Virgil Goode: Romney’s Achilles Heel


In May, a PPP poll had ex-congressman Virgil Goode polling at 5 percent in Virginia. That’s more than enough to throw the pivotal race in Virginia to Obama.

Let’s assume that Mitt Romney picks Marco “DREAM Act” Rubio for VP and continues to change his position on immigration to appease the GOP establishment, illegal aliens, and the liberal media.

I assume that a lot of OD readers either sat out the 2008 election or voted for Chuck Baldwin like I did because they couldn’t stomach voting for John McCain after his leadership role in pushing for “comprehensive immigration reform.”

In November, I could happily vote for Virgil Goode over Mitt Romney. I voted for Romney in the Alabama primary, but only because Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum were even more distasteful.

What’s the sense of the community? Do you see yourself voting for Romney to stop Obama? Sitting out the 2012 election because you don’t care? Breaking for Virgil Goode?

I can say definitively that Marco Rubio for VP would cause me to vote for Virgil Goode in November. That’s the bridge too far.

Note: In the next four months, I can easily see “Far Right” voters consolidating around Goode.

Few WNs have anything but the most lukewarm support for Romney. My general impression is that WNs are happy that Obama defeated McCain.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Yes, well… Santorum seemed the lowest before Rubio. The real poster boy for the Respectable Republican (jingoist, Paper Hatist, Statist Pensioners voting for the couple years of vacation before they croak, that they get for ‘going along to get along’ regardless of how it affects their own children— who they usually just want to “look up to them” and see them as “a hero” and so on —that weird narcissistic use of one’s own children to idealize mommy and daddy when they get home from some shit job. All that.)

    At least McCain gave a nod to “heritage not hate.” These other two don’t even have that, and if they did, there’s nothing on record at all to make any voter believe it.

    Figure a number actually voted for Obama, in order to clarify the situation. As they said on t.v. “The time has come.”

    The Militarist-Corporatist Identified will go with Romney (regardless of who he picks). The disenfranchised who Identify with small-town innovation, self-sufficiency, libertarianism, states rights, anything under that umbrella— will be very willing to split the vote and let it go to Obama.

    This time, imo— the wrong thing is to sit out. It’s the opportunity to send a message in regards to the size of the disenfranchised population, that just says “some people are awake.”

    People who vote for Nader will write in anybody but these guys also. —a left-right coalition of anti-establishment people.

  2. I did exactly as you in 2008, voting for Chuck Baldwin instead of the contemptible McLame. But I would never have and I never will vote for Obama or any of his ilk, This time, however, I’ll be voting for Romney. Yes, of course, he’s an establishmentarian. Yet he’s qualitatively different from the evil McLame in that Romney is more of a technocrat than a true believer. Hence, he’s less likely to champion such silliness as “compassionate conservatism” and all that such mushiheadedness entails. Moreover, and this is the key issue for me, this country simply cannot stand any more judicial appointments by the evil ONE. Imagine if Anthony Kennedy, Scalia, Thomas, Alito and/or Roberts died or retired while the evil ONE is predident — the precarious bulwark (as weak as it has nonetheless become in the face of the ONE’s unconstitutional executive orders) would be obliterated. We’d get more Kagans/Sotomayors in the majority and all hell would break loose.

  3. We need to support Neocon figurehead Romney actively, and with a constant and severe polemic of all his as well as Obama’s (and their handlers’) positions. True and paradoxical.

  4. As a Yankee, even though I now understand the South’s position, and agree with large portions of it, I could NEVER vote for anyone with such a ‘backwoods’, ‘hick’ name such as VERGIL. [Hear ‘VERRR- JILL!’ when you say that, boy…..]

    God help us. The only Vergil I know of spelled it differently, as well.

    Chalk it up to my northern sensibilities, but there you go. I admired the stances of the CP, have even prayed with them at their conventions locally, but the only possibility they would have of winning, is in a Secessionist state.

    Have I mentioned that we need to start Secession as the ONLY viable alternative, to this antichrist charade known as “Amerika”? For it truly is an “Obamanation” in the eyes of the Lord…

    I believe I have mentioned secession before, once or twice.
    Secession. Now. Today. Forever.

  5. “I’d be tempted to vote Obama just to watch….” Resist the temptation. It was tried in 2008. Embrace reason this time. Don’t give in to sloth. Let’s start working.

  6. I understand people’s frustration with US Presidential politics. If you don’t want to vote or work for the White candidate Romney – please put your time and effort in to electing solid White candidates at the local level where you can make a difference.

    Somewhere in your local areas there are tough White guys/gals like Sheriff Joe Arpaio, or Tom Tancredo who will fight for the legitimate rights of our people here in our country. This is our country.

    All politics is local – go local.

    And please, enough with all these posts prophesying gloom and doom and the end of the world because of Presidential politics.

    The US President is not all powerful – he is not THE ONE, there are very strong divisions of power and Whites have taken back the State houses and the the Governorships in all Southern States and many Midwestern States.

    Again – go local. Stop with these pointless 3rd party Presidential spoiler campaigns – they never work, just make our people look foolish and out of it.

    We’re not giving up and we’re going to win great victories in the short term and the long term.

    14 Words.

  7. Jack in a bit of irony these doom and gloomers spent the Bush years enthralled to the notion that the insurgents in Iraq could not be beaten because they had the moral imperative or something like it. People who wrote about 4th Gen warfare had a ready audience with the dissident factions in America. But here we are in 2012 and the shriekers and bitchers are moaning and groaning.

