It is worth tuning into MSNBC tonight just to see the reaction of Ed Schultz:
Update: Walker wins in a blowout. Schultz meltdown:
It is worth tuning into MSNBC tonight just to see the reaction of Ed Schultz:
Update: Walker wins in a blowout. Schultz meltdown:
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Let’s hope the silent majority is huge. If public unions can oust an official for not toeing the line, who is really running the country.
I’m seeing a lot less vocal blowback against the loony left up here. I’m hoping people are tired of arguing with lunatics but will make themselves heard at the polls. The other possibility is that those that became tired of arguing got assimilated.
News reports say that the turnout is huge with long waiting lines at the polls. This may very well be the unions organizing a massive “ground game” to get out the vote for recall.
The wealth redistribution that liberals want will fail because the country is bankrupt.
The recall people are a bunch of scummy trash who want something for nothing. Fuck ’em. They’ll get their recall, they’ll get their liberal politicians, but there won’t be anything to redistribute.
Clinton talking about unemployment: If he hadn’t signed 6 amnesties the employment picture might look better. Had he not brought in enough H1-B visa workers to totally swamp all tech job growth, the employment picture would look better. Had he not transfered our technology to china, again, employment here would be in vastly better shape.
But no, the only thing we are “allowed” to do to preserve employment is to throw money at criminals.
Schultz and Matthews look like they are at a funeral.
The public employee unions account for a large percentage of White Democrats.
Yes, there is HUGE number of white workers who vote democrat in the North, and it has absolutely nothing to do with being nigger lovers or pro homosexual.
Any political movement that does not take this into account will fail. Period.
“Schultz and Matthews look like they are at a funeral.”
Hopefully that means they don’t like the exit poll results.
I can’t for the life of me figure out why unions would not be against immigration. Less immigration would be directly proportional to higher prices paid for domestic labor, especially domestic skilled labor.
I also can’t figure out why there isn’t a Republican one who will point this out, along with a reminder to all these whites that the Democratic Party has explicity wrote them off.
“I can’t for the life of me figure out why unions would not be against immigration. ”
The various groups making up the Dem coalition are all in conflict: feminists vs. Islamists, labor vs. environmentalists, labor vs. immigrationists, gays vs. Islamists, blacks vs. gays, etc. The only thing the various groups have in common is their hatred of white men and traditional America. If they ever they destroy their common enemy, they will set their sights on each other.
“I can’t for the life of me figure out why unions would not be against immigration.”
Union MEMBERS are very often against immigration. Ah, but union LEADERS, on the other hand… Hey, just who exactly ARE those union leaders, anyway?
Oh, FFS, why do I even ask?
The presence of labor unions was the only thing that kept Michigan in the Democrat’s column for so long. This year, I don’t know. Even with Romney being the personification of everything most union worker despise, the disgust for Obama among the 79% majority-white population is just too palpable.
I imagine that Obama will win the white vote in Oregon and Washington handily, though.
“Yes, there is HUGE number of white workers who vote democrat in the North, and it has absolutely nothing to do with being nigger lovers or pro homosexual.
Any political movement that does not take this into account will fail. Period.”
They are programmed for socialism, so we’ll have to support states rights, but they aren’t programmed to support their own dispossession.
“I can’t for the life of me figure out why unions would not be against immigration. ”
They must be compromised. the rank and file are against it. and the republicans are terrified of being portrayed as pro white for some reason, though to be fair, pro white candidates haven’t done all that well thus far.
How do they discuss the latest attempt at the ERA with a straight face? please tell me Schumer knows damned well what hes arguing for and doing.
Wayne says:
June 5, 2012 at 9:46 pm
I can’t for the life of me figure out why unions would not be against immigration. Less immigration would be directly proportional to higher prices paid for domestic labor, especially domestic skilled labor.
I also can’t figure out why there isn’t a Republican one who will point this out, along with a reminder to all these whites that the Democratic Party has explicity wrote them off.
jack ryan replies;
We had some populist White American leaders who did OK/Well with White union workers – Nixon (Teamster’s Union support), Reagan 49 state sweep (before he fired the air traffic controllers), Buchanan, George Wallace. David Duke got White union support in his Senate, Governor’s race.
White America’s foolish loyalties to economic conservatism, libertarianism is a huge loser for us with White union workers.
