The Cost of the Union: Mitt Romney’s Immigration Policy

United States

H/T Federale

The virtual farce. “Boots on the ground.” Lifting immigration caps to expand legal immigration in a depression.

Mitt promises to sign a federal E-Verify law, the one that couldn’t pass the Republican House, which would have eliminated the state E-Verify laws. We need a long term permanent version of the DREAM Act, not a temporary executive order.

What’s Virgil Goode polling again in Virginia and North Carolina?

Note: Why should we care if Mitt “I am a businessman” Romney is defeated by Obama? He is the U.S. Chamber of Commerce candidate.

The worst thing that could happen is four more years of the status quo. Obama getting blamed for the total collapse of the economy.

About Hunter Wallace 12412 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Damn, Hunter, I think you got me sold on Goode. Why bother with either of the other two frauds? At least Virgil Goode isn’t a zombie like Romney.

    Even though I would dearly love to see the GOP getting the blame, it’ll be more entertaining watching the semi-Sambo shuffle, anyhoo.

    Deo Vindice

  2. Why vote for any rotten candidate? Voting just encourages them. The less people vote, the less legitimacy they will have.

    The system will not collapse, until the majority stops cooperating with it.

  3. “Voting just encourages them. The less people vote, the less legitimacy they will have.
    The system will not collapse, until the majority stops cooperating with it.”

    “Why should we care if…Romney is defeated by Obama?

    Now that Ron Paul has been ignored successfully by “Southrons,” THIS the NEXT deadly error approaches!

    In order for abstention from voting to “send a message,” there would need to be a MASS and nationwide, coordinated, and of course EXTREMELY well funded (to overcome the immense inertia of the voting habit and tradition) movement for abstention.

    Alternatively, a viable conservative third party is unlikely to appear now, and a mass, coordinated conservative write-in vote also seems impossible now, because either option would also cost an immense fortune — statistics proving that over 90% of the time the candidate in any race who has the MOST MONEY to spend wins the race, or otherwise, there is a scandal or skeletons or some other anomaly (though politicians’ scandals and skeletons aren’t really THAT anomalous are they?).

    We should stay the course now, and offer all the support we can for Romney’s campaign. OTHERWISE, our protest votes or non-votes won’t be missed or noticed at all. Remember constantly that if Obama wins he gets his second and therefore clearest mandate for “Change.” No protesting or resistance would be allowed after such a clear mandate! The Global Military, often using AmeriKan mercenaries, has often intervened in other countries in recent years to enforce voter mandates in those countries.

    So again, at the present time it seems to me that staying on course with a vigorous, ACTIVE support of Romney AS the LESSER evil (therefore still evil) BECAUSE Obama is worse, combined at all times with a vigorous polemic against Romney’s Neocon policies and positions is the ONLY reasonable course of action. Of course, this involves not only involvement and cooperation with, but also FINANCIAL assistance (monetary campaign contributions) to the work of Romney’s political committees, which is absolutely necessary for engaging the sheeple’s attention and “winning their hearts and minds” or to put it cynically: buying their votes.

    In the end, which has the biggest campaign coffer will probably decide the issue. At least Romney is lily white, in the sense that there are no scandals or skeletons in his closet. Obama’s can never be revealed.

  4. Another reason a Romney defeat benefits the white middle class:

    In the event of a Romney loss, the GOP consultants and hired hacks will make the party grandees well aware that Romney failed to win because he couldn’t turn out the middle- and working-class white vote.

    Only then might GOP policies and leadership change.

  5. The solution is to put extreme pressue, anger on White political leaders who pussyfoot around on NW immigration. Don’t let the likes of Romney pander to illegal Latinos. We need to do what we did to McCain – put the strong word out that any White American political leader who betrays us on immigration – their political career is over and they become shunned. Whites need to learn how to riot again.

  6. “We need a long term version os the Dream Act….”

    I take it you are representing Romney’s intention.

    I finally give up. I will be staying home in Nov. Romney is the emptiest freaking suit I have ever seen. Let the hell descend upon Obama and the dems. It has already politically fallen on the absolutely testicleless Reps.

    You “Goode guys” are hopeless dreamers. It is sad the Const. Party picked this cookie-cut out hack and ruined their brand. If ever there was an unprincipled (maybe he’s just plain stupid – I’m sure it’s both) opportunist it is him. Come on Sherlock, do a little cogitating.

    The political universe of BRA has tumbled down the hill called “the future.” The die is cast for whites, Christians, and all those of shall we say a paleo (2012 – 50) conservative soul. The hope must realistically (as the one TRUE solution) be an iron-clad ethno-state carved out of these ruined 48. It is my fervent desire that it will be based on a biblical and Christian ethos: “Behold the nations are as a drop in the bucket, and are counted as the small dust on the scales; Look He lifts up the isles as a very little thing. All nations before Him are as nothing, and they are counted by Him as less than nothing and worthless. To whom then will you liken God? Or what likeness will you compare to Him?

