Prophets of Doom

History Channel

Kunstler mentioned that he appeared on this program in the book. I haven’t seen this before. Watching now.

Note: The water crisis is interesting. I haven’t given as much thought to that one. I would imagine it is many times more severe though in the West than the East.

IMO, the most urgent problems (if I were addressing this panel) would be (1) the race crisis, (2) the debt crisis/financial crisis, (3) the energy crisis, (4) the aging crisis, (5) the diversity/political crisis, and (6) the cultural crisis.

It is not just one crisis: there are multiple, overlapping catastrophes that are converging, hitting simultaneously, and which are feeding into each other. So, for example, the population of Africa has grown from 200 million to 1 billion over the past sixty years. In America, something around 45 percent of all black people live off the EBT card.

What happens when EBT stops working? How do we support the 1 billion people in Africa without fossil fuel intensive industrial agriculture? Perhaps Africa will produce another George Washington Carver who will solve the problem with superior technology?

Some nations might navigate the Peak Oil crisis, but what specifically happens to Africa? What happens to Haiti when the cost of food rises? It seems reasonable to assume that the crisis will prove to be more severe in some countries than others.

I think we might see the whole African continent devolve into Rwanda 1994.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I saw this amazing exhibit at Tate Britain.

    It’s about a lot of crazy shit, but there’s a video from British Pathe in it made in 1951 that looks like it was produced by BP. Maps of these amazing pipe lines crisscrossing Europe…

    The video covers the exploitation of light sweet crude from Iran 1907 to 1951.

    Oil really is the invisible slave. I like that metaphor. The invisible imam.

  2. The depletion of the Ogallala aquifer and the threat that poses to industrial agribusiness in the Great Plains is another one of the biggest shoes waiting to drop out there.

    The average person has no interest in these things though. The herd doesn’t care until the shit hits the fan. We live in a democracy which maximizes the stupidity and incompetence of our elected leaders.

    Instead of addressing major problems, our form of government is designed to make all of them worse.

  3. I’d reiterate that Africa must be recoquered at any cost.
    One carrier group a division/brigades of Marines the willingness to absorb a few hundred dead and we take what we want.

  4. Hunter,

    word to the wise, Eschatology is not the Cavalier’s way. Life is good, it’s a bloody good battle that you win in the end with lots of wenching and slaughter inbetween. Do not be down hearted!

  5. “He is coming like the glory of the morning on the wave,
    He is wisdom to the mighty, He is honor to the brave;
    So the world shall be His footstool,
    and the Soul of Wrong His Slave,
    Our God is marching on”

  6. Africa(sub-saharan) would wipe itself out in just a generation if all foreign aid were cut and they were somehow sealed in.

  7. “Oil really is the invisible slave.”

    And like in everything else, the slave has become master.

  8. Some people are depressed by issues like Peak Oil and don’t like thinking about it. They can’t process the magnitude of the problem. So they put it in a little lockbox under the bed and focus exclusively on the immediate problems of their daily lives.

    That’s not my response at all. I’m actually somewhat bemused by these challenges. I enjoy reading and learning about the really big problems. Landshark sees Peak Oil as a distraction, but I see it as just another angle of the monumental clusterfuck that is the country we live in.

    Think about it: we live in a society that based on myth of racial equality, promoting black people above all races. We have a nigger president. Every public school in the country is run for the benefit of a race of people nearly a third of whom are borderline mentally retarded.

    What else do you suppose is out there? The insanity on the race issue is matched by the insanity on any number of equally significant problems. The oil problem. The global aging problem. The water problem. The sewer that is our culture.

  9. @Landshark
    I am here to remind everyone that everytime uncle sam invades a country and starts a war, we are then flooded with even more immigrants and war refugees, every time.
    Korea, Vietnam, Iraq.
    I do not want more immigrants here.
    Do you want to see massive numbers of african immigrants and war refugees coming here? That’s exactly what will happen if uncle sam goes to war in africa.
    Between communist uncle sam, and the liberal,namby-pamby churches and other organizations who will crying about the poor african war refugees, we will be flooded with even more blacks. And they won’t even be american blacks– they’ll be straight from africa!
    In the meantime white American men will die useless deaths. We will lose the white men killed down in action, and we will lose the children that they will never sire :
    Because dead white soldiers don’t make it back home and sire white children.
    While we lose white men and their progeny, we will at the same time be flooded with african war refugees, who will reproduce in very large numbers as is the african way.
    Less white Americans and more blacks for the USA.
    Great Strategy.
    That’s why I am here. Did I make my point clear enough?

