Inside the Fearful Conservative Mind


Chauncey DeVega of We Are Respectable Negroes has a new article that attempts to explore our “fearful conservative mind”:

“The conservative media has invented a new terror in their imagined race war: hordes of black people coming after innocent white folks.”

It is more like the conservative media has publicized the issue now that smart phones and social media have made it possible for African-Americans to record their own criminal anti-social behavior and upload it to sites like

The Mainstream Media used to have the ability to censor these stories and control the narrative. Facebook, Twitter, WordPress, YouTube, and vBulletin has taken away that power. Tihe media is interactive now and we can talk back to the liberals who used to talk down to us.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. From the DeVega article:

    These [white] groups and individuals are not idle. In fact, whites have recently killed people of color in racially motivated shooting sprees; plots such as the planned Martin Luther King Junior Day bombing by a neo-Nazi in Spokane, Washington have been uncovered by federal authorities; other white hate groups have been recently indicted for planning acts of domestic terrorism against people of color.

    It’s interesting and telling that of Mr. DeVega’s top three examples of white on black crime, one (Tulsa, linked in the original article) involved an indian (casino, not call center) and the other two were planned but no black people were actually hurt.

    I recall everbody’s favorite anti-white supremacist Tim Wise had a piece out on the virulently racist reactions to the Martin / Zimmerman affair. Two of his top three horrible things white people had done to black people were comprised entirely of comments via Facebook.

    How long before the Devegas and Wises of the world start citing episodes of Law & Order to make their points about the ubiquity of white on black crime.

  2. ….. DeVega also forgot to mention that the black panthers declared war against white Americans down in Sanford. I’m mystified as to how he could have failed to mention that as the Trayvon incident in Sanford is big headline news.
    Must have been an innocent oversight on his part.I’m sure he didn’t mean anything by it……

  3. How long before the Devegas and Wises of the world start citing episodes of Law & Order to make their points about the ubiquity of white on black crime.

    Who and on what site/thread did a negro cite Hannibal Lector as an example?

  4. “The Conservative media’s race war narrative falls apart when one encounters the facts. In an effort to stir up white anxiety, these stories ignore that violent crime in the United States has been declining for decades.” – All the fearmongering is leading to policies that reduce crime? Go team.

  5. how do we know crime is dropping? we do know cities falsify their crime stats. If crime is dropping its because so many negros are in jail, White flight and White gun owners. You can be damn sure it’s not because negros have evolved any

  6. They lie about crime dropping to continue collecting federal grants. The feds want evidence that their grants/programs are working, so evidence is supplied. Serious crimes are downgraded to minor offenses.

  7. Knowledgable conservatives have every reason to be fearful and resentful. They here nonstop celebrating from the victorious liberals (mostly due to our own spineless “respectable conservatives” throwing the match) that the nation our ancestors built and defended is browning, the “face of America” is changing, says NPR, with glee. But look around the world people at brown/black countries. Which ones do you want your children to live in?? It’s not rocket science, it’s plain common sense.

  8. Scott Walker WON, he didn’t ‘survive’ the recall election, precisely because WHITES are FED UP with this PC, Bullsh*t Multiculti PROPAGANDA.

    I have no terror over Blacks. I merely have utter disgust. They are sub-human, and if ANY of them ever transgress my home, or my family’s person, I will not hesitate to use the second amendment, held pointed at their chest, in my hand.

    Molon Labe, Nigger. Your days are numbered.

  9. I read a newspaper article back in NYC back in the early 90’s ; I forgot what it was entitled, but I’ll never forget the byline: “Crime is down, but the murder rate is up”. how’s that for a mixed message? LOL
    I always consider the crime rate to be sky high ( which it really is) and remain alert and streetwise.

  10. They lie about crime dropping to continue collecting federal grants. The feds want evidence that their grants/programs are working, so evidence is supplied. Serious crimes are downgraded to minor offenses.

    You’re a longtime crank, so I don’t think anything I say will change your mind, but doesn’t the fact that homicides have been dropping in lockstep with other violent crimes suggest to you that maybe the drop is real?