AH did well with White German workers, then when he was in power he abolished democracy, didn’t let German workers the right to strike – gave them steady work at decent wages.
White workers will always be temped by the Left/socialism in democracies. Who wouldn’t want to have a guaranteed job with great pensions, health care, instead of being thrown down to the mercies of free labor markets where employers will make you compete with minimum wage Mexicans.
As for Walker and company. Its hard to call either way. I suspect that he may get recalled but maybe not. I don;t care either way. I am not fan of unions but his core ideology of concentrating on the rich and attacking wages is poison.
Fact is you can’t have a functioning socially conservative society with economic liberalism, at least not for very long.
what happens is people who work can’t make ends meet, they ask the state to help. State wants power says yes and sooner or later the authoritarian leftists take over.
And yes its perfectly possible even probable that system will fail, that just means a good chance of totalitarian leftism or totalitarian rightism.
What you have to do is have is economic nationalism (aka economic conservatism) and rig the system to keep wages up and at home and foreigners and their goods out. Do that and you can have a Conservative society, otherwise. No.
Attacking wages, the entire foundation of the economy is like patching a leak by dynamiting the foundation.
Why am I not surprised?
Voter Fraud Explodes in Wisconsin; Eye Witnesses Speak Out
From students using class schedules to “prove” that they live in Wisconsin (but not who they actually are), to multiple accounts of people being “bused” in, dozens of accounts of Democrat and Union attempts to commit voter fraud in Wisconsin have hit the news. One town even has turnout that was reportedly six times the votes normally cast in a “heavy” participation election- and that was at 10:30 am in the morning.
Really, we can’t honestly come to reasonable conclusions about economic policy with the elephant standing in the room — the stinking border and the billions if not trillions of dollars sunk down the rathole because of white displacement.
If we could close the border we could deal with the rich, the poor, and everyone in between in a rational way. We could raise our expectations of each other if this fundamental baseline were agreed upon. As it stands it’s all deck chairs.
Watching ed Schultz now. His crowd is quite enthusiastic. Hoping they get two scoops of disappointment tonight. Words cannot describe how beautiful a liberals face is when they don’t get their way.
Let’s hope the Wisconsin voters remember the Aug 4, 2011 “unprecedented violence on the opening night of the Wisconsin State Fair” by those rampaging youths er feral Blacks. Eleven injuries on a night of savage Black on White hate crimes. Completely censored in the Jew MSM.
Covered well on Unamusement Park: everything you thin you know about race is wrong.
Breitbart: 119% voter turnout in libtard stronghold, Madison, WI:
Way to rock the vote, boys.
Haha. No, seriously, people are being allowed to register to vote AT the polls and vote the same day!
Fraud, anyone?
Meanwhile, Fox News is saying: Walker 60%, Barrett 39%
Sorry, I can’t bring myself to tune in to MSNBC.
“Lynda says:
June 6, 2012 at 1:45 am
Let’s hope the Wisconsin voters remember the Aug 4, 2011 “unprecedented violence on the opening night of the Wisconsin State Fair” by those rampaging youths er feral Blacks. Eleven injuries on a night of savage Black on White hate crimes. Completely censored in the Jew MSM.”
Great point, Lynda. 🙂
CNN just called the election for Scott Walker.
So did Fox News! Yippeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!
Yippeeee if you are a Jew. Romney wants war with Iran.
I had some bad Wisconsin karma today.
I opened my mail to receive a notice that I’ve been banned from operating any vehicle in the state of Wisconsin – this based on non payment of a 6 year old disputed PARKING TICKET!
It’s a $*(%(# parking ticket. And Gov. Walker’s goons have gone so far as to put this on my credit report and drag down my credit score 70 points!
It’s a $*($%# 6 year old PARKING TICKET!
This is not the way to win the hearts and minds of regular White people – White bikers, White workers, regular White folks.
Oh crap, sorry, Jack. That sucks! I hope you can get that cleared up. I had that happen to me in my home state of NJ, for a NYC parking ticket. I had to pay it.
Thanks Lily for your understanding.
This just goes to show that for regular White people, it’s not the big “internatioinal issues” that they think about, it’s the little things, the petty insults $&*#$@# like banning me from operating a vehicle in the state of Wisconsin all for nonpayment of one disputed PARKING TICKET from 6 years ago!
