Peak Oil and White Privilege


H/T Kievsky

This promises to be comedy gold:

“KMO welcomes Jay Smith and Jeff Wilburn to the C-Realm to reflect upon the Age of Limits conference. Jay and Jeff, along with their girlfriends, accounted for most of the African-American conference-goers, and this leads to a discussion of how the on-going Peak Oil conversation is one carried out primarily by whites and, to some extent, aims to preserve white privilege and assumes that whites must take the leadership role in deciding how best to address the challenges of the coming long emergency. Both Jay and Jeff initially found the work of James Howard Kunstler to be valuable but later came to chafe at Jim’s seemingly dismissive attitude about black culture and the supposed failure of African-Americans to assimilate into mainstream society.”

Jim is smart enough to know the score on race.

He wisely avoids punching that tar baby because he knows exactly how black people are going to react to the collapse of BRA. We’re talking about a race of people (half of whom have an IQ below 85) who shoot each other in Detroit in arguments over Kool-Aid.

Just imagine … No EBT card. No WIC. No TANF welfare. No Medicaid. No Section 8 housing vouchers. No energy assistance. No public transportation. No affirmative action. No diversity jobs. No government jobs. No free lunches.

In 2009, 97.5 percent of the farmers and ranchers in America were White. Also in 2009, 39 percent of African-Americans in Michigan were on the EBT card. The typical negro in America lives in an urban area and depends on either the EBT card or a government job to survive.

No population in America is more dependent on the state, more dependent on the good will of other people, more vulnerable to the economic disruptions that could be produced by Peak Oil. The changes will be felt most acutely by those least able to take care of themselves, which is to say, by black people.

Think about it: reality itself is making White people poorer, which means the tax base is shriveling, which means budget deficits, which eventually means cuts in government services and programs that black people are dependent upon like the SNAP EBT card.

Eventually, the costs of the criminal justice system (the police, courts, and prisons necessary to restrain the Black Undertow) become unaffordable, as is already happening now in California. The Day The Criminals Are Released From Prison unfolds in black communities already strained by massive cuts in government jobs and services.

Where does it end? What becomes of black people after the collapse? I can’t wait to see how that “unwinds.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Just imagine … No EBT card. No WIC. No TANF welfare. No Medicaid. No Section 8 housing vouchers. No energy assistance. No public transportation. No affirmative action. No diversity jobs. No government jobs. No free lunches.

    Where does it end? What becomes of black people after the collapse?”

    Imagine? Oh can I…. seemingly appropriate, something’s got to give….

  2. The Day The Criminals Are Released From Prison unfolds in black communities already strained by massive cuts in government jobs and services.

    Then, their live expectancy will drop.

    Black men survive longer in prison than out: study

    (Reuters Health) – Black men are half as likely to die at any given time if they’re in prison than if they aren’t, suggests a new study of North Carolina inmates.

    The black prisoners seemed to be especially protected against alcohol- and drug-related deaths, as well as lethal accidents and certain chronic diseases.

    But that pattern didn’t hold for white men, who on the whole were slightly more likely to die in prison than outside, according to findings published in Annals of Epidemiology.


  3. Peak Oil is a myth.

    A play 80 times bigger (than a 24 billion barrel estimate for the Bakken) like the Bazhenov would imply 1,920 billion barrels. That’s a preposterous figure, enough oil to satisfy all of current global demand for 64 years, or to do 5 million bpd for more than 1,000 years. Rosneft, says Clint, has already estimated 18 billion barrels on its Bazhenov acreage.

    On top of Bakken, on top of Bazhenov, there is the Alberta oil sands, with an estimated 1.7 trillion recoverable barrels of oil. A similar amount might be found in Venezuela’s Orinoco oil sands. And we are just beginning to scratch the surface of unconventional oil reserves worldwide. The price of oil may never again fall below $50 a barrel, but we will NEVER run out of oil.

  4. It takes massive amounts of capital to develop to develop unconventional oil reserves or oil plays in marginal areas like the Arctic or far offshore. That’s when you have to factor in all the other factors like economic decline due to global aging.

  5. Jeppo- I hope sand tastes good, cuz your head is stuck in it.

    Even if Peak Oil were a myth, then the problem of over-population is not. Have you folks seen that great presentation about the gumballs pouring out of the glass containers? It demonstrates, more clearly than anything else, that unrestrained breeding (apart from Eugenics, and an organized sterilization campaign applied to the less fit, and mentally defective) WILL DESTROY the PLANET.