    I “dream” of a united people in their own inviolable country where its citizens share the faith of their former fathers and mothers when once the United States claimed 100% of its folk as Christian…sans the accursed Negro.

  7. Oh— Romney is MEXICAN. His family lived there and still does. Just like Rubio, whose immediate family is totally hispanic with a little “dip” into Mormonism, presumably with plenty of relatives still back in Cuba (the hispanic Rubio parents didn’t become u.s. citizens until 1975, then went to LDS church –from Catholic– so who are these people, really?)

    —Romney OBVIOUSLY does not recognize any “Generational American” voice, and is not choosing one to be around.

    Should people who became u.s. citizens in the late 1970s run the country??? And in a climate when Generational American Citizens have no voice??? Why???

    —- I was never an advocate of voting.

    But— the more polarized things become, the more it seems people should show up and vote. But NEVER for the mainstream Mexican republicans or Mexican democrats. Unless you’re mexican. Then you should vote for the hispanic candidates. (obviously)

    Only by mobilizing and writing in anybody (doesn’t really matter who, what) can any message be sent about the people who are there, awake, connected through networks, and unwilling to support the left-right coalition (party of Amnesty, redistributive health care and so on).

    Organized groups like the tea party (or whatever) can push third party of any sort.

    Goode looks fine. When winning can’t happen, why not do the next best thing, unless one votes ‘FOR THE FACE’ they want “put on it” (the coming unwanted policy changes)—so that that person’s group gets blamed, long-term.

    What do you want blamed long term more— the incumbent or mexicans, Romney-Rubio?

  8. Whites should have been MUCH more involved and should have voted WISELY in the caucuses and primaries, rather than learning to RIOT later over the bad choices they made THEN. But now that we have failed, I still hold that voting for our lesser evil choice, and doing so very EXPLICITLY, is by far the best option we have. If Obama happens to win again because of foolish use or non-use of our limited and steadily declining voting power, we helped him gets his second and clearest mandate.

    If McCain had won, it would NOT have been worse for us, including those who want military experience since we’d still be engaging in the same global wars.

  9. Re: “I finally give up. I will be staying home in Nov.”

    Whites gave up on the constitutional process long ago, or made half-hearted attempts at political involvement, including all the non-shows and careless vote-wasting in the caucuses and primaries. Next thing Obama will get his mandate for all the world to see and support. We need to support Neocon figurehead Romney actively, and with a constant and severe polemic of all his (and his handlers’) positions.

  10. So GOP handlers want to stick a rich, Cuban brat Rubio in the VP spot. That’s better than having him in the US Senate. The VP has near zero powers, the only thing the Vice President does is break a tie vote in the US Senate.

    Look at all the worthless losers the GOP has tried to store away in the VP spot:

    George HW Bush, Dan Quayle, Sarah Palin

    Whites reading OD and other alternative right sites need to stop insisting on intellectual purity in Presidential politics.

    This election is between 2 candidates Obama and Romney. There are no other possibilities – not this Vergil Goode, not some Libertarian, Constitutionalist, American 3rd Position fools.

    The Presidential contest is between Romney – the White candidate and Obama – the anti White candidate, now supported by homosexual extremists, Hollywood, anti White Jews, and the hordes of the NW 3rd world who want to gate crash in to what’s left of White America.

    This shouldn’t be a hard choice for racially aware White Americans who are not #*&$*#@ idiots, but for some reason, these Presidential elections bring out the worst in our people.

    Black Africans in America are ~ 12% of the US population – over 95% + of Black Africans in America will be voting for the anti White candidate – Obama (many of these Black Africans in America will be voting more than once).

    So I will be voting for the White candidate – Romney, in hopes of getting White, rather more pro White Attorney General, Supreme Court Justice nominees that are not Jewish Lesbians like Kagan, or New York a Ricans – like Sodomeyer.

    Somethings in life aren’t so complicated – somethings really are…

    Black and White.

    We’re White – take the White side.

    14 Words.

  11. MN:

    I just don’t see how anyone could vote mainstream Respectable “Conservative” explicitly. That mixes one’s vote in with the people just voting for their military pensions, making it unclear who is voting.

    Romney is Mexican, literally, as is the running mate he considers hispanic with a dip in LDS from catholicism; Romney created the health care program, believes “innovation” is Importing Talent from elsewhere, (so much he thinks of Generational Americans, lol), nor does he even consider the problems with having non-American VPs.

    Some pithy way of explaining “Importing Revolution” to Generational Americans would be helpful.

    —- Don’t they even WONDER at how they, themselves, and their falling-off-the-map children never get ANYWHERE—

    — and yet, person after person just WASHES UP on the shoreline (in some cases literally, like Rick Sanchez’s biography says he did) AND GO TO HARVARD??

    Um… about half the government seems to have the bio that they washed up on shore (or their mommy and daddy did)—- got a paid for Ivy League “education” in “politics,” then swiftly entered the governance of a country where they had never been, never known people who carry on the Oral Traditions of that country, never traveled in the country, literally have never seen the country or the countryside—

    — all this, when they were supposedly totally destitute and a sad case that the Americans should pay for and help.

