Sick From Freedom


H/T Comrade Shays

This is fascinating. I’m definitely going to buy and review this book.

I’ve never seen this mentioned anywhere except in The Day Dixie Died. There was a widespread belief among Southern planters that emancipation would prove to be a disaster and that free negroes would starve to death from their own laziness. That actually happened.

I’ve seen some press accounts from 1865 and 1866 of ex-slaves that starved to death along the roads and within some of the cities in Alabama and Georgia. It wasn’t uncommon for negroes to abandon the plantations (typically the field hands) and rush off to the cities in expectation of some kind of millenarian free for all awaiting them.

Freedom failed.

“At least one quarter of the four million former slaves got sick or died between 1862 and 1870, Professor Downs writes, including at least 60,000 (the actual number is probably two or three times higher, he argues) who perished in a smallpox epidemic that began in Washington and spread through the South as former slaves traveled in search of work — an epidemic that Professor Downs says he is the first to reconstruct as a national event.

Historians of the Civil War have long acknowledged that two-thirds of all military casualties came from disease rather than heroic battle. But they have been more reluctant to dwell on the high number of newly emancipated slaves that fell prey to disease, dismissing earlier accounts as propaganda generated by racist 19th-century doctors and early-20th-century scholars bent on arguing that blacks were biologically inferior and unsuited to full political rights.”

How many negroes do you suppose would starve to death without the EBT card, WIC, and TANF welfare?

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I would guess at least 60% of blacks would starve to death if something goes very wrong with the American food supply in today’s world.

  2. If the crowd of blacks in New Orleans is any indication 100% would die off in a cataclysm. They are completely useless.

  3. I think the great majority will probably perish once the gubmint’s largesse runs dry. Outright starvation, epidemic and death by enraged, well-armed property owners will likely be the biggest factors. Sort of like the post-War Between the States years.

  4. The review was of a book written by NYC/Connecticut jackass.

    This is the line I loved:

    But they have been more reluctant to dwell on the high number of newly emancipated slaves that fell prey to disease, dismissing earlier accounts as propaganda generated by racist 19th-century doctors and early-20th-century scholars bent on arguing that blacks were biologically inferior and unsuited to full political rights.

    …. It couldn’t have been true because it was “rayciss” doctors and scholars writing about it …. because they were “rayciss”.

    Welcome to the fucking truth Jim Downs, assistant professor of history at Connecticut College.

    The question I would have for the faggot(?) brat, and I only assume this based on my question, is why, and how does he afford to live in the most expensive city in the USA as an assistant professor at essentially unheard of small private college in Connecticut?

    And why does he worship the negro so?

    If there is anything you ever need from the NYT, let me know, as I am a actual subscriber (yes I pay just to do the crossword), but I have access to the historical database that is available online.

  5. Hunter – I had two links in my last post and it got caught in the trap, please delete this after approving.

    thank you,

  6. This is imo proof that individualism is the winning ideology and laissez-faire the economic model. The Negro race is overwhlemingly composed of ‘people’ that just can’t function in a non-collectivist society. They would rather starve than work. This has been documented by plantation owners(h/t Hunter re: Caribbean Proj.), liberal historians and anyone’s day-to-day observance in major Negro population centers.

    Collectivism has certainly succeeded at suppressing the Negro race in the past but is inadequate for three non-exhaustive reasons:

    1.) Requires active/constant effort of productive community to keep the Negroes in their place when they are already a stagnant group that no longer has a role to play on the world stage.(!)

    2.) Groundwork is laid for arbitrary oppression. The weapons of state-power and political patronage became a crutch for Southrons postbellum. After it was turned on them they were helpless, struck down by their own staff. Ex. In chief: Democratic Party.

    3.) Most Negroes are brutes but a handful are legitimately gifted and would excel in a free society as individuals sans entitlements. It doesn’t make economic, moral or cultural sense to exclude gifted Negroes from contributing to society in athletics, performing arts, business or other pursuits. The way forward for the self-actualized Negro individual can only be through the obliteration of the concept of a Negro race.

    Similarly but not entirely so, the way forward for New World Whites is not collectivism….. Not to sacrifice ourselves as unique individuals on a bombed out Monte Cassino alter of Whitism. Not to redouble efforts to ‘win’ the never-ending king of the hill game that is collectivist politics. Rather, New World Whites must reject altruism and return to a Constutionalist mindset of individualism. Most New World Whites are decent citizens but many are scum, many of the scum are attracted to White identity politics because like the Political Negro they sense their inability to compete and feel deserving of lifelong entitlement for the happenstance of their birth.

    Equality of the races is a lie. So to is the equality of all Whites…..the founding fathers knew this and allowed only property owners suffrage. That a street sweeper is more honorable than a foreign king on account of his racial passport is a stupefying lie. The White Supremacist afraid to compete against individuals of other races in an open market of products and ideas is a hypocrite that lacks faith in himself and by extension his race.