GOP economics is poison. Still, in this case, I’m happy to see the unions take one in the nuts. Make no mistake; as major players in the Democrats’ anti-white coalition, the unions have made a pact with devil.
These unions have aligned themselves with blacks and Hispanics. I have no sympathy for the SEIU.
The SEIU organized a huge amnesty rally in DC that we attended in 2010.
The SEIU had 100,000 illegal aliens on the National Mall demonstrating for “comprehensive immigration reform.” That was the moment when I lost all sympathy for unions.
Aren’t workers in the North required to subsidize these radical leftwing Democrat pro-illegal alien unions?
Hunter Wallace says:
June 6, 2012 at 3:14 am
The SEIU had 100,000 illegal aliens on the National Mall demonstrating for “comprehensive immigration reform.” That was the moment when I lost all sympathy for unions.
Aren’t workers in the North required to subsidize these radical leftwing Democrat pro-illegal alien unions?
Jack Ryan responds.
Yes, SEIU’s pro illegal alien amnesty protests were terrible. I was a member of the SEUI for my baseball vending job in high school, college summers.
That said:
We can not, MUST NOT ever allow the anti White Leftists to take over our union, workers. We can not fall back to economic conservative, reactionary, Right Wing, Libertarianism.
Our White workers are our people. We have to get off the golf course and get down with them and fight for them.
Anybody reading OD prefer to take the side of Goldman Sachs over some White carpenter’s union guy in Chicago?
14 words.
A driving ban across an entire state for failure to pay a parking ticket is a big deal. America is a society of the motor vehicle. For most people being able to drive depends upon whether or not they work – so the punishment hardly fits in the crime.
The term for this is Twat Control – named for the character Twat in the Boat that Rocked who was tasked with ‘shutting them down’ using this type of method rulz and regs method.
The list of Rulz (which they make), Orc talk and infringements, offenses, penalities, fines, forfeits that people incur in the maze of Twat Control grows longer every day until they are so tied down with surveillance and minutiae that life is unlivable.
One of my favourite quotes from Comrade Joe (Stalin) is: “in a democracy it doesn’t matter who votes; what matters is who counts the votes”.
Voting machines with the ballot tallied in Israel certainly qualifies as a Stalinist democracy.
” Anybody reading OD prefer to take the side of Goldman Sachs over some White carpenter’s union guy in Chicago?”
If those false choices are all I get then I’m going with the squid…..they may be greedy and unscrupulous but gs doesn’t side with the cult of death (the left) .
” act is you can’t have a functioning socially conservative society wih economic liberalism, at least not for very long.
what happens is people who work can’t make ends meet, they ask the state to help. State wants power says yes and sooner or later the authoritarian leftists take over.”
What you’re describing is called moral hazard. You see it more in diverse populations than homogeneous ones. So when a lefty talks about how government programs work so well in scandanavia remind them its because everyone is white and less inclined to cheat their neighbors and community that share their culture
We can not, MUST NOT ever allow the anti White Leftists to take over our union, workers.
to late, they already did. Hell the whole push behind unions was from the left. They didn’t take over unions, they made the unions
Regarding Schultz’s remark about “special interest money”, and the Democrats being “outgunned financially”:
Purely by chance, an employment agency I was registered with assigned me to a job at one of the organizations collecting donations for Scott Walker. I am not a fan of Walker, but I am even less a fan of Tom Barrett and his uppity nigger running mate, Mahlon Mitchell. During my term of employment at this organization, I processed thousands of checks for Walker’s re-election campaign. The vast majority of those checks were for small amounts; most in the $10-$50 range. They came from all corners of the United States. Within the state of Wisconsin, most of them came from smaller cities and rural communities; a few from the Milwaukee area, and even fewer from Madison.
Many people enclosed handwritten notes with their donations. Some of them were heartbreaking; people on fixed incomes who were dealing with illness, and actually apologized for not being able to send more money. People who were deeply religious and stated that they were praying for Walker. Many of them were retired. Some were even state employees who were fed up with “the system”. I did not see one obviously negro name. Very few Hispanic and Asian names. A few obvious Yids.
There’s your “special interest money”, Mr. Schultz. Ordinary Americans who are saddened and afraid of what this country has become. But you and your controlled-media cohorts will never know this, because you aren’t in the trenches–you’re in a land of make-believe where angry White Americans who reject BRA, and put their money where their mouths are, are nothing but a fringe element of lunatics who can’t get in step with our Glorious Rainbow Nation.
