Kunstler’s New Book


Too Much Magic: Wishful Thinking, Technology, and the Fate of the Nation … I’ve been reading a Kindle sample, and this is some dark humor:

“The episode in human history that I named in my 2005 book The Long Emergency is off to a good start …

We’ve blown past the defining mileposts for global peak oil – 2005 for conventional crude and 2008 if you include natural gas liquids, tar sand by-products, coal-based distillates, esoteric syncrudes, and other such stuff. In 2008 we had a nice demonstration of extreme volatility in the oil markets (predicted in The Long Emergency) with the price of crude zooming up to $147 a barrel and then crashing a few months later near $32 …

Anyway, 7 billion already amounts to a human population overshoot in relation to planet earth’s ecology. We’re putting a strain on everything the earth has to offer us. While the combination of peak stuff and 7 billion humans is forcing the issue, I think the truth is that circumstances will now determine what happens, not policies or personalities. …

Rather, the usual suspects will enter the scene and do their thing: starvation, disease, and violence. (The fourth horseman is usually called death, which I never understood because it just seems to be a consequence of the other three.) …

As a general economic matter, the crux of the problem is that peak oil implies an implacable limit to future growth, the kind of growth we’ve understood to be normal in the industrial age. From here on there will be no more growth defined as increased wealth from industrial production, only contraction. There is no credible model of a postindustrial economy that would permit our accustomed comfort and convenience to continue as is – apart from the wishes and fantasies of people who would like there to be one. Any way you cut it, the inability to increase energy inputs to the system limits what we can do in the system.

We have no prior experience in human history running industrial economies in reverse …”

We saw a preview of this in Rwanda in 1994 which is the most densely populated country in sub-Saharan Africa. The population of Africa has grown from 200 million in 1950 to just over 1 billion in 2010.

Bono is going to have his work cut out for him.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Horse puckey. We have literally centuries worth of coal, tar sands, and uranium (especially if we use breeder reactors.) We also have lots of natural gas and half of the oil is still left (if you believe in Peak Oil.)

    The bad news is that we might have to fight the Chinese for some of this.

  2. Rudel,

    Do you think what we have left is going to keep the growth economy going and accomodate 12 billion people? No peak unpolluted groundwater, no soil erosion, no peak phosphate? Business as usual indefinitely? Kind of like the people who said that housing would never go down in value?

  3. No peak oil, and next we will be hearing from the voodoo science of A-biogenesis of terrestrial fossil fuels.

  4. “It all depends on one’s perspective,” since we are “moving toward, and getting very close to an In-egalitarian society where The One Percent CANNOT experience peak oil, or peak anything.”

  5. Kunstler is a typical Jew catastrophe merchant doing mindfuck on the White Nations.

    This mischief is predicated upon Jew banks squeezing the currency, too-big-to-fail bailouts and taxes (from White nations, of course), Enron Accounting, economies hot-jewed with derivatives to implode, four horseman scarcity economics based on Jew debt based currency and fossil fuels and ‘inside jobs’ like Deepwater Horizon, Fukushima, earthquake engineering and terror wars for Israel.

    As Svigor would say, it is a carney act for the rubes. The psychos and socios who are running the planet through the White Nation golems they have casted in their catastrophe movie are running these stupid scripts in their political theatres, charity fairs, natural disaster engineering and war games.

    The technology exists to tank the entire stupid movie before it is even in the can. And this will be spear headed by White nations.

    Enter the Iceland solution – pioneering hydrogen power with H2O emissions. The reason why Iceland is moving ahead with advanced sources of energy and technology (which will be manufactured in Iceland) is because they have thrown out the Jew banks and the sovereign nation of Iceland is issuing its own credit based upon the productivity and resource base of the nation.


  6. While it is true that much oil is left out there to go out and get at, the stuff that’s left is becoming increasingly difficult to get to and obviously more expensive. The ratio of energy returned on energy invested is a good measure of the profitability of going after oil and much of America and the whole world will soon (barring significant technological advancement) be happy to extract 2 barrels of oil for every one barrel used for extraction. This is in contrast to getting 1200 barrels for every one barrel invested in the early 1900s. Just to maintain current population and standard of living will require an exponentially growing sum of oil.

  7. “(B)e happy to extract 2 barrels of oil for every one barrel used for extraction. This is in contrast to getting 1200 barrels for every one barrel invested in the early 1900s.”

