Kunstler’s New Book


Too Much Magic: Wishful Thinking, Technology, and the Fate of the Nation … I’ve been reading a Kindle sample, and this is some dark humor:

“The episode in human history that I named in my 2005 book The Long Emergency is off to a good start …

We’ve blown past the defining mileposts for global peak oil – 2005 for conventional crude and 2008 if you include natural gas liquids, tar sand by-products, coal-based distillates, esoteric syncrudes, and other such stuff. In 2008 we had a nice demonstration of extreme volatility in the oil markets (predicted in The Long Emergency) with the price of crude zooming up to $147 a barrel and then crashing a few months later near $32 …

Anyway, 7 billion already amounts to a human population overshoot in relation to planet earth’s ecology. We’re putting a strain on everything the earth has to offer us. While the combination of peak stuff and 7 billion humans is forcing the issue, I think the truth is that circumstances will now determine what happens, not policies or personalities. …

Rather, the usual suspects will enter the scene and do their thing: starvation, disease, and violence. (The fourth horseman is usually called death, which I never understood because it just seems to be a consequence of the other three.) …

As a general economic matter, the crux of the problem is that peak oil implies an implacable limit to future growth, the kind of growth we’ve understood to be normal in the industrial age. From here on there will be no more growth defined as increased wealth from industrial production, only contraction. There is no credible model of a postindustrial economy that would permit our accustomed comfort and convenience to continue as is – apart from the wishes and fantasies of people who would like there to be one. Any way you cut it, the inability to increase energy inputs to the system limits what we can do in the system.

We have no prior experience in human history running industrial economies in reverse …”

We saw a preview of this in Rwanda in 1994 which is the most densely populated country in sub-Saharan Africa. The population of Africa has grown from 200 million in 1950 to just over 1 billion in 2010.

Bono is going to have his work cut out for him.

About Hunter Wallace 12411 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The U.S. military is the largest oil user in the world. It costs $400 a gallon to run operations in Afghanistan. Peak Oil will cripple the U.S. military’s ability to project power abroad.

    *Missles and drone strikes are another matter.

  2. Yes of course the USA should be energy dependent. We have the technology, man-power, know-how, resources, and oil in Alsaka and Canada ( more oil in Canada than in the Middle East). It’s time for the corporate big-shots to stop lying– to stop undermining America. Putting the country on a war footing to invade other countries for resources we already have.
    That’s why the Peak Oil Scam pisses me off so much. No loyalty or patriotism from the hot shot big-boys in corporate.
    They would rather see white American soldiers killed down all over the world in wrs based on lies — fighting wars for resources we already have here in North America in abundance.
    Now the big-shots are encouraging us to go to war in the shithole of africa — all for the benefit of the Israelis. The jews can go fight their own wars if the want the
    horn of africa so badly.
    It has nothing to do with benefiting white Americans. It would be a great loss of blood, treasure, and another long,drawn out war like Korea ( we still have troops there 60 years aftterwards), Vietnam ( how it ripped our society/culture apart), Afghanistan– still there , and uncle sam will be there a long time as Afghanistan borders Iran and Pakistan — two countries the Israelis want to destroy.
    That’s all they’re about:
    ISRAEL = WAR …… And Lots Of War
    ISRAEL= WAR……..And White American Men Fighting And Dying
    ISRAEL= WAR…..And White Americans Losing Her Progeny:
    All For Lies ————> For Warmongering Israel… And A Handful of Billionaire Families—————–> F*CK ISRAEL

  3. Joe,

    1.) Every president since Nixon has promised to make America “energy independent.” Reality has triumphed every time.

    2.) Conventional oil production in Canada and Alaska peaked decades ago. Oil production in Alaska has declined for twenty years.

    3.) As it happens, the oil industry takes just the opposite position. According to the oil companies, everything is fine.

    4.) If Peak Oil is a scam, then it follows that half the countries in the world are engaged in a conspiracy to become financially dependent on oil imports. The idea is self evidently ludicrous.

    5.) Did America actually benefit oil wise from Iraq, Afghanistan, or Libya?

    6.) I’m confused.

