I’m including the cover story of the latest issue of Time magazine, Jose Antonio Vargas’s “Not Legal Not Leaving,” who you may recall from last summer’s grandstanding article in The New York Times Magazine, in the Amurrica Series:

Note: I will say again that it is time to dissolve the Union.
Vargas and the rest of his fellow illegal aliens from 25 different countries can have the United States. Obama can be their president. The Southern states ought to secede from America and form the Republic of Dixie.
If the dark messiah of Kenya gets re-elected, there will be another Civil War – sure as shootin’. No one will believe that he was re-elected honestly!
It should have been a Republican Landslide, but we’ll see what tricks the D-Party degenerates have up their sleeve in November.
They’re pretty smug and sure of Obamama’s re-upping! Won’t happen legitimately!
All they need are powdered wigs and frock coats and the illusion is complete.
… We are gypshuns n sheit.
Hunter, people should be careful when they talk about dissolving the Union, Southerners in particular.
If the Union were to be dissolved, then we assume it could only be under circumstances where there is no longer any kind of central authority holding it togethor by force — no Washington DC, no federal troops, just disparate regions and the racial majorites that control them.
So it essentially boils down to numbers. Politics goes out the window, and numerical racial majority becomes the rule of the land. There are more white people in the North than in the South. There are more niggers and beaners in the South than inn the North. Where do think people are going to go, if it came to that, given those demographic realities?
You might then say ‘The Yankees in the North will welcome all niggers from South and take care of them because it’s the historical Yankee way’ or some such. Well, that’s just way off. This isn’t 1861 anymore. Racial attitudes today are demonstrably harder among Northern whites than they are among Southern whites. Without the federal government in place to strong-arm us into tolerating the presence of niggers, like has been the case in Detroit since 1838, there would be nothing stopping us from expelling them from our territory — certainly not some antiquated notions about “Yankee utopianism” that no one today would have any clue about anyway.
And the above would hold true in every city and state in the North, even the ones in New England.
So what do you think the niggers are going to do? Stay in the cold states where they’ve been utterly cut-off, chased out, and hunted down? No, they are going to migrate South, where it’s warm & hospitable, where they can steal chickens and catch catfish or whatever they do, and most of all, where they are the numerical majority in many areas.
The beaners, gooks, and assorted mystery-meats would go back where they came from in short order. They have no claim here, and wouldn’t risk their necks over one.
If anything resembling civilization emerges from a dissolution of the Union, it’s going to be where white people are the numerical majority, and where white people are the most conservative. This rules out Dixie, and the Pacific Northwest.
Personally, I don’t want to divide up this country and trade populations like baskets of fruit at a farmers market. I want white people in every region of America to take responsibility for their own homeland when the time comes.
As the retrogrades flood into the Northern states and are there long enough the stupid liberals will come to their senses and flip to the right.
This New Yorker was one of the first … hilarious …
” The Bird Feeder ” 2:11 min
Enjoy : )
Amen, HW! I’m ready right now. To hell with the failed Union. It’s been a disaster for my people for more than a century and half.
“Without the federal government in place to strong-arm us into tolerating the presence of niggers, like has been the case in Detroit since 1838, there would be nothing stopping us from expelling them from our territory — certainly not some antiquated notions about “Yankee utopianism” that no one today would have any clue about anyway.”
Actually the north is already driving them south, via gentrification and such, so you’re absolutely spot on about that.
As to the op: So, I suppose they’ll consume twice the social services that they consume already.
“So it essentially boils down to numbers…and numerical racial majority becomes the rule of the land.”
Generally that’s true but in this particular case 10 fully aware white people > 50 “nice” white people because a segment of the not fully aware people will always try to be “fair.” North or South you want to be near white people who are fully aware.
Personally i’d head for the nearest
– Afrikaners / Rhodesians
– Southerners
– Any bluecollar area that’s had a lot of experience of diversity
“I’m an American”
Then I’m a billionaire. Do words mean anything any more?
Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana are easily the states where White racial attitudes are the hardest.
The influx of blacks to the South was part of the overall trend of migration to the Sunbelt. Most of them were retired public employees. Far more Whites moved here than blacks.
In any case, that’s over now as a result of the financial crisis and real estate crash.
Blacks are leaving the areas where they are a numerical majority. The Black Belt is losing population. There are no jobs that would attract them back either.
