Kunstler’s New Book


Too Much Magic: Wishful Thinking, Technology, and the Fate of the Nation … I’ve been reading a Kindle sample, and this is some dark humor:

“The episode in human history that I named in my 2005 book The Long Emergency is off to a good start …

We’ve blown past the defining mileposts for global peak oil – 2005 for conventional crude and 2008 if you include natural gas liquids, tar sand by-products, coal-based distillates, esoteric syncrudes, and other such stuff. In 2008 we had a nice demonstration of extreme volatility in the oil markets (predicted in The Long Emergency) with the price of crude zooming up to $147 a barrel and then crashing a few months later near $32 …

Anyway, 7 billion already amounts to a human population overshoot in relation to planet earth’s ecology. We’re putting a strain on everything the earth has to offer us. While the combination of peak stuff and 7 billion humans is forcing the issue, I think the truth is that circumstances will now determine what happens, not policies or personalities. …

Rather, the usual suspects will enter the scene and do their thing: starvation, disease, and violence. (The fourth horseman is usually called death, which I never understood because it just seems to be a consequence of the other three.) …

As a general economic matter, the crux of the problem is that peak oil implies an implacable limit to future growth, the kind of growth we’ve understood to be normal in the industrial age. From here on there will be no more growth defined as increased wealth from industrial production, only contraction. There is no credible model of a postindustrial economy that would permit our accustomed comfort and convenience to continue as is – apart from the wishes and fantasies of people who would like there to be one. Any way you cut it, the inability to increase energy inputs to the system limits what we can do in the system.

We have no prior experience in human history running industrial economies in reverse …”

We saw a preview of this in Rwanda in 1994 which is the most densely populated country in sub-Saharan Africa. The population of Africa has grown from 200 million in 1950 to just over 1 billion in 2010.

Bono is going to have his work cut out for him.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hubbert was a Shell Oil geologist who made the common sense observation that there is only so much oil in an oil well, only so much recoverable oil in any given territory, only so much oil that is worth the cost of trying to recover.

    BTW, Daniel Yergin works for the oil companies. The official story from the oil companies is that everything is fine. It is a handful of people (in Kunstler’s case, a guy with a blog) who claim otherwise.

  2. Peak Oil, sustainability, carbon taxes, climate change, Chevy Volt, Solyndra, windmills, abortion, pornography, free love, usury and get us into the coffin before we realize we’ve been screwed.

  3. The New Age people are techno-utopians who believe in shit like high speed rail, solar, wind farms, “living in harmony” with Nature, and so on. Kunstler spends a large part of the book criticizing Ray Kurzweil’s theory of “The Singularity.”

  4. You are saying above all things this is what we cannot overcome and this is what we must accept. This is the thing that will Change All Things and we must Do What We Can to prepare for this Inevitability.

    This conflicts with what we should believe, and that is that White Displacement is the thing we Must Accept, the Thing That Will Change All Things, and that will Truly destroy the world in which we seek to live, and indeed has destroyed our world.

    A man cannot have two masters. And one of them Kunstler wants you to have. It’s like the one Freud wants you to have. It’s the one where you die because you didn’t keep your eye on the ball.

  5. @Hunter Wallace,
    I don’t know all about it. I do know,however, the Russians are outpacing the Americans.
    The American oil companies have been around alot longer than the Russian companies and still have alot of influence in foreign countries. I would imagine that is the reason.
    The American oil companies are losing their lead, though, over this topic, and the American military is not going to be able back-up the American oil companies forever.
    Uncle sam’s military is very over extended as it is.
    American oil companies told the Vietnamese that they weren’t able to get the oil. That Vietnam was running out of oil ( peak oil). The Vietnamese kicked the Americans out. The Russians got the contract. The Russians are not running out of oil to pump out of the earth in Vietnam.
    Then there’s the matter of Canada. Plenty of oil in Canada. It has been proven already. And the oil can be got at the old fashioned way– without fracking.
    I personally wouldn’t call this a conspiracy. I would call it really lousy business practices and a great way to shoot oneself in the foot.
    If it is a conspiracy, the big-shot non-jewish oil men are involved in it up to their necks, whatever the jewish role ( the big banks) may or may not be.
    The American oil companies are acting as if it’s 1950 and that they rule the world. But the world has changed since then, as we all know, but the thinking of the corporate heads in the oil industry hasn’t, it seems. They think they can do as they please as they they got uncle sam’s military to back them up. But those days are coming to an end.
    Just like the USA is in so many ways.