    I wonder at the intellectual disconnect of the Papal universalists, and their Multiculti clones, over this fact. They lie through their teeth, saying sterilization is [sic] murder- when we don’t wish to condone abortion (though they have- they could have stopped abortion in 1975, by merely killing the butchers and taking justice into their own hands, back before the CULTURE WAS DESTROYED. But no, they sat and did NOTHING, but blathered on, and then said Randall Terry was ‘wrong’. At the same time, pederast priests were engaged in ‘millstones about necks,’ while their less ‘religious brethren’- the more sexually profligate sodomites- created AIDS in their bodies, and then infected thousands of others- when They, too, should have been quarantined, and allowed to die a swift and merciful death, right at the beginning.

    And then I laugh at the actions of Bill Gates et al., thinking that they are not a part of the ‘Main,’ but are ‘islands unto themselves.’ No matter how deep your mountain fastnesses, you rich, no matter how many Georgia ‘Guidestones’ you erect, you fools, no matter how many chemtrails you lace the sky with, you corrupt and vile ‘kings,’ THE PEOPLE- the WHITE PEOPLE of Europe will rise up and seek their godly revenge- for ‘ We are God’s people,’ the ‘hands’ he has given US, the ‘power of the keys’ – both civil and spiritual- to exact vengeance on the Antichrists of this age, once the wrath of God has begun His divine purge of the godless among us.

    If ever there were a mandate for relocating to the rural white parts of America, raising your own crops, livestock, and learning how to split wood, can food, and pay off all debts, it’s articles like this one. The sound from on high is becoming more and more like the Last Trumpet- it’s deafening. God help his Elect.

  6. It’s one thing to say that “the era of cheap oil is over”, which is probably true. But right now we’re in the transition period where most (but not all) conventional reserves are declining, while unconventional reserves are just beginning to be exploited. As the technology improves, and assuming the price per barrel remains high, the amount of oil we can eventually extract from unconventional sources, like shale oil and oil sands, might be practically limitless.

    Check this article out:

    Our ideas about the origins of “fossil” fuels might be all wrong. The Earth’s core could be continually producing oil and pushing it up toward the surface. All we need to do is drill deeper.

  7. 39% might be low, it would seem that women would collect them and be counted but their “men” just show up to eat and do whatever.

    One of the comments to MW’s thread was excellent, if their had been no excessive AA to push them into jobs that are not necessary or they were not able to do, this could be survivable, but between mass immigration and the evils of the DWLs, blacks are screwed. Don’t be near them on that day, be like JHK way, way away in some rural backwater.

  8. Unconventional sources will produce oil, but not at the rate needed to maintain Disney World and the highway system.

    That’s what the peak oil deniers fail to understand — the concept of rates of production and costs of production. There will be oil, but it will be too too too expensive to sustain the current economic model. And society will be forced to radically restructure; a cultural bankruptcy.

    And that’s where we will get our power back, barring a concentration camp system.

    And even in a FEMA camps scenario, the Whites who are imprisoned will excel at production and eventually take over the system (I believe), while the Whites on the outside (if they survive to fight another day and beat the drone technology) will become extremely radicalized and high tech ZOG destroyers.

    At any rate, things will change RADICALLY. They have to. And it can only be good for us.

  9. Re: “97.5% of the farmers and ranchers in America” are white, and the remainder mostly Asian and Hispanic.

    The very few that are black must all be in southern states, since I’ve never seen or heard of a black farmer, or even a black farm labourer, around here. Is this a job for which they are unsuited, after all? When they were imported they were said to be uniquely suited for hard farm labour.

    “The typical negro in America lives in an urban area and depends on either the EBT card or a government job to survive. No population in America is more dependent on the state, more dependent on the good will of other people…” and the ATYPICAL are moving into small towns now, and even some semi-rural areas, and depend on either the EBT card or a government job.

  10. Why are conventional reserves declining though? Isn’t it because of the rate of depletion in existing oil fields? Isn’t it because the number of new discoveries of conventional oil fields and production in those fields can’t compensate for the depletion of existing oil fields now in production?

    Why have we been reduced to drilling in the Arctic, drilling offshore in places like the continental shelf, and relying upon inferior sources of oil like tar sands and kerogen in Venezuela and Canada?

    Perhaps this is explained by the fact that oil production has peaked and gone into decline in over half the countries in the world?

  11. Who is going to extract and process all the unconventional oil?

    In Europe and Japan, you have populations that are rapidly aging, and which will soon start dying off altogether. Some countries like Russia are already dying off right now. The economies of most of the industrialized world will soon peak and start shrinking as their labor force and population contracts.

    Perhaps Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo will take over?