  10. 40 minutes into the video … one of the panelists works in the computer industry as an AI expert. He says that intelligent robots will be in every household by the 2030s. Then the Terminator scenario unfolds.

  11. A war of extermination. No refugees, no quarter, no mercy, no end.

    Sound evil but it is the ONLY strategic answer.

    The PMC in Somalia are the new Selous Scouts.

  12. “no quarter,no mercy,no end”– no end to empire building and flooding the USA with yet more immigrants. This time from the very shithole of the world– africa.
    More africans here– and lots of ’em will be coming here — while white American men give their lives, spill their blood — and all this losss of blood for the white race to bring Africans to our shores and into our cities and suburbs and rural towns!
    I seriously question your patriotism @ John.

  13. Joe, speaking of immigrants, Greece is now proclaiming that their Iraqi and Afgan refugees are no longer their responsibility.
    You guessed it, they are America’s responsibility and they will be arriving here in waves as the new government in Greece settles in.

  14. @Sean
    I didn’t know that, but I am not suprised. Thank you for the info.
    I knew that Iraqi and Afghani war refugees came here — I didn’t know that Greece got war refugees also. Well, Greece took them in for awhile. We’ll have them forever,unfortunately.

  15. “Every public school in the country is run for the benefit of a race of people nearly a third of whom are borderline mentally retarded.”
    – Are you sure its only 1/3? The “experts”, such as they are say that an IQ below 70 is considered retarded . Though a lot of Negros may not fall that low in the IQ department, it seems like many of them are pretty dim. An IQ of between 70 and 85 is termed “cognitively impaired”, and I would bet that a lot more of them fit into that category.

  16. In the end, the panel arrived at a consensus that all the different fiascos (water, Peak Oil, financial collapse, nuclear terrorism, Terminators) would converge and would their interplay would determine the future.

    Of course your run-of-the-mill natural disasters are also out there: shit like earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, droughts. Japan got hit by a megaearthquake, tsunami, and a nuclear meltdown simultaneously. No one saw that one coming.

  17. @ Joe;

    “Do you want to see massive numbers of african immigrants and war refugees coming here? That’s exactly what will happen if uncle sam goes to war in africa”

    – While war with Africa would surely bring more of those black refugees here, Uncle Sam is already bringing them into the country anyway. They are being brought into Maine from one of the worst areas in Africa- Somalia! Somalis are truly retarded, backward blacks. And now they are living on US government assistance in one of the more beautiful vacation destination states in the country.

  18. @George
    I know we’re getting african immigrants already ( that’s part of communist uncle sam’s agenda to undermine and usurp white Americans). I don’t want more of ’em. A war will bring alot more than we’re already getting.
    In the meantime we as a race– as a nation– will be losing white men and their progeny.
    If we are already getting african immigrants as it is, why should we lose white men– their blood, their progeny— to bring in even more africans?
    Are you really that concerned about tribal wars in africa that you think white American men should die taking sides in african tribal wars?
    Are we to lose white American men in tribal wars in africa–while our border with mexico is wide open?
    That should be our concern, OUR BORDER — not tribal wars in some shithole in africa.

  19. We’re pretty close to a form of Terminators already: Predator drones programmed with AI. I don’t have time to watch the video. Do they mention Ted Kaczynski? Kaczynski wrote this in the 90s:

    First let us postulate that the computer scientists succeed in developing intelligent machines that can do all things better than human beings can do them. In that case presumably all work will be done by vast, highly organized systems of machines and no human effort will be necessary. Either of two cases might occur. The machines might be permitted to make all of their own decisions without human oversight, or else human control over the machines might be retained.

    If the machines are permitted to make all their own decisions, we can’t make any conjectures as to the results, because it is impossible to guess how such machines might behave. We only point out that the fate of the human race would be at the mercy of the machines. It might be argued that the human race would never be foolish enough to hand over all the power to the machines. But we are suggesting neither that the human race would voluntarily turn power over to the machines nor that the machines would willfully seize power. What we do suggest is that the human race might easily permit itself to drift into a position of such dependence on the machines that it would have no practical choice but to accept all of the machines’ decisions. As society and the problems that face it become more and more complex and machines become more and more intelligent, people will let machines make more of their decisions for them, simply because machine-made decisions will bring better results than man-made ones. Eventually a stage may be reached at which the decisions necessary to keep the system running will be so complex that human beings will be incapable of making them intelligently. At that stage the machines will be in effective control. People won’t be able to just turn the machines off, because they will be so dependent on them that turning them off would amount to suicide.