  6. Kunstler vs. Kurzweil:

    “He writes pretty well, too, and his book of Really Big Ideas, called The Singularity Is Near, made a big splash in 2005 the same year that my own book The Long Emergency was published. His book spins out a story about the future of the human race in the twenty-first century (and beyond) that is about as opposed to the ideas in my book about the same period of time as you could possibly find …

    Now, to Kurzweil’s ideas. I will try to summarize them and then get into the particulars.

    The singularity is the idea that human beings will join with artificial intelligence (AI) in machines and will allow us to transcend biology. Computer AI will multiply exponentially in a very short time, the next half century, and will replicate itself until the solar system is turned on as a kind of cosmic self-aware AI computer, and then this uberintelligence will make another rapid leap and light up the entire universe and by and by it may go down wormholes and light up additional universes until everything you can conceive and way beyond is occupied by human spawned cybernetic machine intelligence. This will be achieved via genetic engineering, nanotechnology, and robotics, the GNE alliance.”

  7. I don’t believe we’ve reached peak oil. There is an oil field off the coast of Alaska (I believe it is named Gull Island) that has more oil than Saudi Arabia. It was being discussed on some financial show (perhaps Corbett Report) where the late, great Bob Chapman was the guest. He verified it and Bob was right 98-99% of the time. It is never mentioned because they prefer the public not know about it. Does anyone know what I am talking about???

  8. Yes Snowhitey, you’re referring to Lindsey Williams. He comes on talk shows every few months with updates from his elite insider source.

    Who knows?

    I know that we are more than carbon that feeds on carbon and facts or philosophies that posit differently are useless to me.

  9. I don’t know what to think about this Peak Oil business. There are reserves in Alaska we haven’t touched yet, and from what I heard, there is lots of production in South Dakota and other places in the US and abroad. I have my doubts about it.

    I agree with Landshark in that a drastically reduced oil supply something that MIGHT happen, and there are more dangers to us that are clear and present now that we should be worrying about, rather than worrying about something that may or may not take place. And Agenda 21 is a real threat. I think it’s a good possibility that this Peak Oil crap might be a way to push Agenda 21 and force us to live in cities all crammed up together, embracing “diversity” as an added bonus.

    I looked at the Amazon page for Kuntsler’s book, and after having read the reviews of this book and some background on him, it sounds like he’s a huge distaste for technology. It seems like reading this guy’s book might be tantamount to reading the Unabomber’s Manifesto.

  10. One way or another we are going to have to go back to Africa and obliterate the cannibals and savages.

    A carrier group and a few brigades of well trained tanks and infantry ought to be a good start. No mercy. No quarter. No end.

  11. “The Russians have already proved that oil is abiotic. They are not having any problems getting at it”

    The asserted “hot deep biosphere,” where we are “sure” to find all this ostensible oil, this “creamy nougat center” at the juncture of the mantel and the crust — that’s proposing drilling 10+ miles into the Earth’s crust. The pressures (from the overlying rock — or rock and water if you’re talking under the ocean) at that depth are unimaginable.

    Consider: The Deepwater Horizons rig owned by Transocean drilled the deepest well ever drilled. They hit oil, sure. And the unimaginable pressures upon that oil from the miles upon miles upon miles of overlying rock, as soon as the bit broke into the reservoir, the sudden release of pressure for that oil, it shot out of there with so vastly many pounds of pressure, the blowout preventer was woefully inadequate, orders of magnitude inadequate. And so, BP had the worst spill in history. Killed the Gulf.

    Killing the Gulf is bad for White people: White fishermen, Whites who live on the Gulf, and Whites who would have liked to eat the fish the Gulf fishermen would have caught.

    Oh? You say, just drill on land? Yeah, you get a blowout and explosion the magnitude of BP’s last year, you’ve got a fire Red Adair would be helpless to put out.
    (Because the breach was under water is why all that oil didn’t go up in flames.)

    Now, Deepwater Horizons was required a pipestring from rig to wellbottom of “only” 7 miles. At a “mere” 7 miles, we couldn’t BEGIN to handle the pressures.
    To talk about meeting the billions upon billions of barrels of oil needed to meet oil demand in the next few decades through this ultradeep drilling idea you so casually toss about, as if it’s only as difficult as blowing your nose, we might just as well be talking getting methane off Titan.