  12. Re: “That’s what the peak oil deniers fail to understand” and the peak oil deniers who are believers in the unproven hypothesis (myth) of terrestrial abiogenic hydrocarbons say the peak oilers are the ones who don’t understand — that oil is an essentially LIMITLESS resource, and there is nothing to fear but fear itself.

    But I stand with science, and the peakers.

  13. “In Europe and Japan, you have populations that are rapidly aging, and which will soon start dying off altogether. Some countries like Russia are already dying off right now. The economies of most of the industrialized world will soon peak and start shrinking as their labor force and population contracts.” Very good, powerful point, Hunter, that without skilled extractors and necessary infrastructure, it won’t matter what reserves still exist. The “demographic proof” for peak oil is sufficient.

  14. We’re already entering a period of severe economic contraction (just look at it coming true in Europe) for reasons that have nothing to do with Peak Oil. The European and Japanese workforce is crumbling and their domestic markets will shrink.

    America is facing its own demographic downward spiral. The demographic conditions for growth aren’t there even if we were nowhere near Peak Oil.

  15. PO is survivable, but the monetary/finance system that accompanied $10 barrel oil will not. I look at PO as a tradable event, oil rises the stocks and deriviatives of the oil stocks skyrockets, high prices do what high prices do and it is a short trade down to the next trough when low interest rates spur the next round of speculation. How long this lasts? Hopefully long enough that we take digital wealth and convert it to the wealth for the next era.

  16. Yergin is a sophist who works for the oil industry.

    In the last decade, there was one prediction that actually did come true: the pessimists prediction that Peak Oil would hit in the mid-2000s. The optimists spent the first half of the decade arguing that Peak Oil wouldn’t happen until the 2020s or the 2030s and that we would have plenty of time to transition to alternative energy sources.

    Then the IEA quietly announced on Thanksgiving in 2010 that Peak Oil had hit in 2006. The biggest story of the decade was a minor news item. The debate was over and the pessimists had been right.

    Have the pessimists been wrong? Sure, the best place to start for failed Peak Oil predictions would be Kunstler’s notoriously unreliable stock market forecasts, but the fact remains that the pessimists are more right than wrong, whereas the optimists have been more wrong than right.

    Kunstler’s failed stock market predictions have to be weighed against a decade of Bush and Obama bullshitting in the State of the Union about “clean energy” and “green jobs” and “an end to America’s dependence on foreign oil.”

    If I was making a movie about Peak Oil in the 2000s, it would include everything from Bush’s famous statement in the 2006 State of the Union about “ending our dependence on foreign oil” to Al Gore’s ethanol cornfields to the promise of “switch grass” to T. Boone Picken’s windmills and natural gas cars in the 2008 election to Solyndra and the “green economy” to hydrogen cars.

    Before listening to anymore techno-utopian futurist bullshit, go back to the year 2000 and audit all the previous techno-utopian stories from there until 2012, and come to grips with the fact that after all the talk in the last decade about switch grass, algae, hydrogen, windmills, solar, natural gas, and ethanol, you are still filling up your internal combustion engine at the local BP with 87 unleaded.

    The difference being that it costs a lot more to fill up your tank in 2012 than it did in 2000.

  17. I think that Yergin is a pretty knowledgable source when it comes to the oil industry. From the article: Just in the years 2007 to 2009, for every barrel of oil produced in the world, 1.6 barrels of new reserves were added. So the world’s proven oil reserves are going up, not down. And that’s not even including brand new probable reserves like the Bazhenov.

    Look at the case of one single province in Canada:

    Production is expected to increase from 1.3 million barrels per day now to more than 5 million bpd by 2030. Oil sands production is now profitable at $15 a barrel, and that cost will only go down. And the nine-tenths of this vast resource (1.7 trillion barrels, more than all the conventional reserves on Earth combined) that are now unprofitable to exploit will eventually be developed as the technology improves. Alberta will be producing and exporting vast quantities of oil for at least the next hundred years.

  18. Japan is dying now from Fukushima. Incredible tragedy there.
    There’s even talk of abandoning Tokyo. Northern Japan is uninhabitable now for healthy life.
    They may be the next group to come here in large numbers ( better than mexicans,I suppose). But still, the situation really stinks.

  19. Jeppo.

    With all due respect (to a person with an afro-vatar) you need to go figure out what reserves they are talking about. 1P, 2P or 3P? Like unemployment of money supply figures, generally the higher the number the looser the definition. A few years ago, the SEC started allowing more than just 1P around the same time the US treasury quietly announced it would 100% backstop fannie/freddie mortgage obligations on xmas eve. I can’t recall which year now.

    Anyway, you don’t do shit like that if the status quo is fine. Even if you’re talking “proven reserves”, that number is always an estimate based on economic conditions. Primarily being THE PRICE OF OIL.

