghetto of North Portland. Living in Oregon is to live essentially nigger-free.

    BTW white nationalist, how are the wife and kids? Oops, I forgot. You are a “confirmed bachelor.” 😉

  11. ford had a goon squad that would patrol the industrial parks and ford’s properties. my grandfather said they were in with the cops and would beak/maim drunks, homeless and niggers (oh im mean napa’s or whatever) . in the last depression they would keep theives out, they were called “security guards”. also jews were heavily involved in the detroit scene, esp. during prohibition where in they ousted the irish gangs and ran the smuggling operations via the “purple gang”. also henry ford wrote the “international jew” (preaching to choir) , he like lindberg, was aware to the venimous kiko-schemings BECAUSE OF HIS INVESTMENT EXPERIENCE.

  12. “he like lindberg, was aware to the venimous kiko-schemings BECAUSE OF HIS INVESTMENT EXPERIENCE.”

    Yes, just like I said: “he was hardly financed by the Jews.”

  13. “Living in Oregon is to live essentially nigger-free.”

    Except when Rudel get’s beaten up while riding the MAX train. Or the bus. Or shopping at Nordstrom’s.

    And how are YOUR wife and kids, northwest volunteer? Lemme guess — you came home one evening and found your wife getting double-teamed by Mario and Giuseppe, the waiters from some downtown Trattoria, and just a week ago your daughter gave birth to Trayvonius Jameel Washington Jr. How about it? Getting warm, aren’t I? Good luck with all that.

    No, bachelorhood really ain’t bad at all. My money stays in my pocket, I do what with any woman I want, whenever I want to, and I don’t need to pack up and flee away like a scared mouse whenever some nigger makes a mean face. But again, good luck with family life in “The Homeland”. Maybe you can let HAC move into your garage at some point.

  14. “I do what with any woman I want, whenever I want to”

    Sounds like you act more like a nigger rather than an adherent to the 14 Words. You should just go away. You certainly contribute nothing of value to the comments here. Just uninformed and incorrect opinions off the top of your dumb head.

  15. OH, I see. VNN and SF, shootin’ it out with nothing but four letter words, including anti-Italian slurs. (though there are some Siciliani that are the most grudge-holding little Napoleons I’ve ever met, married to fat Americans who couldn’t find a real Amerian husband…but never mind)

    And I thought I was gonna get a history lesson…..

    Eh. Pastafazoo….

  16. @ rudel as in he had dealt with jewish investors before. but this thread has devolved into mediterrianian bashing nonsense. (don’t take me for a latin though my hiberno-swabian blood is too proud for that)

  17. Sicilians holding grudges? Well, not for long anyway. Some people tend to be accident prone, you know…

    Henry Ford’s wage policies at Ford helped create the American middle class of the 20th century, a historical anomaly if ever there was one. American affluence and the resultant complacency allowed BRA to develop. Don’t blame Henry Ford for that.

    The end of the GAR building is both ironic and fitting. Knowing what Michigan troops of the GAR did to Georgia and South Carolina, it’s hard to feel sorry in the least. National and civic exhaustion is the end result of what the GAR fought for.

    Deo Vindice

  18. “as in he had dealt with jewish investors before.”

    No Conchobar. It’s as in he had “hardly” dealt with Jewish investors before. Your shaky command of the English language gives the rest of your posts a certain lack of credibility.

  19. Hey Joe,

    The great White country of Argentina is very White Italian. Argentina looks and feels Italian to me, with some solid German elements and the folks who blew up the Jewish community center were Arab immigrants.

    So consider some other options outside of Old Europe or the disunited states.

  20. (BTW white nationalist, how are the wife and kids? Oops, I forgot. You are a “confirmed bachelor.”)

    I honestly hope you and yours never get tossed into the divorce industry grinder, Oregon is pretty damn liberal when it comes to the family courts (like most states really).

  21. There will be no white race if white folks don’t have children. (Not that Italians are exactly white. You can’t tell a lot of them from Jews by looking at them. It’s all that Arab blood that has been mixed in over the centuries.)

  22. Henry Ford hated negroes and communists, but there was one thing Henry Ford hated more, labor unions.

    Rudel is correct. Henry Ford did bring the negroes into Detroit. He brought them in a savage attempt to keep the unions out of his factories as the unions did not at the time accept negroes as members.