  12. One thing is for certain: Humanity will prevail. What kind of humanity prevails one could say is dependent on how little time current white humanity spends thinking about the possibility of crop failure, plague, asteroid or no oil. Either it’s there or it isn’t there. Either we will get at it or we won’t. We like to think about it because we will have no effect on it. Things we can effect, things for which solutions are at hand yet require uncomfortable, threatening confrontation, are things we’d rather avoid. Except here, of course. Usually.

  13. “Plenty of oil in Canada. It has been proven already. And the oil can be got at the old fashioned way– without fracking.
    I would call it really lousy business practices and a great way to shoot oneself in the foot.”

    Really, Joe?
    You really think international oil companies (like, for instance, BPAmoco) who in the 1920s drilled out and then over decades produced to the production decline point that it was no longer economic to keep the now-depleted wells going, such fields as the Teapot Dome area of Central Wyoming —
    — the same companies that got the easy oil all over the world for the last 100 years, like Ghawar in Saudia Arabia —
    — you really think they’re so stupid, despite 100 years of history of learning the business going for the easy stuff, that they wouldn’t go get easy Canadian oil, if it really existed? You think that they’d rather, just cuz they’re stupid, go directional drilling and fracking Bakken in North Dakota?

  14. The Gulf Oil Spill :
    We’re talking about BP. That is not a Russian oil company.
    The Russians are not having difficulty getting at the oil ( either on land or on oil rigs out on the oceans/seas) that American and British companies are having. Not at all.
    The comparison/ argument doesn’t hold water. It doesn’t change the fact that “peak oil” is a lie.
    It’s already been scientifically proven for anyone who cares about the truth.
    Check it out.

  15. More oil in Canada than anywhere on earth. That’s been proven already. Tons of oil in Alaska as well.
    Yes really.

  16. So how high of a price could they get if oil was perceived as easy and unlimited? If you wanted to control the world through the world’s dependency on your product (and what good businessman wouldn’t), how would ease of availability help you? It wouldn’t. Perceived scarcity would.

  17. “We’re talking about BP. That is not a Russian oil company.”

    Oh, please. If Russia were successfully drilling and producing in substantial numbers from formations at the depth that BP was going after, their production would not be declining.

    And you seriously believe that if the Russians had blowout preventer technology that would have prevented the Deep Horizons explosion, that Transocean wouldn’t have STOLEN it, already? Do you think Transocean WANTED to lose a rig a multi-billion rig, one of the few in the world known to be capable of drilling to the depths you say the Russians are “having no trouble doing”?

  18. Exxon couldn’t keep its captains sober. How much does that cost?

    Space Shuttle O-rings.

    Just because they lost the rig does’t mean they wanted it to happen.

    There were pros who knew the valve wasn’t big enough.

  19. Russian production is not declining at all . It is on the rise, very much so. Wherever you got that information, it is a falsity.

  20. “More oil in Canada than anywhere on earth. That’s been proven already. Tons of oil in Alaska as well.”

    I don’t buy it. Your facts are inadequate. If the oil is there, there is something that makes it extremely difficult to get, because:

    Int’l oil companies are NOT masochists. They would NOT be directional-drilling and fracking and all the other difficulties of trying to make Bakken produce if their reserves could be replaced the good-ol’ fashioned, easy way.

    And ANWR in Alaska is 10 billion barrels. Not even enough to make a visible slice on the pie chart for a world that uses 20 million barrels a DAY.

    Prudhoe Bay, you know, that “gigantic” find in the 70s, that the Alaska pipeline was built for and the where Exxon Valdez oil tanker crash made that huge spill? Did you know that U.S. oil production had already started its decline in 1970, and Prudhoe Bay did not even raise U.S. production back to its prior peak?

    So, Why does Peak Oil matter? Because without oil, we supermarket-dependant American folks don’t eat.
    Because oil shocks, where demand temporarily exceeds production, the price spikes make it so the truckers can no longer make a profit bringing the groceries to the supermarkets. So, being humans who don’t like to lose money, they don’t drive. No truckers, no food in the supermarkets.
    In such situations, people panic and hoard food — and supermarket shelves can be emptied in 3 days.

    We’ve already seen the first of the price shocks in 2008, which killed the Housing Bubble and brought on the derivatives meltdown for which the taxpayers were forced to bail out the banksters. Expect more of the same, much more, and worse. And not decades from now. Months. A couple years.