I’m in favor of returning them to Africa … the ones in the Caribbean too.
Isn’t Time magazine owned by a jew?
Vargas and the rest of his fellow illegal aliens from 25 different countries can have the United States. Obama can be their president. The Southern states ought to secede from America and form the Republic of Dixie.
Hunter W
Yep, my thoughts exactly. negors, quers, hajjis, DWL’s, yankees and beaners can have the usa, just give me Dixie and our mountains
The yankees here say Whites up north don’t like negros, but I don’t see it. If it true most yankees keep that dislike very well concealed.
“I will say again that it is time to dissolve the Union.”
I will miss you guys. Really.
Its more than just Black vs White.
The Blacks are the immediate threat but in the long term the Browns have to be dealt with also. They are at equal numbers with the Blacks now and are nearly as dangerous.
The Asians are the easiest to deal with, just cut immigration to zero and boot some of them and the remainder won’t be much of a problem.
The Jews too are self correcting as they have ultra-low fertility rates (less than the low end of Europe) and are heavily interbred with Whites (40%) So long as the Liberal are kept out of power it shouldn’t be an issue.
I could care less about the Arabs either, again deport a few and reduce immigration to zero.
At that point we can get back to sanity.
Most likely though we’ll have to split the union, Dixie will have to make sure it has nukes to keep the next Lincoln at bay and they’ll boot everyone which in the event I don;t end up back there will make life harder for the rest of us Whites and Ex-Pat Southrons among the Damn Yankees but so be it …
Re: “Racial attitudes today are demonstrably harder among Northern whites than they are among Southern whites.” Hyperbole? Or could this be true in some urban northern areas, due to constant contact? Not true in many rural northern areas where there is little or no contact or experience. Interesting viewpoint, I cannot judge.
These invaders are pathetic. They hate the shitholes their fathers are from so much they won’t go back no matter what, but when their here they have to shove their friggin loser culture they’ve fled from in our white REAL American faces. But what’s even more pathetic is the legal “Americans” put up with these low level turd word invaders coming into our house and telling us to our face they refuse to leave.
The US of A has become nothing more than a 3rd world flophouse. Like your neighborhood crackhouse or whorehouse. Thanks, DWL’s!
That photo on the cover of time should make every true American’s heart sink. That is the future we’re leaving our children. It will be a turd world shithole exactly like the turd world shitheads we import. Damn, I hate DWLs!
I don’t have any faith in mexicans and other brown skins.
I’ve over heard way to many mexcians in the army say they were more loyal to mexcio then the usa, sported mexican flags, had mexican flag tattoo’s, even claiming they would fight for mexico vs the usa. And they aren’t always 1st generation mexicans. The two in my sons platoon who said they would were 2nd and 3rd generation, but spoke “English” like it was their second language. Which was, initially, shocking to me because the old school mexican family I knew in Texas were fiercely loyal to Texas, the South and the USA in that order. Of course they were also very European as well.
Just look at their disgusting faces! They either look pissed off, like they want to mugg us, or just stupid, like looking into the face of a carp or bass.
Chris, I LOL’ed hard at “steal chickens and catch catfish”. Nice.
Couldn’t read the TIME article but read the NYT article, well half of it. Of course the Times sees that Filipino as a model illegal immigrant because he became a journalist. He was also awarded a Pulitzer Prize which means liberal scumbags think he’s sufficiently liberal and scummy. The illegal describes becoming a journalist as his ‘living the American dream’ when that career was long ago wrestled from men of ideas and dignity. Now instead of Lippmanns that elevate the discourse we get Vargas’s to rabblerouse and annoint themselves – in Vargas’s case – as an ‘activist’.
The racial attitudes of regional whites: an interesting topic. My limited experiences in the South suggest a consensus that moderates the outward expression of racial views. Call it political politeness or political correctness coupled with the assumption other Whites share a disdain for Negroes that need not be vulgarly expreseed.
In the North the exact opposite is true. Whites are almost caricatures of anti-racism/racism, trying to convert one another or rebel in either direction against authority figures. While Northeners aren’t ‘harder’ in their racial views, per se, they’re definitely more extreme one way or the other.
I’m living in New England and can say that these people are really hard to peg. First off, they are sort of clannish, outsiders are not welcomed as quickly as say, California. Secondly, there are lots of place you can go here and be around just whites. That said, South and Central Americans, and Azoreans have taken over many of the old white industrial cities totally.
