Tales From Detroit: Crumbling Veteran’s Monument


What does the crumbling WW2 Memorial in Detroit symbolize?

Like the Grand Army of the Republic building, it symbolizes an America that has been destroyed by Yankee utopian projects. Its crumbling edifice heralds the spectacle of national disintegration.

Note: Michigan soldiers gave their lives to “preserve the Union” and to “defend the free world” only to live to see DWLs allow the Black Undertow to destroy Detroit and other cities.

This monument symbolizes national and civic exhaustion: why should the White Atlas work hard, save money, invest in his community, defend his community, seek to improve his community, when BRA makes defense of that community from the racial forces that would destroy it futile?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Great post, Hunter but the comment thread was disappointing, which is highly unusual for this site. This is my first and last website visited daily to recharge my batteries, drained from working amongst DWLs and Knownothings and walking as a stranger and foreigner in the land of my anc and ancestors. On this site I have always been motivated by like-minded countrymen who reaffirm my beliefs and provide proof that I am not alone in this intellectual desert. Ethnic squabbles and bickering in the comments detract from your otherwise outstanding and well worded posts.

  2. Just as a side-note to the belief among some WN’s that Italians/Sicilians are racially diluted, or less than white, it should be kept in mind that the Muslim invasion of Sicily never really took a strong hold, and was resisted there more fiercely than anywhere else in Europe. And following only a century or so of very weak Arab/Moorish rule, Sicily and a large swath of southern Italy were conquered by a Norman adventurer named Robert Guiscard de Hauteville, who, with his Norman armies left their own blond/blue-eyed genetic imprint on the local population.

  3. Be very, very suspicious of anyone placing ethnicity above the greater racial causes. I’ve seen this over and over in forums that deal with racialist issues. They come claiming to be Greek, Irish, etc., then feign an overzealous defense of that ethnicity, categorizing every other white ethnicity on the same plane as Africans, Asians, etc and taking up an “us against the world” mentality. For hundreds of years such ethnic animosity has been used against us to control us from within. WWI was a huge intra-white ethnic squabble, as was WWII. Whites no longer have the time, numbers or luxury to squabble over ethnicity any more. Greeks cannot go it alone, nor can Italians, Germans, English, Dutch, etc. We must forge a unified Western identity or our civilization will go down in flames. The American Indian tribes failed forge a common identity until it was too late. They should serve as an example of what to avoid.

  4. Rudel: WOP? Really? In this day and age of Western civilization being overrun with turn world hordes from Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Mexico you choose to throw rocks at a proud white ethnicity that carried the water for the white race for more than 500 years? An ethnicity that produced Marco Polo, the Admiral of the Ocean Seas, and the man for whom 2 continents are named? Your displeasure is very poorly placed, sir!

  5. “Whites no longer have the time, numbers or luxury to squabble over ethnicity any more. … We must forge a unified Western identity or our civilization will go down in flames. The American Indian tribes failed forge a common identity until it was too late. They should serve as an example of what to avoid.”

    As the Romans (later) said of the defeated Celts…

    “Had they been inseparable, they would have been insuperable.”

  6. I love Italians, Croats, English, Germans, Swedes, Italians, WELSH, Scots, Italians, Greeks GOLDEN DAWN ROX! the Irish, the Slavs, Picts, The Russ, Norwegians, Italians, the French The Danes, The Swiss, Spaniards (the real ones) The Italians and the Italians. And the WELSH. and all my othe lovely Whites.

    Let’s not attack the WELSH.

    Back to the Hatfields and McCoys.

    Throw the Jews down the well…….

  7. Amen, Denise! And it will take as many as we can get from all the Western nations to undo this mess our disgusting, scum-sucking elite has gotten us into.

  8. catholics vote progressive more often than White Protestant men, that means Italians and Irish both. While they may be good people, their voting helped cause the problems WASP’s face today. Yes we were sold out by our leadership; White women, non WASP’s teamed up with a minority of WASP’s men and became the voting block that tipped political power

    The Romans gave the world many wonderful things, not sure if modern Italians are all that Roman genetically but it doesn’t matter either.

    The more experience you have with women the less you think of them. Chris313 knows what I mean

    Argentina? Please tell me you are not advocating moving to a failing nation like Argentina. Do your research, people there are fleeing Argentina every chance they get

  9. Whites no longer have the time, numbers or luxury to squabble over ethnicity any more.

    How tragically true this is.

    It’s much later than some of us realize…..

  10. Stonelifter: What I said for ethnic squabbles amongst whites goes double for religous squabbles amongst whites. The churches, both Protestant and Catholic, were marched through by the Marxist left just as Sherman marched through Geogia. It’s not the Irish or Italians as people, but the degenerate church.