    Now, I’m not saying Peak Oil will be the death of White People. In fact, I think Peak Oil will be the Deux Ex Machina that SAVES the White race. But, man, I’d have to do an entire post to explain my thinking on that.

  21. What if the honeybee dies off first? What about sudden hive collapse syndrome? Why don’t you read a book about that and figure it out? Well, because sudden hive collapse syndrome doesn’t let you enjoy the fantasy of knowing a damn thing about what the future will look like, except dead.

  22. “how would ease of availability help you? It wouldn’t. Perceived scarcity would.”

    I’d buy what you’re saying but for these facts:

    Standard Oil / Amoco / Marathon (eventually became BPAmoco) pumped Teapot Dome dry — at the same time they knew about Bakken. (Bakken was discovered in 1951. Teapot Dome drilling and production was in full swing then.)

    By your metric, the big oil cos. ought to have gone for Bakken first, in order to make for “perceived scarcity” so they could get a high price. But they didn’t. They pumped the easy oil at Teapot Dome first, at low price.
    That’s proof that oil companies will go after the easy oil — if they can, rather than the hard oil first in order to make for “perceived scarcity.”

    So, by YOUR metric, BP should have drilled out Bakken in the ’50s. But they didn’t. Bakken drilling didn’t get seriously started until the early 2000s.
    No. During the cheap Teapot Dome oil era, the big oil cos. ignored Bakken as being unprofitable. It took technological advances of directional drilling and frakking in the late 1990s — as well as an already-existing high oil price on the world market FIRST — before Bakken started to even look worth bothering with. That’s proof that Bakken is hard to drill, and it’s proof the int’l oil cos. are only bothering because the easy oil is gone.

  23. I never said, nor implied, that the peak oil lie will be the death of the white race either.
    I just said that peak oil is a lie, which it is. Abiotic oil has been scientifically proven already. And it’s alot easier to get at then American and British oil companies let on.
    Again, the Russians are not having any difficulty concerning any of the issues American and British oil companies are having. None whatsoever.
    The white race will survive, even if the peak oil lie stands. We are just a bit diminished for the lie. I never said that the peak oil lie will lead to the death of the white race. Never even implied it.

  24. “Russian production is not declining at all . It is on the rise, very much so.”

    Here’s a quickie link


    “In 2008, production fell 1 percent in the first quarter and Lukoil vice president Leonid Fedun said $1 trillion would have to be spent on developing new reserves if current production levels were to be maintained. The editor in chief of the Russian Petroleum Investor claims that Russian production had reached a secondary peak in 2007”
    “In early 2008 Russian officials were reported to be concerned because, after rising just 2% during 2007, oil production started to decline again in 2008”

    Anyway, I mispoke. What I meant to say is that Russian oil production has never exceeded its 12 million bbd peak in 1988. Certainly, with the fall of the Soviet Union, production fell off and has since recovered some, but I will believe your assertion that Russia is drilling ultradeep successfully WHEN the 12 million bbd level is exceeded.
    Not until.

    Show me your links that Russia, by drilling ultradeep, is going to be able to meet the world’s demand for 120 million barrels a day.

  25. “Peak Oil = Sexy, sexy, sexy.”

    How so?
    Oil is a dirty business.

    I only care because a) I live in an oil producing state and the oil price affects my town and b) supply shortages and price shocks (of anything) suck.

  26. “Again, the Russians are not having any difficulty concerning any of the”

    Let’s have those links.

  27. Go find the links yourself. The websites are real easy to find for anyone who is truly interested.
    Wikipedia is chock full of lies. I’m not suprised you’re misinformed.

  28. Again, the Russians are not having any difficulty concerning any of the issues American and British oil companies are having”

    I’m not buying it.

    Again, if Russia had the blowout preventer technology to be drilling 7 miles, Transocean would have acquired it (by industrial espionage if necessary) rather than lose a multi-billion investment rig for want of an adequate blowout preventer.

    Drunken captains happen. Employees do stupid shit. Cost of doing business.

    But companies do NOT sacrifice a rare multi-billion dollar piece of equipment, which could have returned hundreds of billions over the useful life of that asset, because they didn’t want to spend a few bucks to acquire the attachment that will make or break the project.

    The whole Russkies-can-drill-ultradeep idea is shown to be plainly silly by the fact that Transocean didn’t acquire blowout preventer technology from them that would have made the BP project profitable, instead of the shrieking, horrific, expensive cockup it proved to be.


