About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. We’re privileged because our forefathers worked for it; whereas, the so-called underprivileged and their forefathers could get their act together to develop institutions to advance their communities and societies.

    The underprivileged (aka non-white) come to the “white” west to escape themselves and that’s the hard cold reality. And the “white west” is white for the time being because the insane left are doing everything possible to make it non-white.

    The underprivileged countries would be even more backwards if it wasn’t for the bleeding heart NGO’s efforts; but, in the long run, it makes no difference: the default is a retrograde state. The definition of insanity is: “Trying the same thing over-and-over expecting a different result.”

  2. Then let’s wear it ourselves, proudly: “WHITE PRIVILEGE” — painted on semi-permanently with traditional blue woad or saxon green.

    “Privilege” strikes me as a fairly weak term however, not too effective for Their purpose.

    Here’s another version: “WHITE PRIVILEGE: because we’re WORTH IT!”

  3. The two old bitties from about 10s to 16s talking about shopping and being pulled over grind my gears the most. These are the idiots who blindly buy into fear mongering from the state (ban guns!) and then ignore some of the most obvious threats. These are the same hand wringing feminists who demonize men in general in the family courts for “male privilege”.

  4. Haha, I have to admit this was a hoot because I’m immune to this crap by now. I had to take an Anti-Bias course last semester in college because it was part of my curriculum working towards my degree, my professor was a liberal British broad who’s brain had fallen out long ago. She was always going on about the “poor people of color” who were downtrodden because of evil white people like herself, she had adopted a black kid from Africa and was always fishing for compliments for being a good person it was nauseating, I spent most of the semester trying not to laugh in her face. Funny thing was that many of the other students, most of whom were black or dark-skinned Hispanics, would laugh at her behind her back because they knew she was pandering to them, people are not stupid. Then again, she lived in a nearly all-white town near and sent her kids to private school, hmm. That’s why I think experience is the best remedy to this nonsense, if she grew up where I grew up she’d think differently.

  5. They of course are not “anti-racists” they are anti-white, even calling them anti-racists allows them a scintilla or a fig leaf of cover for being morally superior. And of course who here thinks they are morally superior? If anyone does please let us know.

  6. They overdid it with the method. Graffiti is often used by gangs to mark territory. The graffiti used for this purpose often contains inflammatory attacks on the out-group gang to demonstrate how weak and ineffective they are – the out-group group gang can’t keep a rival gang from moving into their territory and defacing it with rival gang symbols. The whites in this video have so little street sense that they don’t even realize the dog-eat-dog zero-sum graffiti subtext – they are so stupid they actually allow out-groupers to deface their visages with graffiti. They should be ridiculed for their incredible credulity for not being able to see through the incredibly aggressive message behind this ad campaign – this white (wearing the graffiti) is conquered existential territory and allows us (the out group) to tattoo him or her!

    In a sense, though, this is really an attack on white advocates. Out-groupers are demonstrating how ineffective we have been in persuading our own people to defend themselves and their interests. They must really be laughing at us and our ineffectiveness, and not at these fools who helped make the videos.

  7. @Robert of Arabia
    Enjoy the Decline, as Bill says.
    Maybe get yourself a sporty Italian race car and go pick up some girls and have a good time. Duluth is so boring.
    We needn’t fret about world issues, nor the problems in this country.
    As for me, I find poetry to be a great escape from all the problems of the world.

  8. If these morons want to beat themselves to death over their “white privilege” let them go ahead. I’m happy by the grace of God, I’m white, and a Southron descendant.

  9. Great comments Outlier, JP and Ladyfiaran. Excellent point about graffiti and defacing whites.

    I think these scum are defacing themselves; it does not reflect on us. They will be ashamed of themselves someday.

    Loved Ladyfiaran’s story about her professor who was always fishing for compliments, while everyone was laughing at her behind her back. I can totally see that. I’ve known people like that all my life, these “church ladies” who have nothing except to feel morally superior over the wrong kind of whites.

