
District of Corruption

(1) 35 percent of White voters support Obama’s reelection. If 65 percent of White voters support Romney, and he gets 20 percent of the non-White vote, he wins by a comfortable margin.

“So, despite most of what you have read about demographics being political destiny, the 2012 presidential election boils down to the pursuit of those white voters who helped then-Sen. Obama hit the 43 percent mark in 2008, but who are now disappointed by the president’s performance in office.

This cohort of white voters comprises about 8 percent of the total electorate (roughly speaking). They are more middle-income than not, more female than not, more anxious than not, and of an age where they still have to worry about the generation in front of them as well as the generation behind.”

(2) Niall Ferguson on how Europe could be the pivotal swing state in the 2012 presidential election.

“Most Americans are bored or baffled by Europe. Try explaining the latest news about Greek politics or Spanish banks, and their eyelids begin to droop. So, at the end of a four-week road trip round Europe, let me try putting this in familiar American terms.”

“Baffled” is an excellent term for anyone trying to understand the complex machinations by which Washington-The Fed-Wall Street and Brussels-Germany-European Central Bank has kept the whole zombiefied financial system afloat since the 2008 financial crisis.

Most Americans have an unshakeable gut feeling that the whole house of cards is going to come crashing down sooner or later. It is a guessing game though as to exactly when that will finally happen.

(3) Kunstler on the Spanish mess that could easily metastasize and wind up sinking Obama.

“With the kind of aplomb characteristic of a waiter lifting the silver serving dome to expose a roasted goose, Europe has looked deep into its organs of finance and produced 100 billion E-bucks for the ailing banks of sad-sack nephew Spain. Where did all that money come from? Out of Europe’s ass. That is where all new money comes from these days: an international diarrhea of money. Maybe that is why the great nations of the West feel like shit.

They are not likely to feel better if they keep shitting money all over themselves. Rather, they will end up sitting in the gutter in Chinatown being laughed at by Chinese businessmen passing by on the sidewalk. The Chinese businessmen will glance down and say, “Look, here are the clowns we used to see at Davos, Switzerland, every year eating foie gras. Now they are pathetic crack-heads beshitting themselves. And, hark, the lice crawling all over them are shouting and banging on pots!”

At what point does it end though? Guess we will to keep waiting to find out. I’m sure that I will live to see the day. It can’t be long now.

(3) $100 billion euros for Spain … how many billion euros can they possibly cough up for Italy?

“VENICE — Concerns grew on Monday that Italy could be the next victim of Europe’s financial infection, leading nervous investors to sell Italian stocks and bonds and damping euphoria over a weekend deal to bail out Spain’s banks.

The main fear is that Italy cannot grow its way out of a recession fast enough to pay a mountainous national debt. Other concerns include the fact that Italy, with the third-largest euro zone economy after those of Germany and France, will have to shoulder a large portion of the bailout bill even as it grapples with its own sharp economic downturn.”

How exactly are these countries supposed to “grow” while their workforces are destined to age as their populations die off? Doesn’t that mean their economies will contract? What effect will that have on the world economy?

About Hunter Wallace 12414 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Denninger is the most pessimistic of the lot at his market ticker blog spot, but even he speculates in the stock market casino, so how much can we listen to anyone on financial meltdowns? I give it a year or two before this hits our shores, but I still play the game. I guess this means that we still want to keep one foot in “Ammuuurica” and all its faults instead of striking out for HW’s Confederacy and a new start. But if the crash happens and those digital dollars dissappear and the NZ army shows up in your town, then I guess it is a new ball game.

  2. Unfettered third world emigration really annihilated the prospects of young-uns in Europe. No where left to run. It’s also quite painful to witness how hard it is for an American to get a visa or residency in the UK. The current conservatives are planning to restrict naturalization through marriage based on income level of English spouse. American’s who might end up streaming back to the motherland (real scenario) will be lower down the pecking order than a Pakistani or Black South African if this sort of thing holds. A population separated by a common language, political customs and allied in war (separated in blood by no more than few generations) is quietly being pried apart. A nog in a Paris Banlieu has more residency rights in the UK than John Smith from North Carolina, Joe Bloggs Virginia or James Connor Alabama.

    A people sundered.

  3. British citizen spouse I should say. This means a loaded criminal black or Arab or south Asian can import women and men at will. An ordinary guy or girl can’t
    bring in a Yank etc etc if they find them. If you have to bolt BRA the UK might be very nearly out of reach.

  4. “….A population separated by a common language, political customs and allied in war (separated in blood by no more than few generations) is quietly being pried apart. A nog in a Paris Banlieu has more residency rights in the UK than John Smith from North Carolina, Joe Bloggs Virginia or James Connor Alabama.

    A people sundered…”

    What foreign immigration into european countries didn’t finish, the curtailing of an exodus or meeting places, does.

    But why? Why is this what they want to do? The visible tops of Europe have no affiliation with European people— the pope is a ‘universalist’ with his growing population in the third world, not among europeans, and he knows it— that’s his future, and the trends now. The queen’s disempowered, seemingly, the “de-colonizing” process really meaning colonizing her previous areas with non-europeans, leaving her children to be the kings of that. The corporations want cheap and irresponsible. So there seems no advocate at all.

  5. Of the 35% of whites that continue to support Obama how many are hard ‘Left’? There are whites dedicated to an anti-white agenda whether explicitly or implicitly. There are the homosexuals which will break heavily for Obama. Then there are the radical feminists/pro-choicers. Your hardcore communists/anarchists (of the non-libertarian persuasion) will support Obama regardless. A disproportionate number of white federal dependents will support Obama; such as union people, retirees, welfare parasites, students. I’m referring to people looking for a handout. What amount of the 35% I wonder is made of up these people and what number may switch over to Romney? A lot depends on who comprises this 35%.

  6. “and he gets 20 percent of the non-White vote” Seems unlikely. I hope that one day I’ll be alive to witness the Democrat political machine finally reap the benefits of their demographic dillution political strategy…..at the end of a rope or a burning tire put there by their own “constituents” for the pleasure of the new party leadership named General Big Taco click click Mugumbo sitting atop a lazy-boy throne with spinning rims.

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