U.S. Economy in a Depression

Nutroots Nation

“Depression” isn’t even the right word. The economy would eventually bounce back from a depression. This is more like the death of the economy.

Note: If you a long time OD reader, which places you in the Top 1 percent of intelligent people who can tell you America is doomed, you know that what we are really facing is the steady convergence of six catastrophes:

There is the debt crisis/financial crisis, the racial crisis, the diversity/political crisis, the cultural crisis, the aging crisis, and the energy crisis.

Each of these crises also operates upon the other ones: the racial crisis has an impact on the energy crisis, which is affected by the political crisis, which is affected by the cultural crisis, etc.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Peak Finance!

    The glue that holds everything together in a modern economy is honest money. Honest money is a check against the debt crisis, because unlimited fiat money not being available forces tough smart choices, and causes lower and manageable growth. There is less money for the welfare state, or to buy votes with social programs. Pure fiat currency empowers the worst government abuses.

    And it will collapse, as it always has in history, hopefully to something better I think.

  2. the debt is going to break the USA and the West one day. Hell our whole economy seems to be based on the lie of consumer debt, buying shit you can’t afford on credit. When the TV says car sales are up, that’s bad news because it means more personal debt. Same for housing starts etc etc.

  3. are you free in Arabia? I haven’t been there in a long time, but when I was, there was no freedom to be found and we were surrounded by a hostile brown people. Which is pretty much the point of my career. The only advantage I can see about living/ working there is, you can work for the govt and avoid alimony and the like. But then you couldn’t return to the US either

  4. Krugman thinks more money printing will save us. What does he propose to do? Bring back house-flipping? Americans need a productive economic activity in order to “restore economic health,” and they don’t want us doing anything productive.

    Why don’t they want us doing anything productive? Becuase if we grow our own food or fix our own machines, we control and own that economic activity.

    They don’t want us to control or own economic activity.

    They want to control that economic activity, and force us to borrow money from them to use the goods of the economic activities they control.

    This is why producing something of value is a revolutionary act. But what? We don’t have blacksmith workshops any more; we do have plenty of woodworking shops but there’s only so much things made of wood we need. Perhaps if people refused to buy the Asian built furniture from Jewish importers, and instead bought locally crafted furniture, which would be more expensive.

    On the other hand, this furniture could be repaired instead of thrown away and new stuff bought.

    Suppose we did a business tapping into the waste stream of discarded furniture and rebuilt very high quality furniture using the discarded metal parts, like the springs and bed frames in the roll out couches? Reverse engineering and re-using frames, but with new wood and upholstery.

    Suppose we repaired furniture instead of replacing?

    And suppose we produced food locally?

    Suppose we share cars and houses?

    We have each other as co-owners, rather than the banks? Take a car. The bank owns it, you pay installment payments. Instead, 5 people come up with 3000 to own a new car. No installment payments.

    We just need to be able to cooperate with each other. All the K strategy White people need to find each other.

    The SWPL’s in Eugene Oregon and such places are K strategy types.