    As the price climbs, the number of barrels underground that aren’t a waste of money to extract grows. However, that says nothing about rate of extraction. The big oil fields have maxed their flow RATES and they have even begun to decline in the mid 2000s even though the price kept climbing. To keep up with demand, it was economical to explore and drill small fields in outof the way places. But all those little fields will not flow the same RATE for the same level of effort required as the large fields. To keep the oil flowing, either more people need to be employed in drilling it (then who do you sell it to if everyone is employed to extract it?) or the level of effort stays the same but less flows. Or some level in between these two extremes. Either way, this sets the supply/demand curves lower/higher respectively.

    That is what peak oil is all about. Not proven reserves, FLOW RATE per opportunity cost.

    I’m not sure you’re right about this one if history is any guide. Eventually? Yes. In the near to midterm future? Hard to say. The civilization “cores” have always net imported resources from their peripheries. When shit starts going down, extortion of resources into the core usually follows. Rome, Russia circa 1920s, Britain as its empire contracted etc.

    I’m more apt to believe that in 10 years the rural whites will be forced at gun point to surrender 90% of their harvest (or other economic output) to keep feeding niggers. It will be much like it is now, but instead of a stealth system via taxes and inflation it will explicitly former obama youth utopians making weekly rounds with a flatbed(last vehicles running) and an army of goons..err….revenue agents. As a result the rural whites will barely be alive but the same will be true of the niggers.

  20. Oil is abiotic. It’s been proven already.
    The Russians dicovered this. Please go online and learn more about oil: it’s abiotic.
    There’s no “peak oil” crisis, not really.
    It’s a corporate lie.
    It’s abiotic, and there’s solid proof of it.
    Check it out.

  21. YT: You may be on to something with that line of thought. Rural people have always been the bain of the elite becuase rural people, more than any other, are free. They are not dependant on the system for their survival, and they can speak their minds without a care of being fired or demoted. Urban populations, on the other hand, are the dream populations of the NWO, who need government to provide services and sustenance. In the end, white small time land ownders will become the American version of the Kulak.

  22. Fr. John: Growth is the leftist economic god. All must be sacrificed at it’s alter: culture, religion, sovereignty, whatever. But what is “growth”? Best I can tell, economic growth = population growth (either by birth or immigration). Why should a population decline be a bad thing for Japan? Won’t that cause cheaper realestate, less stress on the environment, allow more space per citizen? The only answer I can thing of is that growth (codeword for population growth) means more demand, more demand means more production, more production means more loans from banks, more loans from banks means more interest out of thin air the the banksters. Am I wrong? Is it any more than a giant Ponzi scheme?

  23. The very few that are black must all be in southern states, since I’ve never seen or heard of a black farmer, or even a black farm labourer, around here. Is this a job for which they are unsuited, after all? When they were imported they were said to be uniquely suited for hard farm labour.

    Whether tha was said or not, what was true was that they were uniquely suited to the job – farm labor in the American SE. This was before antibiotics.

    Why are conventional reserves declining though? Isn’t it because of the rate of depletion in existing oil fields? Isn’t it because the number of new discoveries of conventional oil fields and production in those fields can’t compensate for the depletion of existing oil fields now in production?

    Isn’t it because 3rd world demand is growing like kudzu?

    Who is going to extract and process all the unconventional oil?

    In Europe and Japan, you have populations that are rapidly aging, and which will soon start dying off altogether. Some countries like Russia are already dying off right now. The economies of most of the industrialized world will soon peak and start shrinking as their labor force and population contracts.

    Perhaps Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo will take over?

    Coupling demographic Luddism to your Peak Oil theories isn’t going to do you any favors. I’m agnostic about Peak Oil, but I know demographic Luddism when I see it. And what fraction of the population works in oil extraction, btw?

    We can move practically all our freight off of fossil fuels by going back to rail. Mass transit rail would be viable again, if only there was the political will to make it safe for Whites (and there will be, given peak oil). Nanotech will push solar into viability eventually. Fischer-Tropsch becomes economically viable for gas at a certain point (now, really). Who knows what kind of methanol-generating plant the gene boys will cook up in the future? Peak Oil doesn’t really scare me, even if it’s real. The fact that TPTB are obviously too dumb to do anything but learn the hard way is what scares me; there will probably have to be some nasty knocks to get sense about transitioning beyond PO through their dense, kosher noggins.

  24. “….If ever there were a mandate for relocating to the rural white parts of America, raising your own crops, livestock, and learning how to split wood, can food, and pay off all debts, it’s articles like this one. The sound from on high is becoming more and more like the Last Trumpet- it’s deafening. God help his Elect….”