    Who knows, maybe you people are right. Maybe it’s all just cooked books. It’d be nice to see some credible evidence that the practice is widespread before proclaiming it to be God’s own truth. Can’t rely on criminologists’ research for that, though, right? ‘Cos they’re in cahoots with the cops and all that.

  11. are you implying its unwise to question the reduction in crime when we know cities are falsifying their data?

    what is the proper response then? skepticism seems like the rational response to me

  12. Please take appropriate measures to prepare for riots this election. There’s a chance of riots and civil unrest. The black panthers are back on the scene. The black panthers have declared war against white Americans.
    The election is going to turn more and more racial, that is, the racial rhetoric and tension is going to build up the closer we get to November.
    @SILVER– I know the newspapers tell us all the truth about crime ’cause as we all know Zimmerman is an all-American white Anglo type of fellow, after all. I know that’s true ’cause my jew commie paper told me so!
    “I’m just aghast that anyone would suggest our newspapers lie to us” LOL

  13. The FACTS are that black on white violent crime is EPIDEMIC compared to the reverse. And this information is censored, spun away, or minimized by a Corrupt Liberal Media and a largely politicized police force.

    None of the crime metrics are more compelling than the stats on , interracial murders, interracial forcible rape, interracial sexual homicide, and interracial sexual homicide of elderly white women.

    The hate ratios are as follows:

    Murder, at least 9 to 1, black on white (includes white Hispanics)

    Forcible rape, at least 19 to 1, black on white.

    Sexual homicide, at least 48 to 1, black on white

    Sexual homicide of elderly women, 100 to zero ( No cases of white on black sexual homicide of elderly women are known in modern times)

    And this doesn’t include the unprovoked brutal beatings of lone whites by black mobs that happen in streets, parks, schools, prisons, etc, etc. on a daily basis.

    Here is just the short list of 206 documented, different,attacks, including 118 murders:

  14. Statistics are notoriously slippery, but the figures that suggest that violence has been disappearing in the United States contain a blind spot so large that to cite them uncritically, as the major papers do, is to collude in an epic con. Uncounted in the official tallies are the hundreds of thousands of crimes that take place in the country’s prison system, a vast and growing residential network whose forsaken tenants increasingly bear the brunt of America’s propensity for anger and violence.
    Crime has not fallen in the United States—it’s been shifted. Just as Wall Street connived with regulators to transfer financial risk from spendthrift banks to careless home buyers, so have federal, state, and local legislatures succeeded in rerouting criminal risk away from urban centers and concentrating it in a proliferating web of hyperhells. The statistics touting the country’s crime-reduction miracle, when juxtaposed with those documenting the quantity of rape and assault that takes place each year within the correctional system, are exposed as not merely a lie, or even a damn lie—but as the single most shameful lie in American life.

  15. Another aspect of crime never mentioned in the papers or on tv — And not ONE government authority ever mentions, is the huge underground ” black market” trade in weaponry and ammunition in this country. It’s just never mentioned, as if we’re not to even know it exists.
    But it exists, there is a huge underground trade in weaponry in this country.

  16. Good idea to go marxist websites and black panther websites and learn more about what’s going on.
    Just google black panthers. Unbelievable. Prepare!

  17. Marxism 2012

    Europes biggest left wing festival 5-9th July London hosted by the Socialist Workers Party

    ‘Global revolt, ideas to change the world’


  18. Thanks Joe. I am very much aware of the faith and morals of the Novus Ordo now in occupation of Roman Catholic infrastructure worldwide. The real Church (the one you hate) effectively condemned Communism (globalism) and the Synagogue and effectively organized against both. That it has been taken down from within by a fifth column does not make it wrong or bad anymore than the Confederacy which lost a war was wrong or bad.

  19. “Fr. John+ says:
    June 7, 2012 at 3:45 am
    Scott Walker WON, he didn’t ‘survive’ the recall election, precisely because WHITES are FED UP with this PC, Bullsh*t Multiculti PROPAGANDA.