  23. Rudel, FUCK you. And fuck your family that you always hide behind. Punk. If your little corn-kernel testicals ever drop back out of your body cavity, come to Detroit and take this up with me to my face. I’ll mail you a bus ticket.

    Thank God that I’m an “Asiatic Wop with Arab blood mixed in over the centuries”, and not a needle-dicked, little kraut/mick white-wandering-jew like yourself. Your so cowardly that you can’t even use your real name when you post here, not even your first name. “Rudel” LOL. In your fucking dreams. Change it to ‘Eva Braun’.

  24. My post wasn’t about bashing Henry Ford. I have the highest respect for him. Didn’t say one word about Henry Ford.
    My post was a reminder to all those bashing Italians that it’s just not going to get us white Americans anywhere.
    The truth of history has to be faced. We were sold out. With this knowledge we should be confronting our lawmakers and informing our fellow Americans. That would get us farther along the road to a better country for white Americans than bashing Italians.
    I, personally, don’t give a shit who likes or who doesn’t like Italians. It’s just that this “wop” talk is a waste of time and gets us white Americans nowhere.
    The only post I ever wrote to OD about a foreign country was a post about Italy, about Tuscany. No enemy, and no one one indifferent to white America, would ever mention the subject matter; I mention(ed) that to show my support for you and other white Americans: My Tuscan ancestors rang their church bells in celebration for America when news of Washington’s victory at Yorktown reached Tuscany. Church bells were rung throughout the province in support of our Protestant Christian cousins in America that they had won a measure of liberty for themselves.
    Since that post a few days ago, there has been alot of Italian bashing here at OD. I hardly deserve it.
    Otherwise, I don’t write about foreign countries. I’m only interested in what’s best for this country.
    @ jack ryan
    Not interested in Argentina or anywhere else, never said I was. Your comment is not appreciated.

  25. @Joe

    The Italian-bashing is exclusively coming from Rudel, and it’s directedspecifically at me. It has nothing to do with you. A couple months ago on here, Rudel tried to get loud with me, and I put him on his ass and he’s still pissed. So he shows up occasionally when there’s a post about Detroit, where I live, and he takes personal shots at me.

    Please stick around here bro, and just ignore Rudel. Between you and Lily and myself, we’ve got a “Little Italy” of sorts forming in the OD community 🙂

  26. Ford also brought the arabs in, supposedly to counteract some jewish influence. In retrospect the plan was obviously doomed to failure, but even he had no idea how things might turn out in the future.

  27. @Rudel
    You would do well to direct your anger at your own kind, the ones in Washington, who don’t give a shit for you and your family.
    The ones supporting the jew-commie agenda.
    The Italians, for whatever you think about them, are not an integral part of the story. Very peripheral to the story.
    And again, if all Americans of Italian descent were to leave this country, all the problems will remain, and Detroit, for example will still be in ruins.
    The Italians, whatever their faults, do not deface American monuments to American fallen soldiers, either Northern or Confederate.

  28. Joe you are being overly hostile and negative.

    My post was an honest, positive post supporting good, White Italian people in all parts of the world. It’s a very good thing that Argentina is a White country and has been settled, led primarily by (your) White Italian people.

    My own experience leads me to say that White Italian people (Northern and Southern) are the most solidly pro White, anti Black White people on planet earth and that is a good thing.

    So lighten up and stop arguing with supporters.

    14 words

  29. @313Chris
    Thank you. I will stick around.
    I know, or I have an idea, of how you feel if you are in Detroit.
    I’m from the Bronx originally. I know what destruction looks and feels like.
    The Italians had no part in destroying Detroit or the Bronx, or any other area in the country.
    I know that you know that. I mention that for those prone to bashing Italians.
    I will not shut up as long as I continue to hear Rudel, or anyone else, bash Italians.
    Thank you for your support.

  30. @ jack ryan
    Your post followed Rudel’s so perhaps I jumped the gun.
    I apologize for misreading your post. It won’t happen again.

  31. i understand that ford brought in the negroes, but originally the troll post i responded to was stating that “whites” brought in the negroes, that is incorrect. the plants expanded and the wars in europe killed off the excess german/irish immigrants as well as removed white men from the equation. also why are there so many ad hominems going on today?