As I said, I’m not a fan of Scott Walker. But I’m having a good laugh tonight, watching the anti-White death cult choke on its own bile. Their dream world is starting to unravel, and they are frightened. Ha ha ha.
“We can not, MUST NOT ever allow the anti White Leftists to take over our union, workers. We can not fall back to economic conservative, reactionary, Right Wing, Libertarianism.
Our White workers are our people. We have to get off the golf course and get down with them and fight for them.
Anybody reading OD prefer to take the side of Goldman Sachs over some White carpenter’s union guy in Chicago?”
There is a huge difference between private and public sector unions, and the private sector unions after being burned by Clinton on Nafta and Obama on immigration are starting to catch on.
38% of union households in Wisconsin backed Scott Walker, I’m guessing most came from the private sector.
haha! Stupid cheesehead! I bet he cries too when one of the packer’s nig wide receivers drops a pass.
“I’m very emotional because we all had invested in this. This was it. If we didn’t win tonight, the end of the U.S. as we know it just happened. This is it.”
Speaking as a “cheesehead” myself, I’d have to say that the melodramatic idiot in that video made the most of his one minute of fame.
Democracy is dead? Let’s hope so. It has failed ordinary working-class White people again and again. Why would any of us hope for its continued existence?
the worse thing to me about folks fawning over democracy is, we were never meant to live in one. that folks think we should have democracy is a clear sign the left won that argument
Unions today are odd.
In the past, they were very anti-immigration as US workers had to compete with them, thereby, driving wages down. Also, union members are generally very conservative in their personal lives. I’ve had a lot of dealings with unions and, at the executive levels, they are generally openly racist and anti-gay. On the other hand, their management counterparts in Human Resources are uber-liberal and are generally artsy fartsy.
But today, they’ve aligned themselves with the rainbow coalition even though they despise the other coalition members. This odd scenario is common in the western countries. I predict that once the economy tanks and unemployment goes thru the roof, unions will flip and align themselves with the conservative parties so, at least, they’ll have a seat at the table and have some influence.
Twitter users want Scott Walker Dead:
A disturbing video showing TONS of tweets calling for the DEATH of Scott Walker! The end of civility has arrived.
P.S. Many of the tweets wishing Scott Walker dead are coming from black users. Who woulda thunk it?
The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) isn’t allowing comments on this story ….. if they did, the comment tally and content would be off the charts. Any story pertaining to the “Tea Party” is hot. US politics is a weather vane for Canadian politics and that’s why the Cdn left freak out.
“Wisconsin governor survives recall election”
Can’t comment : (
The Left put one cult ahead of the rest and got burned, badly. The left wins by attacking the common enemy and disbursing the cash, so to the left the common enemy is the white man, but they couldn’t do this in Wisconsin because of too many white men. The cash thing is obvious since in most places up there the public teaters have the best jobs already.
Hurrah! What a slap in the face to the Obamanation!
Union thugs have been defeated.
Union thuggery has been shown to be the ‘dirty little secret’ of the Bolshevik left.
Off topic, but some great pics here.
And, the only non-Anglo was a chink hawking his ‘made in china’ junk plastic.
How telling.
If I had Larry Auster’s diagnosos, i would check out these link.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0psJhQHk_GI Run from the cure video about hemp
So what else are we being lied to about? How about cancer in general? Back in 2007, the New Scientist ran this in an article:
“It sounds almost too good to be true: a cheap and simple drug that kills almost all cancers by switching off their “immortality”. The drug, dichloroacetate (DCA), has already been used for years to treat rare metabolic disorders and so is known to be relatively safe. It also has no patent, meaning it could be manufactured for a fraction of the cost of newly developed drugs.
Evangelos Michelakis of the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, and his colleagues tested DCA on human cells cultured outside the body and found that it killed lung, breast and brain cancer cells, but not healthy cells. Tumours in rats deliberately infected with human cancer also shrank drastically when they were fed DCA-laced water for several weeks.”
This is the pertinent sentence: “It also has no patent, meaning it could be manufactured for a fraction of the cost of newly developed drugs.” Have you heard about the miraculous properties of DCA when used to treat cancer? Nope, me either. I