    On the other hand it is possible that human control over the machines may be retained. In that case the average man may have control over certain private machines of his own, such as his car or his personal computer, but control over large systems of machines will be in the hands of a tiny elite – just as it is today, but with two differences. Due to improved techniques the elite will have greater control over the masses; and because human work will no longer be necessary the masses will be superfluous, a useless burden on the system. If the elite is ruthless they may simply decide to exterminate the mass of humanity. If they are humane they may use propaganda or other psychological or biological techniques to reduce the birth rate until the mass of humanity becomes extinct, leaving the world to the elite. Or, if the elite consists of soft-hearted liberals, they may decide to play the role of good shepherds to the rest of the human race. They will see to it that everyone’s physical needs are satisfied, that all children are raised under psychologically hygienic conditions, that everyone has a wholesome hobby to keep him busy, and that anyone who may become dissatisfied undergoes “treatment” to cure his “problem.” Of course, life will be so purposeless that people will have to be biologically or psychologically engineered either to remove their need for the power process or make them “sublimate” their drive for power into some harmless hobby. These engineered human beings may be happy in such a society, but they will most certainly not be free. They will have been reduced to the status of domestic animals.1

  20. So basically we’re all F’d in the A.
    Those of us who have children would like to think that we’re not, however.

  21. Isn’t that funny? ^^ Someone quoting the Unabomber when I mentioned reading the Kuntsler book might be akin to reading the Unabomber Manifesto? Haha..

  22. See my posts under the article entitled. ” Free Trade: Vox Day vs. Gary North”
    I wrote some posts about the importance of not getting involved in unnecessary wars– big wars or small wars.
    I wrote some posts about the importance of not losing the blood of the white race over wars for empire. My posts make alot of sense.
    The posts start towards the middle of the first page of comments, and got some on the second page of comments.

  23. I think most of Africa will be quite fine without oil, except of course in the cities, but most of Africa still lives in the Stone Age and peak oil will mean nothing. They will regress to their natural state.

  24. Joe,
    If we went into Africa, to take resources and living space for whites, there wouldn’t be any talk of taking in non-white refugees. An America stating its goals in terms as plain as that, would have returned all non-whites to their homelands long ago.

    The only thing stopping whites from acting in our own racial interests right now, is other whites made soft, by easy living and that will change fast as soon as their bellies are empty. If anything, a resource squeeze, would be the rebirth of the white race, not the end of it.

  25. The problem with Africa is that the so-called “Green Revolution” is what caused the population to explode from 200 million to 1 billion in half a century.

    Most people mistakenly assume that nasty Malthusian predictions about human overpopulation proved to be unfounded. In reality, industrial agriculture just became more productive because it became more energy intensive.

    The system is eventually going to break down though because of resource limitations. All that shit that is grown out there on the Great Plains depends on that huge and rapidly depleting underground aquifier.

    The Malthusians weren’t wrong. Their predictions were just delayed.

  26. A very long and detailed article ( and excellent article) about Israeli historical activity/actions in the horn of africa and how the Israeli government thinks the horn of africa is very important to Israel’s security.
    The Israeli government wants the horn of africa and is fomenting war to get it. Of course, the Israelis want white American men to do the fighting and the dying.
    One can find more info online. This is one article out of many, from various websites, about Israelis fomenting war from africa to pakistan.

  27. (1) the race crisis, (2) the debt crisis/financial crisis, (3) the energy crisis, (4) the aging crisis, (5) the diversity/political crisis, and (6) the cultural crisis.

    Peak Finance feeds all the problems:

    (2) the debt crisis/financial crisis -> (1) the race crisis Because debt based society with fiat currency allows government to fund programs like EBT, Medicaid, etc. dispute their real costs

    (2) the debt crisis/financial crisis -> (3) the energy crisis because distortions and misallocations in the economy, and the petrodollar, mean the market does not reflect the correct price for oil, and therefore alternatives to oil are not sought. Price should reflect scarcity. Printing money also causes oil prices to rise.

    (2) the debt crisis/financial crisis -> (5) the diversity/political crisis Because the financial system, at it’s heart, is a ponzi scheme, and requires new “victims” to keep going. When birthrate falls, like it does in every modern, industrial society, there are not enough people paying into the system to support it. TPTB know this, and it’s another rationalization for importing illegals. Of course these fools thought that the illegals would be as good producers as us white americans. PEOPLE ARE NOT FUNGIBLE.