  29. “Go find the links yourself. The websites are real easy to find for anyone who is truly interested.”

    Screw you. If you won’t provide links out of common courtesy, then it’s clear your purpose here is not to inform or debate in good faith, but just to be an ass.

  30. 15,000 feet (3 miles) under the ground, it’s too hot for oil too form, the compounds that would be oil would be in a gaseous state and would not reform into long chain hydrocarbons. That’s the chemistry of why abiogenic oil doesn’t exist.

  31. The Russians think it exists– because they proved it scientifically. All the info is out there for anyone who is truly interested in the subject. It is real easy to find the info.
    Just type the info into your favorite search engine.

  32. I already posted a link to a website for anyone interested. In my first post on the comment board.
    You @ barb conveniently overlooked that I already posted a link.

  33. I did some poking.

    Here is a U.S. News article dated September 14, 2011

    “The idea that oil comes from fossils “is a myth” that needs changing according to petroleum engineer Vladimir Kutcherov, speaking at the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden. “All kinds of rocks could have oil and gas deposits.”

    Note that Russian petroleum engineer Vladimir Kutcherov, quoted in an article less than 6 months ago said “all kinds of rocks COULD have oil and gas deposits.”

    I see NO claim that the Russians have FOUND oil in these ostensible deep wells that Joe assures that Russians HAVE drilled and HAVE found oil.

    Gee, if the Russkies are *actually,* for real, having success drilling ultra deep and getting wells that produce lots of barrels of oil, like Joe says they have, don’t you think one of their leading petroleum engineers at a technology conference, quoted just last September, would have mentioned it, instead of just using the words “COULD have”?

    “Alexander Kitchka of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences estimates that 60 percent of the content of all oil is abiotic in origin and not from fossil fuels. He says companies should drill deeper to find it.”

    Here’s Alexander Kitchka of the Ukrain National Academy talking that companies “SHOULD drill deeper to find it” — but, again, you’d think he’d be crowing at the top of his lungs about these Russian wells that DID drill deeper and find it — if such Russian wells *really* existed.

    Joe says:

    June 25, 2012 at 1:11 am

    “I already posted a link to a website for anyone interested. In my first post on the comment board.
    You @ barb conveniently overlooked that I already posted a link.”

    I clicked on your link, Joe. It took me to News with Views’ home page and a whole lotta articles. I looked for better than 5 mins and NONE of them had anything to do with oil or Peak oil or Abiotic Oil. So knock it off with the “conveniently overlooked” snide remark.

  34. Kievsky writes:

    “Do you think what we have left is going to keep the growth economy going and accomodate 12 billion people? No peak unpolluted groundwater, no soil erosion, no peak phosphate? Business as usual indefinitely? Kind of like the people who said that housing would never go down in value?”

    No I don’t. We will switch to the other fuels I mentioned. BTW, the world population is predicted to level off at ~9 billion before the end of the century. The reason for this is that birthrates decline as productivity and prosperity increases.

    This nasty depression (caused by central bank money printing and accumulated bad debt) we seem to be headed for will still be only a relatively mild decline if you take into account that the entire world is still in the process of undergoing the Industrial Revolution. It’s going to take more than the jolt of Peak Oil to stop productivity growth in the civilized world.



  35. “A more direct way. It’s not my problem you couldn’t figure out how to navigate the website.”

    You’re pretty funny, Joe. Your link took me to page not found.

    But since I do poke around,
    I think I *may* have found what Joe’s on about.
    Seems there was some drilling in the Ukraine. Found some oil under basement rocks.

    Here’s the link that debunks it, though.


    “the Russian abiotic oil hypothesis”….”dates to the era prior to the advent of modern plate tectonics theory”…. “Tectonic movements are now known to be able to radically reshuffle rock strata, leaving younger sedimentary oil- or gas-bearing rock beneath basement rock, leading in some cases to the appearance that oil has its source in Precambrian crystalline basement, when this is not actually the case. ”

    Still interesting that try as I might, I can’t determine how deep the Russians drilled.

    And note, it’s only a few wells. Hardly a demonstration that the Russians are easily drilling down practically to the mantle and producing gajillions of barrels of oil sufficient for us all to go, Eureka! Peak Oil is not a problem!