  7. why would sane people want even the gifted negros around given they still commit a disproportionally high rate of crime, their offspring would return to the normally low “average talents” for negros and the so called talented negros prefer a life, political arrangement and “culture” alien to our own?

  8. Africa needs all the gifted Negroes it can get. We don’t need them or want them. If you want them,Tamer of Savages, go be with them in Africa.

  9. I’m not sure I understand. Wanting Negroes around? I am enthusiastically cheering on the defacto mass starvation of the Negro race and am addressed as though I am proposing new AA strictures.

    Shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves…… Regardless of whether gifted Negroes have children and regardless of whether these imaginary children dramatically regress in terms of IQ, it is immoral and economically unsound to proscribe someone from making a living to the best of their honest ability in any respectable field for any reason. What exactly is your objection to for instance, living nextdoor to Clarence Thomas or Michael Jordan? They might not have smart enough offspring? The political arrangement and culture of the aforementioned two Negroes is our culture. They are productive citizens, unlike the majority of Negroes.

  10. For example, I was disgusted to read that Poland takes African soccer players now. Yechh! Sports teams seem to be the tip of the spear of white genocide. South Africa committed suicide over rugby.

    We need to find a counter-mindweapon to the sports bullshit.

  11. “How many negroes do you suppose would starve to death without the EBT card, WIC, and TANF welfare?”

    Just like my post earlier, in which I pointed out that while I (personally) don’t want slavery, it is the only useful thing for Blacks who would remain in a secessionist White Republic…. Here, too, I am not advocating for the starvation of a hominid.

    But stupid is as stupid does. I remember a parishioner once saying, “My grandfather was so clueless about making meals, he’d have starved in a grocery store, with a can opener in hand.” That about sums it up.

    Why do we Whites assume that we are supposed to ‘help’ everyone? Because, we are a Christian people. Why do we Whites exhibit such a pattern of altruism and benevolence towards all- whether human, hominid, or animal? Because we come from the Christian- dom (Christendom). Why did even our Germanic ancestors act in solidarity amongst themselves, and why did the Celts not refuse hospitality to any ‘man,’ (which, back then, would NOT have included a Negro!) even BEFORE becoming Christians? Because we are the Adamic (therefore, Chosen) race. It’s in our DNA- and only our DNA. THAT’S WHY.

    We tend to listen to all the ‘good sayings’ in the Bible, and think they apply to everyone, everywhere, without qualification. But then we also have those verses that clearly delineate that there is a people of God, and then there are the ‘nations round about.’ We read of ‘one taken, and one left,’ and don’t think it applies to either us- or the people We know. But why not? Are we so afraid of the truth, we willingly ‘supress it in unrighteousness’? Could be. But when we even see/hear Jesus say, ‘Not everyone who saith unto me, Lord, Lord, etc.’ and ‘I am sent ONLY to the lost sheep of the house of Israel,’ and “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to their dogs,” why is it, we purposefully DON’T apply it to our racial and theological enemies. Why is that? (for we can, and should- THAT is what Our Lord was intimating, for crying out loud…)

    The Orthodox (Greeks, Russians) know who their enemies are- the Greeks lived under Muslim domination for centuries. They KNOW what a racial/religious enemy is, and they don’t hesitate to define it. Do you think Maj. Hassan would have LIVED A DAY, had his butchery happened at a GREEK Army base? Hell, no!

    Thus it was, is, and ever shall be, that I said we need to learn to see things from a Patristic, Orthodox, Biblical point of view- and that is NOT the Roman/Western altruism misapplied p.o.v.

    St. Theodosius of the Kiev Caves Lavra noted: “Live in peace not only with your friends, but also with your enemies; But only with your personal enemies, and not with the enemies of God.”

    We need to relearn this way of thinking, which is eminently biblical, asap.

  12. For examples of the depths the white race has fallen, look no further than the comment sections. Western man have enjoyed organized sport for milennia. Now sports are seen by the white misfit as a propaganda ‘weapon’ and derided as ‘bullshit’ that leads to ‘genocide’. This sounds more like a lib/socialist critiquing Olympia than anything else.

    New World Whites used to import Negroes for giggles (Ota Benga) and slave labor. Now a few darkies on a rugby team sends chills down the spine of the white misfit. He recoils in terror in his computer chair and scratches his chin, trying to come up with a “counter-mindweapon”.

  13. The problem of altruism, Fr. is that taken to its logical conclusion altruism means hard socialism. In the past it was ‘ok’ for the 3rd world to struggle, God wanted it. After 3rd worlders dumped God they began looking for socialism in this life instead of the next.