  5. The “brown people” in the middle east are a little bit hostile to us americans now because Usrael is doing everything in it’s power– which is considerable– to destroy the middle east.
    Iraq was destroyed by Usrael in a war based on lies through and through. Uncle sam has already admitted the Iraqi war was based on lies.
    Usrael dropped tons of depleted uranium ( it’s radioactive) on Iraq, on the Iraqi people ( a people who never did anything to us), and now the children being born in Iraq are being born with horrible deformities : An extremely large number of children.
    It’s a horrible crime against a people who never harmed the USA.
    That’s one reason the middle easterners are hostile and mistrustful of americans. I don’t blame them.
    Uncle sam’s ( Usrael) actions in Iraq were even worse than what the yankess did down south.
    The radioactive depleted uranium is there in the water and the soil for good, and now generation after generation of Iraqis will be born into the world with great deformities.
    It’s disgusting and putrid.
    The “brown people” in the middle east were always hospitable and friendly to americans– texans built their oil industry, after all ( for the most part. some europeans helped build the oil industry also,to a smaller degree). They always respected americans.
    The US and the arab countries always enjoyed very good diplomatic relations ( google the history of arab/us relations).
    Ther were no problems until israel showed up on the scene and uncle sam decided to give israel it’s complete and unquestioning support.
    The behavior of the us military in the middle east is even worse than anything the yankees did down south.
    So of course, the “brown people” are now hostile to americans.
    While the economy is headed off the cliff, uncle sam insists on empire building for israel’s sake ( jew billionaires, mostly, and a few so-called christian billionaires: this combination of billionaires and big-shots is called zionism), while comitting war crimes against people who never did us americans any harm.
    And america’s ” good” christian soldiers keep marching on as unthinkingly as ever. Even the southerners who supposedly don’t like the yankees or anything about the yankee/uncle sam agenda, they march for uncle sam, nonetheless. And there’s not even a draft, they volunteer their service to the yankee uncle sam they say they are so opposed to.
    How mercenary.
    How easy we all make it for our jewish/christian/zionist leaders who love war so much and love to herd us around. LOL

  6. America can’t be sustained at the level of surplus it had in 1965 without the same population or a population identical in critical traits. It was only the momentum from that peak surplus that allowed things to carry on this far.

    (If you include peak oil in the mix then that level of surplus is no longer achievable even with the same population – although personally i think alternatives would have been found if the population had remained unchanged).

  7. blacksmithing is actually fairly “big” businesses one county over. Didn’t know that myself until I started “dating” a girl going through blacksmith school. Yep a no shit degree in it from a community college. Pottery is pretty damn big one county over in the other direction and the Amish do the things Kiesky talks about all over the US. I do more or less the same thing with other farm families I know through church and our home school co-op.

    My point being, plenty of people are already living that way. We don’t have to invent that type of system but plug into it with others already doing so.

  8. depleted uranium is to costly to drop a ton of it on any one, and only used on armored targets, not high-luxs with hajjis and an rpk. My guess is we stopped using it almost completely before the 1st year was out. It’s rarely used and I saw no large number of deformed kids in 5 years I spent in iraq

    simply put sparky doesn’t know what he’s talking about; starting with a false premise destroys an argument, and islam has always been hostile to the West and non moslems. They don’t need an excuse other than the koran and the hadith

  9. You forgot the Spiritual Crisis.

    Ever since the 1950’s, the old orthodoxies have been under siege from a myriad of forces, to abandon all restraints- biblical, moral, theological, liturgical, hermeneutical, and pneumatological.

    It started earlier, of course, but it came to a head in the decade after WWII.

  10. “We just need to be able to cooperate with each other. All the K strategy White people need to find each other.

    The SWPL’s in Eugene Oregon and such places are K strategy types.”

    Please define SWPL and ‘K strategy’.. I must have missed it.

  11. Uncle sam’s pentagon would never use any “costly” weapon while building his empire.
    That wouldn’t be “thrifty” and we all know that the bible calls us to thrift.
    And we know that uncle sam is stamping on “the grapes of wrath” for god’s glory!
    Go online and read the truth about what happened in Iraq and how Usrael destroyed the country in a war based on lies. The truth is online now for anyone who wants it.

  12. Again, Joe. To confuse (or conflate) the actions of heretics with those of True Faith, is like saying White folks are just the same as Negroes… oh wait. You did, in another comment thread.

    Never mind… a terrible thing to waste.

  13. Adolf Hitler:

    “I don’t see much future for the Americans… It’s a decayed country. And they have their racial problem, and the problem of social inequalities… My feelings against Americanism are feelings of hatred and deep repugnance… Everything about the behavior of American society reveals that it’s half Judaized, and the other half negrified. How can one expect a State like that to hold together?”

  14. @ Denise

    I just finished listening to Mein Kampf on you tube. It was in 15 parts, but part 6 was missing for some reason.

    Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler – Part 1 (Full Book By Craigg639)

    It wasn’t what I expected. I found it very logical and detailed and reflected on everything that’s going on today.

  15. @ Fr John
    I respect those with true faith. I have no problem with them.
    I never critized those with true faith. The people with true faith are not part of the zionist/uncle sam empire-building agenda in the first place.
    I didn’t confuse or conflate anything.
    I compared whites to blacks only to make the point that whites have killed down more whites in internecine wars and to make a point that this is an aspect of my white race that we need to think about so it doesn’t happen again. That’s all.
    I do not think that my white race is inferior to the negro. The two races are world’s apart and should be separate.
    Still, my white race has faults. We need to address the faults; In a way that leads to correcting the faults and making things better for ourselves.
    Not in the way the leftist whites do, that just leads to handing everything over to other races. I hate that. I detest that agenda.

  16. Outlier- I am not NS. I wasn’t really interested in WWII, or Hitler et al, until I advanced in my racialism education. I fervently believe that the key to breakng Jewish power is to get people to leanr about What Really Happened, in WWI, and WWII.

    I am by no means a scholar, on WWII, or Unlce Adolf – but whne I began to read accurate translations of what the various members of the NS movement wrote, as well as Hitler himself – as you’ve noted -a very different picture emerges.

    I am not a Knaaazee. I am an American Celt. As a White Western woman – I am one tiny cell, in Western Man, and Woman’s, Great Quest for Truth.

  17. … “This is why producing something of value is a revolutionary act.”

    Nowadays, people are so lost that they understand “value” as something they like, not as a product of labor— as something that is NEW wealth.

    Where I’m from, the creation of the “new wealth” was the highest value— whether growing food, creating an invention, creating for yourself something that could have been bought (fixing things, etc.). A real culture of “do-it-yourselfers.”

    When I did make money on things I made (in a sustained way)— it was amazing how many people put that down. Like cog-in-a-wheel corporates and public employees.

    Often you can tell the public employee (or public-raised) by the degrading way they talk about others (“the taxpayer,” the “rednecks,” the “rust belt manufactures,” and so on).

    When it’s all about getting other peoples’ money— the people taken from become devalued, in order for it to be easier to live off them, in order to obscure the real process by which other peoples’ things are taken (stolen).

    Neo-feudalism –the “nanny state”— is just another socialism, communism, feudalism, fascism.

    Today— they don’t even know why THEY SHOULD value anyone who actually creates new wealth, or values that. (This excludes those living on “markup” like the “small business owner” who adds no value except jacking up the price of a thing– like the 400% markup on the new nike).

    — only one who has attempted truly creating new wealth, especially with success, and in this climate— has had the opportunity to really SEE what the others become under the Debt systems or system where the others GET from their neighbor (via taxation, or handouts, or programs, or grants, or r&d funds, etc…)

    It produces a habit of mind that is pure usury.

    The mind of the Opportunist. The comparative thinker of the feudalist systems (taxation collection systems) . Always summing up what others have, catalouging, making cases for why they would use your stuff better than you do, etc.

    —The contemptible life of the many tax-supported-workers —always tossing your own money back at the very public they, themselves, have impoverished— in “charity.”

    Although it’s about 90% of the public—- public employees should be called out for what they have been complicitous in.

    Antonio Gramsci talked about the “long march through the institutions”— and now we have a rein by academics/intellectuals— in other words, HEGEMONY OF THE LOWER MIDDLE CLASS, (which is really what they are).

  18. Stonelifter:

    said …”My point being, plenty of people are already living that way. We don’t have to invent that type of system but plug into it with others already doing so….”

    True— one problem in the “New South” though is the massive influx of people who have never even been exposed to what you’re talking about. While some seem to have a willingness to learn, they also are some of the most indoctrinated people (serious northeast transplants with virtually no experience of America outside the msm version of ‘flyover country’ and who have never been outside their own ethnic-subgroups or regions— if anything, their vacations were spent in their “home countries” and they have never traveled through the u.s., know honestly nothing of its history, feel disconnected with its real people, also degrade them based on msm and thought-reform-education lies.)