  10. I shut up a Negro once -completely short circuited the retardate, when he was blathering on about Whi’ PRIV-ledge (“Whi’ PRIV-ledge” was the enunciation) I let him go on, and than I asked a few leading questions. I can’t remember the exact set-up…full coffee infusion has not yet been reached, this AM – but I eventuall led him up to the point where I got him to agree that Whi’ PRIV-ledge was actually based on White ability. White achievement. The things that Whites do,

    I then told him that his “Whi’ PRIV-ledge” rant is actually an admission that Whites, are, in fact, BETTER than every-one else, simply because of the things White People possess, as Whites – our innate abilities and gifts. I thanked him for admitting this.

    He absolutely shut up, Totally short circuited. He was rather faggy, so I knew he wasn’t going to try to hit me, immediately. He just totally clammed up. A novelty for me. I’m used to the nostrils to begin flaring, when they go into full Chimp Out Tantrum mode. He didn’t do that. I didn’t stick around to wait for it, though….

    I live for precious moments like that……must…get…more…coffee…NOW.

  11. These people consider positive stereotypes for whites that are true to be ‘privilege’. Sounds more like it has been earned and that means it isn’t a privilege.

  12. White people like nothing more than feeling superior to other whites. This does it for this bunch, that’s their motivation. They’d rather prostrate themselves before savages than feel like they don’t measure up to proud white people, so they attack them under the guise of their own perverted sense of morality.

  13. These are deterritorialized white models.

    They are abuse victims. Like teen girls who scratch their own flesh.

  14. I have been away this weekend, but the news all over the MN Papers is about the ‘ACT OF GOD’ rainstorms that have caused Duluth to resemble a war zone.

    I am saying it here and now. And you all need to repeat it. The blasphemous ‘anti-white’ messages plastered all over Duluth earlier this year by their Asshole Mayor, have caused GOD’S WRATH against their anti-Chosen People memes.

    YHWH God chose the White Man and gave him this country. Even if you don’t believe the theological positions of the Christian Identity folk, this clear act coming on the heels of their ‘being white is racist’ BS, clearly shows the Almighty has SMITTEN DULUTH for their Genocidal advocacy position…. just as he will Romney, for his.

  15. [Everything that minimizes, demonizes, and ostracizes BRA must be used. They did it to us for fifty years, turnabout is fair play. I happen to believe this is an act of God’s wrath, but even if you don’t, spread the question. It can only work to our benefit….]

  16. “White Privilege… Because we’re worth it.” Mosin.

    Perfect. Somebody get that printed up on mugs, bumper stickers and t-shirts for the OD online shopping cart.

  17. I wonder if this is turning off more whites than it’s attracting. I wonder where the response billboards are.
    Ladyfiaran: You should have called here sorry ass out on it. If you are at a college or university, you are the customer. I would have, and do all the time. I’m always walking the tightrope at my job, but it’s worth it.

  18. The ‘White Priviledge’ meme has gone viral.

    What this needs is a jew award show format with a statuette of a Bleached Turd.

    OD should put up a citation for most douched streaming media that promotes the ‘White Priviledge’ meme. The bloggers should send in the examples with why their entry should qualify. There could be all sorts of fun suggestions and searches – such as ‘we want to see White Priviledge guilt trippers do public penance cleaning out the toilet block at Chuck E Cheese after the chimp-out. Or we want to see White Priviledge guilt trippers rapping and wailing at the MLK Wall – get Kanye to write it. Or we want to see White Priviledge guilt trippers do public self abasement in SF faggot parade. White Priviledge guilt trippers in front of THE HOLO Memorial! Lots of possibilities there.

    I am sure the Messageboard could write lots of scripts for these actors (who are probably hired from jew central casting anyway), as well as lots of interesting categories.

    Unfair Campaign PSA should be a strong contender for most douched streaming media expression of the White Priviledge meme. Whether it can win the Bleached Turd or not remains to be seen.

  19. I liked the book “the Turner Diaries” such a viable scenario as is that of the movie “Red Dawn” and now would be a good time for the execution of the “Red Dawn” scenario. Also loved the book “Civil War II” by Thomas Chittum, a true read and very prophetic of now times though it was written not later than 1995 and true to this day.

  20. @Wayne
    I would have loved to tell her to her face that she’s an idiot, but I’m attending a community college and I needed to pass that class, I want to get the heck out of here and transfer to a real school to get my degree. Lucky I won’t have to take another class with her that semester, the one good thing about these dumb courses is that you don’t actually have to do much work, just show up and do what little work they ask.

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