    If oil is abiotic as you claim, why is it necessary to go to war for foreign oil reserves? Why doesn’t Israel or Japan drill to the great bon bon of abiotic oil just below the earth’s crust and solve their resource dependency problem?

  4. Re: Voodoo “Russian science” position of “endless oil”:

    Lack of science education background? Abiogenic hydrocarbons are predominant on “gas” planets and frozen planets, not on “rocky” planets like Earth. The oil, and coal and other fossil fuels we use are incontrovertibly Biogenic, very finite, and not self-renewing.

  5. @Hunter Wallace
    Reality hasn’t triumphed — only lies have triunphed. Only the Rothschilds and the Zionist corporate big-shots have triumphed.
    The oil companies say everything is fine:
    A: The oil companies have to work within the confines of the international banking system.
    B: The oil companies ( yes even the American and British companies) know fully well that oil is abiotic ( if I and millions of other people know it– the oil companies know it).
    In that sense, everything is fine.
    There is plenty of oil in Alaska still, plus Canada has more oil than the Middle East and enough to last us for about 500 years at the present rate of consumption.That can be found online easily.
    As far as our presidents are concerned. Every American president since Woodrow Wilson has lied to us. Since the signing of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 the USA has been under the domination of the Jewish bankers. Wilson knew that he had betrayed the country. He admitted so on his deathbed ( and yes presidents have lied before the signing as well. That’s outside the scope of this post).
    Our presidents have to work within the confines set down by the big bankers–just like the oil companies have to do– just like all of corporate America must work within the confines as delineated by the big bankers.
    Uncle Sam has something around 300 military bases all over the world (not sure of the exact number- I think it exceeds 300 actually). Most of the countries of the world are tied into the banking system of London/NewYork. In addition, Uncle Sam’s military is used to keep them inline. It started with Teddy Roosevelt. After WW2, The USA reigned supreme. While weakened today, Uncle Sam is still a force to be reckoned with.
    The US military and the international banking system makes the rules. Half the world is not involved in the peak oil conspiracy. The countries are coerced into the agenda– willingly or not. One way to coerce the countries into it is to allow the other countries to send their excess population here. “Tit-for-Tat”, “Carrot-and-Stick” type empire type policies to help keep friction down and make it easier for the trillionaire and billionaire familes who make our policy (ies).
    Japan is not as sovereign as many believe. It is still ruled under US military law to a degree : Enough of a degree to make Japan a type of vassal state.
    Just like Germany and Italy is. Very much so. It has been that way since American victory in 1945.
    Uncle Sam supplies Israel with plenty of oil. The Israelis need not spend alot of money and resources to get oil. They got Uncle Sam doing that for them already.
    No. The US does not benefit from any of the wars. I’ve been saying that all along.
    Peak oil is an excuse ( not the only excuse, but one of the reasons– though a major reason) for the wars of conquest and empire.
    It is an ostensible reason, and an ostensible reason only. It is not the Real Reason.
    The real reason for the wars is that the Zionist/Talmudic Jewish leadership wants to have as much control as possible in as many countries as they can get.
    They now want the Horn of Africa, Syria, Iran, Pakistan, in addition to all the other countries they already control through the London/NewYork banking system and through Uncle Sam’s military.
    The American military is used as a pit bull by the Zionist ( jewish and non-jews as well) big shots to keep the world in line. Those countries that are not fully and wholly part of theLondon/NewYork banking syestem are on the “Hit List”.
    I use the expression “Hit List” ’cause Cheney used that expression after 9/11 to explain that we American should expect wars for decades to come: “There’re many countries on the “Hit List”. He actually said it. I heard it. I am still reeling fom it.
    I am not confused.
    The wars are fot the benefit of Israel. Not the average Israeli. Most Israelis are as indoctrinated and as confused as we are here in the USA. I have already written posts about the eventual destruction of Israel ( Israel is on the chopping block just as the USA is).
    Israel in this post of mine means the Rothschilds, all the other big-shot bankers, and all the corporate big-shots that love this agenda of endless war and endless looting– looting of foreign countries while looting the USA simultaneously.
    Romney, for example, has made his fortune from “creative destruction” and “theft and redistribution”. That can’t be denied. He’s not an anomaly in present day corporate america; Not at all: He is typical of the modern day corporate America.
    I am not confused at all.