    Now— around here— chickens have become pets… like the horses, lol —but they are really all pretty dependent, mostly generational public employees, some retired from the same.

  19. Just can’t see America making it long term giving everything that is so wrong.

    Well I don’t like Affirmative Action or Diversity so when America inevitably collapses like the Weimar Republic, Soviet Union, or Yugoslavia I shall rejoice! We have seen this happen before!

  20. Mein Ichleiberdish Applestrudels:
    Those 14 words + Those 13 years ( 1932-1945) + 50 cents can’t even buy you a cup of coffee, not even in bedford-stuyvesant or east st louis.

  21. I can answer Hitler’s question. Aggressive war fought by Dumb patriotic farmboys, the elevation of the black to godlike status in sports and keeping the Jews hidden in plain sight.

    That’s how it’s been kept together.

  22. Dudes, the chickens have come home to roost. that’s for sure.
    Back to ” brown people”: Usrael’s war in Iraq, based on lies, created alot of Iraqi war refugees. Of course, alot of the refugees wound up here in the states.
    So for all those who support uncle sam’s wars and simultaneously do not like “brown people” : Congratulations! the empire-building war(s) that uncle sam loves and you love to support results in more “brown people” immigrating here.
    Great strategy . It must be biblical.

  23. “The “brown people” in the middle east were always hospitable and friendly to americans– texans built their oil industry, after all ( for the most part. some europeans helped build the oil industry also,to a smaller degree). They always respected americans.” – Which they promptly nationalized.

    Our behavior of supporting their enemy, and disrupting their nations isn’t winning us any friends there(and in the long run won’t help Israel all that much either), but they are by no means angels.

    “Please define SWPL and ‘K strategy’.. I must have missed it.”
    Stuff white people like, and high parental investment in children reproductive strategy respectively.

  24. If you’re feeling depressed watch this for entertainment and be glad you were born white.

  25. Denise says:

    I wasn’t really interested in WWII, or Hitler et al, until I advanced in my racialism education. I fervently believe that the key to breaking Jewish power is to get people to learn about What Really Happened, in WWI, and WWII.

    I’m not a neo-Nazis, but I came to the same conclusion. I think Iran did, too.

  26. @anon 4:14
    The oil industry were nationalized in such a way that american oil companies still made a huge profit. The nationalizing of the oil undustry was not a diplomatic brouhaha. It all went smoothly. It was not a problem.
    Plus, the oil was coming out of their countries, they have a sovereign right to make money from the oil as well. The oil companies knew that from the very start, and knew that eventually the oil industry would be nationalized, and had already made plans for that.
    The Arabs didn’t do anything that any other group of people, including Europeans or Americans wouldn’t have done. It’s a non issue. It’s a non-issue with the oil comapnies, so it’s a non-issue with us.

  27. chickens as pets, that’s funny. They do amuse me, I have a roster that is all balls and takes on any challengers but one day he’ll end up in the stew pot for chicken and dumplings

  28. It may seems to some as if we live under a “hegemony of the lower middle-class” but that is just ostensible and something contrived and intentionally created by uncle sam to hide the fact that we are really ruled over by a small clique of trillionaires ( the bankers) and billionaires ( the rockefellers,duponts,etc).
    They are the ones who make all policy in this country, not those who are of ” the hememony of the lower middle class”.
    The lower middle class do not have one word or any say whatsoever in how this country is ruled, nor not even one policy that comes out of Washington or any state capital.

  29. To all those interested in what’s happening in England as it concerns white Britons, the website:
    ” Sarah Maid of Albion” is excellent.
    I posted there under an article entitled, “Fighting Back In The Culture War”.
    Putting that aside, the website is very informative about what’s going on over there (very similiar to what’s going on here in the states). One can learn alot at the website.

