Romney’s Transformation


H/T Apulieus

Mitt Romney, a Northeastern liberal and the former governor of Massachusetts, whose campaign is based in Boston, wins the Republican presidential nomination by promising to build the border fence and veto the DREAM Act.

Now the general election is here and the Republican base gets to watch their esteemed leader reveal his true colors:

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Mittens is a scumbucket. He won’t gun us down though.

    I am hoping that the Paul delegates punk the GOP convention. I hope there is a bloody riot.

  2. I hope whites in general break the taboo of not being able to talk positively about whites being whites. Break the taboo and all this dog whistle crap is shitcanned, don’t break the taboo and we all die while we sit and wait to discern the dog whistle from the noise.

    Slobadan Milosovich broke the taboo that chained the Serbs down, and he did it on accident, but the Serbs have a country that will outlast the shitty American neolibcon empire. Just saying.

  3. Thanks, Hunter. And to think, all I ever wanted was a green card stapled to a diploma.

    “If you get an advanced degree here, we want you to stay here – so we will staple a green card to your diploma,’ Romney said. ‘We want the best and brightest to enrich the nation through the jobs and technologies they will help create.”

    Oh, goody! Sign me up right now!

    Deo Vindice

  4. The schmoozies at TCM teevee are playing the 1956 suspense thriller, “The Bad Seed” today. It’s a definite must see. Warner Bros:1956.

  5. For my next feat of skill, good Southern people, I shall prove once and for all, irrefutably, and of course, self-evidently, that Romney is not your friend. And I shall do it with only four words.

    He is from Massachusetts.


    Nothing good ever came from Massachusetts.

    Deo Vindice

  6. Mainstream Repubs are clowns. They actually think hispanics support Dems because Dems support the “dream act” and illegal legalization. To blacks support the Dems to the tune of 95% because Dems support illegal negroes? Of course not. Both groups support Dems because they like the liberal policy of giving away rich white people’s money. Both are low iq groups, and both are generally comprised of gibsmedat lazy SOBs.

    Hispanic support for dems has squat to do with immigration.

  7. If you get an advanced degree here, we want you to stay here – so we will staple a green card to your diploma,’ Romney said. ‘We want the best and brightest to enrich the nation through the jobs and technologies they will help create.”

    Yeah Romney, just what the high unemployment rate needs… More unemployed bodies!

  8. The more illegitimate the government becomes, the more legitimate becomes the outlaw. Obama is the perfect face of illegitimacy, in every way. Obama is therefore a more honest reflection of the government. If you think whites do better in an honest world, you’ll want Obama to win.

  9. Obama makes you angry? Good!

    He will make more and more of our people angry over 4 years.

    Mitt will put them to sleep, an eternal sleep.

  10. We’re screwed no matter who gets elected. Romney might not gun us down but I doubt he’ll stop someone else from doing it. They don’t think like us. They get financially rewarded for not thinking like us.

    Washington is loaded with fags and metrosexuals. Take your pick. You’ll always get the short end of the stick.

  11. “Romney said: ‘We want the best and brightest to enrich the nation….'”

    But will the offspring of those higher IQ aliens have equally high IQ, or close to the average IQ of the ancestral population? And is this argument something like that for SLAVERY that was also THOUGHT to “enrich the nation”?

    Superior traits appear sometimes in wild relatives of cultivated crops and domestic livestock, but farmers and breeders know the majority of offspring of those superior individuals tends to be wild again.

  12. We longer have the economic strength left to maintain an increasingly hostile negro population who have never overcome the catastrophe of their own emancipation.

    Freedom failed and BRA is dying. It can only end in chaos and death. We can continue to close our eyes and pretend that it isn’t. Maybe it will just get better on its own; we can just hit the snooze button one more time. That’s the Romney alternative.

    Or we can join the anti-white forces of BRA, participate in our dispossession and joyfully submit to the yoke of tyranny. That’s the Obama alternative.

    When the gibsmuhdat nation approaches its Omega point, be prepared for repeated attempts at massive property confiscation through extreme taxation and the end of all constitutional rights in Amerika. We will be South Africa, or whatever third world hellhole you think that describes the situation best.

    The law will simply have become the means for the degenerate government to extract maximum tax revenues from whites to transfer to its non-white clientele. The outrages will be nonstop. It will be like the planet of the Apes.

    And this election will do exactly what to prevent that outcome?
    The difference between the alternatives is next to nil. Identical outcomes, who cares who is to blame, in the end.
    This government is out of control, no matter which one of them is in charge.

    We must separate from the doomed Yankee empire at the earliest possible moment, if not sooner.

    Deo Vindice

  13. “If you get an advanced degree here, we want you to stay here – so we will staple a green card to your diploma,’ Romney said. ‘We want the best and brightest to enrich the nation through the jobs and technologies they will help create.”

    Mr. Romney, please define “advanced degree”. Do you mean a HS diploma, or maybe a BA in Ethnic Studies? What?

  14. Apulieus: Brilliant post! That’s exactly how I’ve been trying to describe a Republ victories–as punching the snooze button on reality!
    Moreover, I don’t doubt your predictions, but it will be interesting to hear how the left justifies tyranny by tying it to our “democratic universal values” and how the ignorant white masses make themselves believe it.

  15. “Apulieus says:
    June 24, 2012 at 8:40 am
    We longer have the economic strength left to maintain an increasingly hostile negro population who have never overcome the catastrophe of their own emancipation.

    Freedom failed and BRA is dying. It can only end in chaos and death”

    Ragnarok! Yippee! Mr A – you are hitting ’em out of the park this weekend!

  16. Freedom failed and BRA is dying. It can only end in chaos and death. We can continue to close our eyes and pretend that it isn’t. Maybe it will just get better on its own; we can just hit the snooze button one more time. That’s the Romney alternative.

    Or we can join the anti-white forces of BRA, participate in our dispossession and joyfully submit to the yoke of tyranny. That’s the Obama alternative.

    There’s third way, say to hell with them all and go our own way, build our strength, make our own plans that are independent of which ever ass is polishing the chairs in the oval office

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