  6. Joe is pounding on the table that there’s vast amounts of easy-to-get oil in Canada and Alaska just like the good ol’ days. (No links to prove his assertion, however, note.)
    or if not that, then the Russians will drill deep and save us.

    He claims the reason the big oil cos. are not currently engaged in getting that easy oil in Canada and Alaska is because the banksters, who want resource wars, won’t let ’em.
    Joe is pissed at the oil companies for not driling all that easy oil in Canada he says exists.

    But, Joe, if there really WERE easy oil in Canada, it’s a moot point anyway. Who’s going to drill for that easy oil you insist is just lying there for the taking, if the banksters won’t let the big oil cos.? You? No, of course not.

    So the result to you is the same: Resource scarcity. Peak Oil, whether due, as I maintain, to the easy oil being gone or the banksters preventing the oil companies from getting all that easy oil, the effects on us are the same: Price shocks due to supply of oil on the world market being insufficient to meet world demand.
    Those price shocks will be painful. Truckers refusing to bring the food is just one example. And these price shocks are NOT going to be in 10, 20, 50 years, but this year or next.

    Joe, I get it that you’re pissed. Peak Oil as a concept is shocking. Facing the loss of your comfortable way of life is awful. Like a death in the family awful. You are in the process of grieving. The first stage of grieving is denial, which is why you are grabbing at the straws of abiotic oil and banksters supposedly preventing the big oil cos. from drilling in Canada and Alaska.

    But, keep thinking — because:

    Peak Oil is GOOD for the White man.

    Here’s WHY:

    Consider: There are two possibilities:
    A) We get our shit together and start building the infrastructure for running things without oil
    B) we don’t, and we experience the stair-step ratcheting down of economy back to the 1880s.

    A) then the fact that America is no longer dependent on oil means we can tell the sand naggers to go pound sand. Ordinary Americans will realize, we don’t NEED an “unsinkable aircraft carrier” in the Middle East named Israel. So AIPAC loses its grip on American politicians. The American Jews lose their grip on the ordinary American’s willingness to “stand with Israel,” and that new attitude of ordinary Americans will spread to telling the Jewish banksters, and Jews in general, to go to hell. (This also requires the death from old age of all of the “this generation” of Christian Zionists who have a religious delusion that Standing with Israel will make Jesus come back in their lifetime. That old age death for the last of ’em will come within 1-2 decades, about the same time of which the non-oil infrastructure would be in place. )


    B) then that stairstepping ratchet down of the economy, while it will be painful for White Americans, will also do these good things: The US empire can no longer KEEP its military might. So empire collapses. That takes down the banksters. It will force relocalization of food production, which the renewed self-reliance of White man will get him his ‘nads — and his women– back. Without a gigantic economy to parasitize from, the Jews lose power.

    So, either way it plays out, it’s all good.

  7. Great unrest and dissatisfaction amongst Israelis as to how they are ruled– they are ruled by the same banking/corporate big-shots as we are.
    This is the tip of the iceberg as to what is happening in Israel. Go to Israeli websites to learn what is going on over there. Pretty much the same problems as here.
    The point is: We are ruled by liars and thieves. Peak Oil is part of it.
    I have already provided links about peak oil. Enough to get a reader interested in the subject started, to whoever is interested in reading both sides of the issue.
    Everything about our government and corporate world is a lie. More and more people are realizing it.
    The situation isn’t so clear cut as white man= good/ everyone else =bad.
    The jews on the very top stink– so do the white non-jewish men at the top stink.
    The jews (the rothschilds and other jewish banking families) aren’t going to be losing any power any time soon. That’s for sure. It’s a pipe dream.
    Life in European countries that had kicked out the Jews (throughout history) weren’t any type of paradises for the average citizens. All the same problems remained. Some problems actually got worse ( the Jews were always let back in eventually anyway).
    The challenge is to go up against the ruling power without going overboard about how great and how noble our group is– we are not so great and we are not so noble.
    Better to work with the Jews– like the ones in Israel, and Jews here in the States– who are opposed to the whole agenda as we are.
    The first step is to get educated.
    I recommend to all readers to read both sides of every issue.That is always a good idea. For every issue and topic.