  30. in the bigger cities and even in some quite small towns malls with numerous western style restauants in the food courts abound. Where I am at there are at least 100 top quality restaurants. Chilis, Appleby’s, etc are also common in all the large cities. I got food poisoning here once in ten years vs. four times on trips to Paris. I have never found any hostiity aimed at me because of my race anywhere on the peninsula. I have encountered some nasty people of a darker hue, but their issues were mental , not racial. Anti-white vibes emanate from dwellers on US military compounds and from politically correct western expats of white backgrounds, not from the generality of Muslims.

  31. From what I’ve been reading about Arabs here in the US, especially Michigan, a state where they immigrated to in large numbers, they very much have a chip on their shoulders.
    Go take a walk through Iraq as an american, if you dare.

  32. @Joe

    I’m sorry, but you’re wrong again. In metro Detroit, we have large communities of Chaldeans and Lebanese. They aren’t “Arabs”, they don’t have chips on their shoulders (in fact the Chaldeans celebrated in the streets here when Sadaam Hussein’s regime was toppled in ’03) and they cause less trouble than even the white people do. They hate niggers and have to deal with same shit from them that everyone else does.

  33. @ Chris
    I will rethink the issue. I will look into the matter and do more reading about it. From what I’ve been reading, the problems are in Lansing. I will recheck and rethink,however.
    Still, doesn’t change anything about what uncle sam did in Iraq or depleted uranium or the war causing animosity against americans in the middle east.
    What do you think about all my other points? You didn’t repond to anything else I had to say, so I’m curious.
    I would think you’d be concerned about those issues especially. I would think all patriotic americans would show concern about my other points, but here at “OD”, I don’t even get any curiosity even. Very strange for those who claim to be about what’s best for the USA and white Americans.

  34. I’ll will stop for today.
    Unfortunately for the USA, uncle sam won’t be stopping his empire building today, or anytime soon.
    Nor will the US military be stopping the use of depleted uranium as a weapon anytime soon. ( depleted uranium that is making US soldiers very sick, their newborns deformed, as well as impacting on foreigners (in the same exact way) in the middle east who never harmed us americans)
    I’m not your enemy. Just a curmudgeon. Though I do, many times, make some excellent points.
    I will post again tomorrow.

  35. “Still, my white race has faults. We need to address the faults; In a way that leads to correcting the faults and making things better for ourselves.” – Joe

    Joe- understood. apology on my end, as well.

    Denise- yeah, I hear you, Milady. Once you drop the Matrix mantra, ‘AH was Eeeeevill’ the Robot Man find you, and seek you out, to destroy you. Luckily, in the real world, they bleed just like we do.

  36. Joe,

    The country is engaged in a now centuries long struggle between the
    productive private sector individuals and the mob lobbies/politicians, fought in the realm of economic policy. The mob gets darker every day. This is indisputable, and is the fact of all mixed economies.

  37. And lower middleclass whites wield considerable political power through labor unions. Just today I was handed a propaganda leaflet by a striking white union thug, in the shadow of that dirty inflatable rat, quoting FDR to the effect that: no business that doesn’t pay ‘living wages’ belongs in America.

    These construction unions devastate the economy by artificially inflating construction costs. This means less projects. Stagnation and increase in unemployment are the result. Contractors are heroes that face threat of violence simply for working “too fast and too hard”. Protection by police? Never. Police get paid 150K in NYC after a few years on the job, they too have unions to thank for their fake economic position.

    The next time a small luxury is out of your reach…. Something that would brighten your day or that of someone you love: remember those taxes and trace them to the white parasite and his fellow traveler, the Political Negro.

  38. personally I’m not 100% anti union. I believe in checks and balances on power, and labor unions are that check and balance vs employers. However, unions and labor laws of the here and now are out of control. I don’t know enough about the topic to speak at length on it, but I do think labor unions were important at one point and time and would be again if there was less legal preference for them and the labor unions had more workable/ more realistic goals.

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