  32. “Rudel tried to get loud with me, and I put him on his ass and he’s still pissed.”

    In your dreams. You are the one who thinks it is the height of rhetorical argument to call anyone who factually contradicts your bullshit (like voting for the Zionist Romney is a good idea for whites) a “Jew.” Go back to VNN where you belong.

    BTW, what is offensive is your trash talking about women and your confirmed bachelorhood. You sound like a closet homo.

  33. Joe – apology accepted.

    Go forth and be proud that you are:


    (there is some “American” sort of thing associated with this, but it’s not as important as it used to be.)

  34. “You are the one who thinks it is the height of rhetorical argument to call anyone who contradicts your bullshit (like voting for the Zionist Romney is a good idea for whites) a “Jew”.

    – You just did the very thing which you baselessly accused me of doing. You as stupid as you are cowardly.

    “Go back to VNN where you belong.”

    – Sorry. Never had an account there. And I’ll keep posting here until Hunter asks me to leave. So deal with it. Or better yet, go back to HAC’s forum where YOU belong.

    “BTW what is offensive is your trash talking about women..”

    – What did I say about women at all?

    “…and your confirmed bachelorhood.”

    – Again, FUCK you. What is offensive, is your bizarre obsession with me and my personal life. If your wife left you, that’s you own goddam fault. Don’t project your inadequacy onto everyone who enjoys being single. You fucking loser.

    “You sound like a closet homo.”

    – Says the middle-aged man, who lives in the Pastel Pacific Northwest and begs for attention on the internet from a single man in Detroit. I would laugh if it wasn’t so pitiful.

  35. 313Chris

    Please refrain from falling down in to flame wars and from using vulgar curse words.

    The OD comment guidelines are very clear on these issues – just common decency.

    Let’s all try to live and act like solid White people.

  36. At this point in the history, considering the recent (intentional) racheting up of racial tension and/or the possibility of financial collapse, I’m urging all white women to get a gun and learn how to use it ( men also of course). I’m discouraging young white men from joining the military, but to stay home so as to protect their families in case of possible massive civil unrest,riots,looting,etc
    Things are really in bad shape, as we all know.
    The best thing right now for all white Americans is to make peace with family and/or friends if there is a problem in that area.
    Try to build a support group, a network of relatives and friends you can trust and rely on , so you all can have some help and assistance if/when big trouble happens, which is a possibility considering how things are going these days.
    Stock up on food and essentials. If you live in an intensely urban area, stock up on fire extinguishers. If riots come, the blacks will shot at the firemen and delay their response to any fire/arson. ( this was a regular occurence in the south bronx, shooting at firemen).
    Be alert and streetwise. Most here are,most likely. Spread the word.
    If you have elderly relatives living in area that could be a possible riot zone,please try to get them home with you.
    The elderly in the Bronx who did not have any family support were brutally murdered.
    Watch over your children and your elderly like hawks.
    Any sign of massive race violence, pull your childen out of any integrated school immediately. Children in the Bronx were attacked with knives and razor blades.That was a daily occurence.
    Right now, considering the present day situation, the best thing to do is to be alert,streetwise, and be prepared if things should get worse, again a possibility.
    Most posting here probably know this. I mention it for those here who may not, and also for those who are reading this website for the first time. For those who are surfing.
    In terms of the political/social/cultural/ worlds are concerned, I can only complain about how we were/are sold down-the-river.( i’ll probably continue,knowing me).
    However, the situation is too far gone, Detroit being a perfect example, of making any substantial change through voting, though I don’t advocate sitting the election out. Especially how illegal aliens are even allowed to vote. They are in Florida, I know. Also in California ( where I live now). In CA, large numbers of illegals vote. The leftist/communist radicals encourage it.
    In the meantime, let the debate(s) continue. I’m ready for action.LOL
    ( as per @ jack ryan’s advice, i have lightened up, as well).

  37. My guess would be that the black percentage of Oregon’s population shrunk because more Asians and Hispanics moved in there. Florida and Texas have the most blacks in the Deep South, but their percentage of the population is smaller there.