IMO, we are at a point where no white ally can be turned away. Yankee whites should support their Southern bretheren, and vice versa. I’d much rather see us regain our entire country (including California)than seccede from it, which should be a last resort.
My limited experiences in the South suggest a consensus that moderates the outward expression of racial views. Call it political politeness or political correctness coupled with the assumption other Whites share a disdain for Negroes that need not be vulgarly expreseed.
Very astute and accurate observation. I know a number of Southron liberals, who folks would think should be secular and pro BRA but who are righteous and sound on the race question. What they want is liberal policies to add Southron White families only. Which I think would be more inline with the old left of the early 1900’s.
My only long term experience with yankees an race is yankees who join the Army thinking all Southrons are “evil racist” only to learn race realism. Often they report their family is very disappointed in them blaming their “racism” and negros TNB on…. “evil Southron racist”
I have to disagree Wayne. Even if we pushed out every non White, the usa still needs to break up into 3-4 smaller nations. Even among Whites we have to many varying and opposing interests to ever be a united nation again.
If I could wave a magic wand and have my way, righteous White men would join forces, chase at all non Whites, queers, DWL’s etc etc then peacefully divvy up what use to be the usa into regions that share common heritages, heroes, traditions and political/ economic interests.
The only Yankees with hard attitudes about the negroes might be those at the lower end of the economic spectrum. Nothing more than a fringe group, really. The Yankee DWL’s adore and worship negroes. I’ve heard transplanted Yankees say hundreds of times “I don’t mind the blacks here, but I can’t stand the white trash.” We know where we stand with these people.
In the economic rape of the South by Yankees following the war may have been conveniently excised from the history books Yankee mommy professor uses to educate children in the public school system, but the truth remains. That any white Southerners exist is a testament to the strength and endurance of the Southern people.
Southern plantation owners were taxed so heavily they were forced to sell their land, and Yankee absentee landlords controlled almost all economic activity in the South from that period long into the twentieth century right up through the post-WW2 period. Most Yankees fail to realize that that is still within living memory. Many rural Southerners were transformed from yeoman farmers before the war into sharecroppers after the war and remained so for generations.
We had civilization here in the South until the Yankees ended segregation and began the wholesale immigration of brown people we see coming to a head now. They despise and mock our culture and our way of life. They elected Obama without our consent just like they elected Lincoln without our consent. They have not changed an iota. We will continue to have impositions such as these as long as we are yoked to the failed Yankee Empire. Our ancestors could see that very clearly and chose secession to prevent this very outcome.
Southern men, make no mistake about it, to most Yankees, you are lower than niggers.
Palmetto Patriot is right. It’s past time we shed ourselves of any connection to the failed Yankee Empire.
Deo Vindice
“”… We are gypshuns n sheit.””
You means we “is” gypschuns n sheit.
It’s important to remember that none of these illegal immigrants would be here without the consent and collusion of the federal government. It’s all part of the “invade the world, invite the world” strategy so beloved by our elites.
Dispossession is all part of the plan. It’s how the they roll.
Deo Vindice
I vaguely recall a post somewhere in the archives that confirmed Time has “fallen to the Jew.” It used to be owned by Henry Luce and was just as bad back then. It was Time that came up with the phrase “The American Century.”
Apuleius writes some of the best post around
It would be really useful to have an OBJECTIVE and ACCURATE report on true racial attitudes. Not carefully culled information to back up the writer’s already staunch opinion.
I will take this opportunity to offer an apology to Hunter Wallace for comments I made several months ago about the South. I based those comments on ONLY close and prolonged contact with the South ONLY to somewhat south of Tennessee. I therefore cannot speak about on the people farther south. They may well be just as described. I have been to all Southern states, but only for brief visits. I extrapolated too much, in other words.
HOWEVER, my extrapolation was based on other sources that I felt a reasonable degree of accuracy in for making my claims. But I do not *know.* I cannot say for sure since I did not live for years farther South. But I do not *know* that my first judgment is in error, either. Frankly I have doubts that it was wrong. But I can’t speak with authority one way or the other. The Southern people here on this site may well be right, and the South has much harder racial attitudes AND these attitudes are in the context suggested here and are due to the motivations asserted.
If so, good.
I will have to say, however, that Southern people south of northern Georgia would have to be at least ten times different from northern Georgia to the Ohio river for this to be in any way anything like accurate. I will say that.