    Please don’t encourage relocation.

    What the real Bible Belt and the West, which is much the same, would tell you and anyone— you have to decide to LIVE exactly where you stand. If you move, you just make what something like AA calls, “a Geographic Cure.”

    That is the whole story of the Yankees in the Rural South. They CANNOT raise their own crops and livestock. They are hobby farmers at best. I’m not saying they can’t learn, but THE REAL LEARNING is the elevation of the Rural Americans RIGHT NOW, who already exist.

    You cannot BECOME THEM. Put them on a pedestal and learn from them. Some people really have continued to learn and hand down the information and wisdom, and knowledges about nature— while everyone else was watching trash like Sex in the City or something.

    The “hobby farmers” in the “New South” will never ever have come from American Colonial Life. They are not that population. Why not just respect those people for what they know and what they have maintained, instead of trying to move into their old homes and try to be them?

    It’s good to learn such things—- (but difficult. You don’t just throw some seeds on the ground and feed your family, lol. ) But why not make things right by admiring the Real Farmers who are already here, already need help and so on.

  25. Is it any more than a giant Ponzi scheme?”

    no. When tons of debt is your “economy” then you have to import ever stupider people to pay it off.

  26. @ “The very few that are black must all be in southern states, since I’ve never seen or heard of a black farmer, or even a black farm laborer…”

    Here’s Harvest of Lies: The Black Farmer Lawsuit

    From the Introduction: “Although the USDA Census of Agriculture for 1997 found fewer than 18,500 black farmers in the United States, more than 96,000 individuals attempted to collect payments through this lawsuit. It should hardly require a degree in rocket science to see that there is at least a potential for massive fraud in such an obviously disproportionate situation-truly massive fraud….

  27. @YT, “Afro-vatar”, ha ha, good one.

    I don’t disagree with you. Here’s what Daniel Yergin has to say about proven reserves: The idea of “proved reserves” of oil isn’t just a physical concept, accounting for a fixed amount in the “storehouse.” It’s also an economic concept: how much can be recovered at prevailing prices. And it’s a technological concept, because advances in technology take resources that were not physically accessible and turn them into recoverable reserves.

    So obviously the amount of proven reserves generally rises or falls in tandem with prices. But not always. Only a few years ago, the US Dept. of Energy and trade mags like Oil and Gas Journal and World Oil didn’t recognize any of the Alberta oil sands as proven reserves. Now, because of rising prices AND advances in extraction technology, they list it at something like 178 billion barrels. Quite a difference, from zero to 178,000,000,000 practically overnight.

    One day they may list all of the oil sands’ 1.7 trillion barrels in situ as proven reserves, but that will depend on improved technology making their extraction profitable. Just like in the Bakken formation, rising prices lead to more intensive exploitation, which leads to lower production costs over time. There are about 600 similar shale oil deposits around the world. There are the Orinoco oil sands, which may be even larger than those in Alberta. There is the virtually unknown Bazhenov oil formation, with a possible 1.9 trillion barrels. And there are plenty of un- or under-exploited conventional sources around the world, especially in deep water, which will become economically viable as long as prices stay reasonably high and drilling technology continues to improve. The world is awash with oil.

    Interestingly, oil today closed at $84.10 a barrel, down 25% just since February. In theory, and along with flatlining demand, this should slow production down. But oil is such an economically and strategically critical resource that the big corporations (many of them nationalized) will probably continue to prospect, drill and dig for more regardless of price fluctuations. Big Oil is only going to get even bigger.

  28. Hydrocarbons on other planets, the “gas planets,” and some of their satellites are obviously abiotic, Joe — but on this “rocky planet,” the oil and coal at least are pretty obviously biotic. Wished for abiogenesis isn’t going to happen here, to prevent peak oil.

  29. Dixiegirl says: “Please don’t encourage relocation…you have to decide to LIVE exactly where you stand. If you move, you just make what something like AA calls, ‘a Geographic Cure.’ ” In my view, relocation from urbanised to rural areas is nearly always justified and should be encouraged, whereas long-distance migrations from region to region in search of distant racialist Shangri-La’s should be discouraged.

  30. If peak oil occurs it will be a manufactured event and not a natural one. I’ve been with the rock nerds when they go out and find energy sources. They have that shit dialed in. The problem is leftists environmental laws that keep us from getting to the resources. From where I stand, doesn’t matter if its a man made event or not, the fall out will be the same.

    Personally I think a large scale but survivable problem like Peak Oil would be great for out people. It would put the end to all types of silly shit, hard time would force men to be Men again and it force families/ small communities to unite against outsiders and the govt. A version of what we were. It would for sure be even more hellish for city folks, DWL’s/ SWPL and folks without close ties to kin, but I don’t much care for city folk and the like.