  38. @ jack ryan
    I wish you hadn’t mentioned Argentina. Now I’m sitting around daydreaming about sitting at an outdoor cafe in Buenos Aires and watching the pretty senoritas go by.
    I got some work here I need to get done, but now all I want to do is daydream about cafes, and pretty girls, stuff like that.
    Don’t do that to me again please. I get easily distracted. LOL

  39. I just want to add that when I bash the Anglo ruling class for selling us out, I am not bashing the Anglo ( and Germanic, Northern European, Celtic) Protestant Christian people, just the leadership.
    I have great respect for Protestant Christianity and the gifts they have given to the world, which are considerable. Electricity being on that list. They are the ones who made America in the first place.
    Whatever is great about Ameirca is because of them. Still, their leaders sold us out. That’s what gets me angry.
    If I were living in Italy, I would be writing angry posts about the Italian ruling class. They sold Italy out. Same shit as here. Different language, same principle, or more correctly, lack of principle.
    I just wanted to mention that. I have no animosity for those who are of Anglo, Germanic, Scandinavian, Irish descent, or any European people, or any American with a European heritage.
    Our leadership sucks. That’s the anger one may sense when reading my posts.
    My anger has nothing to do with bashing my fellow Americans as a whole, or in general.
    This is the last post for the day for me as I have some work to do.
    Get a gun and learn how to use it is the best advice I have to give for my fellow white Americans.

  40. Joe, it’s OK to dream some Argentine dreams, some dreams, positive thoughts become reality.

    The power of positive thinking.

  41. In 1941 black workers, who made up 20% of the labor force at the Ford River Rouge plant in Dearborn, Michigan, were faced with a dilemma. Ford had catered to blacks, hiring many at good wages, hoping to turn them into loyal allies against unionization. The United Auto Workers was calling a strike to win recognition from the company. The black workers made their decision: they joined the strike and helped turn it into a success. (http://www.shmoop.com/history-labor-unions/race.html)

  42. May 30, Detroit makes the BBC c/w video …..

    Detroit: the ruins left behind when city loses half its population


    Dubbed ‘Motor City’, Detroit is the birthplace of the US car industry.

    Iconic auto companies like General Motors, Ford and Chrysler brought jobs and prosperity the Michigan city that was once America’s fourth largest with nearly two million inhabitants.

    As those companies faced competition from auto manufacturers in Japan, Detroit endured a population exodus.

    Detroit now boasts only about 700,000 residents, down 25% from 10 years ago.

    After an $80 billion (£51.5 billion) US government car industry bailout, Detroit is attempting to resurrect itself.

    But the abandoned homes and ballrooms, ruined factories and an empty, cavernous train station serve as daily reminders of the city’s more affluent past.

    For her book, Detroit: 138 Square Miles, photographer Julia Reyes Taubman spent seven years documenting what is left of Detroit. She argues its ruins are monuments to American innovation that must be preserved.

  43. I’m 1/4 Italian, and I resemble these remarks about Italians. A lot of the West’s great art, architecture and literature was produced by Italians. Various Anglo elites inflicted the real damage on the USA and the West generally. What the hell did Italians ever do?

  44. Good heavens but this thread has gotten weird. What’s with all the hatin’ on the Italians?

    Great food, great coffee, great art, opera. What’s not to like? Granted I like the German composers better myself, but c’mon, Verdi! Verdi, people!

    Everyone mellow out! Let us all join arms and combine our forces against the true enemy… the Croatians!

    Or maybe the Welsh!

    Nah, I like the Welsh. And the Croatians. I’m actually having a hard time thinking of anybody to hate. It’s a sunshine-y day.

    Lighten up!

  45. Add one more to little Italy, Joe and Chris313. I am very proudly half Sicilian, Southern style, of course. My Italian ancestors had the good fortune to arrive at the port of New Orleans rather than Ellis Island. We’ve earned the right to be here, no matter what any Nordic-obsessed arrested development types may think.

    My mother’s people have been here since Jamestown. A lot longer than any of Rudel’s people I am quite sure. Rudel seems to have caught the diseased Yankee notion that there are two types of white people, and only the “right kind of white people” are worth anything. A Puritan can never be too pure, you know.

    Anyone with half a brain knows that Italians are not the problem. We aren’t one of the protected groups and never have been. We have the same problems as any other white in BRA today.

    BRA is the problem. A free and independent Southland is the answer.

    Deo Vindice.

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