I must also say that if anyone thinks that any great number of Northerners are nigger lovers, they are wrong. Of course “editorials” and people like Brooks Simpson and other DWL’s make it look like ALL “Yankees” are such and such way. But using the very same criteria one could say everyone in the United States must be a nigger loving, pro queer zealot. Just look at most editorials and writing.
I was born and grew up north of the Ohio river. I know the Mid West. I know some of the East. I know very well the white working class and much of the middle, and know some of even a fair helping of the wealthy. They do not like niggers. They ain’t much on queers. They do not like non-whites. If anyone thinks I am wrong or, worse, lying, then go up to these northern Yankees and start calling them nigger lovers. See how long you keep your teeth. See how soft their fists are. Don’t argue with me, show me.
Yes, many white Northern men and women vote Democrat. They voted for Obama. Some of them will again. This is true. But recall that context and motivation thing I mentioned above. In the North, you can see many a parking lot of many a redneck bar sitting full of pick-up trucks with ladder racks belonging to dark tanned, red-faced men drinking Budweiser who voted for Obama. They did so because he is a Democrat; not because he is a nigger.
If you are puzzled why they would do this, and I well know a Southern man is, and I understand your puzzlement, simply ask these men. They will tell you. Do not tell them they are nigger lovers; do not even imply such. I would not say too much about liberalism, either. But they will tell you why they vote Democrat.
There are several million or more such men in the United States. They are not voting for niggers or gay marriage or feminism. Most of these men don’t see a dozen niggers in a month’s time. And they are not real big on watching the news or keeping up with political and ideological websites or blogs. As far as they know, or really see based upon their day to day lives and personal contacts, the Democrat Party is “The Working Man’s Party.” It is not the nigger party or the gay party or the party of college professors. Not to them. All of that is alien to them, as alien as a Martian rock. As far as they’re concerned, they are voting for Democrats for along the same lines of reasoning as Southerners vote for keeping the Confederate flag. Sound all wrong? Sound like I’m mistaken? Sound strange? Well, to you it does. They would think the same thing about some of the things a Southerner does. But what you do makes perfectly sense to you, doesn’t it? They have their reasons for what they do, too.
“I’ve heard transplanted Yankees say hundreds of times “I don’t mind the blacks here, but I can’t stand the white trash.” We know where we stand with these people.”
I don’t doubt you an iota. They will say just that. But tell the truth. Tell the truth. Tell it all.
The transplanted Yankee did not say that about the nigger, did he? He only saw the black man who worked and kept his house up, didn’t he? Tell the truth. The transplant came from a 90 plus percent whitelandia, didn’t he?
The transplanted Yankee said “white trash,” didn’t he? And we all know what that is, don’t we? Tell the truth.
You don’t really like what the transplants say, but you do understand precisely what he meant, and it is not exactly what you are trying to imply here, is it? Tell the truth. In fact, in a certain way, AND as far as the transplant knew or was concerned, he didn’t really say anything that remarkable, did he? All he really is saying is that he sees a few blacks that are not really doing so much wrong and are more or less living half way decent and that they are better than the white trash, isn’t he? Tell the truth.
And you HAVE heard him speak of the nigger, haven’t you? He did not say he would rather live around the nigger than a white man, did he? Tell the truth.
white working class and much of the middle, and know some of even a fair helping of the wealthy. They do not like niggers. They ain’t much on queers. They do not like non-whites…….
Nope Brutus most of the transplants in my AO love negros and think they are just swell. Same for beaners and it was local born men voting to leagalize gay marriage. It was yankee transplants. In my AO the transplants are DWL with college and typical DWL’ beliefs. The type of yankees you think are ok, don’t move down here. Lestwise not to my AO. Can’t say for the whole South. I hear that same kind of “White trash” insults all the time because I’ve got a few dollars and yankees think I think like they do. Or did until I stopped interacting with them. There are Whites who are an embarrassment, but most men they hang the White trash tag on aren’t trash, they are simply poor men who aren’t bothered by their poverty. As fair as I can tell, money equates to a mans worth to yankees and that simply ain’t so.
I’m fair certain none here think working class White yankees like negros, and I think we all here understand the idea many vote for the DNC because of their mistaken belief it’s the working man’s party; same applies to a number of rural yankee White men… but the rest of y’all…. I’m not convinced and the “rest of y’all” seem to out number the righteous in large numbers. I do figure most folks vote they way they do because it’s their way with very little thought to it. Most folks simply don’t know what’s going on or understand what’s going. Which is why I think entertainment/ TV etc are such a dangerous weapon.