    I have no terror over Blacks. I merely have utter disgust. They are sub-human, and if ANY of them ever transgress my home, or my family’s person, I will not hesitate to use the second amendment, held pointed at their chest, in my hand.

    Molon Labe, Nigger. Your days are numbered.”

    Amen!!!! You point a gun at one of em, and deliver a taste of lead, as a positive behavior inducement, and the rest will run away as fast as they can trample each other. They are nothing to worry about…………

  20. @Lynda AND ALL READERS
    I never once said that I hate the “real” church. I just said the the “real” church is of no use to white Americans when the black panthers go on the attack during the up-coming elections. There is a very good possibility of this happening. I am trying to warn my fellow Americans to take measures and precautions in case this comes to pass.
    Neither the “real” church, nor the false church is going to help us.
    When the bronx was torched to ground in the 60’s, bronx-catholic petitions of “succor” to the archdiocese of NYC were flushed down the cardinal’s toilet bowl in manhattan. No help was forthcoming. None!
    In the meantime, the “real” church was impotent and useless to the catholics, and everyone else there who were getting their homes and businesses and hospitals and nursing homes and every goddamnned thing arsoned and torched to the ground.
    Real or false church, it doesn’t matter, no help will be forthcoming. None!
    Get a gun and learn how to use it, and take precautions to prepare in case there are race riots this upcoming election season and the black panthers go on the attack.
    The black panthers have already declared war against white America.
    When someone declares war, they usually mean it. Better to be on the safe side.
    As it is, I don’t care if you think I hate the ‘real’ church or not, my posts are about warning my fellow Americans of possible danger.
    All the rest of it is a side issue to me.

  21. “but doesn’t the fact that homicides have been dropping in lockstep with other violent crimes suggest to you that maybe the drop is real?…Who knows, maybe you people are right. Maybe it’s all just cooked books”

    Both are true. As crime rocketed after the 60s the books were cooked a little each year to show a slower increase. The increase in prison numbers since the early 90s reduced the actual amount of crime but it’s still above the official stats because instead of just waiting for the actual crime to drop to the level of the cooked stats thereby cancelling the problem the senior police who were corrupted by the initial process want to show a yearly drop in their area so the cooked stats are dropping in sync with actual crime.

    1) Crime goes up from 100 to 200 but the stats only go up to 150.
    2) Crime then goes down again from 200 to 150 while the stats go down from 150 to 100.

    The real story is that there has been a much worse war on white people for 50 years. It eventually got bad enough for the political elite to start building a lot more prisons to restrain white public opinion (Dirty Harry type movies) and reduce the problem somewhat but then technology intervened and made the reduced problem much more visible than it was. Even at a reduced level however the amount of anti-white racial violence is so huge if the media reported it the same way as they do anti-black violence (or invented anti-black violence) the news would be filled up 24/7 with a dozen new cases every day.

  22. “Crime has not fallen in the United States—it’s been shifted…The statistics touting the country’s crime-reduction miracle, when juxtaposed with those documenting the quantity of rape and assault that takes place each year within the correctional system, are exposed as not merely a lie, or even a damn lie—but as the single most shameful lie in American life.”

    That’s a slightly separate issue but a good point nonetheless.

  23. how do we know crime is dropping? we do know cities falsify their crime stats. If crime is dropping its because so many negros are in jail, White flight and White gun owners.

    By looking at the murder rate. Murders are very difficult to push under the rug. The only real way to do it is to re-classify it as suicide or accidental death. And even then, these deaths show up in violent death stats. Basically, murder is the one crime that can’t be massaged away by corrupt pols and bureaucrats. It’s the “control” crime statistic (comparing ratios of murders to other violent crimes over time can suss out statistical chicanery, improvements in emergency room treatment, etc.)

  24. The prison rape thing is waaaay overblown. Something like 3.5% of all inmates report being physically coerced into sex. The true rapes (literally forced) are a (probably small) fraction of that 3.5%.

    Storm in a teacup. Punks get punked, and heteros defend their ass cherries; the exceptions are probably pretty exceptional.