  11. Facts are facts and ignoring them won’t help. Italians (and Irish Catholics, etc.) were instrumental in bringing multiculturalism to America. Before there were blacks and mestizos hiding behind multiculturalist arguments, there were Italians and Irish.

    This is not so much to blame anything on the Irish and the Italians, as it is to point out that intra-racial multiculturalism paves the way for inter-racial multiculturalism.

    Pan-European WNism smacks too much of universalism to me. I’ve had this conversation before, and the pan-European WNists always sound like pan-human multiculturalists. They use all the same arguments.

    This is the primary reason I stopped calling myself a WN, and started calling myself an ethnopatriot. A race is not the basis for a nation; an ethny is.

  12. A Serb arguing why Germany owes him living space sounds exactly like a Jew or a black arguing why YT owes him living space.

  13. Svigor: a true nation is one of blood kinship. I do enjoy the diversity of WHITE Europe, as I enjoyed the diversity of the various WHITE American States as it once existed. This was true divesity for which I have always been a big fan. I’m not against ethnicities at all, and feel that clinging to your ethnicity is a great way to take the wind out of the multi-cult sail. All that said, we as members of Western Civilization can no longer afford to tear down our fellow white ethnicities a la Irish vs English or Pole vs Russian. The powers that be fully support ethnocentricity on the part of whites because that is a sure way to guarantee we all will remain squabbling, powerless minorities facing a coalition of “people of color”. We must allow ethnicity to be put above race in every situation.

  14. Svigor: The left fears more than anything else white uniting behind a common cause and standing up for what’s good for whites. They don’t fear Irish doing this, Catholics, Russians, Serbs, Finns, Italians or any other. But when all these come together as whites, the left shits bricks. Notice, Svigor, that anything that is a symbol for whites and ONLY whites is targeted for destruction by the left (ie Confederate Battle Flag). However, you can fly your ethic flags whoever you choose, they are NOT a threat to the left. Unite…..or die.

  15. “people there are fleeing Argentina every chance they get”

    Great, then all we have to do is just move in there, and fix the place up! And then the rest is gravy!

    Of course after we’ve finished fixing it, you know exactly what’ll happen next: then they’ll all move back again and say, “You know, this is really OUR country…” And then blobs of mestizos from the Yucatan or Bolivia or some other shit-hole will start swarming in too and saying, No, it’s actually ours….

  16. Sivgor has the right of it, as I see it. I hold nothing against catholics or Irish or Italians for being catholic, Irish etc but they have voted they way they have voted and it’s important to recognize these things.

  17. Norman Lowell and his book Imperium Europa present just such an IDEA to unite all White Europeans under a single common banner. Most here are probably familiar with his ideas, he just mostly puts them all in one convenient place.

    Oh, and don’t forget to add the Slovakians and Hungarians to that list….

  18. The American monument to the veterans of WW II in Detroit is like the French monuments to St Louis and the Crusades in Muslim occupied France.

    For many people it was the knowledge of the suppressed history of the USS Liberty (which anniversary is June 8 btw) which opened the can of worms and revealed ZOG. Detroit should have a monument to the Veterans of the USS Liberty because Detroit is now a ZOG victory. Detroit is like Osgiliath of Gondor or Kosovo. It should be a point of White honour to guard the monument that remains and put up something that shows that the Whites know the score on Detroit.