    Now it should be noted that the churches you speak so highly of both have storied histories of collaboration with various socialist governments. The relatively racially homogeneous societies in Greece and Russia have more to do with economic failure in the face of church corruption and endorsement of socialism than anything else. Poverty and racial homogeneity are positively correlated, so is faith.

  14. your high end negros will produce less talented offspring. It’s they way it goes, proven by research. We also see it in the army all the time, negro kids with successful parents go feral all the time. Who wants that around?

    you mention jordon, my children went to a private school with his kin; TNB and the kids were kicked out of the school

    successful negros still engage in TNB. Who wants that around?

    the negros you love will lobby for rules and laws that favor negros. Who wants that?

    They will have less successful negro relatives coming to visit or live with them. Who wants that next door?

    successful sports and “music” negros cause all types of problems. Who the hell wants those problems? and the negros who do those things are the low end negros that cause so much crime and attack Whites. basket ball does not off set the negatives, rap “music” doesn’t either

    The negros would be free to leave the South and purse any opportunity they wanted.
    tamer you can have the negros all of them. I’d prefer White folk, even the ones who didn’t do so well in the genetic lottery of life

  15. The IQ range of Negroes is the widest of any race, due to the low lows. IQ of offspring will most often trend towards the mean. This is all true. That being said and BECAUSE of that, no one is responsible for the shortcomings of their father, neither are fathers responsible for the shortcomings of their children. Your ‘argument’ is immoral and veers into dangerous territory. Ashkenazi Jews and East Asians could stand against white neighbors using the same absurd IQ of children argument.

    People are accountable for their own actions. Loser offspring will always fall back through the cracks. Expelling Jordan’s children for poor behavior was rational, evicting Jordan from his mansion would be anything but.

  16. To be 100% clear, it was not M Jordan kid’s but his direct kin.

    Enjoy your kids dealing with the feral negros in your neighborhood, breaking into your car, starting fights, harassing your daughters, blaring rap music when they drive down your street etc all. Go live with your beloved negros but do not force that on the rest of us.

  17. Another foible of the White Statist: opposition to wealthy non-Whites in a hypothetical white state. Is it rational for the White Statist to sacrifice tax revenue from Negro millionaires? Citizen Herman Cain’s taxes could be redistributed to poor whites, the cotton could be crowned anew by subsidies, or maybe a wall of some sort could be erected – job creation!

    Pride stands in the way, again. Oh and the Cain kids might get expelled from their segregated school.

  18. yes it is worth excluding them because you avoid all the down sides as well. It’s clear you love money and put those things as the highest value. You will never understand those of us who do not

    the tax revenue will not offset the liabilities. and you’ve not addressed any potential problems. I prefer to avoid problems and one of the easy ways to do that is avoid negros at all levels.

  19. Western man have enjoyed organized sport for milennia. Now sports are seen by the white misfit as a propaganda ‘weapon’ and derided as ‘bullshit’ that leads to ‘genocide’. This sounds more like a lib/socialist critiquing Olympia than anything else.M/i>

    Yes, on a much different scale. Organized sport was done locally in towns. It belonged to us. It wasn’t some “professional” thing.

    Sports fandom of the modern jet-setting variety gets people to be less concerned about their families, their towns, what is local and near and (should be) dear to them, and instead dreaming far away fantasies of sports heroes and other forms of celebrity and mass media.

    Mass entertainment has clearly become a form of soft control. It gets a certain percentage of the population thinking like Tamer of Savages — that tax revenue is something that matters.

    Tax revenue is an issue in modern governments because there is limitless corruption. Every possible bit of wealth is extracted to two entities; banks and government. Loan installment payments, and taxes.

    Think about the fact that almost everyone is in debt. It’s a fact of modern life. And anyone who isn’t in debt, is strongly encouraged to get in debt.

    This is not sustainable. J.P. Morgan has 80 trillion in derivatives bets, and only (only, LOL) 1.8 trillion in capitalization.

    They’ve set it up so everybody owes everybody, coming and going, and the nominal debt is paid by money printing. I recently got a newsletter from Ron Paul that an “Audit the Fed” bill is comnig up this summer. The bill might end up being useless when the whole thing blows up anyway.

    Or perhaps it won’t “blow up” right away. They’ll just keep printing money and putting people out of house and home, and force the newly poor to act collectively and use what assets of land and equipment and manpower that we have left for basic survival.

    If we are forced into such local economic communes, we will find that we are indeed capable. THat we don’t need banks or mortgages or car loans or credit cards. We need massively distributed small scale food production instead of Con Agra and Monsanto, car sharing/gypsy cabs, black markets and open air bazaars (yard sale nation) instead of Walmart.

    Town level sports and town level theater, instead of “pro” sports and TV/movies.

    Itz coming.

  20. Oops, bad formatting above. I quoted Tamer of Savages for one paragraph, then it is my writing.

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