    Now, obviously some oil, at least, can be found very deep. Deepwater Horizons drilled to 35000 feet and hit oil — and blew out and killed the Gulf.

    Clearly there is at least some amount of oil at some places on earth down deep.

    But nothing Joe has hollered about, and insulted me for, has refuted MY assertion that deep oil, at 7 miles, or 20 miles down, or whatever the case may be, in whatever amounts there be, is of no use to us — because we can’t PRODUCE it. Can’t handle the pressures.
    May as well be talking about getting methane from Titan.

  36. “We,” The americans and the british can’t produce it– but the russians can.
    The link I posted is just one article of, oh I don’t know, hundreds that can be found online about abiotic oil, the russians getting the oil– no problem, and the Big Lie that Peak Oil truly is.
    I am most certainly not going to post every website and/or article about this here.
    It’s up to the readers now to decide to pursue the matter or not.

  37. Oh, and this is interesting.
    Byron King of Whiskey and Gunpowder says, those deep wells that Joe’s so excited about?
    There’s no big pipeline infrastructure.


    “the contemporary Russians are taciturn about the purpose, let alone the output, of their known deep wells. One thing that we know for certain is that there are no massive pipeline systems around these wells.

    Pipelines would ordinarily be necessary to move any large amounts of oil away from the hole in the ground. But considering the depletion rates and rates of decline in production from Russia’s conventional oil fields, if there are any “super wells” in Russia, they had better get them hooked up and pumping pronto.

    So are there “super wells” in Russia? Don’t bet on it.”


    So, no pipelines would highly suggest those deep wells aren’t doing too much. Which would explain why the Russians could drill deep and not have blowouts — there’s little or no oil there, and the claims there is, are lies. Because, drilling that deep, they CERTAINLY would have blowouts like Transocean did if there was significant oil, unless they had better blowout technology than Transocean’s Deepwater rig had. (No oil, no blowouts.)

    I still aver that if the Russians had blowout preventer tech sufficient to pump lots of oil from 40,000 feet, that Transocean would have moved heaven and earth to get it. Buy it – or steal it, if they must. But get it, and save their multibillion dollar rig (as well as avoiding all those lawsuits for the workers they killed.)

    That they didn’t is STRONG evidence that the Russians DON”T have the necessary blowout technology, which is strong evidence that those Russian deep wells aren’t hugely productive —

    which is strong evidence that the Russians drilling deep ain’t gonna rescue the world from Peak Oil!

    Now, is Byron King of Whiskey and Gunpowder a Jew? I dunno for positive, but I doubt it. You don’t find too many Jews in the exploration geology field, looking for oil. That’s exactly the kind of hard, dirty work Jews despise, by and large.

  38. Oh, and this is interesting.
    Byron King of Whiskey and Gunpowder says, those deep wells that Joe’s so excited about?
    There’s no big pipeline infrastructure.


    “the contemporary Russians are taciturn about the purpose, let alone the output, of their known deep wells. One thing that we know for certain is that there are no massive pipeline systems around these wells.

    Pipelines would ordinarily be necessary to move any large amounts of oil away from the hole in the ground. But considering the depletion rates and rates of decline in production from Russia’s conventional oil fields, if there are any “super wells” in Russia, they had better get them hooked up and pumping pronto.

    So are there “super wells” in Russia? Don’t bet on it.”

    So, no pipelines would highly suggest those deep wells aren’t doing too much. Which would explain why the Russians could drill deep and not have blowouts — there’s little or no oil there, and the claims there is, are lies. Because, drilling that deep, they CERTAINLY would have blowouts like Transocean did if there was significant oil, unless they had better blowout technology than Transocean’s Deepwater rig had. (No oil, no blowouts.)

    I still aver that if the Russians had blowout preventer tech sufficient to pump lots of oil from 40,000 feet, that Transocean would have moved heaven and earth to get it. Buy it – or steal it, if they must. But get it, and save their multibillion dollar rig (as well as avoiding all those lawsuits for the workers they killed.)

    That they didn’t is STRONG evidence that the Russians DON”T have the necessary blowout technology, which is strong evidence that those Russian deep wells aren’t hugely productive –

    which is strong evidence that the Russians drilling deep ain’t gonna rescue the world from Peak Oil!

    Now, is Byron King of Whiskey and Gunpowder a Jew? I dunno for positive, but I doubt it. You don’t find too many Jews in the exploration geology field, looking for oil. That’s exactly the kind of hard, dirty work Jews despise, by and large.