    Perhaps some hyperbole there? But similarly, in agriculture higher and higher inputs are needed to produce crops.

  8. Fair Disclosure; I’m completely ignorant on these matters. I think (have heard) that the alternatives to conventional energy, such as shale oil, tar sand , deep water, etc. are much more expensive. The will help save off this scenario, maybe things wont be a dire as forecast. Having said that , I think our level of comfort is going to be forever changed. These four horseman are going to ride. How far and wide is anyone’s guess

  9. If shale oil requires the kind of destructive strip mining they’ve been using for coal, with entire mountain tops sheared off to get at what’s beneath, then I hope we extract none of it.

  10. Given that we have electronic communications and can move mass cargo in shipping containers, there is a problem with the eschatological scenarios. Even the plague in the 1300-1400 which killed half the people hardly seemed to dent the viability of medieval Europe.

    A mass die off is quite possible to survive. ‘Whites’ as a category will be better off imho. We will just organize and let others starve. We will probably go back to some nasty habits of our own though and turn on each other a bit.

  11. ww1 and ww2 can be seen as wars of supremacy in the age of oil. Rommel was heading for Iraq/Kuwait and the Abadan refinery and Paulus was heading for Baku.

    It’s astonishing to me that the italians and Germans never found oil in Libya. How did they miss it all?

    October 1917 was a roundabout war for oil too. Had the Czar thrown in with Darcy’s Anglo-Persian Exploitation Company he’d have been as rich as Creosus and Russia would have been a petroleum state. truly the twentieth century was the century of oil.

  12. If you can believe the government stats America’s use of gasoline is plummeting from its peak in 2005, the housing bubble and Security Mom’s peak use of large SUVs era, and that is a basic mirror for what we in America call the “economy.”

    If PO is anything it is by market forces a distribution of liquid fuels across the planet, or it means formerly middle class people such as ourselves going off into conspiracy theory wondering where did our affordable mobile lifestyles go. As a child our working class family would drive the 10mpg Buicks 1200 miles to FLA to enjoy Cocoa Beach.

  13. Giood point, RRS. It is fundamentally a lifestyle shift for White Americans — the end of easy mobility. Which means we’ll have to do other things — hopefully better things.

    Demand destruction, as you noted, is likely the reason for the current drop in oil prices to around 80 a barrel from a local maximum of about 110 a few months ago. It’s the bumpy plateau as Hubbert predicted, playing out before our eyes.

    Rejoice — the end of consumerism is nigh!

  14. XYZ,

    How do you know its a mongrel? thought it’s likely, but I didn’t see any pictures in any of the newspaper reports.

  15. Yeah Kievsky, by my best guess the recent collapse of oil prices presages a credit event and the next leg down in the Great Recession as the credit system locks down again. In 2008 a friend asked me what could be worse than $4 gas, and I told him crashing prices since it would be an indicator of depression, lucky guess.

    These are glorious times for humans with so much opportunity even in the face of such rotten adversity. Now these are awful times for white lumpen whose life is shaped by what TV tells them to do and how to act in life, because it is simply disappearing in front of their eyes. Hence even here we get people with conspiracy theory because they cannot buy a boat, big truck and fly off to Vegas and be in the same city as Kim Kardashian.

  16. Do you think what we have left is going to keep the growth economy going and accomodate 12 billion people?

    Economies grow. It’s their nature to grow. Calling it “the growth economy” as opposed to simply “the economy” is just a scare tactic doomsayers like Kievsky (and Kunstler and HW) use to alarm people into paying attention to whatever else they have to say.

    No peak unpolluted groundwater, no soil erosion, no peak phosphate? Business as usual indefinitely? Kind of like the people who said that housing would never go down in value?

    No, not “kind of like” that at all. Says a lot about you that you’d so shamelessly conflate such unrelated subject matter.

    Btw, John, if you’re reading, Hunter posts a thousand times a day so I can’t find that other thread, but yes feller, I’m well aware of that little event known as the Napoleonic Wars. The GDP data I mentioned actually states 1820 (ie well and truly after things had settled down), but I thought since it can only hope to be a rough estimate (as I said, there is plenty of disagreement among economic historians) it sounds a bit too cute to specify 1820 rather than a more general “1800.”