  19. The jews hated Henry Ford with a passion. Ford wrote “The International Jew”. Ford understood how the jews operate.
    The jews did everything they could to destroy Henry Ford, the Ford family, and Detroit. It was planned destruction.
    The destruction of one of America’s most productive and successful cities.
    The jews now control the Ford Foundation. The money goes to support communist groups/ communist goals.
    It is their great revenge on Ford. The jews destroyed a whole city to destroy the Ford family.
    It’s more complicated than that, but this dynamic plays a giant role in the destruction of Detroit.
    Google ” Henry Ford + The International Jew ”
    Lots of info online now about this.
    Many here may know this already, but maybe people who are surfing the net don’t know. First time readers.
    ” Detroit is now a ZOG victory”
    Excellent summation of what happened. You inspired me to write this post.
    Talmudic hatred and destruction to-the-core.
    The black panthers are funded and controlled by the jews, as well. Their “pets”.
    Their “pets” went around the Bronx and Southern Westchester County, NY in the 60’s destroying small black owned mom -and-pop stores.
    Many middle-class blacks who owned businesses were put out of business. These middle-class type blacks brought stability to black communities. The blacks who owned businesses were attacked first, then their “pets” started to attack whites.
    The jews didn’t want any stability amongst blacks. The blacks were to be riled up to attack whites. ( there was a substantial black middle-class under jim crow. the books lie about this).
    While their “pets” were destroying the black midlle-class, jew radicals made a big stink about how much they love blacks and how concerned they are about civil rights.
    Many blacks were destroyed in the 60’s, and they were then dragged into the welfare system so as to be dependent on ZOG.
    My dad had a small business in the Bronx ( auto salvage) and did business with blacks who owned small gas stations and auto body shops. They were all destroyed by the black panthers, funded by the jew communists.
    I mention this because it’s an aspect alot of people don’t know about.
    The racial tension in the 60’s was more than just a black/white phenomena. It was about destroying the black middle-class, destroy stability in black neighborhoods, drag as many blacks as possible into the welfare system, encourage and pay black women to not get married and have children (and lots of “em. knowing fully well that most of these fatherless boys will grow up to be street criminals), drag other blacks into low level government clerk-type jobs ( making them dependent on ZOG also);
    Then use this collective force of ZOG- dependent blacks to attack and undermine white America in every way possible.
    While this was happening in the 60’s, the borders were opened ( through a massive and concerted effort by jews. unfortunately some white sell-outs also. ted kennedy comes to mind), and thirld world immigration into the country started.
    The commie jews use the collective force of the immigrants against white America also. That’s exactly why the borders were opened and we have immigration.
    White America is to be surrounded by feral blacks and sullen immigrants.
    It was all planned this way to make it that more difficult to stop white Americans from putting up resistance to the jewish looting and raping of America.
    Which is what the jews are doing now on Wall Street. The destruction of our industry is part of this looting, also: ” creative destruction”, ” theft and redistrubition”. The Wall Street Journal and the New York Times love these expressions.
    It was all planned.
    To those who never read the talmud ( it consists of 32 0r 33 books. go online and google it). Find out how deep and how unhuman jew hatred really is. It’s a very effective way to undo all the propaganda and indoctrination about how wonderful, and how persecuted the “innocent” jews are. We all are inundated with it.
    Again, this advice is geared for new readers, as well as regular readers who never actually read the talmud.
    You’ll understand the situation we face on a deeper level.
    “Detroit is now a ZOG victory” = Excellent way to put it.

  20. I agree that we should stay on point here and address the global Negro problem. All other races are welcome in my home, because in general I’m welcome in theirs. I served two tours in the Marine’s during the Desert Storm era. All races were squared away and got along great…except for the Negro’s.

    Joe, thanks for the info, and you are spot on from my research. I’m Googling your tips now…

  21. Svigor – I agree with your ethno patriotism thing on a philosophical level. On a practical level, now – it’s deadly.

    I was born in a largely Germanic culture. I am Celt. One of the reasons – THE reason – I adore Appalachia so much is that I literally feel at home among other Celts. cewlts do a lot of stupid things – but it “feels like home”. We don’t live in the physical reality of ethnic nations anymore, though, do we?

    Whites have spent our entire history fighting each other. How is this working out for us? Other groups make (temporary) alliances with other groups, that are very different from themselves, in order to achieve mutual goals. Will we EVER learn to do this?

    I don’t LIKE living in Germanic culture. I defend Hitler all the time, because I believe the Holohoax scam is the key to Judaic power. Deconstructing his demonization can help dismantle Judaic power. I’d never have wanted to live under NS Germany, though. I’m not going to trash, or disdain, or reject Germans, however, that appreciate our genetic peril.

    What you say is true about historic Italian and Irish voting patterns. Things change and adapt, though. I’ve known Italians, Catholic Italians, since I was a child. They’ve always been FAR more “racist” than my English or German descended pals. ALWAYS. Irish – the American Irish are a tricky bunch. Very multi-culti in Public – VERY racist in private. Which means they are dumb as a box of rocks. They ACT on their “public” policies. The Italians may keep their racism quiet in public but they ACT in their private interests.

    All strata of White ethnies have a dog in this fight. The USA is a large land mass. People have been able to move freely, with relatively small expense, for generations. Different groups always created different ethnic enclaves. We all “got along” due TO the fact of relative wealth, relative freedom of movement, and the fact that every-one was a variety of White, thus the basic cultural ‘nee genetic mandates were largely compatible.

    That’s ENDING. We now have enromous influxes of completely incompatible racial aliens – and we’ve put them in charge of us. Whites of all ethnies “see” and do NOT see. Are the Swedes and German of the Northern States, any LESS idiotic, in terms of multi-CULTI lunacy, than traditional ltalian and Irish groups? The ONLY part of the country that has ever held out against the Multi CULT-i lunacy has been the Anglo Celt South.