The thing is though, I know Southron Whites across all economic levels and none of them much care for nergos. Most simply want them to go away and don’t quite hate them. The ones who think negros are ok is the exception to the rule not the rule and that includes all the old Southron money living on one the worlds most exclusive golf courses. And by Souhtron Whites I mean Old South families, not yankee transplants or ones who have been here 2 or three generations. They are not Southron, but do seem to out number us most days.
There’s this Southron thing were you don’t say bad things in front of people. Sometimes the worse condemnation we dish out is “bless his heart”. I think that cultural trait is well understood by Southrons but totally missed by outsiders. I am sure something like that holds true in 100 different ways between Southrons and yankees. It’s part of why I say yankees are a foreign people, just as I am foreign to them.
I missed the steal chickens and catch catfish line. Kind of funny, however they are certainly welcome to try. I have two Wolfhounds running lose around my farm. They don’t like negros any better then I do, and I’m a particularly good shot. As is my oldest son, and NC is now a castle doctrine state.
If anyone is looking for breed of dog that scares negros but is easy to mange, Wolfhounds are it. I think its because Wolfhounds do not look domesticated, but for whatever reason, they scare the shit out of negros.
* it wasn’t local born White men voting for gay marriage. I did a piss poor job of editing that post
“In my AO the transplants are DWL with *college* and typical DWL’ beliefs. ”
“College” is an operative word in most discussions on these pro-white sites.
“As fair as I can tell, money equates to a mans worth to yankees and that simply ain’t so.”
This, too, is true about the North. But, after much consideration, I think it is misleading to you Southerners. I happen to agree with you about money not being synonymous with a man’s worth. But, that being said, I don’t think what you have in mind would work in the North. In the same kind of way a man’s worth is not equal to how hot a temperature he can stand but living in Arizona during August would not be a good idea and just flat wouldn’t work for a man who couldn’t take 120 degree days.
The kind of laid back man you have in mind just is not going to make it in the North. It does not mean he is not as good or is worse, it just means he is not going to make it as well in the North. You would have to have lived here for awhile to understand fully why this is. I do know that there is some differences between the North and South in how you can make a living. It is not a matter of choice or preference, it is just the way things are. In addition to that, what you have in mind would be too out of place. If you do not want to work much and be constantly impoverished, you just are not going to have much social company except the criminal and welfare element up here. Again, I’m not saying anything except the way things are up here. What works in the South just does not work so well in the North. And vice versa.
Also, much of what Southerners call greed is actually simply the result of being workaholics. The north is is flat full of workaholics. Yes, they have money, and yes, they like it. But they were workaholics long before they made any money to speak of up here. A lot of the white people up here work 50 and 60 and more hours per week. Then they come home and work for hours around their house and in their yards. And this is not all due to “keeping up with the Jones’s.” Many Northerners are just workaholics like Southerners go to church. It’s a custom and tradition, ingrained and deep.
That is another reason the laid back man does not come off as looking so good up here. The contrast is too sharp and too many are not going to think of the laid back man as anything but just lazy. That may be a shame, but it is the way it is.
Again, I’m not saying anything except the way things are up here. What works in the South just does not work so well in the North. And vice versa.
I understand and I agree 100%. Which is why I think no matter what, damnyankee and Johny Reb would both be better served living in separate nations. If we can pull it off without shooting, we could have many strong ties, but at the end of the day we are separate people and need separate nations to maximize or talents and our sense of liberty, culture, heritage etc
You know, I never saw the money equals a man’s worth thing as greed per-say, but about what people value. I don’t have any problems with folks wanting to make a boat load of money and enjoy the things money brings. Hell I made my own boat load of money because I saw it as the best way to secure my children’s future when the usa crashes and burns. Folks in the South, Old South that is, tend to value things differently. That two hours fishing means more than the things two hours working can buy. That good time drinking beer and BBQ’ing with family and friends means more. But there is a limit to that as well. Most want just enough money, whatever that just enough is to them. And I don’t see the yankee work ethic as a shame. What is infuriating is, they can’t give our different ways any credit. Even when they need to move to our cities to find their fortune and escape their hellholes. They move down here and try to turn us into them, despite having to leave… it’s hard to figure out their thinking.