  17. Why its “magic”, and if “magic” does not happen then we get conspiracy theory. For most of human history we did not have “economy” we had survival and I’m talking darn near up to today in some parts of the world. Its all up for discussion, Kuntsler and Hunter are provacateurs in this sense, but then we have people who watch way too much TV and when their lives deviate from the depictions on TV or what radio tells them life is like they use their cognitive abilities to conjur up conspiracy and then seek out like minded folks.

    I honestly think the happiest people are those who have turned the TV off or watch very little.

  18. The Swing Riots, Accelerated enclosure, Peterloo, Chartism…Grim times for below average English.

    Thanks for the response.

  19. The 1820s were bloody awful!


    please read. This was the moment of small holder disposession. If Ghanans are going through this experience now I feel a small amount of sympathy for them.

    If I were conspiracy minded this looks like the moment and compare it to collectivization of farming. The suffering must have been similar to that of the Kulaks.

  20. Macaulay’s New Zealander contemplates the ruins of BRA:

    “The wonderful American painters of the mid-nineteenth century despaired over the lack of material ruins and journeyed to Italy to marvel at and paint the crumbling aqueducts and remnants of the classical orders. It’s perhaps a little disappointing that our ruins, in contrast, will be the Kmarts and hamburger shacks of various persuasions.”

  21. “Kunstler is a typical Jew catastrophe merchant doing mindfuck on the White Nations.

    This mischief is predicated upon Jew banks squeezing the currency, too-big-to-fail bailouts and taxes”
    Kuntsler may indeed be engaged in mindf###. That is as may be.

    Nonetheless, there IS something to this Peak Oil.

    Matt Simmons (author of Twilight in the desert) is not a Jew. Matt is the founder of Simmons Int’l, an investment banking firm serving the oil and gas industry. Matt proved the Sauds have been LYING about their reserves for 20 years. For 20 years, despite constant production and NO NEW DISCOVERIES, the Sauds never decreased their stated reserves even by so much as one barrel.

    Nor is King Hubbert, who first parsed out what oil depletion means, a Jew.

    Nor is the guy with the eye patch that did those videos (dead now). I cannot remember his name but he was a Texas oilman turned investment advisor and as good an ol’ boy as you’ll ever see. What was his name? Anyone know? First heard of him on Jim Puplava’s show on financialsense.com.

    These guys are all good, honest, White guys who spent their whole lives in the oil patch.

  22. “Economies grow. It’s their nature to grow.” – Large swaths of the 3rd world are stuck at the bare minimum per capita GDP required to sustain human life(about 400$ or so). Economies most certainly do NOT grow. That falls to us to make happen.

  23. The difference between Simmons et. al. and jews like Kunstler and Savinar and their catastropheteering is whether or not it’s seen as AN issue or THE issue. Is it an issue? Perhaps. The point is that it’s not THE issue. Could there be no bread on the shelves tomorrow? Of course. Could this year’s crop fail. Certainly. Do we base our entire world around these issues? No. How do the Jews profit and take cultures? By diverting the attention of the host to other issues — civil rights, wealth disparity, injustice, CATASTROPHE! Anything but but what is right here, right now, happening to your culture, your posterity; how it is being routed, inverted, destroyed, raped, savaged.

    It is not necessarily Jewish to point out resource depletion, but it is definitely to the Jew’s advantage to spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about it instead of the things right before your face.

    What’s closer to killing you tomorrow? The destroyed schools, the destroyed neighborhoods, cities and towns, the international bankers, corruption, war with Iran for Israel, multiculturalism or the litany of other costs of diverting our attention from the matters of today, or the next diversion, PEAK OIL?

    Yeah, let’s divert our attention yet again to the next bogeyman. Maybe if we think really hard about it it’s not going to hurt so bad when we’re routed out yet again by the next meat grinder delivered upon us. I mean shoot, why did Jesus even bother? No doubt there was some peak event going on at the time he’d have been better off concerning himself with.

  24. If Jews are the richest and most powerful ethnic group in America, how is it to the advantage of the Jews to argue that the system they have presided over – which they have benefited from more than anyone else – has crossed the threshold of apocalyptic decline?

  25. As barb points out, Kunstler did not create the concept of Peak Oil. Its existence was known for decades before Kunstler started writing about it. M. King Hubbert popularized the theory.

  26. BTW, all this stuff is really just a forecast: the economy will either grow to new heights, as the people who believe in technology insist it will, or it won’t, and it will compressively contract from now on out.

  27. re: Peak Oil “These guys are all good, honest, White guys who spent their whole lives in the oil patch.”