  8. “I recommend to all readers to read both sides of every issue.”

    Some issues have more than two “sides.” Some are not even issues at all. Some have only one side. These are often called “facts.” Peak Oil is one of these. So is the anthropogenic nature of the rise in atmospheric CO2 levels.

  9. “I recommend to all readers to read both sides of every issue.That is always a good idea. For every issue and topic.”

    Yeah, I’ve read your side, weak tea though it is. No thanks to you for links.

    But I actually appreciate you forcing me to do my own googling, as the Whiskey and Gunpowder article I found by Byron King has utterly gutted your silly assertion that the Russians are drilling ultradeep and producing huge amounts of oil. King pointed out: no pipelines = no substantial oil production. So the Russkies ain’t the peak oil saviors you claimed. Thanks. It’s beneficial to have that question answered definitively.

    Now, take your own advice. Go read Twilight in the Desert and some of the primer stuff on peakoil.net, as well as theoildrum.com, so you and I can finally begin to have an intelligent conversation, ‘kay, squidg’ms?

  10. GOOGLE:
    ” Russia Proves Peak Oil A Lie ”
    Lots of websites about this topic. Lots of information.

  11. “GOOGLE:
    ” Russia Proves Peak Oil A Lie ”
    Lots of websites about this topic. Lots of information.”

    Joe, you annoying prick. I’d like to throttle you.

    I’ve answered every objection you’ve thrown up that supposedly proves peak oil a lie, yet you just keep parroting, grawk, “google Russia proves peak oil a lie” as if I’d said nothing at all.

    Fine. I decided I’d humor you one more time: So I typed in the *very words* you said, into google.

    The only sites that came up just parrot the same stuff that I already proved false with my link to the Byron King article on Whiskey and Gunpowder site.

    OBVIOUSLY you didn’t even read my link to the Whiskey and Gunpowder article. Byron King makes a very simple, common sense point that utterly DECIMATES any claims of Russia proving peak oil a lie. And that common sense point is: Those deep wells don’t have any substantial pipeline infrastructure. And that’s easily proved with satellite imagery.

    So those wells are either dry holes, or at best, “stripper wells” making only a few barrels a day.

    Because if those wells were producing substantial amounts of oil there would certainly be giant pipelines and huge tank farms to deal with the production. Since there is no giant infrastructure at those wells, that’s PROOF that those very wells you say proves peak oil a lie, are a lie, themselves.

    Are you here to be deliberately mendacious because you’re a Zionist shill hoping to lead Whites into a blind alley in hopes we die of energy starvation, or are you just too dim to understand my very obvious, undeniable, common sense point?

  12. Barb,

    FWIW, I quit reading Joe when I had the same experience on a different issue a couple of weeks back. Joe likes assertion without evidence. We disagreed on some point. I don’t recall what it was. Joe threw out a bunch of claims with no cites or links. I asked for them. I mentioned that it is customary to back up claims in a debate. His response was “go look it up yourself; I’m not going to do your work for you.” After a couple of exchanges like that, I cut bait. Assertions without evidence, ignoring requests for evidence, drawing people into wasting value comment time on pointless exchanges, often taking threads off topic, baiting people into making insults of frustration (you’re an annoying prick…) What does that look like? If it Looks Like a Duck, Walks Like A Duck, Sounds Like a Duck …Best thing to do. Just don’t engage Joe. Nothing personal.

  13. Doesn’t change the fact that Peak Oil is a lie.
    ” Russia Proves Peak Oil A Lie”
    I posted websites already. Not posting each and every website on the web. Just way too many to post.

  14. Or– One can Google:
    ” Peak Oil Debunked ”
    And get even more websites explaining the Peak Oil Lie. It’s always good to learn both sides of an issue. If there are more than 2 sides, then it’s always good to learn every side– however many– and come to an informed and knowledgeable decision.