  25. Hell, more than half that 3.5% is perpetrated by guards. Does anyone here think guards are actually willing to trade blows with truly resistant prisoners on a regular basis?

    Prison rape statistics are probably at least as padded as rapes outside (“I didn’t feel I had a choice” *sob*).

  26. “That it has been taken down from within by a fifth column does not make it wrong or bad anymore than the Confederacy which lost a war was wrong or bad.”

    Lynda your analogy is utterly false, and you know it. The Confederacy was a movement dedicated to an IDEA. The Church (the TRUE Church) is a theanthropic Body, that cannot die nor be ‘hidden’- it has existed since Pentecost, at the very earliest, and will continue when the stars are re-made in the new heavens and the new Earth.

    That Rome has departed from that One True Church, is the greatest damnation you could level at your false faith. If she (the Church) exists, then she exists apart and outside of Rome. If she is Rome, and has ceased being that One True Church, then the promise of the Lord Jesus Christ to His Faithful Seed has failed (‘May it never be!- St. Paul) and you worship a cult.

    Either way, your positions as Romanists are utterly untenable.

  27. Pope Leo XIII described the overturn of the Chair of Peter in Rome like this:
    “The most cunning enemies have filled the Church, Bride of the Immaculate Lamb, with bitterness; they have drenched Her with gall, they have laid impious hands her precious and desired possessions. The the See of Blessed Peter and the Chair of Truth has been established as the Light of the nations, there they have placed the throne of the Abomination of their Impeity, so that having struck the Pastor, they might also prevail to scatter the flock.”
    “Exorcism Against Satan and the Rebellious Angels” published by order of Pope Leo XIII, May 1890.

    The Church has had a prevision of the time which we now know began with the establishment of an Anti-papacy 1958, followed by a Council that would contradict and deny the ordinary, constant magisterium of what the Church has always and everywhere taught as the “Light of Nations.”

    The enemies of the Church have succeeded in overturning the Chair of Peter in Rome, which before was in Antioch and before that in Jerusalem. Working according to this method, described in the Book of St Jude: “For admission has been secretly gained by some who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly persons who pervert the grace of God into licentiousness and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.” (4)

    At this time an Anti-papacy holds sway in Rome and now occupies the Roman Catholic structures worldwide (as at the time of the Arian crisis the Arian heretics among the bishops occupied the dioceses of virtually the entire Christian East). These facts of the Church in time in no way invalidate the Scriptures which predicted the Great Apostasy or the prophecy of Pope Leo XIII. The gates of hell can not prevail against our Lord who is the cornerstone foundation of the Church with the Rock of Peter set upon him. That the enemies of the Church have infiltrated and at this time achieved an Anti-papacy to lead the Great Apostasy, is their funeral for Christ must reign until all His enemies are under His feet.

    And you are wrong about the Conferacy. The Confederate States were not based upon an idea – they were the States adhering to the founding document, the Constitution. They were on the foundation of the nation. Lincoln and the Revolutionaries overthrew the foundation of the nation in their war of aggression against the South.

    The Church is still led by the bishops who adhere to what the Church has taught before the Revolution, inaugurated 1789, succeeded (for now) at the level of the universal Church in overturning the Chair of Peter in Rome. The Catholics faithful to to the Church and Tradition worship outside the jurisdiction of Rome, just as they worshipped outside the jurisdiction of the Arian bishops of the Christian East at the time of the Arian Crisis which lasted about 100 years.

  28. Once again Joe, you are wrong.

    I don’t understand how RC’s say the church is messed up and has turned from God and yet remain RC. I left the church I was born into when I figured out it wasn’t Biblical and right with God. I chose the Almighty God over an organization and life long times to it ( which at the time was 24 years). I asked my ex father in law that question and he was never able to give me answer. for what ever reason, he’d rather go to mass and then complain about how the church was

  29. One remains Roman Catholic because of the underlying Logos of the Catholic position. One Faith, One Church, One Truth, one baptism, apostolic succession. The Logos apart from the world remains the same. It’s very hard to give up that Truth even though its current iteration in the world has become profoundly perverted. The true Church would still have one Father, one truth, etc. It would be Catholic. In the Catholic mind. Making the step to departing from this idea is akin to joining the forces of darkness for a Catholic.