    Theory trumps experience, unfortunately. Peak Oil only works in the near term (millennia) if Oil is of a biologic origin. If oil is abiotic, peak oil would be a problem in the long term ( millions of millennia). Working in the oil patch does not necessarily help in gaining knowledge of the origin of the oil.

    Decade by decade evidence of abiotic oil becomes clearer. Deep drilling keeps finding oil, drilling well below BASEMENT rock. There is NO biologic debris beneath basement rock. This fact alone should make one take pause over the theory of biologic oil.

    Consider the crust of the earth. The crust ranges from 10 miles thick to 40 miles thick. The earth has a radius of 4,000 miles. To get an idea of the ratio of the crust to the mantle and core radius just get an 800 page book and look at its pages. One to four pages represent the crust while the rest of the pages shows the relative distance to the center of the earth. Can one not conceive that processes in these vast lower depths of the earth may account for up dwelling oil?

    Still not believe in the possibility of abiotic oil? Explain the methane sea of Saturn’s moon Titan–Kraken Mare. Explain the Carbonaceous chondrite meteorites some of which have amino acids and other so called “organic matter.”

    Dan Kurt

  28. “Peak Oil” is a lie. The American oil companies are undermining themselves with this lie.
    The Russians have already proved that oil is abiotic. They are not having any problems getting at it. They don’t even have to resort to fracking to get it.
    http:// http://www.newswithviews.com “Peak Oil Myth”
    Alot of other websites online about the lie that is peak oil. The Russians now are out competing american oil companies all over the world.
    Antother lie- in this case a lie of omission– Canada has more oil than the whole Middle East. And the oil can be extracted in the old-fashined way– no fracking, no problem.
    The white men down in the oil patch aren’t the problem– but the white men up in corporate are.
    The big oil companies/corporate big-shots Are Lying To Us.
    It is very naive to think that white people — both white men and white women–aren’t capable of mendacity.
    Lots of information online about how the Russians are leaving American oil companies in the dust.
    The jews don’t have a monopoly on mendacity. ( though yes, they are quite good at it,as well).

  29. Go eat a taco and produce some CH4, yes folks that is the most valuable of hydrocarbons and it comes out yer back side.

    Listen folks if whites aspired to greatness we could produce energy that will take us to the edges of the cosmos. If we aspire to transporting some fatass white whale woman to the nail salon then that crap can be done by any third world people, and basically that is what is being done and since we have to bid against people with slightly more economic productivity then they once had it will be more expensive.

  30. Abiotic oil is a joke, magic thinking oil, freaking stupid and as Kuntsler says it is magic thinking. If it takes 6 million dollars to complete a fracked lateral draining well at 5000′ of depth, then how much does it take to drill to the creamy center of the world oil well? As I said upstream as soon a good ol” Ma starts having “difficulties” with gittin to the nail salon in her gas guzzler she starts doing what wimmin do and complain, so good ol” Pa gits on the net and off the porn sites and finds some numbnutter talking about god’s secret stash of CH4.

    And to put this to rest, the person who came up with “Abiotic oil”, well his name was Gold. I guess it is a good thing Hitler did not kill all the “judes?”

  31. I’ve been skeptical of James Kunstler ever since I went to his web site and saw he was advising his readers, mostly white I assume, to learn how to fix shoes to prepare for the future. Learn how to fix shoes? Not science, math, law, medicine, finance, banking, art, writing, journalism? I don’t see a lot of Jews or Asians following his advice. Peak Oil looks like Neo-Malthusianism to me, though I keep on an open mind on it mainly because of HW and Kievsky.

  32. the russians are laughing all the way to their bank vaults about abiotic oil.
    don’t know what hitler or women going to the nail salon has to do with this subject: It’s so ridiculous mixing up all these topics.

  33. “If Jews are the richest and most powerful ethnic group in America, how is it to the advantage of the Jews to argue that the system they have presided over – which they have benefited from more than anyone else – has crossed the threshold of apocalyptic decline?”

    I believe they were, or close to it, in pre-Nazi Germany as well. Think if they got the Germans to next think about Peak Resources instead of the real problem at the last minute. Jews learn. They know they need to keep the goy occupied while they are being buggered. They know from Germany the focus on the pecker wears thin after a while. They need to keep creating the vacuum for the goy to fill. Anything to keep them from realizing they’ve been displaced, are wearing barrels for clothes, and have been genocided.