  15. Seems to me that Kunstler — the “lying ,insidious” schmoze — is telling me the truth. The Peak Oil Lie is a reason the USA is going downhill real fast. That’s what I mean when I say we should be working with the Jews who are opposed to the whole agenda as we are :
    It makes alot more sense than calling them names and ostracising them (and scaring them with talk about how glorious those horrible 13 years of pure insanity in Germany under hitler was– nothing glorious about it.) — especially if they’re telling us the truth.
    The indoctrination we recieve about blaming jews for everything is wrong. My fellow christians need to wake up to our own faults, before anything is going to change for the better.
    See my post at Henry Makow. Under an article about The Rothschilds. The article was
    put up Sunday. Excellent article, I think.
    I got more truth from Kunstler than the Good Ole Boys down in Texas.

  16. “…Best thing to do. Just don’t engage Joe. Nothing personal.”

    Thank you, Lew. You’re right, of course. My apologies to the good people here at OD for losing my cool.

    My main purpose for answering Joe is not that I really believe I will persuade Joe, so much, as it is to counter his hooey for good folks lurking who have only just stumbled on the Peak Oil issue, lest they be mislead (and to reexamine my own views in case of genuine new information, to see if I’m still right. The lack of pipeline infrastructure around those Russian deep wells proves I still am. So, thanks).

    But, heh, I forgot myself and my own principles and took Joe’s bait.

    Again, folks, apologies.

  17. You will not persuade me as it is very clear that Peak Oil is a lie.
    The links I provided and suggestions made as to how one can “google” the information, is proof enough that I debated in a fair-minded and objective manner.

  18. The economy will grow or not… here’s the thing about being prepared for the worst case scenario; neither one of those things bother you. You’re ready if things go well and you’re ready if things don’t.

  19. One more thing, Gentle Commenters at OD:

    I finally remembered the name of the good ol’ boy from Texas who made those videos I was trying to remember.
    His name is Zapata George (Blake). He, sadly, passed away, but was among the smartest, yet plain-spoken-est, fellas I ever listened to. I discovered him on financialsense.com years ago, like 2006. What he predicted way back then has only continued to develop to be more and more obviously true.


  20. Joe, you are the single best argument against democracy that I have seen on this website (and that’s really saying something considering the idiocy of many other people who post here.)

  21. Good folks here at OD wondering about the Canadian oil sands:
    There’s a concept called energy return on energy invested (EROEI), meaning, how much fossil fuel do you have to use up to do the extraction to get more fossil fuels?

    Drilling a well into a giant conventional oil reservoir like Saudi Arabia’s Ghawar, it’s so easy, the return is like, one barrel of oil burnt extracts one thousand barrels.

    For something like the Canadian tar sands, that’s not true. Canadian tar sands have to be *strip-mined* like it was coal or something, with heavy earth-moving equipment and lots of personnel. And then it must heated to extreme temps to turn the tar into anything resembling a liquid fuel.

    So mining the tar sands takes tremendous amounts of oil to run the heavy equipment and tremendous amounts of natural gas and water to turn the sludge into a fluid. Then it still must be refined. When you count all the fossil fuel inputs, the tar sands may only return 2 barrels of oil for every one barrel-equivaled used. I’ve even heard talk that the tar sands may be EROEI-negative, neaning we’d be better off to put the nat gas in the cars directly, rather than waste it trying to turn that sludge into fuel oil.
    ONLY if nuclear reactors were set up there, to provide the heat, would the tar sands (and shale oil, and Fischer-Tropsche process for synfuel from coal) make sense. But after Fukishima, good luck getting a nuke plant built.

  22. The way I look at it, if the global elites want a mass die-off, they won’t do anything about peak oil intentionally. If they want and ever increasing population of consumers and tax payers, or if they just need cheap energy to maintain their hold on power, I could see them funding 30 or 40 nukes on US soil to keep energy cheap.

  23. Why are you so consumed that people adopt the Peak Oil worldview, barb? The argument has the feeling of a sex ed in school argument. And you’re the Jew.

    I appreciate Joe’s stance on this particular issue, right or wrong.