  30. even when the church is aligned with the forces of darkness? I’m not trying to pick a fight but it seems to me that places allegiances to an organization above God and His ways

  31. That’s what I’m saying, the allegiance isn’t placed in the organization itself, but to the Truth that produced the organization. That Truth being that there be only One Truth, One Faith, One Baptism. If there are many truths, there is no Truth.

    If every person who was saw the imperfections of the Church throughout the ages turned from the Church, we wouldn’t have Western Civilization.

    Besides, you yourself Stonelifter don’t turn from the idea of individuals finding truth between themselves their book alone even though you see in the world how much twisting occurs when that is done improperly. You still support the idea, the manner of thinking, even if the fruits are often rotten. It’s the same for Catholics who see the rottenness of the Church. It’s the Chair and the Ancient Truth and Logos we cannot turn from. When we say “Catholic” we’re talking about the way we define how we believe God prefers the world to be, not its current iteration in the Church itself.

    Much like when you say Protestant you are referring to a manner you believe God wishes the world to be, wherein each man finds truth through the Bible. Even though you may dislike all kinds of forms that belief takes institutionally.

  32. You can talk about religion and the church a until you’re all blue in the faces. The article was about the black/white situation in the country and crime. I refer everyone back to my warnings about posiible massive racial violence during the upcoming elections.

  33. “By looking at the murder rate. Murders are very difficult to push under the rug…It’s the “control” crime statistic ”

    That’s partly true but there’s a disconnect between aggravated assault and murder that’s grown up over the last 20-30 years because of medical improvements – especially the growth and spread of paramedics.
    “Crime dropped because of White flight. Harder for groids to rob people that are beyond walking distance.”

    Violent crime went up from the start of desegregration / mass immigration until more prisons were built. That’s in the US. Other countries are lagging 10-20 years behind because they didn’t have a pre-existing black population and so are currently in the same phase America was in around 1980-something.

    So in Europe the number of murders is falling despite the number of aggravated assaults increasing (in reality but not in the stats) while in the US the number of murders is falling faster than the fall in the number of aggravated assaults because one stat is effected by the combination of prison and paramedics while with the other it’s just prison.

    But anyway, the key point is there’s been a war against white people for 50 years which the media covered up and if it’s been reduced it’s only been because of the huge increase in the number of black prisoners. The truth is coming out in the open now because of camera phones and the internet getting around media cover-up.

  34. I should stress the point i’m trying to make is what the is best counter to what the media will say – as evidenced by the article in the opening post.

    The stats argument is too confusing because it works in multiple directions and there’s no way of proving it. So…

    In the US the argument is straightforward
    – there’s been a war against white people for 50 years
    – the media covered it up
    – it may have been reduced in recent years but only because more black criminals were locked up and physically prevented from attacking white people (except in prison)
    – camera phones and the internet have finally got around the media’s coverup

    Outside the US it’s more difficult because the number of aggravated assaults (i.e. potential murders) is going up (in reality if not in the stats) while the number of murders is going down (because of medical improvements). Murders going down makes it hard to convince people (apart from those who already know) that the stats are lies and violent crime is actually going up very fast. However Europe is much more crowded so there won’t be a 40 year breathing space created by an escape to the suburbs so Europe will catch up to the US pretty soon.

  35. That is right, Joe. You do not give a shyte because you hate the Church, as I said. And you do not speak for “everyone”. You speak for yourself and your posts are usually demoralizing.

    I think someone hacked your World of Warcraft account and made off with your battle wonton. FYI it is already sold on e-bay.

    Meanwhile back at the ranch, the Catholics adhering to Tradition are building chapels and schools and communities.

  36. I adhere to my warning to prepare for big trouble this election season. Be on the safe side, don’t get caught unawares. War has been declared on us and the black panthers mean it. IT IS NOT AN IDLE THREAT!!!!

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