    Of course this is greatly simplified, one could write a book on each of these topics alone.

    4 & 6 I need to think about 🙂

  28. “Hunter Wallace says:
    June 24, 2012 at 11:57 pm
    40 minutes into the video … one of the panelists works in the computer industry as an AI expert. He says that intelligent robots will be in every household by the 2030s. Then the Terminator scenario unfolds.”

    I didn’t watch the video. I had a cataclysmic weekend. Dreadful events occurred. However – this post made me LOL (sorry Jack Ryan! But I really did). So super snazzy AI computers are going to be in every household? Including Detroit, and East St Louis?

    The NAGAS will have them sold for parts in under 15 minutes.

  29. “Are you really that concerned about tribal wars in africa that you think white American men should die taking sides in african tribal wars?
    Are we to lose white American men in tribal wars in africa–while our border with mexico is wide open?”

    – Huh, What? LOL! I don’t know where or how you managed to read all this into the comment that I made above! I am not at all concerned about tribal wars in Africa. I don’t give a damn about blacks (I don’t like them any more than you do) and I have never been in favor of ANY of the wars that the US has dragged its white men into (especially WW1 and 2; the World Wars fought in behalf of the Jews) If you reread my comment more carefully, you will see that I was only saying that the US gov’t is already importing blacks-without a “war in Africa”. We get ’em whether we want them or not. And no, I do not want to see our troops warring in Africa or anywhere else.

  30. Things will really start to kick off around 2050, when all the baby boomers have past on the the racial demographics will have Whites in the 20% range. There will be no one left to bring new ideas and actually work meaningful careers. Education at that time will be useless with most of acedemia consisting of mexican, black and various mixed race teachers.

  31. “On the other hand it is possible that human control over the machines may be retained. In that case the average man may have control over certain private machines of his own, such as his car or his personal computer, but control over large systems of machines will be in the hands of a tiny elite … These engineered human beings may be happy in such a society, but they will most certainly not be free. They will have been reduced to the status of domestic animals.

    Sounds like Ted Kaczynski has actually read Aldous Huxley’s famous novel Brave New World.

  32. Sean – I think things will break apart loooong before 2050. I found out that I have local fans. Every-one is a Nice White Christ-ie around here, and I thought a was Persona Non Nazi, for my frank and forthright public admiration and sympathy for Hitler. (I say things like “Hitler was the Good Guy” in person.) I had given a detailed breakdown of a list of names for Negroes – racial slurs – to a local fellow, a few weeks ago, and apparently my Naming of the Negro, among other things, has won me friends in unlikely places (I keep telling ya’ll – “funny” works. The guy was rolling…)

    I just found out tonight, that relatives, who are losing out on their businesses (squeezed out by Satan’s Spawn) are hip to the Spawn of Satan.

    I was surprised that they are hip. I thought they were docile Sheeple. They just don’t know what to do about things…………yet…..

    The crisis is coming NOW.

  33. “Things will really start to kick off around 2050, when all the baby boomers have past on the the racial demographics will have Whites in the 20% range. There will be no one left to bring new ideas and actually work meaningful careers. Education at that time will be useless with most of acedemia consisting of mexican, black and various mixed race teachers.”

    I wouldn’t worry so much about the niggers and spics. With our abundant natural resources we will actually be colonized by the Chinese.

  34. The herd is about to be culled, and it couldn’t come any sooner. It will be a beautiful thing for our descendants, once it’s passed. Hopefully they can build different systems (political, social, economic) that will prevent the mistakes ours made.

  35. Denise, I sincerely hope it happens sooner rather than later. At least now we still have the numbers. In twenty years or so the racial demographic will not be in our favor by a long shot. Of course that is the strategy of the tribe, to dwindle our numbers down to a point where we are powerless to fight back when the rug is pulled out from under our feet.

  36. Orion – go to Kievsky’ blog “Mindweapons of Ragnarok”. He’s on the links list, to the right. He’s written great stuff. He just did a post on the Byzantine Empire. Check out their methodology. The ancient world leads the way into the future. We can H/T the Byzantines, and do better…

  37. Sean,
    I as well. We can assure those 14 words now, if we act NOW. If not – we fade into Eternity. And we will be forgotten entirely.

  38. Hunter: Your comments on democracy are spot on. Democracy is government by the lowest common denominator for the lowest common denomiator. One would think Congress would be looking into all these important issues.

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