    Mangled supply lines, chaos and lack of funds will destroy the oil economy in America long before the last well runs dry.

    And even if not, if the TPTB don’t allow a solution to surface before then, it’s because Peak Oilers have become so consumed with baptizing the populace with their Jewey agenda, they have not replaced them.

    The problem is not Peak Oil. Nor was the problem prayer in schools, illegal abortion, slavery, child labor, poverty, or any other diversion. You think we’re going to get on the Peak Oil Roller Coaster and it’s going to lead us to redemption.


  24. “But after Fukishima, good luck getting a nuke plant built.”

    Nuclear accidents come and go but opposition to nuclear power evaporates when power related brownouts occur. Case in point: power shortages due to electricity deregulation during the early 2000’s (and consequent market manipulation) in groovy eco California caused even the most liberal legislators to start talking about building more nuclear plants.

    The masses won’t put up with the internet being down or the 46″ TV being dark. In fact we are past the point of no return on a ubiquitous internet being fundamentally necessary for the economy to function. That requires electric power 24/7.

    The good news is that we have hundreds of years of energy in the ground even at a population level that peaks at 9 billion if you count coal, lignite, tar sands, and uranium (and running breeder reactors that re-process spent nuclear fuel.)

  25. “The way I look at it, if the global elites want a mass die-off, they won’t do anything about peak oil intentionally.”

    Right. But, Lew, here is the $64,000 question. If the global elites want a mass die off, which races do they want to off?

    Because if it’s White folks, then unmitigated peak oil is the wrong way to go about it, as non-Whites, lazy and dull-witted as they are, are far more likely to die en mass when multiple peak-oil crises hit than the White man, who has a resourceful, inventive, self-reliant, community-oriented nature (currently being submerged by cheap-energy driven prosperity.)

    The way to effectively genocide the White man is by way of the things that are happening now, where cheap oil-driven prosperity has lulled White man into the severe lethargy that allows for the imminvasion and the feminism-driven White birthrate collapse.

    But I see no evidence of any moves toward massive Peak-oil-mitigation infrastructure being started. I see only incompetence, dithering, denial and wanking.

    Yet, if it’s non-Whites the elites are really interested in offing, which is who’s in fact going to go if Peak Oil is allowed to play out unmitigated, then WHY go through all the trouble to uplift them, as they’ve done the last 50 years?

    Makes no sense.

    That’s why I DON’T think the elites have got things under control. I think they thought they had it, and the goal IS to off the White race, as evidenced by their actions the last 50 years, but then Peak Oil snuck up on ’em and threw a spanner in the whole works.
    In fact, if I were a religious woman, I would believe Peak Oil is a miracle sent by Thor to save us, his beloved children.

  26. “Why are you so consumed that people adopt the Peak Oil worldview, barb? The argument has the feeling of a sex ed in school argument. And you’re the Jew.”

    Because I’m convinced that Peak Oil is *true*, objectively *true*, and being a White, I hold fast to the truth — because dealing with reality is better than wishful thinking.

    And I think the consequences of Peak Oil are going to suck — unless my people are prepared, in which case the extreme differential death rates (dull-witted, dependent non-Whites dying far more than Whites who can innovate to survive) means the White race survives.

  27. “The good news is that we have hundreds of years of energy in the ground even at a population level that peaks at 9 billion if you count coal, lignite, tar sands, and uranium (and running breeder reactors that re-process spent nuclear fuel.)”

    Ya gotta mine to get those energy sources. Mining equipment (at present at least) requires oil. Without the oil for the mining equipment, we can’t get AT those energy sources, rendering their existence moot.

    While we still HAVE some oil, we need to be building out the infrastructure to be able to exploit that energy when oil becomes too scarce.

    Are we doing this?

    Wankers like Joe are telling us, No Worries. The Russians will drill deep and get all the oil any civilization could ever possibly want. Which if it’s a delusion (it is) then if we’ve done nothing already to mitigate Peak Oil, one day the mining equipment stops — and that’s that. Lights out.