  39. Barb – many many thanks for your lucid, and obviously knowledgable comments on Oil. Peak or otherwise

  40. Anyone can do research-that’s no big deal.Depends where you do do your researching–that’s the important thing.
    We should all be learning as much as we can about the awful siutation that communist uncle sam has put white Americans in.
    That’s why it’s imporatant to google ” peak oil and zionism”
    The peak oil lie is very much tied into communist uncle sam’s wars for empire.
    Wars that only benefit a handful of billionaire families while white American men are expected to fight and die. We lose the men and we lose their progeny. In the meantime, we get flooded with immigrants and war refugees.
    Less white Americans and more thirld world foreigners while the big shots make billions from our suffering and our loss, our mourning, and our depredation.
    Our religious leaders should be telling us these things– but they are pahrisees and big time sell-outs.

  41. Joey,

    There’s no reason to assume Peak Oil means White men get mowed down in wars —

    unless denialism and wishful thinking, like, for example, there’s all the oil we could want, just drill way down way deep —

    causes us to delay to do the Peak Oil mitigation strategies necessary until it’s too late, and we’re left with ONLY fighting for every last drop, til the bitter, starving end.

    Here are a few Peak Oil mitigation strategies — that we’re not implementing — that would not only make the fact of oil depletion a minor problem, but would, by developing domestic sources of energy, get us OUT of feeling forced to meddle in Middle East’s craziness in order to keep the oil flowing.

    Energy independence (forced by Peak Oil, White men innovate for domestic energy supplies) would be GOOD for White men, so they don’t have to fight wars over oil:

    ***Build safe liquid fluorine cooled thorium fueled nuclear reactors to power electric trains and passenger cars (with charging pads implanted in the roadways) as fast as the concrete would dry. Far better use of the stimulus money that B.O. wasted putting high speed internet in the ghetto. Far better use of the trillions spent on Iraq war in hopes of getting the chance to drill there. Far better use than the many billions to maintain aircraft carriers for the Navy to keep the Strait of Hormuz oil shipping lanes open.

    ***And/or build coal-to-liquid plants using the proven WWII-Germany-developed Fischer Tropsche process. Wyoming has enough coal to make fuel oil for several hundred years.

    ***And/or Matt Simmons’ Ocean Energy Institute ideas: Build offshore wind farms to take advantage of the sea breezes that always blow, use that to turn turbines to make the electricity to fabricate ammonia, and send the ammonia down existing pipelines for passenger car fuels.

    Note: We are doing NONE of these things that would make America energy-independent and negate the need for White American boys to die fighting wars for Israel. Partly because fantasists insist there’s pleeeeennnnnty of oil, we just have to drill deeper.

    See, here’s the thing. Zionists get ordinary Americans on board with fighting wars for Israel because they say, “Israel is an unsinkable aircraft carrier that you can use to keep the oil flowing. So you have to fight our enemies for us so they don’t wipe us off the map and you lose your unsinkable aircraft carrier.” Ordinary Americans buy this hooey, because ordinary Americans are terrified of the implications of oil supply disruptions, because we are so dependent on oil Were America not oil-dependent, ordinary non-Christian-Zionist Americans would love to tell Israel, solve your own damn problems. Not my problem.

    If America were energy-independent (through having built the infrastructure for Peak Oil mitigation industries such as I listed above) we could tell the Israelis to go pound sand. That attitude would QUICKLY render AIPAC impotent. (Well, as soon as all the “this generation” Christian Zionists finish dying of old age, anyway. We’re talking one to two decades for these twin processes to develop) — and then, Americans would be in a position to gladly tell the Jews to go to hell. That new attitude on the part of ordinary Americans is what’s needed to relieve the Jews of their power and influence here in America.

    And you know what? It’s the change in attitude of ordinary Americans that we just. don’t. care. anymore about Jews’ problems that is the first and most crucial step to us White folks getting not just an ethnostate, but the whole enchilada, all of America, and maybe even the whole White world, BACK.

    But you “Peak Oil is a Zionist Hoax and there’s endless oil down deep” nutjobs who deny the plain, common sense, words of your own people like King Hubbert (if you really are a White guy and not a Zionist shill), are getting in the way of our country becoming Jew Free.

  42. Russian production nosedived because of the collapse of the Soviet Union. It has since rebounded because the oil that is being produced now wasn’t produced in the 1990s.

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