About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “I’m not in a war zone.”

    Wonder who told him that? And anyhow, in a Welfare Statist situation (which, in fact, does involve Property Redistribution)— you can see how it might foster confusion…

    Where —in Redistributive Statist Situations— DOES private property stop and start? Where— in Redistributive Statist Situations— where the governance is visibly from “other” countries? Where “the American People” (generational) are the same as foreigners? Is anything THEIRS?

    —and so on. Also, wouldn’t these “fine lines” as to “who owns what” (just generally), be even more confusing if one had less capacity for symbolic understanding and connections (say, IQ of 85?)

    Idk—maybe I’m with the ‘left’ on this one. Being so set up, can you really blame people? What the heck IS “ownership” nowadays?

  2. >>>which, in fact, does involve Property Redistribution>>>

    Neither side believes in private property. Wealth is considered of social origin by the left (society “extrudes” wealth- that is, wealth does not come from volitional effort of any individual)

    The “advocates” of capitalism say “it is the most efficient method of allocating society’s scarce resources.” That is, it is claimed to be more efficient than ration coupons.

    Both sides start with some sort of cargo-cult (nigger) view that wealth grows on trees or is just “there.” Catholic social teaching asserts that “God placed all the goods on Earth for the use of all.”

    This latter view (zero-sum) dovetails into the zero-sum view of marxism- THE GAIN OF ONE COMES AT THE EXPENSE OF ANOTHER. Whites broke into God’s warehouse AND ENRICHED THEMSELVES BY HOLDING WEALTH BACK FROM THE MUDS. WE STOLE FROM GOD!!!! OUR WEALTH CAUSED THEIR POVERTY!

    The statist view is ALL belongs to the state. The “owner” of property is in fact a steward of a social (State) asset. State ownership is completed via regulation.

    Neither side believes in private property.

  3. FYI,

    In related news, Arkansas State Supreme Court trying to abolish the death penalty in that state. More sure to follow suit.

    There is a lot of disingenuous remarks to the effect that “no, this does not mean there will be no executions, it just means…” blah, blah, blah. There is not going to be any executions because the lawyers, i.e, a part of the educated class with degrees who actually run things in the modern world while the people with their names on their shirts bitch and moan about what ought to be, are stopping it.


  4. BTW, this is why I am not as impressed as so many seem to be about how normal whites should go back to being only a sort of quasi Amish community.

  5. Brutus, how do you see the future playing out for whites in Amerikwa?

    How do whatever remnant of whites consolidate in the face of the black, brown, and yellow infiltrators? No consolidation of whites means retrenchment of whites. No consolidation of whites eventually means–no whites.

    Sometimes you have go backwards to move forwards.
    Didn’t the early white settlers have to circle the wagons from time to time?

    As a race, we are going to relearn the lesson on how to take care of our own the hard way. Or simply perish. Those are the alternatives.

  6. Detroit 2012-America 2050. This place is continuing to spiral downward. When the USA finally splits into ethnostates, I hope the White ethnostate, wherever it may be, exists in a perpetual state of war with its muddy neighbors. While I fully understand Southern regionalism, I am at heart a nationalist. Our ancestors cleared this land, built railways, cities, dams, factories. These things are ours by birthright. Leaving huge tracts of land in the hands of useless Africans, Mexicans, etc, would be a waste.
    I’m for White irredentism and ethnic cleansing. I understand Jared Taylor’s idea of letting each live in his own space, but Africans can live in Africa, Asians in Asia, Meso-Americans in Meso-America….

  7. cheers dutchman, there should be a reconquesta not a division, send the niggers to haiti that’s “theirs” everyone else besides native americans would not be here pre-1965 so ship them out. but im pretty sure foreign intervention would prevent a large reconquesta unless we somehow could expect the white russian nation to ally with us, as the chinese would assuredly want to get in on the fun overhere

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