    Things change and adapt. The Deomcratic Party itself has abandoned the idea of spending money advertising to White lower class, working class males – because this traditionally STAUNCH demo is dumping the Dems. They finally “see”. If they are not Raving Racists, in the open – THEY are acting, at long long last, in their own interests. When will we, as White advocates?

    We are DOOMED if we continue the White isolationist failure, among other Caucasian groups. We may be doomed anyways. Why make it worse?

  22. “…. the rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain…. by jove…I think you’ve got it!…”
    I love Espana!
    and Austria
    and Switzerland
    and the Netherlands
    and Norway!
    and Germany
    and the Adirondacks Mountains of my home state
    and Vermont
    and New Hampshire
    and Maine
    and North Carolina
    and Virginia
    and Nebraska
    and Iowa
    and Wyoming!
    and Montana
    and the Redwood Forests of Northern California
    and Wales
    and Italy
    and Iceland
    and Ireland
    and Scotland!
    and France!
    Besotted France, so overrun and destroyed by communist jews and the international corporate agenda, and so misunderstood by the world, and so many lies in our abridged books about what happened there. The real France is the soul of Europe.
    May the Light of Christ protect and guide my most beloved European country through the horrible onslaught she must now endure.

  23. Just a monument to Yankees, that Navy guy is p*****g up the proverbial rope if he thinks Jerome and Tyrone are going to show all bleary eyed.

  24. Denise said: I defend Hitler all the time, because I believe the Holohoax scam is the key to Judaic power.

    Exactly. 6 million murdered in concentration camps vs. the Red Cross total of a few hundred thousand vs. guesstimates of up to 1.5 million during and shortly after WW2 from ALL causes.

  25. Re: Svigor observes correctly that “intra-racial multiculturalism paves the way for inter-racial multiculturalism.” Inter-ethnic marriage is the first step toward global universalism.

  26. @Joe 1:10 pm. I have not thought about where the Black Panthers as a cadre fit into The Mad Plan – but I think you are right on this one. For the Bolshevik revolution in Russia – they had to import the cadre, same with their revolution in Spain – they had to bring in the international brigades.

    But the Bolshevik attack upon the populace in America is disguised as a ‘crime wave’.
    And it has been going on for decades.

    Makes sense to me. In fact, it is the explanation that fits all the data.

  27. Svigor: a true nation is one of blood kinship.

    A truer nation is one of blood, language, culture, and history. You favor the 2nd cousin you grew up around over the 2nd cousin you just met today.

    Svigor: The left fears more than anything else white uniting behind a common cause and standing up for what’s good for whites. They don’t fear Irish doing this, Catholics, Russians, Serbs, Finns, Italians or any other. But when all these come together as whites, the left shits bricks. Notice, Svigor, that anything that is a symbol for whites and ONLY whites is targeted for destruction by the left (ie Confederate Battle Flag). However, you can fly your ethic flags whoever you choose, they are NOT a threat to the left. Unite…..or die.

    Ethnopatriotism doesn’t preclude concentric circles of loyalty. In fact, it encourages them. But I hear a lot of rhetoric from pan-European WNs that sounds exactly like the rhetoric I hear from pan-human multiculturalists.

    Concentric circles work both ways.

    Joe, please try paragraph breaks.

    Whites have spent our entire history fighting each other. How is this working out for us? Other groups make (temporary) alliances with other groups, that are very different from themselves, in order to achieve mutual goals. Will we EVER learn to do this?

    I don’t think we should be fighting each other (at least, not as much), but I don’t think Meds are entitled to Nord women, or vice-versa, I don’t think Slavs are entitled to Germanic membership, or vice-versa, etc. And waaaaay too often, I hear these pan-European WNs saying precisely these sorts of things. If the pan-Europeans want to make common cause, they need to back off of the arguments they use, their sense of entitlement, etc. Because I’m not in this to swap one set of chains for another.

  28. Svigor: I understand what you are saying and you make some great points. I fully support the continued diversity of the white peoples of the world and I know the NWO is about destroying true diversity. I hate the EU, it needs to go. So does NATO in my opinion. The problem is that your lanugage and culture argument goes down the tubes when the left refers to a black African living in Italy as an Italian, or as I saw on the Food Network, a “Swedish” chef who was from Somalia. Race has got to be the MOST important part of our thinking about one another as whites/Westerners/Europeans, or whatever we intend to call ourselves. Also, any disagreement between the white nations needs to be settled in house–keep family matters family matters, no outsiders involved.

  29. @Svigor
    I’m not going to give you a hard time about what you said about my paragraphs, ’cause everything else you have to say makes sense to me. We should marry our own kind and that’s it. Old -fashioned wisdom.
    Gee. I thought I was doing pretty good with my paragraph structure. LOL

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