    We produce more food on less acreage then ever before and we aren’t even using the most advance farming techniques or seed crops. I don’t see over population for the West being an issue. We have the technology and what not to offset problems. We just need to shit can the soft headed liberal bullshit that keeps us from doing the hard and right things.

    You may be on to something with that line of thought. Rural people have always been the bain of the elite becuase rural people, more than any other, are free. They are not dependant on the system for their survival, and they can speak their minds without a care of being fired or demoted.

    Excellent explanation for a good measure of why I live in farm country. Sure the “law” applies to me, but who’s around to enforce it? Or rat me out? Trees, cows, corn and oh yea other rural Southron White men who I go to church with, hunt with help on their farms etc and who don’t like the law any better then I do

    And you can tell we are the biggest threat to the elites because of all the time they spend running us down.


    Please don’t encourage relocation.

    I second that. They always fail when they come down here. Always. Sometimes it busts up families too, but on the up side it allows us locals to buy their mistakes at a discount. Doesn’t offset all the problems they cause for local folks but you look for the good when you can.

    They’d be better off staying put, putting away food and money; learning how to do small scale green houses and container planting to supplement what they can purchase/ what’s given out by the govt and forming small groups of friends in their current neighborhoods.

    The other thing about moving down here is, you won’t get the warm welcome during trouble times the TV has lead you to believe. And I doubt the rural god ol boys up north are any more welcoming of urban folk then rural Southron families

  31. “Oil is abiotic. It’s been proven already.
    The Russians dicovered this. Please go online and learn more about oil: it’s abiotic.
    There’s no “peak oil” crisis, not really.
    It’s a corporate lie.
    It’s abiotic, and there’s solid proof of it.
    Check it out.”
    “We just have to drill deeper.”

    There’s methane on Titan. So much of it, it lies on the surface in lakes, and falls like rain. Enough methane to run the world til the Sun goes out.

    So what? We can’t get at it.

    Those abiotic trillions of barrels you are so excited about 20 miles below the surface of the Earth’s crust (if they really exist)? So what? We can’t get at ’em.

    The BP Deepwater Horizon well, (the deepest well ever drilled) that last summer resulted in the biggest oil spill ever, so big it killed the Gulf, proves, we can’t handle the pressures we’d have to deal with to get at those “proven” trillions of barrels.
    And that discovery was under “only” a “mere” 5000 feet of water and then 30,000 more feet down into the seafloor (so a stack of pipe totaling a “mere” 7 miles).

  32. the pocket the Deep Horizon was after was drill-able in shallower water but environmental issues forced them to drill deeper.

  33. As stonelifter notes, the optimists major problem is their failure to factor in all the shit that will be unfolding simultaneously with Peak Oil.

    Where are we now? Twelve years have passed since I first heard about Peak Oil. In all time, we have been given a trial run of how the free market and the government is likely to respond to the problem.

    This is history, not theory:

    1.) In 2006, Peak Oil actually happened. The pessimists were right. The worldwide peak in conventional oil production came decades earlier than the optimists had said it would.

    2.) Do you remember ethanol? Green jobs? The hydrogen economy? The promise of switch grass and algae? T. Boone Pickens natural gas and windmills? Solyndra?

    Did technology ever solve the problem in the 1980s, 1990s, or the 2000s?

    3.) How did America respond to Peak Oil? By banning offshore drilling, sinking billions into companies like Solyndra, refusing to build new nuclear power plants, blocking drilling in ANWR, blocking the Keystone Pipeline, prohibiting drilling off Florida and the East Coast, and by attacking the coal industry with Cap-and-Trade.

    4.) In 2012, you are still filling up your internal combustion engine automobile with 87 regular unleaded, but now the price of gasoline is significantly higher than it was in 2000.

    5.) America has been mired in a “recovery” for four years.