Yea college in many ways seems to be the death of many good things in White kids. I saw this with my oldest child and for a while, she really fucked up her life with the things she learned in college. Hell her college wasn’t even particular liberal by college standards. Fortunately, she got that shit out of he system, hopefully in time to still be a good Wife and mother, but we shall see. I have my doubts…. My youngest daughter decided to get a 2 year RN degree because she could knock it out in two years, have a back up skill in case her husband is killed or maimed and start her family quickly. Long term that seems a better route to success, in the way I view success. My sons want to be farmers…. which I’m happy with. Sort of. Don’t think there will be a lot of brain washing in the Ag department but I’d prefer they have a broader skill base. Sure would suck if the whole family fortune rested on farming and the market collapsed or the soil went bad etc etc.
Very good comment thread, interesting. Brutus, your northern work ethic comment is notable, but Stonelifter, I don’t think it is really all about making money, at least not here in our rural agricultural area. But we still don’t have an objective answer on whether it is true that as Chris suggested racial attitudes are harder north than south. To many that would seem contrarian.
Brutus is right. If a white northerner hates poor whites he spares no love for all but four or five Negro anomalies. Unless the white northener is a defective professional student studying gender relations and african history with a minor in Krippendorf’s tribe and just hates anything white.
And I theoretically support southern secession in line with limited govt & state’s rights principles. A free trade agreement with the other states would be my only concern and makes or breaks my enthusiasm. I will go further and suggest a nascent southern republic tie their currency to the Chilean Peso or Australian Dollar.
I hope a free South never embraces free trade, or we will have pissed away our freedom
‘I vaguely recall a post somewhere in the archives that confirmed Time has “fallen to the Jew.”’
Now TIME is owned by some face-less corporation, however its current managing editor (the guy the runs the thing) is one Richard Stengel…. yeap he is Jewish. No surprise there….
The Kenyan’s latest pandering ……
” Obama administration stops deporting young immigrants ”
Washington (CNN) — The Obama administration said Friday it will stop deporting young illegal immigrants who were brought to the United States as children if they meet certain requirements.
The election-year policy change will cover people younger than 30 who came to the United States before the age of 16, pose no criminal or security threat, and were successful students or served in the military, the Department of Homeland Security said.
It also will allow those meeting the requirements to apply for work permits, the statement said.
Outlier – I know.
I think we are totally F*CKED, in the short run. The long run may be another matter. If the masses of White don’t *see* in the next few years – may they all rot in Hell.
If they do, however – then Ragnarok has formally begun.
“What is infuriating is, they can’t give our different ways any credit. Even when they need to move to our cities to find their fortune and escape their hellholes. They move down here and try to turn us into them, despite having to leave… it’s hard to figure out their thinking.”
Yes, this is true of some Northerners, too. Although it is not as pervasive as many believe. Like several other annoying groups, it is one of those a few making a loud noise and forcing a ton of publicity things. I don’t think it is but about somewhere around 25 percent, probably less, and maybe even as little as 10 percent or so.
This busybody, wanting everyone and everything just like they want is actually a source of great friction and confrontation up here in the North, too. There are a few of them in every town, and these types are often hated as bad here as they are in the South. They want an old building torn down, a lawn won’t be just like they like it to be, a business or attraction will be opposed, a certain person will hounded out of a job or place, etc., etc. A lot of the time it is just annoying, but sometimes it gets heated. Damn heated.
And I did notice that a disproportionate number of these types seem to be amongst the ones that move down South. It is perfectly understandable why Southerners think they are the norm up here. But they really are not. Nor are they in general the ones with the most money; it is mostly middle and upper middle class who have came to have a little money fairly recently. This is usually the worst type for getting uppity and then wanting to dictate to everyone else. But a few of them do seem to have it in the blood, and it is the same families from generation to generation who act like this. We call them the “uppitiest bunch of nobodies.”
I also noticed that this was not *entirely* absent in the South, and I don’t mean transplants, either. Though the Southern version of this seemed to operate in a slightly different direction usually. But it was still the same generally mentality and they are present in the South.
Keep it up, Hunter. EVERYONE needs to say what you said and often. Over and over until it sinks in and it becomes a reality. A White Ethnostate. A WHITE Ethnostate. A WHITE ETHNOSTATE.
Why oppose free trade?