    The issue isn’t whether peak oil is true. The issue is it’s about #10,000,000 on the list of issues that are going to smack me in the face when I walk out the door tomorrow. The issue is that we can retool, move, grow, and buy to deal with this looming issue all we want, but in the end when we’ve wasted all our time doing that, we’ll find we’ve really left the world no better place insofar as the real issues of gravity we confront on this site. Have we desegregated a single school? Have we stopped one welfare payment?

    Peak Oil is the next Freud. Was there truth there? Perhaps. But what the hell does it do for us today except divert our attention?

  34. WNs have a tendency to explain the complexity of the entire world through reduction to Jews. It could rain outside and some WNs would claim that Jews are responsible for thunderstorms.

    An absurd exaggeration?

    There is a comment on n/a’s blog that claims I am a Jew because I said that Margaret Sanger was a Yankee utopian progressive. HAC has written an entire fantasy novel about how I work for Cass Sunstein and become president of the United States and clash with his NVA armies.

    I remember posts in 2005 that literally blamed Jews for Hurricane Katrina. Of course the most hilarious running example of this in the WN blogosphere is J Richards posts at Majority Rights.

    Jews Did 9/11. Jews Did The Civil War. Mossad Did Norway. Matt Parrott has Khazar features. LOL.

  35. Joe,

    If Russians are laughing “all the way to the bank” about abiotic oil, why hasn’t Russian oil production recovered to its previous record high? Maybe half the countries in the world are engaged in a conspiracy to become more dependent on imported foreign oil?

  36. There are things that Jews are traditionally drawn to. And generally they are things that are not good for forwarding white interests. Which makes them attractive to Jews. Keunstler is a Jew. Keunstler is doing a Jewish thing. No big deal. But that’s what it is.

  37. I don’t think so.

    The idea that Peak Oil is a Jewish conspiracy is baseless. M. King Hubbert wasn’t a Jew. Matthew Simmons wasn’t a Jew. That Irish guy Colin Campbell isn’t a Jew. Thomas Malthus wasn’t a Jew either.

    I’m drinking a bottled water right now. A few more sips and half of it will be gone. When you drill an oil well, you extract the oil, eventually you cross the point where half of the recoverable oil is gone, and production declines.

    You move on to the next oil well. At some point, half the recoverable oil in that area (Texas or Alaska) is gone, and productions declines. What’s true of states is true of nations. What’s true of nations is true of the world.

  38. Indeed. The problem is the damn multicult and its complete control over every aspect of our society.

    What’s going to kill an American white kid in the next hour? An IED in Afghanistan, a black with a gun, or Peak Oil?

    “I wonder if they know we are bringing them poison.”

  39. I didn’t say Peak Oil was a Jewish conspiracy, nor do I believe that? I’m saying making it the center of the world (and I’m not saying you’re doing this) is JEWISH THINKING because it benefits Jews. Just like “climate change.” All these thing promulgated by the demonstrably Jewish MSM are beneficial to Jews. Just like the underreporting of back crime. Or the 6 million. Jewish conspiracy at the outset? Who cares. Good for Jews? Yes.

  40. Peak Oil is a forecast and a theory.

    The theory is either true or false: if it is true, then world oil production will reach an all time high, it will “peak,” and then go into decline. That’s already happened in the U.S. and over half of the nations in the world.

    The IEA says that Peak Oil happened in 2006. If Kunstler’s theory is right, then economic growth will grind to a halt, the economy will contract, oil prices will collapse, then oil prices will rise, more demand will be destroyed, and the economy will contract again.

    “Growth” will be reversed. It will be replaced by contraction. Again, the theory is either true or false, it conforms to observation or it doesn’t.

  41. I believe Hubbert was funded by the oil companies also, though I’m too lazy to look it up.

    Is Peak Oil good for oil companies? HELL YES! Does it dovetail with Agenda 21 and Earth Worship and Climate Change? HELL YES! Is it a religion that replaces historically white Christianity? HELL YES!

    True or not, it is more poison. Why wouldn’t Jews embrace bringing it to us?

  42. Peak Oil isn’t promulgated by the MSM though. The official story in the MSM is that the American economy is experiencing a “recovery.” The official story promulgated by virtually every media outlet in the country is that everything is fine and nothing fundamental has changed.

    BTW, the Peak Oil deniers like Daniel Yergin are published in the Wall Street Journal. If you read the MSM, you will learn that the world is awash for oil, and that America is going to be “energy independent.”

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