  34. The Russians are managing to get at the abiotic oil. They are not having any problems whatsoever getting at the abiotic oil.
    American oil companies tried pulling this bullsh*t in vietnam: “peak oil”, and the vietnamese kicked the american oil companies out, and the Russians are there now. The Russians got the contract in Vietnam. And the Russians are doing fine getting at the abiotic oil.
    Oil the Americans said they couldn’t get. They wanted to play “peak oil” with the vietnamese, the vietnamese kicked them out.
    Sometimes lies come back to bite one in the butt.
    American corporations are losing out all over the world because of all the lies and bullsh*t they try to pull.
    The world is passing the USA by.
    I’m not happy about this, but I do not have any say in the matter.
    America’s glory days are over. Our corporate big-shots are so smart, they out-smarted themselves. Unfortunately, they are taking the whole country down as they go down.
    American corporations ( all industries) are losing contracts all over the world because of their own behavior, lies, actions, and business practices.
    Boeing f*cked itself over royally. Do know that story?
    Go online and find out about Boeing and how they were trying to screw over the Europeans. In turn, the Europeans were compelled to build their on aeronautics company. It’s doing extremely well, as you know.
    Boeing lost alot of contracts in the world marketplace through their own lousy behavior and lies.
    American corporations are losing out all over the world because of all the lying.
    Peak Oil is another lie. The Russian oil companies are going to leave the Americans in the dust if the American oil companies don’t get their act together: Stop the “peak oil” bullsh*t.
    The world ain’t buying the bullsh 8t anymore. I don’t mean me ( doesn’t matter what I think, I have no say or power) I mean those who make the big decisions all over the world: In world capitals, CEO’s of foreign companies, trade organizations, foreign governments who need to contract-out for big projects: They’re not very interested in what Americans have to offer anymore because what we do have to offer, even if the product is excellent ( boeing) comes with so much lies and bullsh*t and chicanery.
    US corporations are undermining themselves, and they’re taking the country down because of it. Not the only reason the US is going down, but it’s a major dynamic of the story.

  35. what secret oil market are these Russians selling into? Is Bloomberg and every world commodity exchange in on it too ? Why don’t prices of any oil exchange reflect this ? You still can’t answer how this abiotic oil is going to come out fast enough for the worlds.curre demand at these prices. Read Matt Simmons work on peak oil. You’ll find there has been much lying but only about the future user of oil.

    there wI’ll always be oil for sale but it will stop being so important.much like whale oil before it or uranium now. One thing is clear: you are not going to keep pumping it into your family fleet for an hours wages anymore

  36. Science (versus “Russian” pseudo-science and “peak oil conspiracy theory”) shows the oil, coal, etc. to be biological, though of course the building block hydrocarbons are originally abiotic, and the elements themselves, from primeval supernovae.

  37. Re: “US corporations…taking the country down”: Not really so much Amerikan or European as they are international, or Global. No loyalty toward any nation or people but only to the pursuit of wealth and control.

  38. The demographic evidence alone is enough, I think, to prove we’re at or near “peak oil” and the peaks of several other things.

  39. “Please don’t encourage relocation.”

    Dixiegirl- I don’t know why you would discourage self-aware Whites (who, by and large, are the only readers of OD) to ‘save themselves from the wrath that is to come.’

    In our family, we are only two generations away from farmers. Yes, our learning curve will be steep. But why deny us the chance to live amongst our own people, doing that which European Yeoman have done for millennia? I think we can learn how to do the things necessary to survive, if we have enough lead time. But the window is getting shorter and shorter.

    DG, do you know of survival If not, how would you feel about it, with this viewpoint?

    Better to ban Yids and Nigs from coming to the country, and start that SE Secession Nation ASAP…

    [Right, Hunter?]

    than to say we fellow Folk are to stay in areas where we no longer wanted to live, anyway.

  40. “the pocket the Deep Horizon was after was drill-able in shallower water but environmental issues forced them to drill deeper.”


    The water depth was only a part of the challenge that Transocean failed to meet when they blew out with that Deep Water Horizon rig.

    My main point was: It took a pipe string 7 *miles* long to get deep enough into the earth’s rocky crust to get at that reservoir. Think about the unimaginably immense pressures from 6 miles of overlying rock upon every square inch of that oil. When the bit poked through into that oil and those pressures suddenly released, the blowout preventer on that rig, the best BOP in existence, was so laughably inadequate that BP had the biggest spill in history — enough to kill the Gulf. (And killing Gulf fishing is bad for White people — White fishermen and White people who would eat that fish.)
    Matt Simmons (of Simmons In’tl an energy-industry investment banker firm) author of Twilight in the Desert, had scathing criticism of BP’s utter callous disregard for what they were attempting to do without adequate safety equipment.

    That Transocean might have drilled in shallower water but for the enviros, does not change the fact that it’s the pressures from the overlying “stuff” when going down to those immense depths, is what we can’t handle.
    In fact, drilling to depths requiring 7 miles of pipestring in shallower water would make the pressures even greater. (Since rock weighs more than water. Shallower water means more rock to drill through.)
    Had we attempted this dunderheaded feat on land, that blowout, and the ensuing fire, would have given even old Hellfighter Red Adair a bit of pause, to state it lightly.