    —-This seems the big lie and betrayal.

    —-And if this is really their trajectory to the highest seats— then isn’t it Arrogant of them to think their clear lack of knowledge suited them to “run” something?

    — And isn’t that the great danger?—- that such people, with no knowledge of what they are running, and the arrogance to think it doesn’t matter— would be easily USED? …by people possibly less scrupulous than they?

    While Americans are told that a Catholic supreme court is of no consequence (“we’re all people here”), or that Mexicans running their highest offices makes little difference (
    “Well… Rubio’s mommy and daddy got papers 30 years ago, so why shouldn’t they run things?), they must also feel it’s sort of strange that their children don’t have anything.

    Why is a Cuban with mommy given papers 30 years ago—- BETTER than a Generational American to Romney?—- has anyone asked him??

  12. Look at all the worthless losers the GOP has tried to store away in the VP spot:

    George HW Bush, Dan Quayle, Sarah Palin…”

    Yeah— But look at Palin’s popularity DUE TO HER AMERICANISM. She caught on a bit because she was that kind of face. Her “loserdom” hardly matters in the face of what she captured— showing that some out there will still show up for the “other” America, (as well as those values).

    In her case, there did exist a rationale for showing up (even if you thought she was an idiot)—- she was NOT channeling the same people as quayle.

  13. “….The Presidential contest is between Romney – the White candidate and Obama – the anti White candidate, now supported by homosexual extremists, Hollywood, anti White Jews, and the hordes of the NW 3rd world who want to gate crash in to what’s left of White America….”

    Idk— in what exact manner is Romney “white?”

    People drawing large salaries at SPLC are white, as are Tarantino, Martin Scorcese, Lady Gag, Madonna, deNiro, and btw, many citizens would include all the J-words, too, lol.

    If every single choice he makes, and every single policy he supports, and every single association he decides on, does nothing but hurt white americans, especially Generationals— is he white, or an anti-white-white?

  14. Oh—

    Romney’s immigration policy is the same!

    So you can’t make that comparison, Jack, right? Even worse, his running mate is not a long-term American, but EXACTLY a part of the “gate crashing” you say you detest (a couple years in the country, freebie ed, and Romney’s mate was in government over people to whom he looks totally alien, acts totally alien, and sums up why they –“those other americans”— no longer vacation –or live– anywhere near Florida).

    He ALSO— wrote the health care deal.

    He ALSO– supported all the Ndaa, patriot act, etc, kinds of policies that his (supposed) opponent does.

    The real question: If it comes to Anti-White governance (of a group whose policies are along the lines to disempower Generational White Americans)—– is it better to have a not-white enact those policies OR better to have an anti-white-white enact the SAME policies?

    So, why do you like having an anti-white-white enact anti-white policies better? —wouldn’t that just be more like the humiliation of exposing that “you only did it to yourself and have no one to blame?” —- like a Pat Buchanan title: SUICIDE of a superpower?

  15. One more thing—

    Idk— would the author of the “14 words” see Romney as white??? Probably, David Lane would have argued that he wouldn’t have met the criterion laid out in the essay “Who is White.”

  16. I dream of a free and independent South, permanently separated from hispandering Yankee Republicans and anti-white DWL liberal Democrats with their ill-behaved negro pets.

    Deo Vindice

  17. Dixie Girl and others.

    Romney is White, very, very White – he has a huge, beautiful White family.

    This week Romney is pandering to NW Latinos and hinting that he will pander to the NAACP. He’s having a very bad week.

    Romney is a “pussy-footer” on racial issues. We wrote about this classification (most common) of American Whites who do not hate their/our own White American people, but rarely if ever defend the legitimate rights of our people.

    Here’s the OD article on Romney and Pussyfooters.

    Please get to know all the different types of White Americans who don’t take our White side or worse, who actively promote the dispossession of our White Indo American People. It’s not some strange, secret conspiracy theory, there are 5 clear types of White American racial traitors:

    1) Pussyfooters (most common)
    2) Gracchites
    3) Trucklers
    4) Old Believers/True Believers
    5) Proditors

    Learn to spot these various types of White traitors, there are effective ways to combat each type. With pussyfooters like Romney, it’s basically just a social wealth and power thing. We have to make it reality that Whites like Romney who don’t take the White side are punished – it has to become very, very bad for a White person’s political career to take treasonous, INSANE positions on immigration.

    If Romney was being bombarded by water balloons willed with urine by enraged American patriots for pandering to NW Latinos on illegal immigration, he and others like him would stop doing it.

    Forget about guns, revolutionary fantasies, learn to apply real world pressure, learn how to organize effective protests and yeah, White mobs – lobbing rotted fruit and smelly fish are very effective ways in combatting rich, well dress, preppy pussyfooters like Romney.

  18. I saw that Romney met with the Republitard big-wigs like Mitch McConnel to talk about his stance on immigration. I also noticed that a billionaire Jew by the name of “Adelson” was there. This Adelson has dual citizenship with Israel.

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