  8. Divercity and Jack Ryan nailed it.

    While the children squabble over third party validity, we adults understand mathematics and vote accordingly.

    Romney must win at all costs.

  9. Wouldn’t it be better than good, if we could elect Goode for President of Dixie.

    Deo Vindice

  10. Since I live in Mexifornia, and it’s already decided that The Monkey King will win in the Gibsmedat State, I will vote for Goode. I voted Baldwin last time.

  11. “In November, I could happily vote for Virgil Goode over Mitt Romney. I voted for Romney in the Alabama primary, but only because Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum were even more distasteful.”

    I also voted for Romney just to spite the odious Gingrich and Paul.

    Goode has my vote in November and I live in a major – perhaps the major – swing state.

  12. If I was in a state where my vote mattered, which I’m not, I’d vote for whoever had the best chance at beating 0bama.

    The whole “historic negro president who only got the one term” narrative just works for me.

  13. Basically, I just want 0bama to lose at this point. I don’t care who wins.

    Just to see the left squirt some tears, gnash their teeth, and rend their clothes.

  14. Btw, the margin of error for polls is going to be off the scale, right up until the election. Spineless, racially-inert White Americans won’t want to admit to liberal/PC pollsters that they aren’t voting for the magic negro.

  15. I’m feeling a strong “ask not what you can do for your race, but what your race can do for you” sentiment ATM. My race can step up, or not. Their business. I’ll be ready and waiting if they do. And if they don’t, I’ll be ready for that, too.

  16. I’ll probably end up voting for Romney, depending entirely on who he selects for VP of course. He’s an out-of-touch, yankee opportunist but I’ll will take that over a kenyan-communist that hates white people.

    Who the president is isn’t all that important. What is important though is who the president appoints to the supreme court, federal reserve, etc. You have to think Romney would be better in that regard.

    Whats going to happen if Obama gets reelected and the supreme court swings liberal because he’s appointed another jewess or latina?

  17. Why do you hate Rick Santorum? Why on earth would you want Romney to lose when the result would be 4 more years of Obama? Do you hate America that much? Or is it just white America that you hate?

  18. Goode has my vote in November and I live in a major – perhaps the major – swing state.

    So you would be happy to live under another 4 years of Obama? Idiot.

  19. Romney + Rubio? I’d be tempted to vote Obama just to watch it all burn.

    If Obama gets reelected then you will be the one who will probably burn at the hands of the Trayvons and Obama’s other “sons”. Only stupid people vote for their own extermination.

  20. Hey Joe Walker thanks for your succinct analysis that all who don’t vote for Romney are “stupid.” Gee, I get it now – I’ll vote for Romney then – and, thanks again.

    NO ONE has argued a word as to how Romney will BENEFIT white people. I certainly undertand the powerful emotion of just wanting to see that filthy, Satanic, communist go down. I also wearily understand the fear of more demons on federal courts and esp. the S. Court.

    But voting for those mocking liars the Rep. has served us not at all. Won’t our finally turning (at long freaking last) away from them offer a chance at least of something better than this suicidal trajectory?

    BTW when I mentioned somewhere that I will stay home in Nov I was speaking figuratively of not voting in the Pres. race. I will be voting LOCALLY.

  21. Here’s where we come together, I hope: Support Romney REAL GOOD, and while we’re actively supporting at the same time we keep telling the truth about him: that he’s only the lesser evil, and therefore, still evil.

  22. The whole “historic negro president who only got the one term” narrative just works for me.


  23. Hey Joe Walker thanks for your succinct analysis that all who don’t vote for Romney are “stupid.” Gee, I get it now – I’ll vote for Romney then – and, thanks again.

    So you would rather have another 4 years with Obama as president? And you really can’t understand why I think you are stupid?

  24. “313Chris says:
    June 23, 2012 at 12:55 am

    That’ll show’em.”

    Indeed! AS. (Appreciative Snickering. Jack Ryan can’t abide LOL’s. )

  25. The only way an electoral boycott works is if it is obvious that it has been coordinated.

    IOW, if during the previous election, it could be shown that all White conservatives had shown up at the polls, had NOT voted for Obama, HAD voted for their Senator, Congressman, and local representatives, but had not voted at ALL for president, imagine the consequences.

    Obama would have still won, but it would have been a staggering defeat handed to the duopoly by White people, especially if it was clear that McCAIN had lost by a majority of votes and Obama had won only because no one could abide McCain.

    It is a pity that the cranks, and I admit to being one of them, choose to privatey boycott or waste their vote on a third party fringe candidate with no hope of winning rather than put together a loud in-your-face, “None of the Above” movement.

  26. Fr John, once again you prove you will not be happy down here or an addition to our strength/ culture/ heritage

    I’ll vote in the local elections but I doubt I’ll take the time to write in Goode’s name. I did that with Baldwin last time but at the end of the day, turned my back on the CP. They are full of the same race doesn’t matter bullshit all the other party’s are

    My race can step up, or not. Their business. I’ll be ready and waiting if they do. And if they don’t, I’ll be ready for that, too.

    Yep that’s the way to see life; ready and on your own terms

  27. jo walker has convinced me theat I need to cast my vote for Virgil Goode. Thanks! At least one comig from Alabama.

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