  41. Why discourage you from moving here?

    You are not our people; we have enough yankees, even you Fr John are often very critical of the everyday common Southron man. Whatever ideas you have about living here in the rural South is probably false, and I don’t think you’ll like your neighbors very much. And because you always fail. Maybe if you both have a rural back ground, as in you both grew up on a farm, you might make the transition. Normally it ends very badly, bankrupt and divorce often enough.

    I see a new family try it every few years. I know one family that lasted 5 years or so and then break, and one that pulled it off. The others didn’t last long enough for me to invite them to our pig pickin’s. Hells bells selling hobby farm steads to slicks is almost a cottage industry. City/ town girls do not do well with rural life, they get bored quickly. And frustrated because it’s a 30 minute trip to the store when they forget to buy bread etc. That horse you’ve always wanted isn’t a big dog, it requires much more care. Them goats are freak escape artist and will require a lot of work to keep them hemmed in. That 5 acres with a fence around it takes constant work. It takes years for your pond to mature. Years of soil test and tweaking to figure out your best crops. Want to go the organic route? You better have a LOT of money or experience and really both would be best. Them cute deer ruin your crops is you don’t see to it. The list goes on and on and on. The men last a little longer but get beat down trying to work a full-time job and work a farm. Especially if your driving any distance to work your normal skill set.

    Making your own homestead requires skill, knowledge, time, insane amounts of work and money. The less you have of the 1st 4 items the more you will need of the last. And folks have an unrealistic expectations of help from locals who have their own busy life

    I know one slick who has made the transition and he has money; like rock star money. Not sure what he does to earn his pay, but I know he does it all from home.

    You are much more likely to succeed by staying put and working a better plan.

    survivor blog gives out some good info on occasions but mostly his advice is crap. You’ll do better ignoring rawels and survivor blog; staying put and making a plan for where you are. The guy who started the whole retreat to the country deal died from being in the country to far from help.

    On second thought yankees should fallow survivor blog to the letter

  42. Pro whites talk around the clock about how The Establishment lies continuously about race, anthropology, crime, the Holocaust, history, etc., etc.

    But they believe them about everything else.

    One poster above mentioned Science. He spoke of it as a monolithic solid rather than as it actually is. A few above do not understand exactly what a hydrocarbon is. One mentioned the supernova hypothesis.

    In addition to political and ideological websites, I maintain an interest in science and the various mainstream and alt science community. Alt political and ideology people generally know little of science. The alt science community generally suck at communication and advocacy. Where pro whites writers and sites like Hunter Wallace shine, most of the alt science people are about as good advocating their positions as pro whites were about 25 years ago. That is why most people don’t know much about what is going on in that arena. It is not that they are dumb or anything, just so inexperienced.

    He didn’t write much on peak oil, just some, but an excellent introduction of how the scientific establishment is as bad or even worse than the political establishment, is James P. Hogan. He died in 2010 but his website is still up and his book, Kicking the Sacred Cow is an excellent introduction and overviews of several scientific controversies and dissenting views. One of his books, Chaos, Convolutions and Catastrophes has two good sections on this subject as well. And one section of KTSC is available online, AIDS Heresy in a Virocentric Universe.

  43. Too bad all those white people in the world who love slavery so much didn’t just leave the blacks in africa and just learned to do their own work. There would be no blacks here in the first place* and we could have gone to mars. Our cities would be civilized places.
    Instead there were those who were too proud and too haughty to do their own work themselves and too proud to get their hands dirty.
    * the africans did not have ships back then. the africans still don’t have ships. the never would have made it over here on their own.
    but, you are proud, independent southerners. “you all” are so “independent” you can’t even do your own work, you made the blacks do it in chains, yoked and whipped.
    then you acted superior, but you were actually inferior to the blacks , because you were too incapable and/or too lazy to do your own work.
    so now, it’s all coming back to bite “you all” on the ass, and i just don’t give a shit.

  44. Joe, do you understand anything about this blog or economics of our nation at its founding?

  45. “Why discourage you from moving here? You are not our people…(not) even you…. Whatever ideas you have about living here in the rural South is probably false, and I don’t think you’ll like your neighbors very much.”

    NOT THE SAME PEOPLE ! Because WRONG LOCATION (wrong latitude, wrong climate) of birthplace and upbringing trumps even identical “Anglo-Celt” white DNA!

    “And because you always fail…. Normally it ends very badly, bankrupt and divorce….”

    Southward migration across the Line generally ends in bankruptcy and divorce!

    “City/ town girls do not do well…they get bored quickly.”

    Boredom, endless work and impoverishment finishes them. Again, wrong place of origin, NORTH of the Line — especially with FEMALES — trumps even identical DNA ???

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