  28. Yes indeed! All hail the breast, from which all human goodness flows! The breast, upon which all humankind suckles as it is brought forth from the GREAT EARTH SPHERE. And the giant BREAST of the GREAT EARTH SPHERE from which the oil upon which did prosper humankind DOTH FLOW. HAIL THE OIL BREAST! Hail the GIANT NIPPLE OF THE OIL BREAST!

    Where the orgy at?

  29. “one day the mining equipment stops — and that’s that. Lights out.”

    Remember we still have half of our extractable oil left in the ground. The bad news is that it is going to get exponentially more expensive once the bad debt causing the Great Recession is written off and the global economy starts expanding again.

    Want to make Alberta tar sands oil extraction cheap? Build a nuclear power plant next to it. As to the problem of expensive oil – build coal fired power plants.

  30. GOOGLE:
    ” Scientific Proof Of Abiotic Oil”
    And/Or Go To:
    ” engdahl” website. (.com)
    The peak oil lie is being used as an excuse to conquer and invade countries– we are to believe that we’re running out of oil so we must go on the move and conquer countries all around the world to get the resources we need.
    But it is a lie. There is plenty of oil in Canada. And it can be extracted alot easier than the oil companies let on. The american and british oil companies are lying to us.
    There is plenty of proof — hard scientific proof — that oil is abiotic. The technology exists to get at it. The Russians have the technology and have been getting at the abiotic oil fine.
    The Russians knew that oil is abiotic since the 1950’s. They are now outpacing the US in oil production– big time.

  31. It would be best for white Americans if our oil companies just stayed in Canada and used the technology developed by the Russins to extract oil. There would be no need to depend on the Middle East oil fields or to get involved in wars over bullsh*t.
    It would greatly help the US and Canadian economies and put alot of people to work– good high-paying jobs,too boot.
    That’s what’s best for the white Americans. Not wars of empire based on lies.

  32. “Want to make Alberta tar sands oil extraction cheap? Build a nuclear power plant next to it. As to the problem of expensive oil – build coal fired power plants”

    Yeah, Rudel, that’s my point. There are solutions to Peak Oil (although drilling down 10 miles ain’t one of ’em).

    But all these solutions? Nuke plants, ocean energy, etc.?
    We are implementing NONE of them. We’re just wasting time with fantasies about Russians drilling 40,000-foot-deep gusher wells.

    The Alberta tar sands, to cite just one example, get mined with diesel-fueled earth moving equipment and and natural gas-fired ovens to melt it to liquid (along with lots of water).
    If we had LFTR (liquid fluorine cooled thorium reactors) power plants all over the place, already all built and running, all those gazillions of watts of electricity would enable us to do anything we want.
    But we don’t have any LFTR plants, and we’re not currently building any LFTR power plants.

    Meanwhile, we are on the downside of the world oil production curve. So what?

    The so what is, oil is the lifeblood of technological civilization.

    Whenever demand hits a supply constraint, you get a price shock. That price shock causes an economic crisis. As the economy begins to recover, it soon, again, bumps up against supply constraints, you get another price shock, the economy goes into another tailspin —
    but this time at an even lower level than the last time.
    And the cycle repeats.
    With each iteration, the demand bumps up against supply constraint-caused tailspins at lower and lower and lower levels.
    And with each tailspin, you get chaos, you get panic, you get hoarding, you get more destruction than you bargained for, so each iteration is more difficult to recover from than the last.

    It’s like relapsing/remitting multiple sclerosis.

    Now here’s the REAL problem. Peak oil mitigation strategies are costly to get started with, both in initial construction costs and initial energy inputs. These are gigantic projects. Building a nuke plant, for instance, is a HUGE undertaking, before you ever get a single watt back again. Building those Peak Oil mitigation strategies are only POSSIBLE with a reasonably strong economy and reasonably available oil.

    The longer we dilly, the more relapse episodes of “Peak Oil MS” our economy suffers before we get going building the peak-oil mitigating infrastructures,
    the less likely we become of being CAPABLE of building that infrastructure, because we won’t have the money or the oil energy to even get started.

  33. Nuke plants are only as expensive as they are because of all the legal fighting and bullshit that takes place when one is built. All that will be swept away by brownouts and blackouts.

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